Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
See also: Massive bandit

With an insane look in his eye, a bandit suicider rushes your group.— Pre-Battle introduction text

Bandit suiciders are enemies in the Wastelad holotape minigame.


An insane enemy, the bandit suicider is a deadly, explosive wielding bandit variant.

They wear a black vest and a white tank top underneath. They also wear spiked pauldrons on their shoulders.

They use frag grenades in combat. Due to their nature as an explosives using enemy, they will always perform special attacks, causing huge damage to the entire team. This helps balance out their relatively low HP, and makes them a deadly foe to even the most experienced explorer.

Sometimes, they can be found in the bandit raiding party encounter alongside other bandit variants, although these can be avoided. The bandit raiding party is a medium level of difficulty.


Bandit suiciders appear only in Wastelad.
