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This is a transcript for dialogue with Doctor Barrows.


1GenericHelloResponseGenericHelloResponseOh, just wonderful. Thanks for asking.Happy 50
2GenericHelloResponseDear, I live in Tenpenny Tower. I'm at the top of the world. He he he he.Happy 50
3GenericHelloResponseI'm quite well, thank you.Happy 50
4GenericHelloResponseSplendid. Simply splendid. Thanks so much for asking.Happy 50
5GenericHelloResponseI'd be better if I could get my hands on some caviar, but what can you do? Ha ha ha ha ha.Happy 50
6GOODBYEI have to go now.Come back if you need anything.Neutral 50
7I have to go now.You be careful now.Neutral 50
8I have to go now.Bye.Neutral 50
9I have to go now.Yeah. See you.Neutral 50
10I have to go now.Whatever.Neutral 50
11I have to go now.Bye.Neutral 50
12I have to go now.Later.Neutral 50
13HELLOHELLOHumans have such strange anatomy.Neutral 50
14HELLODo you need my help?Neutral 50
15HELLODo you need something?Neutral 50
16HELLOToo bad about Crowley. I heard Tenpenny put out a contract on him.Sad 50
17UnderworldTalkAhzurkhalDrugs3UnderworldTalk3Ah, yes! Of course, of course, my friend. See me later tonight. We'll make sure that you have all the pick-me-ups that you need.Neutral 50
18UnderworldTalk3Shhh, say no more. See me later, I'll make sure that you want for nothing.Neutral 50
19UnderworldTalk3No need to be shy, my friend. I'll make sure that you have everything that you ever need, so long as you have the caps to pay for it, that is.Neutral 50
20UnderworldTalkCharonCutOff2UnderworldTalkCharonCutOff2I was just wondering if...Neutral 50
21UnderworldTalkCharonCutOff2I just wanted to know...Neutral 50
22UnderworldTalkCharonCutOff2It's just that...Neutral 50
23UnderworldTalkCharonCutOff2But...Neutral 50
24UnderworldTalkCharonCutOff4UnderworldTalkCharonCutOff4Some people...Neutral 50
25UnderworldTalkCharonCutOff4It was just a question...Neutral 50
26UnderworldTalkCharonCutOff4Well, sorry...Neutral 50
27UnderworldTalkCharonCutOff4Yeah, whatever.Neutral 50
28UnderworldTalkCharonCutOff4All right, all right, I'll just ask Ahzrukhal...Neutral 50
29UnderworldTalkResponseShort1UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShortI hope that everything is staying where it should be, Patchwork.Neutral 50
30UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShortStop by the clinic, Patchwork. Greta found one of your fingers over in Carol's Place.Neutral 50
31UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShortHello, hello.Neutral 50
32UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShortNo time to talk now, stop by the clinic.Neutral 50
33UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShortCome by the clinic some time, you're overdue for a sewing.Neutral 50
34UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShortHey, you.Neutral 50


35BarterExitBarterExitA pleasure doing business with you.Neutral 50
36BarterExitAnother satisfied customer.Happy 25
37BarterExitGive me a shout if you need anything else.Happy 25
38BarterExitThanks.Happy 25


39DLC03WQSickDoctorTopicFull house today, Doc. What's wrong with everybody?I don't know yet. Some kind of virus that attacks the body on a cellular level. I've never seen anything like it.Fear 50
40Full house today, Doc. What's wrong with everybody?It's strange, because Ghouls are immune to almost any known disease.Fear 50
41DoctorAddictionI think I might be addicted to something.I thought you had the look about you. Sure, I can help you. But it's not free. 50 caps, take it or leave it.Neutral 50
42DoctorAddictionNOI think I'll tough it out.Suit yourself. But you'll find out that your habit will cost you more than that in the end.Neutral 50
