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This is a transcript for dialogue with Billy Peabody.


1-Aren't you gonna say something?
2Why you just starin' at me?


4MS01BillyGetOutBilly: Ugh. My legs are so stiff.{light hurts his eyes / InPain} It's really bright out. I haven't seen the sun in so long.A1a
5Billy: Ugh. My legs are so stiff.{Surprised} Whoa, it's night time and it's still kinda bright! It was always pitch black in the fridge.A2a
6{InPain} Ugh. My legs are so stiff.Billy: It's really bright out. I haven't seen the sun in so long.A1a
7MS01BillyOutOfFridge{Grateful} Thank you! Thank you so much.Billy: Everything's so different.A
8{reluctantly / Grateful} At least you got me out of that fridge.Player Default: I'll take you some place safe.A
9NPCMBilly: Thank you! Thank you so much.{Surprised} Everything's so different.A1a
10{Sad} I guess I was in there for a really long time.A1b
11{Worried} What do I do now?Player Default: I'll take you some place safe.A1c
12Player Default: You're on your own now, kid.{Disbelief} You... you're just going to leave me here?B1a
13{Angry} You're an... an asshole. I hate you!Player Default: Yes, I do. They've been gone for hundreds of years now.B1b
14Player Default: So what's the story with you and that fridge?{wistful / Sad} It happened so long ago. Back before everything got wrecked.Y1a
15{remembering a bad time / Worried} When I heard the sirens, I tried to find someplace safe.Y1b
16{Afraid} When everything started to shake and fall apart, I just crawled inside.Y1c
17{Embarrassed / Apologetic} When it got quiet again, I tried to get out, but there isn't a handle on the inside.Y1d
18{pleading / Pleading} I just want to go home. Can you help me? Please?Player Default: Then let's go find your home.Y1e
19Player Default: Well, you're out. See ya later, kid.{shocked and angry / Disbelief} Hey, you can't just leave me here!B1a
20{pleading / Pleading} Can't ya find someplace for me to live?Player Default: Then let's go find your home.B1b
21Player Default: I'll take you some place safe.{relieved / Relieved} I just want to go home. I wanna find my mom and dad.Player Default: Then let's go find your home.A1a
22Player Default: You look like something that was left in the fridge too long.{Trying to think of a come back and failing. / Defiant} Oh yeah? Well... well... nevermind.X1a
23{pleading / Pleading} Can you help me get back home?Player Default: Then let's go find your home.X1b
24Player Default: Then let's go find your home.{Grateful} Thanks. I live in Quincy. Or at least I used to. But I don't know how to get there.A1a
25{Surprised} Everything's so different. It's all blown up.Player Default: I suppose it won't hurt to see your old home. Whatever's left of it.A1b
26Player Default: You'll have to figure out your own life.{Depressed} I guess I'll just sit here until some monster comes and eats me.B1a
27{pouting / Angry} Thanks for nothin'.Player Default: I suppose it won't hurt to see your old home. Whatever's left of it.B1b
28Player Default: I hate to tell you this, but your parents are probably dead.{Worried} Dead? You really think so?X1a
29{Trying not to cry / Depressed} Then I'm all alone. Who's going to take care of me? You?Player Default: I suppose it won't hurt to see your old home. Whatever's left of it.X1b
30Player Default: I hate to tell you this, but your parents are probably dead.{denying the truth. sullen and defensive. / Defiant} I don't believe you. They're alive and looking for me.X2a
31{pleading / Pleading} Can't you please take me to them? Or at least to my old house?Player Default: I suppose it won't hurt to see your old home. Whatever's left of it.X2b
32Player Default: Where did you live?{Nervous} Quincy. But I don't know how to get there.Y1a
33{a little sad as well as surprised / Nervous} Everything's so different. It's all blown up.Y1b
34{Worried} I just wanna find out what happened to my Mom and Dad.Player Default: Then let's go find your home.Y1c
35Player Default: Were your parents good to you?{Impressed} Yeah. My dad was the best. And my mom always took care of me.Player Default: Yes, I do. They've been gone for hundreds of years now.Y1a
36Player Default: I suppose it won't hurt to see your old home. Whatever's left of it.{Worried} I hope it's still there. I had some great baseball cards.Player Default: Yes, I do. They've been gone for hundreds of years now.A1a
37Player Default: You could come live with me.{Disbelief} So you think I should give up trying to find my parents?Player Default: Yes, I do. They've been gone for hundreds of years now.X1a
38Player Default: Yes, I do. They've been gone for hundreds of years now.{really sad / Depressed} You're right. There's no way they're still alive.A1a
39{better than nothing / Depressed} I guess I'll come live with you.A1b
40Player Default: Yes, I do. They've been gone for hundreds of years now.{Defiant} No. I don't believe you. They have to be alive.A3a
41{Confident} And we're going to find them.A3b
42{Worried} Or at least find out what happened to them.A3c
