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This is a transcript for dialogue with Bittercup.


BigtownBittercupGreeting1 Bittercup? That's the dumbest name I've ever heard! Neutral 50 No one understands me. You're just like all the others around here. 1
BigtownBittercupGreeting1a I'm sorry... erm... Bittercup. What were you saying? Neutral 50 Finally! Someone who doesn't judge me! You know, the people here are just so quick to assume that they know everything about you. 2
Neutral 50 I mean, like, just because I look different doesn't mean that I'm some sort of freak, you know? It's like, hello, this world sucks! 3
Neutral 50 No one gets that, they're all like "blah blah blah, what's wrong with that girl?". 4
BigtownBittercupGreeting1b I don't know about that, but Bittercup is one dumbass name. Sad 75 FINE! Be that way! You'll be sorry! You'll all be sorry! {Breaks into a pathetic sob at the end.} 5
BigtownBittercupGreeting1b1 Whatever you say. Sad 50 Oh! You... you... ... ...no one understands me... *sniff* 6
BigtownBittercupGreeting2 Nice to meet you, Bittercup. Neutral 50 Finally! Someone who doesn't judge me! You know, the people here are just so quick to assume that they know everything about you. 7
Neutral 50 I mean, like, just because I'm different doesn't mean that I'm some sort of freak, you know? It's like, hello, this world sucks! 8
Neutral 50 No one gets that, they're all like "blah blah blah, what's wrong with that girl?". 9
BigtownBittercupGreeting2a This seems like a strange thing to worry about right now. Neutral 50 That's what they always say. "Blah blah, Bittercup you need to pay attention when you're on patrol". Like, what, I'm supposed to stop slavers? 10
Neutral 50 I mean, that's Flash's job, not mine. Besides, it doesn't matter, they're going to get us sooner or later. 11
Neutral 50 Back in Lamplight, they always said that Bigtown was a safe place, that there's nothing to worry about when you leave. 12
BigtownBittercupGreeting2b I know! No one understands me either! Neutral 50 God! It's so nice to have someone who understands! I mean, sure, when I left Little Lamplight, I was happy to be out of there. 13
Neutral 50 I was dating Pappy then, you know. I got here and he was all like "Bigtown will be safe", but it wasn't! This place is always under attack! 14
Neutral 50 But I don't date liars, so I dumped his ass and got with Flash. But that didn't last very long. Me and Timebomb were a thing for a while, too. 15
BigtownBittercupGreeting2c Yeah... I have better things to do than talk fashion. Neutral 50 Hey, whatever. And here I thought you were cute. Guess you're just the same as everyone else here. 16
Neutral 50 Anyway, did you want something or did you just come over here to judge me? 17
BigtownBittercupRel I have something to say to you, Bittercup. Surprise 25 Oh, yeah, what is it? Um, not that I care what you think. {Eager to talk, but suddenly realizing that she is trying to act apathetic.} 18
BigtownBittercupRel1A Why don't you seem to care about what's going on around here? Neutral 50 I dunno. What does it matter anyway? We're all going to be mutant chow eventually. 19
Anger 50 And what do you know?! You wastelanders and your dirty clothes and roughed up faces! YOU look like a serial killer! 20
Neutral 50 You're not ... uh, seeing anyone right now. Are you? 21
BigtownBittercupRel1B If you don't mind me saying, you look different from everyone else. Sad 15 Really? I mean... good. No one wants to look like the boring slobs in this town, anyway. {Hurt at first at being called different, then acts proud of her individuality.} 22
Disgust 50 Besides, if we're all going to die here, I at least want my corpse to look better than these inane wastelanders. 23
BigtownBittercupRel1C I like your makeup. The pale-white really reflects the lighting. Happy 50 That's why I never go out during the day. The moon has such a better shine to it than the sun. 24
BigtownBittercupRel2A Wait, what? Did you just hit on me? Fear 50 Oh, um, well. I need to get going, but come back and visit me sometime, okay? 25
BigtownBittercupRel2B I'm not even going to tell you what's wrong with that question... Fear 50 Oh, um, well. I need to get going, but come back and visit me sometime, okay? 26
BigtownBittercupRel2C Why, no. I'm not in any sort of relationship. Are you? Fear 50 Oh, um, well. I need to get going, but come back and visit me sometime, okay? 27
BigtownBittercupRel3A I like corpses. Especially if they're full of holes... that I put in them. Neutral 50 You're not ... uh, seeing anyone right now. Are you? {Suddenly suggestive and flirtatious. } 28
