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This is a transcript for dialogue with Dusty (Fallout 3).


BigtownSentryGreeting1A So, you're under constant threat? Neutral 50 There was a Super Mutant attack recently and where there's one big ugly, there are ten more just waiting to grab you by the throat. {(Introverted) He speaks like a soldier who's been out in the field too long.} 1
Neutral 50 Then the slavers will come and pick off what's left of your carcass, and drag any survivors to Paradise Falls. {(Introverted) He speaks like a soldier who's been out in the field too long.} 2
BigtownSentryGreeting1B Where do the Super Mutants come from? Neutral 50 Skulk up toward Germantown, near the police station. They always come from that direction. 3
BigtownSentryGreeting1C Paradise Falls? Where's that? Neutral 50 Nearby. Slavers move quick and come from all directions. Someone else might know where they nest. 4
BigtownSentryGreeting2A I want a new opening speech. One that acknowledges me as King. Neutral 50 Don't think you'll scare anyone here. You could shoot down everyone in town, and I wouldn't flinch. 5
Neutral 50 You live in Bigtown; you learn to accept death. 6
I want a new opening speech. One that acknowledges me as Queen. Neutral 50 Don't think you'll scare anyone here. You could shoot down everyone in town, and I wouldn't flinch. 7
Neutral 50 You live in Bigtown; you learn to accept death. 8
BigtownSentryGreeting2B You've accepted death? Killing all of you should be easy, then. Anger 50 We're under attack, again! Everyone get down! {Warning the other residents of the town.} 9
BigtownSentryGreeting2C Aw, that's no fun. I prefer my victims energetic and in agony. Neutral 50 Big talk, killer. Why don't you leave, and let me watch out for people less discriminating than yourself. 10
BigtownSentryGreetingEND I just need somewhere to trade my salvage. Neutral 50 There isn't anything here that hasn't been destroyed or dragged away. You're better off scavenging the dead out in the wasteland. 11
BigtownTownServices Do you have any traders in town? Any doctors? Neutral 50 There's nothing here but the stench of death, and the threat of attack looming over every sunset. {Introverted. Dusty is speaking almost entirely to himself.} 12
Neutral 50 The injured wind up in Red's Clinic. There's always so much red on the doctor, and it's not from her fabric. 13
Do you have any traders in town? Any doctors? Neutral 50 There's nothing here but the stench of death, and the threat of attack looming over every sunset. {Introverted. Dusty is speaking almost entirely to himself.} 14
This place looks like a ghost town.
What are you on the lookout for? Neutral 50 Two very angry types of movements. Slow, lumbering, powerful movements and jerky, erratic, excitable movements. Both coming for the kill. {Introverted. Dusty is mainly talking to himself.} 15
Where did you people come from, anyway?
How did you people get here? Neutral 50 Sometimes you'll see small, tired dots on the horizon instead of angry, anxious ones. Those are settlers who come here from Lamplight. Poor fools. {Introverted. He is talking mainly to himself.} 16
BigtownTownWhosInCharge Who's in charge here? Neutral 50 Only the winds and dirt-piles of the wasteland. 17
Who's in charge here? Neutral 50 Flash walks around the town with his gun, trying to watch out for mutants. He should watch the horizon more, then he'd see them. 18
Neutral 50 Red, the doctor, is the one to really go to. Too bad the Mutants took her in the last attack. Another victim to add to their list. 19
BigtownTownWhosWho Who lives here? Neutral 50 Just a bunch of children who had to turn into adults too fast. If only we were all little again... 20
GREETING GREETING Anger 50 Hey! Who are you? {trying to sound tough and intimidating} 21
GREETING Neutral 50 They're out there. I can feel it. Uh, what? You? I gave you the welcoming speech. {(Introverted) He is talking mainly to himself, like a war veteran who's been out in the field too long.} 22
GREETING Neutral 50 Watch the Wastes. Keep track of movement. Uh, what? Did you need something? {Dusty chants the first two lines to himself, like a personal mantra. The last line is him snapping out of it and greeting the player.} 23
MS01GreetingA1 I mean you no harm. I'm a simple traveler. Fear 50 Right. What do you want? {unbelieving and suspicious} 24
MS01GreetingA2 I'm Queen of the Wasteland. What does it matter? You going to let me in or not? Fear 50 Take it easy. I'm just doing my job. What do you want? 25
I'm King of the Wasteland. What does it matter? You going to let me in or not? Fear 50 Easy there, pal. I'm just doing my job. What do you want? {taken aback and suspicious} 26
MS01GreetingA3 I'm escorting Sticky from Little Lamplight. Fear 50 Alright. And now that you're done, what are you still doing here? {suspicious} 27
MS01GreetingA4 I was the one who rescued your friend from the Super Mutants. Surprise 75 That was you? Wow! Well, don't just stand there, come on in! {astonished and happy} 28
I ran into a friend of yours in Germantown. Happy 75 That was you? Come on in! 29
I ran into some friends of yours in Germantown. Fear 25 Really? Well, I guess you'd better come on in then. {suspicious} 30
I ran into a friend of yours in Germantown. Fear 25 Really? Well, I guess you'd better come on in then. {suspicious} 31
MS01GreetingB1 I just want to look around a little. Don't worry about me. I won't hurt you. Anger 50 Well, you can never be too careful. Be warned it's not safe here. Super Mutants have attacked recently and carried off some of our friends. {trying to sound tough but really is sad about his friends} 32
Neutral 50 Come in. Just don't cause any trouble, okay? {trying to be friendly, but scared the player might hurt them} 33
MS01GreetingB2 Oh, I don't know. I was thinking I'd start a few fires and kill some people. Anger 50 A funny guy, huh? Well... fine. You may as well come on in. {trying to sound tough but really is sad about his friends} 34
Sad 50 Don't think you're any safer in here, though. Super Mutants won't leave us alone. Carried off some of our friends during the last attack. 35
Neutral 50 Just don't cause any trouble, okay? {trying to be friendly, but scared the player might hurt them} 36
MS01GreetingB3 Do you harass all of your visitors like this? Anger 50 Well, you can never be too careful! Be warned it's not safe here. Super Mutants attacked recently and carried off some of our friends. {trying to sound tough but really is sad about his friends} 37
Neutral 50 Come in. Just don't cause any trouble, okay? {trying to be friendly, but scared the player might hurt them} 38


I have to go now.
All right. I'm going to get going. Neutral 50 Don't be distracted by the size. Stay calm; shoot straight. {Introverted. He is talking mainly to himself.} 39
MS01Sentry MS01Sentry Fear 100 Muties! Muties! The Muties are coming! {calling alarm after spotting "super mutants"} 40
MS01Sentry Fear 100 Muties! {calling alarm after spotting "super mutants"} 41
MS01Sentry Fear 100 Muties! They're coming!!! {calling alarm after spotting "super mutants"} 42
MS01Sentry Fear 100 Mutants! Incoming! {calling alarm after spotting "super mutants"} 43
MS01Sentry Fear 100 Super Mutants! {calling alarm after spotting "super mutants"} 44
MS01Sentry Fear 100 Everyone get ready! {calling alarm after spotting "super mutants"} 45


Attack Attack Fear 50 I can't stop them all by myself! 46