43Player Default: No, you should look for your parents.{Nervous} Then let's go to Quincy.B1a
44{Worried} I gotta find out what happened to my Mom and Dad.B1b
45Player Default: It's either that or go live by yourself. Your choice.{Afraid} That's a scary idea. I want to look for my Mom and Dad.X1a
46{Sad} At least we can find out what happened to them.X1b
47Player Default: What does your heart say?{Worried} They're still alive. They have to be. I want to go home.Y1a
48MS01BillyRescued{Puzzled} You sold me, then you rescue me? Why?Player Default: I felt bad for selling you. I had to make it right.A
49Player Default: I felt bad for selling you. I had to make it right.{sullen, accusatory / Irritated} You should feel bad. That was a rotten thing to do.A1a
50{relieved / Irritated} At least you came back for me. Thanks.A1b
51{Worried} Can we go to my house now? I want to find out what happened to my Mom and Dad.A1c
52Player Default: You're going to show me where you lived so I can loot it.{Suspicious} You want to steal my baseball cards or something?B1a
53{Suspicious} We weren't rich. You aren't going to find anything to steal there.B1b
54Player Default: I did it to trick Bullet into giving me the money.{Irritated} Maybe you could have told me that. I thought you really sold me.X1a
55Player Default: Do you want to go home?{Irritated} Don't want to tell me, huh?Y1a
56{Irritated} Fine. Let's go home and find out what happened to my Mom and Dad.Y1b
57MS01BillyStart{Worried} Who's there?Billy: Let me out!A
58Player Default: Let me open the door for you.{The "yes" is triumphant. / Grateful} Yes! It's been so long.A1a
59The door is stuck. You're going to have to shoot it off.Player Default: Okay, okay. I'll let you out.A1b
60Player Default: I'm not falling for that trick.{Angry} You bastard! You can't do this! Let me out!Player Default: Okay, okay. I'll let you out.B1a
61Player Default: Okay, okay. I'll let you out.{The "yes" is triumphant / Grateful} Yes! I've been stuck in here for so long.A1a
62Hurry up. Shoot the door off.A1b
63Player Default: No way. You're lying.{Angry} You son of a bitch! You can't do this! Don't leave me here!B1a
64Player Default: Let me think about it.{Disbelief} You're just going to leave me in here?X1a
65{Afraid} Don't go! Come back!X1b
66Player Default: Why should I trust you?{Depressed} I'm really tired and lonely.Y1a
67{pleading / Pleading} Can't you just open the door?Player Default: Okay, okay. I'll let you out.Y1b
68PlayerVoiceFemale01: Is someone in there?{demanding / Afraid} Let me out!Player Default: I'll open the door for you.A1a
69Player Default: I'll open the door for you.{The "yes" is triumphant. / Grateful} Yes! I can't wait to get out.A1a
70I think it's stuck. You might have to shoot it off.Player Default: Let me open the door for you.A1b
71Player Default: No way. You might be dangerous.{Pleading} No, I'm not! I don't have any weapons or anything.B1a
72{very sad and lonely / Depressed} I've been trapped in here for so long.B1b
73{demanding / Angry} Let me out!Player Default: Let me open the door for you.B1c
74Player Default: I'm just looking for the mayonnaise. Maybe you could grab it for me. Second shelf, right next to the pudding.{Afraid} That's not funny! That's not funny at all! What kind of horrible person would say that to a kid stuck in a refrigerator?X1a
75{pleading / Pleading} Besides... I ate the pudding a long time ago.Player Default: Let me open the door for you.X1b
76Player Default: Who are you?{pleading / Pleading} My name is Billy. Please, I've been trapped in here for so long.Player Default: Let me open the door for you.Y1a
77Player Default: Who are you?{pleading / Pleading} What does that matter? Just let me out.Player Default: Let me open the door for you.Y2a
78Player Default: How did you end up in there?{explaining why he did something stupid / Sad} I hid in here to get away from the bombs.Y1a
79{explaining why he did something stupid / Sad} But there isn't a handle on the inside. And it's really dark in here.Player Default: Let me open the door for you.Y1b
80Player Default: How did you end up in there?{Depressed} I don't know how long I've been in here.Y2a
81{Depressed} A long time though. A really long time.Y2b
82{pleading / Pleading} Please. I don't want to die in here.Player Default: Okay, okay. I'll let you out.Y2c
83Player Default: You might be lying.{Pleading} I'm not. I swear!X1a
84{defensive, explaining his stupid act / Concerned} I got inside to be safe. Now I can't get out.X1b
85{pleading / Worried} If I try something, you can shoot me.Player Default: Okay, okay. I'll let you out.X1c
86MS01BulletsOfferBilly: You son of bitch! I'll get you for this!{Grateful} Thanks mister. You're all right.A1a
87Billy: You son of bitch! I'll get you for this!{Grateful} Thanks lady. You're all right.A2a
88Player Default: For the right price, yeah.{begging for his life / Afraid} Please. Don't sell me to this guy!Bullet: I'll give you 200 caps right now.A1a