43DoctorAddictionYESYes, cure me.Come back when you actually have the money, you damn junkie.Disgust 75
44Yes, cure me.Okay. Hold still. I don't want to make this any more painful than it already is.Happy 50
45DoctorMedicalI'm hurt. I need help, Doc.Don't think because I'm a Ghoul, I'm stupid. You're fine.Disgust 50
46I'm hurt. I need help, Doc.Is this a trick question? I don't even see a scratch on you.Neutral 50
47I'm hurt. I need help, Doc.Injured... ha! This is just a nick. If you can't tough it out and you want to be fixed up it'll cost you 50 caps.Neutral 50
48I'm hurt. I need help, Doc.I'd hesitate to even call this a wound, but if you insist. 50 caps should cover my expenses.Neutral 50
49I'm hurt. I need help, Doc.Yeah, you could do with some work. It'll set you back 75 caps, but well worth it.Neutral 50
50I'm hurt. I need help, Doc.This is pretty bad, but I've seen worse. Still, it's going to cost 75 caps to get you back on your feet.Neutral 50
51I'm hurt. I need help, Doc.Yeah, you look almost as bad as I do. Of course, I'm supposed to look this way and you aren't. 100 caps will do it for my expenses.Neutral 50
52I'm hurt. I need help, Doc.Did you get the number of that Brahmin that trampled you? Sheesh! If you want me to stitch you back together, it'll be 100 caps.Neutral 50
53I'm hurt. I need help, Doc.I don't see anything wrong with you.Disgust 50
54I'm hurt. I need help, Doc.Sure, I could patch you up. Nothing too serious. I don't work for free though. Let's say 75 caps.Neutral 50
55I'm hurt. I need help, Doc.Sure, I could patch you up. Nothing too serious. I don't work for free though. Let's say 75 caps.Neutral 50
56I'm hurt. I need help, Doc.You're right. You do need a doctor. Lucky I happened along. But first let's discuss my fee... 100 caps ought to cover it.Happy 50
57I'm hurt. I need help, Doc.You're not kidding. You're in bad shape, friend. I'd be happy to fix you up... for 150 caps.Surprise 50
58DoctorMedical33YESAll right, here's your money.This won't hurt a bit. Nah, just kidding. It will probably hurt a lot. Hold still.Happy 25
59All right, here's your money.This won't hurt a bit. Nah, just kidding. It will probably hurt a lot. Hold still.Happy 25
60All right, here's your money.For crying out loud. Get out of my face then.Disgust 75
61DoctorMedical66YESAll right, here's your money.This won't hurt a bit. Nah, just kidding. It will probably hurt a lot. Hold still.Happy 25
62All right, here's your money.This won't hurt a bit. Nah, just kidding. It will probably hurt a lot. Hold still.Happy 25
63All right, here's your money.For crying out loud. Get out of my face then.Disgust 75
64DoctorMedical99YESAll right, here's your money.This won't hurt a bit. Nah, just kidding. It will probably hurt a lot. Hold still.Happy 25
65All right, here's your money.This won't hurt a bit. Nah, just kidding. It will probably hurt a lot. Hold still.Happy 25
66All right, here's your money.For crying out loud. Get out of my face then.Disgust 75
67DoctorMedicalContNOThat's all I need.Glad to be able to help.Neutral 50
68DoctorMedicalContYESThere was something else I needed...Yeah? What is it?Neutral 50
69DoctorMedicalNOOn second thought, I'll be fine.Suit yourself.Disgust 25
70DoctorRadiationCan you heal my radiation?Sure can. Quick and easy, only 100 caps.Neutral 50
71DoctorRadiationNONo, thanks.If that's the way you want it, it's all the same to me.Neutral 50
72DoctorRadiationYESHere's your 100 caps. Do it.Then I can't help you. Sorry.Happy 50
73Here's your 100 caps. Do it.And a quick shot... all done.Happy 50
74GREETINGGREETINGAlright, that should do it. You need anything else?Anger 50
75GREETINGAnd we're all done. That wasn't so bad, was it? Did you need anything else?Anger 50
