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This is a transcript for dialogue with Jessup.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 {Player attacked NCR, NCR troops not all dead} Kill every last one of those NCR troopers and then we'll talk. 1
GREETING Surprise 50 {astonished, but in a manly way} What the hell? You're that courier Benny wasted back in Goodsprings. You're supposed to be dead. 2
GREETING Anger 5 {slight threat} I'm getting real tired of talking. 3
GREETING Neutral 50 Still got a bit of a walk ahead of us. Talk fast. 4
VFreeformBoulderCityBCJessupTopic000 Why don't you just shoot your way out of here? Neutral 50 I'm not afraid of a gunfight, but I'd rather get back to Red Rock without a few extra holes in me if I can help it. 5
VFreeformBoulderCityBCJessupTopic001 The troopers are all dead. You're free to go. Surprise 50 Yeah, that's a pretty piece of work. Makes me wonder why you'd turn on the NCR, especially when they had us cold. 6
Neutral 50 Here - a souvenir for you. It's Benny's lighter. Shove it up his ass when you catch up with him. 7
VFreeformBoulderCityBCJessupTopic002 Goodbye. Neutral 50 Yeah, {as in, "go on, get out"} go on. 8
VFreeformBoulderCityBCJessupTopic003 I got better. Neutral 50 And here I thought us Great Khans were tough to kill. So, what happens now? 9
VFreeformBoulderCityBCJessupTopic008 Not quite. When I kill you, however, the job will get done right. Anger 100 You think you can take me, punk? 10
VFreeformBoulderCityBCJessupTopic020 The NCR troopers have been paid to look the other way. Neutral 50 Then we are out of here. Here - a souvenir for you. It's Benny's lighter. Shove it up his ass when you catch up with him. 11
VFreeformBoulderCityBCJessupTopic022 Let's talk about settling things between you and the NCR. Neutral 50 What's to negotiate? The NCR backs off, we walk out of here, nobody gets hurt. 12
Let's talk about settling things between you and the NCR. Neutral 50 Still going on about this, huh? Pretty sure I already said we want the NCR to back off and let us out. 13
VFreeformBoulderCityBCJessupTopic033 Where's the Platinum Chip? Anger 50 Don't have it. Benny stole it, right before he stabbed us in the back. He's probably back at the Strip by now, laughing at me. 14
VFreeformBoulderCityBCJessupTopic034 Well, I'm not, and I believe you have something of mine. Neutral 50 Yeah... about that... 15
VFreeformBoulderCityBCJessupTopic035 I want some more answers. Neutral 50 Yeah? On what? 16
VFreeformBoulderCityBCJessupTopic036 What can you tell me about Benny? Neutral 50 He's one of the Chairmen, big shots who run The Tops casino in New Vegas. A friend from the city contacted me with info on a big job. 17
Neutral 50 I should've known that the caps were too good to be true, but there was still no way I could pass up the chance. 18
VFreeformBoulderCityBCJessupTopic037 Never mind. Let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 Fine. 19
VFreeformBoulderCityBCJessupTopic038 Any chance you're willing to surrender? Neutral 50 And face NCR "justice?" No thanks. I'd rather not spend the next ten years doing hard labor. 20
VFreeformBoulderCityBCJessupTopic039 What do you know about the Platinum Chip? Neutral 50 Just a big, fancy poker chip as far as I know. Don't know why anyone would make one out of platinum, though. 21
VFreeformBoulderCityBCJessupTopic040 I'm willing to hear other suggestions. Neutral 50 {Jessup mentions bribe option} We'd try to bribe our way out, but seeing as how Benny didn't pay us yet, that won't happen. 22
VFreeformBoulderCityBCJessupTopic041 Why did Benny betray you? Neutral 50 He's a snake, that's why. He owed us the rest of the pay for the job, so maybe he didn't want to pay up. 23
< Speech - 45 >
Free the hostages now, and I'll have the NCR escort you out of their territory. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] I can't believe I'm doing this, but all right, the hostages can go. The NCR had better keep their end of the deal, though. 24
Neutral 50 Here - a souvenir for you. It's Benny's lighter. Shove it up his ass when you catch up with him. 25
If you let the hostages free now, maybe the NCR would just let you go. Neutral 50 [FAILED] Right, and they'd probably give us all medals, too. Maybe I should kill a hostage because you wasted my time with this shit. 26
VFreeformBoulderCityBCJessupTopic043 I'm a ghost, here to haunt you. Oooooh... Anger 10 {annoyed at the player's flippant reaction} All right, quit fucking around. You survived and you tracked us down. What now? 27


GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 Yeah, {as in, "go on, get out"} go on. 28