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This is a transcript for dialogue with Captain Avery.


1DLC03_V118_PearlAvery_LoopSceneI'll repeat, there are no "police" in Far Harbor.A2a
2I'm sorry, but I don't have time for this.A3a
3I have my hands full helping my people.A4a
4I really hope you find someone to help, but it's not me.A5a
5A stranger came to town that might help you... That's the best I can offer.A6a


6DLC03ConvFarHarborChildrenExecution_01{Authority - angry / Angry} If we kill any more of the Children of Atom there could be war, Allen.CaptainAvery: Just stop this!A1a
7CaptainAvery: If we kill any more of the Children of Atom there could be war, Allen.{Firm, angry / Angry} Just stop this!AllenLee: This ain't some innocent, Avery.A1a
8AllenLee: She did! Machete Mike spotted her.{Shocked / Surprised} I... But the Children-AllenLee: It's like I been saying, the Children of Atom are out to kill us all.A1a
9AllenLee: Punishment is pretty clear, Captain.{Defeated / Tired} Do what you must.A1a
10DLC03ConvFarHarborChildrenExecution_02AllenLee: Now will you listen to sense? The Children of Atom need to be wiped clean off this island.{Bitter, tired / Tired} You've had your blood today. I can't stomach any more of it.CaptainAvery: All of you, show's over. Go home.A1a
11CaptainAvery: You've had your blood today. I can't stomach any more of it.{Tired, defeated / Tired} All of you, show's over. Go home.A1a


12DLC03ConvFarHarborCoAEnding_DeadAvery{Filled with gravity, but calling a crowd to silence / Somber} Now, everyone. Silence.CaptainAvery: The bright light... The rumors are true. It was a nuclear detonation.A1a
13CaptainAvery: Now, everyone. Silence.{Hard to find the words / Somber} The bright light... The rumors are true. It was a nuclear detonation.CaptainAvery: The Children of Atom... They're... all dead.A1a
14CaptainAvery: The bright light... The rumors are true. It was a nuclear detonation.{Somber} The Children of Atom... They're... all dead.AllenLee: 'Bout time! Ha!A1a
15AllenLee: 'Bout time! Ha!{Mega disapproval / Stern} Allen. We had our differences, yes, but a lot of people died.CaptainAvery: Some... Well, not all of them deserve to be mourned.A1a
16CaptainAvery: Allen. We had our differences, yes, but a lot of people died.{Struggling with words / Somber} Some... Well, not all of them deserve to be mourned.CaptainAvery: But others were friends and family that just... came to believe differently than us.A1a
17CaptainAvery: Some... Well, not all of them deserve to be mourned.{Mourning / Somber} But others were friends and family that just... came to believe differently than us.AllenLee: Brainwashed, you mean?A1a
18AllenLee: Brainwashed, you mean?{Loses her cool but regains it / Angry} This should be a solemn occasion, Allen.CaptainAvery: Please. A moment of silence.A1a
19CaptainAvery: This should be a solemn occasion, Allen.{Somber} Please. A moment of silence.CaptainAvery: Thank you.A1a
20CaptainAvery: Please. A moment of silence.{Somber} Thank you.A1a
21DLC03ConvFarHarborCoAEnding_PeaceAvery{Quieting a crowd, loud voice (not a shout) - eager to relay good news / Happy} Now, everyone. Quiet. Quiet.CaptainAvery: High Confessor Tektus, the leader of the Children of Atom, has made a formal peace with us.A1a
22CaptainAvery: Now, everyone. Quiet. Quiet.{Pleased! / Happy} High Confessor Tektus, the leader of the Children of Atom, has made a formal peace with us.AllenLee: And you believe him?A1a
23AllenLee: And you believe him?{Firmly convinced, happy / Happy} I do. He said it was a vision from Atom.CaptainAvery: And if you know anything about them, you know how serious that is.A1a
24CaptainAvery: I do. He said it was a vision from Atom.{Explaining} And if you know anything about them, you know how serious that is.Mitch: But those missionaries of his...A1a
25Mitch: But those missionaries of his...{Assuaging fears, confident / Confident} They won't be a problem, he's keeping them clear of Far Harbor. No more preachers coming.Mitch: So they just going to forgive what Allen's done?A1a
26Mitch: So they just going to forgive what Allen's done?{A little surprised, too, but very pleased / Friendly} Their, well, God commanded them to let that go. So, yeah, I think they've forgiven us.CaptainAvery: So they'll stay on their part of the island, and we'll stay on ours.A1a
27CaptainAvery: Their, well, God commanded them to let that go. So, yeah, I think they've forgiven us.{Confident} So they'll stay on their part of the island, and we'll stay on ours.CaptainAvery: That's all.A1a
28CaptainAvery: So they'll stay on their part of the island, and we'll stay on ours.{Friendly} That's all.A1a


