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Fallout Wiki

Doctor Barnaby was a medical practitioner in Appalachia prior to 2102.


Dr. Barnaby ran the clinic in Berkeley Springs, along with several nurses. In the direct aftermath of the Great War, Barnaby's clinic was swamped by injured survivors, and the clinic's staff were forced to set up a triage system, doing their best to treat the wounded but still losing more patients than they saved.[1] By October 31, the clinic was running low on supplies despite receiving military aid, and Barnaby worked to the point of exhaustion aiding wounded and dealing with deceased patients. By a week later, the clinic had run out of supplies and staff morale decreased as patients were turned away to other towns, with several nurses even quitting and leaving.[2]

On November 11, a gang of raiders swept through the clinic, killing the soldiers guarding it as well as a male nurse, and stealing all the remaining supplies. Only Barnaby, a nurse, and a few patients were spared.[3] By November 14, Barnaby and the last nurse chose to abandon the clinic, taking the patients still able to walk and euthanizing the one who wasn't. They set out for Charleston, hoping that its clinic was still operational.[4]


Dr. Barnaby is mentioned only in Fallout 76.

