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Big John's Salvage Showdown is a scenario for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare.

Story Introduction[]

Rumours of a mini nuke stash in the rusty maze of Big John's Salvage are circulating across the Wasteland. The destructive power of such a weapon is almost unmatched. Who will be the first to seize it from the Super Mutants that swarm the place?



  • Battlefield size: 3 feet x 3 feet (90 cm x 90 cm) table.
  • Terrain: Player's choice. Shipping containers are suggested.

Big John's is a labyrinth of containers, so populate the battlefield with a dense collection of terrain pieces. Ideally, containers should be roughly Yellow length and Orange width, and they must block Line of Sight for most units. Place as many as you can, at least Orange from each other, in the most interesting arrangement you can think of, leaving some open space at the center of the battlefield for a Searchable Marker (which represents the location of the mini nuke). Opponents should alternate in placing containers. Once the terrain is on the table, place a Searchable Marker right in the middle of it. The Defender places their forces first, within Red of the marker. The player facing the Super Mutants (the Attacker) deploys their forces within Yellow of any board edge.

Scenario rules[]

Game Duration: Until one side wins.


The Attackers must seize control of the mini nuke from the Super Mutants, and to take it to any board edge, thereby leaving the field of battle.

The Defenders (the Super Mutants) must stop the Attacker from stealing the mini nuke.

Additional rules[]

  • A model can pick up a mini nuke by spending an Action while in base contact with the Searchable Marker that represents it. At that point, the model carrying the mini nuke (now referred to as the 'carrier') can only get rid of it by dying or using an Action while in base contact with another model in order to pass the nuke.
  • Shooting against the carrier or any model within Orange of the mini nuke might hit the weapon, making it blow up. If shots are fired and they hit, roll the red Armor Reduction dice. On a result of 1, the mini nuke is hit and blows up. On any other result, the shot hits the carrier.
  • Any engaged Defender models can pick up the mini nuke after killing the carrier in close combat.

Victory conditions[]

Side Victory Condition Reward
Attacker Victory The nuke is taken off the board edge. Super mutants win 200 caps.
Both Defeat If the Nuke blows up, both players lose. Neither player gains a reward.
Defender Victory The nuke remains unclaimed or in their possession by Round 9. Defenders win 200 caps.

External links[]