89Player Default: What!? Never!{Chiming in with his protector against someone that want to hurt him. / Angry} Yeah!Bullet: Your loss. If you change your mind, bring him to my camp.B1a
90Player Default: What's a ghoul child worth?{shocked and angry / Disbelief} Hey! You can't sell me!Bullet: Plenty. I'll give you 200 caps.Y1a
91Player Default: Come on, kid. I've got some holes that need diggin'.{Angry} You son of bitch! I'll get you for this!Billy: Thanks mister. You're all right.A1a
92Player Default: Suit yourself.{sullen / Disgust} Figures. You think I'm just something you can sell.Billy: Thanks mister. You're all right.B1a
93Player Default: Damn you drive a hard bargain. Here's 350. I'm taking the kid.{indignant / Surprised} I can't believe you tried to sell me.X1a
94{Angry} You're a real asshole.Billy: Thanks mister. You're all right.X1b
95Player Default: Damn you drive a hard bargain. Here's 350. I'm taking the kid.{Angry} You... you sold me! You asshole!Billy: Thanks mister. You're all right.X2a
96MS01BulletSurroundBullet: You can give them up peaceful like, or die trying to save them.{Afraid} That's the man that tried to buy me.CarolPeabody: Oh my god! They want Billy!A1a
97Bullet: You can give them up peaceful like, or die trying to save them.{Puzzled} Why does he want me?CarolPeabody: Oh my god! They want Billy!A2a
98MS01PCnearFridgeIs someone there?A1a
99I can hear you.A1b
100Get me out of this thing!A1c
101MS01PeabodyReunite{He thinks they might be dead / Worried} Mom? Dad? Are you in there?CarolPeabody: Billy? Billy!A1a
102MattPeabody: Son? Is that really you?{Happy} It's me. It's really me.CarolPeabody: Oh my god!A1a
103CarolPeabody: We thought you were dead.{Puzzled} What happened to you? You're all burned up like me.MattPeabody: We're ghouls, Billy.A1a
104CarolPeabody: Your dad and I don't care what you look like. We still love you.{reunited, thought he never see her again. / Happy} I love you too, mom.A1a
105{reunited, thought he never see them again / Happy} I've missed you guys. It's been so long.A1b
106MS01ThankPlayerMattPeabody: I guess we were some of the lucky ones. Most folks die instead of becoming ghouls. Must be something in both our genes.{Surprised} So that's why you guys look like me.MattPeabody: Yes, Billy that's why.Y1a
107-{Afraid} Don't let the fishmen get me!
108{Afraid} Giant crabmen! Run!
109{Afraid} Ah! Giant lobsters!
110{Afraid} They have guns! Run!
111{Afraid} They're going to shoot us!
112{Afraid} These guys want to kill us!
113{Afraid} Ah! Don't let them hurt me!
114{Depressed} You're right. There's no way they're still alive.
115{Depressed} I guess I can wander around with you for a while.
116{a bit muffled with echo. he's inside a refrigerator. / Angry} I want out!
117{a bit muffled with echo. he's inside a refrigerator. / Afraid} Get me out of here!
118{monotone. He's been saying this for a long time with no reply. a bit muffled with echo. he's inside a refrigerator.} Let me out.
119{Relieved} At least the stars look the same.
120{Surprised} That highway is totally wrecked.
121{Surprised} I forgot how pretty the sky is.
122{Surprised} Man, those buildings are totally wrecked.
123{Surprised} Cindy's dad always told her to stay away from old refrigerators. Told her they were dangerous. Boy was he right.
124{Sad} I miss my Mom.
125{Sad} It's so quiet without all the cars.
126{Sad} My Dad's gonna kill me for locking myself in that fridge.
127{Sad} I wonder if anyone even plays baseball anymore.
128{Sad} Even the air smells different.
129{Sad} Geez. It seems like everything wants to kill us.
130{Surprised} That's my home! Or what's left of it.
131{accusatory / Angry} You made me think they were dead.
132Are you sure this is the right way?
133{Angry} We're going the wrong way. You aren't taking me home, are you.
134{Surprised} Can we go back outside?
135Damn. That thing is ugly.
136{a bit muffled with echo. he's inside a refrigerator. / Afraid} Don't leave me in here!
137{Angry} Asshole.
138{Surprised} Hey, this looks like my home town. This is Quincy!
139{Surprised} Bullet... he's dead!
140{Worried} I hope we find out what happened to my Mom and Dad.
141{Happy} Hey, you have a dog. I like dogs.
142{Worried} I guess I was in that fridge for a really long time.
143{Worried} Are you sure this is the right way?
144{Concerned} I hope it doesn't take too long to get to my house.
145{Concerned} I feel kinda stupid getting locked inside that fridge.
146{Sad} I guess Cindy is probably dead too. She lived on my block. She was a year older than me.
147{Disbelief} Everything is so different out here. It's like a big war happened.
148{Disbelief} What do people eat now? There aren't any grocery stores left.
149{Happy} I'm glad you're helping me.
150{Happy} Yeah?


151-I never thought I'd see my mom and dad again. Thanks.
152I miss my mom. Why did she have to die like that?
153My dad gets killed just after I find him. It's not fair.
154I don't care what happens to me any more. My mod and dad are both dead.
155{Angry} Can't go outside and play. All my friends are dead.
156{Disgust} It's almost like being back in that fridge.