76GREETINGFeel better? You should, that was the good stuff. Need anything else?Happy 50
77GREETINGSee, that wasn't so bad. Anything else I can do for you?Happy 50
78GREETINGYou're all set. Are we done here?Happy 50
79GREETINGI'm afraid she's going to be out for a while. She's not well at all.Neutral 50
80GREETINGDon't worry though, I'm sure the rest of Reilly's Rangers will show up soon and take her home.Neutral 50
81GREETINGDoctor Barrows at your service. What brings you to the Chop Shop?Neutral 50
82GREETINGCome to lend me a hand I hope. I can always use fresh human samples.Happy 80
83GREETINGYes, what is it now? Please, be brief. I'm quite busy.Disgust 70
84MS08MedicalClue1Do you know anything about some android who needed a surgeon?Now that's an old story. If I recall, some runaway android was looking for a surgeon and, what? A computer expert, if I remember correctly.Neutral 50
85MS08MedicalClue2What do you know about this android from the Commonwealth?I've learned a thing or two about not taking things on appearances. That was an elaborate hoax. Take this holotape and give a listen. Clearly fake.Neutral 50
86What do you know about this android from the Commonwealth?It was clearly faked. You can ask practically any doctor in the Wasteland. We all got a tape like this.Neutral 50
87MS08MedicalClue3Ever do any facial surgery? Maybe on someone from the Commonwealth?Medicine is an important art and science. Shouldn't be wasted on vanity. Hey, but that reminds me of this old hoax. Here, listen to this holotape.Neutral 50
88Ever do any facial surgery? Maybe on someone from the Commonwealth?Medicine is an important art and science. Shouldn't be wasted on vanity.Neutral 50
89Ever do any facial surgery? Maybe on someone from the Commonwealth?That was all just an elaborate hoax. Besides, medicine is an important art and science. Shouldn't be wasted on vanity.Neutral 50
90MS08MedicalClue3BribeYou ever do a face job on an android from the North? <Jingle purse of 100 caps.>Medicine is an important art and science. Shouldn't be wasted on vanity. Hey, but that reminds me of this old hoax. Here, listen to this holotape.Neutral 50
91MS08MedicalClue3StatA patient of mine needs a facial epidermal augmentation. You ever perform one?Medicine is an important art and science. Shouldn't be wasted on vanity. Hey, but that reminds me of this old hoax. Here, listen to this holotape.Neutral 50
92MS08MedicalClue4You know who might have a Lipoplasticator or Micro Dermal Graftilizer?They say old Pinkerton at Rivet City somehow got his hands on a Lipoplasticator and Micro Dermal Graftilizer. Amazing really.Neutral 50
93You know who might have a Lipoplasticator or Micro Dermal Graftilizer?They say old Pinkerton at Rivet City somehow got his hands on a Lipoplasticator and Micro Dermal Graftilizer. Amazing really.Neutral 50
94You know who might have a Lipoplasticator or Micro Dermal Graftilizer?Pinkerton's the only surgeon crazy enough to try it. Too risky. Go to Rivet City if you want. But don't expect to come out looking better than me.Neutral 50
95MS08MedicalClue4BribeHere's 100 caps for the locale of a Lipoplasticator or Micro Dermal Graftilizer.They say old Pinkerton at Rivet City somehow got his hands on a Lipoplasticator and Micro Dermal Graftilizer. Amazing really.Neutral 50
96MS08MedicalClue4StatI need to find a Micro Dermal Graftilizer for epidermal augmentation surgery.They say old Pinkerton at Rivet City somehow got his hands on a Lipoplasticator and Micro Dermal Graftilizer. Amazing really.Neutral 50
97MS14BackOffSounds like a normal guy.Really? That's a relief.Surprise 50
98MS14CrowleyWhat can you tell me about Mister Crowley?Nothing. Why? What have you heard? You've heard something haven't you?Neutral 50
