Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

I do not appreciate this monument to U.S. History being used as a testing ground for Med-Tek. This is supposed to be a place of solemn introspection, not a laboratory.

Berkeley was the administrator of the National Archives before the Great War, and a public servant strongly believing in the mission of the Department of Records to preserve U.S. history. Berkeley hated the Med-Tek Laboratories sponsorship deal, believing it undermined the core values of the institution and sullied the National Archives, a monument to history. Beyond that, Berkeley was also responsible for coordinating the automation affairs of the archives, including security measures to protect national treasures and Protectrons participating in the Constitution signing reenactment. The administrator also had a sense of humor, manifesting in not launching a witch hunt when someone pranked the Thomas Jefferson Protectron using a remote radio link.[1]


Berkeley is mentioned only in Fallout 3.


  1. National Archives terminal entries - Administrator Berkeley's terminal