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Also, I might have... umm... sort of... plowed his daughter. A little.Bruce Isaac

Bishop's daughter is the child of the head of the Bishop family of New Reno. She is also the furthest known descendant of the Vault Dweller's bloodline.


Born into one of the most infamous families in New Reno, not much is known about her other than she had a brief intimate relationship with the Shark Club's singer Bruce Isaac, who fled the city after robbing her father, Mr. Bishop.[1]

Family tree[]

Vault Dweller
Arroyo elder
Unnamed man
Unnamed man
Chosen One
Leslie Anne Bishop OR Angela Bishop
Chosen One's sibling
Unnamed spouse
Mr. Bishop
Unnamed woman
Mr. Bishop's daughter


Bishop's daughter is mentioned only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. The Courier: "Why would this Mr. Bishop be after you?"
    Bruce Isaac: "Oh, well, that's all just a big misunderstanding, see. Mr. Bishop, well, he owed me a lot of money, and, y'know, he's a busy guy, so I sort of figured I'd just...take it off his hands."
    The Courier: "You robbed a casino boss?"
    Bruce Isaac: ""Robbed" is such an ugly word. It's more like I took care of a payroll problem for him. Also, I might have... umm... sort of... plowed his daughter. A little."
    (Bruce Isaac's dialogue)