99MS14PersuadeCrowleyCome on. You can tell me. Ahzrukhal said so. <Lie.>Damn. Double damn. He finally got someone to kill them humans.Fear 50
100Come on. You can tell me. Ahzrukhal said so. <Lie.>Someone believed that pack of lies he's been spreading. Well I just hope they talk to those poor folk before knocking them off.Sad 50
101MS18DocBarrowsCT01Reilly's Rangers?Oh, you must be new around here.Surprise 60
102Reilly's Rangers?They're a mercenary company that bases itself out of the D.C. Ruins. I'm assuming she's their leader, Reilly.Neutral 50
103Reilly's Rangers?What was left of her armor had her name stenciled on it. She was in a pretty bad way when they found her outside Underworld.Neutral 50
104MS18DocBarrowsCT02What's wrong with her?She had multiple lacerations, contusions, broken leg, some internal bleeding and blunt force trauma.Disgust 50
105What's wrong with her?She's hasn't been conscious since they brought her in a few days ago.Neutral 50
106What's wrong with her?I'd say she tangled with some Super Mutants and lost. It's a miracle she isn't dead.Neutral 50
107MS18DocBarrowsCT02aShe your new toy, zombie?That kind of talk is uncalled for. I was, am and always will be a doctor of medicine.Anger 50
108She your new toy, zombie?I don't care if she was a Super Mutant. I'd still help her.Neutral 50
109She your new toy, zombie?If they hauled your sorry, shot-up body into my clinic, I'd try and save you too.Neutral 50
110MS18DocBarrowsCT02bOkay, thanks. Got to go.No problem, just don't disturb the patients.Neutral 50
111MS18DocBarrowsCT03How did she end up in the Chop Shop?She was just brought in by a few others. They found her bleeding to death at the entrance to the city here.Neutral 50
112How did she end up in the Chop Shop?If she'd been out in the tunnels any longer, she'd have been someone's meal by now.Neutral 50
113MS18DocBarrowsCT04Do you think there's any way to revive her?Well, I wouldn't recommend it. She's in some sort of coma. It's dangerous to force someone out of one.Neutral 50
114Do you think there's any way to revive her?There's no telling when she'll come out of it I'm afraid.Neutral 50
115MS18DocBarrowsCT05Do you mind if I try and revive her?Unless you're an expert at medicine, I wouldn't recommend it. You may end up doing more harm than good.Neutral 50
116Do you mind if I try and revive her?However, I'm all for helping my patients, so if you think you have the ability, be my guest.Neutral 50
117MS18DocBarrowsCT07I'd really like to speak to this woman. Please, wake her now.Oh very well. I will do what I can.Disgust 50
118I'd really like to speak to this woman. Please, wake her now.I just hope her body can withstand the strain. Humans are so fragile.Neutral 50
119MS18DocBarrowsGREETCT01What do you mean "fresh human samples"?You haven't heard? I'm the foremost authority on Ghoul evolution. I want to know what makes us tick.Neutral 50
120What do you mean "fresh human samples"?Something doomed us to this rotting form, and I aim to discover what it is.Anger 50
121What do you mean "fresh human samples"?So, I need samples of human skin, organs and other parts to make the experiments valid.Neutral 50
122MS18DocBarrowsGREETCT02Stay away from me, you freak!That's just the attitude I've come to expect from most people.Neutral 50
123Stay away from me, you freak!It's sadly what sets us apart. I'm not going to dissect you alive or tear out your entrails like in some lurid horror movie.Disgust 50
124Stay away from me, you freak!All of my experiments are done by the book and scientifically.Neutral 50
125MS18DocBarrowsGREETCT03No, no. Nothing like that.Shame. Then what can I do for you?Neutral 50
126MS18DocBarrowsGREETCT04Sorry, I aim to keep all my samples to myself.Pity. Well then, what can I do for you?Neutral 50