BigtownBittercupRel3B You need to set yourself apart from the mold. Then people will respect you. Neutral 50 You're not ... uh, seeing anyone right now. Are you? {Suddenly suggestive and flirtatious. } 29
BigtownBittercupRel3C That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Survival goes before style. Anger 50 And what do you know?! You wastelanders and your dirty clothes and roughed up faces! YOU look like a serial killer! {Angry and judgmental.} 30
Neutral 50 You're not ... uh, seeing anyone right now. Are you? {Suddenly suggestive and flirtatious. } 31
BigtownBittercupRel4A I'm a night person myself. The darkness conceals my... activities. Neutral 50 You're not ... uh, seeing anyone right now. Are you? {Suddenly suggestive and flirtatious. } 32
BigtownBittercupRel4B Moons are nice. The calm nights of the Wastes are a great time to relax. Neutral 50 You're not ... uh, seeing anyone right now. Are you? {Suddenly suggestive and flirtatious. } 33
BigtownBittercupRel4C I was being sarcastic. That white makeup is like painting a target on your head. Anger 50 And what do you know?! You wastelanders and your dirty clothes and roughed up faces! YOU look like a serial killer! {Angry and judgmental.} 34
Neutral 50 You're not ... uh, seeing anyone right now. Are you? {Suddenly suggestive and flirtatious. } 35
BigtownBittercupRelEND Actually, never mind. There's something else I need to know. Disgust 25 Ugh, hurry up. I have poetry I need to write. Dark poetry. 36
BigtownTownBittercupandFlash Who in this town haven't you dated... Anger 50 Don't you judge me! It's not my fault that the only guys in this town are liars and jerks! 37
Disgust 50 "Oh, you can't break up with me, we're all going to die soon!" Well, duh, why do you think I'm breaking up with you! 38
Anger 100 When I die, the last thing I want to worry about in my afterlife is breaking up with my once-alive boyfriend. Priorities! 39
Do you have any traders in town? Any doctors?
What's there to do around here, Bittercup? Neutral 50 I wander around town to find chalk and makeup sometimes. Not like there's anyplace to buy stuff. {Bittercup is self-absorbed in her own, gothy world.} 40
What's there to do around here, Bittercup? Neutral 50 Red's clinic has some sharp knives and lighters. Too bad Red is always there, helping "these" people. {Bittercup wants to sound Gothic and horrifying, but she sounds over-dramatic.Emphasis "these people" on the second line, as if they are beneath her} 41
BigtownTownWhatsWrong This place looks like a ghost town. Happy 25 I wish it were. When I'm gone, I'll be sure to haunt this place ... <sigh> {Bittercup pleasantly sighs at the thought of ghosts and death.} 42
Who lives here?
You and the other people here don't seem to get along. Anger 50 Red and Kimba won't talk to me, just because I used to date Pappy and Flash! They're so jealous! 43
Anger 50 Maybe that thing I had with Timebomb was wrong, but still! I don't need them! I'll do whatever I want! 44
GREETING GREETING Disgust 50 I'm getting bored. I thought you were going to teach us something. 45
GREETING Happy 100 I think I'm going to build a little shrine to you. All I need is some incense sticks and candles. {grateful} 46
GREETING Surprise 50 You came to visit! You'll never guess what I found out in the Wastes, when I was supposed to be patrolling. 47
Neutral 50 Here. This is for you. 48
GREETING Neutral 50 Oh, hi there! I'm Bittercup. 49
GREETING Neutral 50 Oh, hey... I was just trying to think of a word that rhymes with "gloom"... hrm... 50
GREETING Neutral 50 Yep. Still not dead. Unfortunately... 51
GREETING Neutral 50 God, life is such a hassle, you know? 52
MS01AboutRed I'm looking for a woman named Red. Sticky promised me some caps... Sad 50 The Super Mutants took Red along with the others. She was the only person that really ever listened to me. {sad} 53
Sad 100 Don't tell Sticky, though. He's liable to kill himself if he knew Red was gone. And that would conflict with my own suicide plans. {hiding concern for her friend with macabre goth chick musings.} 54
MS01QuestHook Do you know where the Super Mutants took your friends? Surprise 50 There's a police station up there to the northeast or something. Bury our friends corpses if you find them. I've got enough ghosts haunting me. {grateful but trying to hide it} 55
What do you know about these Super Mutants? Surprise 50 Have you changed your mind? Are you going to rescue them?! I mean, not that I care or anything. They aren't really my friends anyway. {goth-chick avoiding a difficult topic} 56
Sad 100 Just walking corpses waiting to die like the rest of us. {macabre} 57
