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Benny's Request is a scenario for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare.

Story introduction[]

Trade is the lifeblood of new settlements, and for Sanctuary Hills to do well, we need to ensure trade routes are secure. Benny, a local merchant, has requested for the Minutemen’s help to travel across the Wasteland, and if help is what he needs, help is what he'll get!



  • Battlefield size: 4 feet x 4 feet (120 cm x 120 cm).
  • Terrain: Player's choice.

Starting with the Minutemen player, place as much terrain as possible on the board in alternating order. The Minutemen player starts the game with two models (or Investigation Markers numbered 1 and 2, depending on what you have available) representing the Brahmin and Benny the merchant, plus 300 Caps of Minutemen/Survivors. The Skirmishers start the game with 300 Caps of models. Skirmishers deploy within Red from the side edges and Black + Black from their edge of the board. Minutemen deploy within Red from their edge of the board.

Scenario rules[]

Game Duration: Until victory is achieved by one of the players.


The goal of the Skirmishers is to kill the merchant and the brahmin so that they can loot the caravan.

The Minutemen have the objective of escorting Benny and his brahmin to the opposite edge of the board.

Additional rules[]

  • The brahmin and Benny are treated as units with the following profile:
Name Health Points Physical Armor Energy Armor Rad Armor Movement
Benny 7 2 1 0 Yellow
Ronnie the Brahmin 10 3 1 2 Yellow
  • The brahmin counts as a piece of cover, as it blocks Line of Sight. Both units have two Actions per activation, but the only possible Action is to move.

Victory conditions[]

Side Victory Condition Reward
Minutemen Major Victory Both Benny and the brahmin reach the opposite edge of the board. Minutemen win 250 caps.
Minutemen Minor victory Benny reaches the opposite board edge. Minutemen win 180 caps.
Skirmishers Major Victory All units are killed Skirmishers win 200 caps.
Skirmishers Minor victory Benny is killed Skirmishers win 100 caps.

External links[]