127MS18DocBarrowsGREETCT05Touch me and I yell zombie.My dear friend, yelling "zombie" in Underworld would be like yelling "sand" in a desert. Pointless.Neutral 50
128Touch me and I yell zombie.Obviously, you take no appreciation in what I am trying to achieve. Please, leave me be. I have much to do.Disgust 50
129MS18DocBarrowsMedicalGateway33Okay, here are the caps. <Give 300 Caps.>Good. Now, hold still. This is going to hurt like hell.Neutral 50
130Okay, here are the caps. <Give 300 Caps.>Bite down, this is going to smart.Neutral 50
131Okay, here are the caps. <Give 300 Caps.>Sigh. Come back when you do!Disgust 50
132MS18DocBarrowsMedicalGateway66Here you go. <Give 200 Caps.>Thanks. Now hold still, you don't want me to slip when holding sharp objects.Neutral 50
133Here you go. <Give 200 Caps.>Good, good. Now let's see if we can fix you up quickly.Neutral 50
134Here you go. <Give 200 Caps.>I'm not a charity worker. Come back when you have the caps, and we'll do business.Neutral 50
135MS18DocBarrowsMedicalGateway99It's all here. <Give 100 Caps.>Fine. This will just take a second.Neutral 50
136It's all here. <Give 100 Caps.>Shouldn't take but a moment. Hold still please.Neutral 50
137It's all here. <Give 100 Caps.>Sigh. Come back when you do.Disgust 50
138MS18DocBarrowsMedicalGatewayNoHmmm... I don't think so.Well, I'm not a charity worker. Especially with humans. You want me to fix you up, bring caps next time.Disgust 50
139MS18DocBarrowsReillysConditionDo you think Reilly will be okay?She's a very lucky young lady not to have suffered damage from her coma.Neutral 50
140Do you think Reilly will be okay?She'll be just fine as long as she takes it easy.Neutral 50
141MS18DocBarrowsRevive01Please, Doc! She obviously needs someone's help.I appreciate your sincerity, but I'm afraid it's just too risky.Neutral 50
142MS18DocBarrowsRevive02Forget it!Now, there's no call to be rude.Disgust 50
143Forget it!I'm just doing my job which is making sure this young lady suffers no more permanent damage.Neutral 50
144Forget it!Now, if you'll excuse me, I have my work to attend to.Neutral 50
145MS18DocBarrowsRevive03If you revive her, I can find out what happened. Maybe even help her!Very well. This is against my better judgment, but so be it.Disgust 50
146If you revive her, I can find out what happened. Maybe even help her!I just hope she has the strength to cope with the system shock.Neutral 50
147MS18TLColumbiaHeightsWhat can you tell me about Vernon Square?Oh my, that's a dangerous part of the D.C. Ruins.Fear 50
148What can you tell me about Vernon Square?Every patrol Underworld has sent even near that zone has come back in bad shape, or hasn't returned at all.Neutral 50
149MS18TLDocReillyI'd really like to speak to Reilly and find out what happened to her.It would be dangerous for me to prematurely awaken her.Neutral 50
150I'd really like to speak to Reilly and find out what happened to her.The sudden shock to her system could provoke any number of complications.Neutral 50
151MS18TLMoreRangersTell me more about Reilly's Rangers.They're a mercenary group. I've seen them pass through Underworld a few times.Neutral 50
152Tell me more about Reilly's Rangers.I'm not sure what their mission entails, but I suspect that it involves violence.Disgust 70
153Tell me more about Reilly's Rangers.The Rangers have a small headquarters not far from here. Let me program the location into your Pip-Boy.Neutral 50
154UnderworldDoctorBarrowsBuySuppliesI need medical supplies.I think I can help you out.Neutral 50
155I need medical supplies.Be careful with these. They're not toys, you know.Neutral 50
156I need medical supplies.Yes, what do you need?Neutral 50
157I need medical supplies.Very well. What do you require?Neutral 50