What do you know about these Super Mutants? Surprise 50 Ever wonder what it'd be like to slit your wrist? I watched someone die once. So I'm an expert on death. And so are many of my friends now. {goth-chick avoiding a difficult topic} 58
Sad 50 Now that Mutants took them. {macabre} 59
Surprise 50 Unless someone can figure out how to rescue them. {hinting hopefully the player can rescue her friends} 60
Wow, you need therapy. Look, do you know where your friends are? Surprise 50 The mutants took them north. To some old police station or something. Let's talk about something else... {goth chick} 61
Hey, Earth to gloom girl Do you know where the Mutants took the villagers? Fear 50 They took them to Germantown. Probably to that old police station. Why you got a death wish? {trying to sound calm but really depressed and scared} 62
Sad 50 Sometimes I want to die. But I'd rather do it poetically. Like slit my wrist under a full moon... surrounded by candles... in my pretty black dress. {goth chick trying to sound cool to cover up her depression and fear} 63
Your friends are dead. Maybe you can channel them from the afterlife? Freak. Anger 100 Maybe. Or maybe I'll just cast a hex on you! Make your skin fall off and your hair turn into snakes... or something vile like that. {let down, depressed, and angry.} 64
MS01QuestHookA4 I'll think about it, but I can't rescue your friends now. Anger 100 Well if you change your mind let me know, in the meantime I'll be preparing a nasty hex spell. When your skin starts peeling, you'll know why. {let down, depressed, and angry.} 65
MS01QuestHookB1 Quit moping around. I'll rescue your friends! Surprise 100 Really? I mean... they aren't really my friends. I don't have any friends. I don't need any... but it would be nice to have them around again! {goth chick trying to seem cool but is really happy to have a hero} 66
MS01QuestHookB2 I'll rescue your friends, but its going to cost you. Anger 50 Rescue whoever the hell you like, but they aren't my friends. I don't NEED friends. Though I'm sure someone will pay you if you succeed. {hurt and resentful } 67


BigTownGoodbye BigTownGoodbye Disgust 50 Only your complete and utter lack of importance. {Bittercup is trying to project an outward appearance of apathy.} 68
BigTownGoodbye Anger 50 Jerk. I'm glad we broke up. {Nervous then angry. Bittercup is mad that her unspoken attempt at reassurance (insults) met with rejection (counter-insults).} 69
BigTownResponse BigTownResponse Anger 50 Eh. You people and your demands. "Pay attention on patrol. Set up the barricades. Stop sleeping during your patrol!" {Bittercup is mad about being told what to do.} 70
GOODBYE I have to go now. Happy 100 If the Mutants get you, come back and haunt me. {creep goth chick trying to sound cool} 71
I have to go now. Happy 100 Don't be a stranger! 72
Later, spooky girl. Neutral 50 Come back later. I mean, don't come back later. See if I care. {Bittercup pretends to be apathetic but is actually quite lonely.} 73
HELLO HELLO Happy 100 Have you come to talk to me? {hopeful} 74
HELLO Surprise 50 Oh, another soul to add to my circle of darkness. {(WK) Bittercup immediately puts on her Goth-act to newcomers.} 75
HELLO Disgust 50 What are you supposed to actually do if you ever find something on patrol, huh? Scare them off with that rusty pistol of yours? {Secretly fishing for some reassurance that they're safe, but outwardly apathetic and accusatory.} 76
MS01CrowdSay MS01CrowdSay Surprise 100 You mean, we're still alive? {(cheering) in an excited cheering mob} 77
MS01CrowdSay Surprise 100 I feel stupid walking around like this. {learning something} 78
MS01CrowdSay Happy 75 For the record I'm not having fun! {[having fun] (yelling to friends at a live firing range)} 79
MS01CrowdSay Disgust 75 Am I the only one who thinks this is stupid? {(annoyed) learning how to plant land mines} 80
MS01CrowdSay Disgust 50 This is lame. I'm going to sit in my room and think about death. {goth-chick not having fun} 81
MS01CrowdSay Surprise 100 I told you he could do it, but you didn't listen to me! You never listen to me! {(raised voice - bitter) in an excited mob greeting their would-be hero upon his return} 82
MS01CrowdSay Surprise 100 I told you she could do it, but you didn't listen to me! You never listen to me! {(raised voice - bitter) in an excited mob greeting their would-be heroine upon her return} 83


Attack Attack Happy 75 This is surprisingly satisfying. 84


CombatToNormal CombatToNormal Surprise 50 Well. That was interesting. {surprised at finding anything interesting} 85
NormalToCombat StartCombat Happy 25 This is exactly how I always expected it to end. {matter of fact she's been thinking about death for a long time} 86