29DLC03DialogueFarHarbor_CaptainAveryYes? Make it quick.Player Default: What's there to do in town?A
30I hope the Harbor's being good to you.CaptainAvery: At this point, I'd settle if folks were just plain civil to you.A
31DLC03FemaleCaptainAvery: I hope the Harbor's being good to you.{Amused} At this point, I'd settle if folks were just plain civil to you.Player Default: What's there to do in town?A1a
32Player Default: What's there to do in town?{Happy to share info / Friendly} Brooks sells general goods. Teddy Wright's in back of his shop, and he can patch you up if you need it.A1a
33{Really, really dislikes Allen - the rest is pleasant / Friendly} Besides that the Last Plank's a popular stop for booze and what have you. And lastly, well, if you need a gun see Allen Lee.Player Default: What's there to do in town?A1b
34Player Default: I have to go.Be well.B1a
35Player Default: What's the history of this place?{Thinking} Well, this whole dock used to belong to the Mariner.X1a
36{This is a tragic tale, thinking of a lot of loss / Somber} When the Fog started getting thicker - family by family, homestead by homestead, people were kicked out of their homes inland.X1b
37{Grateful} The Mariner was kind enough to let people stay. The Harbor just kind of grew out of that charity.Player Default: What's there to do in town?X1c
38Player Default:Maybe ask Mitch at the Last Plank?Y1a
39Some people at the end of the docks might need help, too. Everyone calls them the "dregs." *sigh*Player Default: What's there to do in town?Y1b
40Player Default:The Mariner and Cassie Dalton are the only leads I have.Player Default: What's there to do in town?Y2a
41-You have your caps. Leave the wind farm alone.A
42The very survival of Far Harbor rests in your hands. I know you'll make the right decision.A
43Take your time.
44Well, I do have work, you know.
45So... you were saying?
48{Angry, betrayed} I vouched for you.
49Defend the Harbor!
50Work together, everyone!
51Don't do this.
52Put that back.
53Rumor is something terrible happened at Acadia.
54{Sorrow} You know firsthand what a problem Tektus was. But for all of the Children of Atom...
55You don't buy peace in a moment or just once. It's a long road. But now we have a chance with the Children of Atom.
56With DiMA... You never can tell what a man's capable of.
57We were going down a dark road. But you turned it around. Thank you.
58You showed them not to underestimated.
59{A concerned politician for her constituents} I hope the people and the Lumber Mill are safe.
60{Wishes she could've saved them} I warned Small Bertha. It's just too dangerous inland. But she went anyway.
61Thank you for holding those... codes... safe. The Harbor owes you.
62Harbormen are an ornery, frustating lot. But they're good people.
63My people are short on gratitude. But on their behalf: thank you.
64{We'll get there again in tone, wistful} In my grandma's time, Harbormen tamed the whole island. Every nook and cranny of it.
65As dire as things are we can turn the ship around. Together.
66I have to go knock some sense in people. We need more guns defending the Hull.
67Harbormen were going to have extra blankets, food, fuel for the fire. Instead you got your caps.
68At least you were reasonable about the wind farm. Well, mostly.
69Those codes for the farm... They're our town's future. Please be responsible with them.
70The Mariner told me about... how you helped her. Thank you.
71{Very approving} Don't think I haven't noticed what you and the Mariner have been up to.


72DLC03PostMQ05Avery_DeadAcadia{Depressed} Maybe the Mariner was right.CaptainAvery: The island feeds on our blood. Our pain.A
73DLC03FemaleCaptainAvery: Maybe the Mariner was right.{Bitter, bleak / Depressed} The island feeds on our blood. Our pain.CaptainAvery: And with what we did to Acadia it must be happy.A1a
74CaptainAvery: The island feeds on our blood. Our pain.{Bleak / Depressed} And with what we did to Acadia it must be happy.Player Default: The whole thing's a tragedy.A1a
75Player Default: The whole thing's a tragedy.{Sighing tone, deflated / Sad} I'd like to blame you, but really, it's not your fault.CaptainAvery: We both tried our best to stop it, but maybe you just can't fight human nature.A1a
76Player Default: If left alone, Acadia would always be a threat.{Defiant then deflates / Defiant} It was also a promise, as well. A promise of something better...CaptainAvery: We both tried our best to stop it, but maybe you just can't fight human nature.B1a
77Player Default: The island's not to blame. Your people are.{Rolls over / Depressed} You're right, of course.CaptainAvery: We both tried our best to stop it, but maybe you just can't fight human nature.X1a
78Player Default: You're lucky to be alive.{Depressed} Why? Because they don't know I'm a synth?CaptainAvery: We both tried our best to stop it, but maybe you just can't fight human nature.Y1a
79Player Default: You're lucky to be alive.{Depressed} Why would Allen kill me? To be Captain? He can have the damned job.CaptainAvery: We both tried our best to stop it, but maybe you just can't fight human nature.Y2a
80Player Default: I'd like to blame you, but really, it's not your fault.{Bitter, doesn't blame PC / Depressed} We both tried our best to stop it, but maybe you just can't fight human nature.CaptainAvery: At least there's "peace." The Nucleus is a crater. Acadia, a graveyard.A1a
81Player Default: I'd like to blame you, but really, it's not your fault.{Given up / Depressed} I used to wonder if I was worthy of being Captain. But now I know they're not worthy of me.CaptainAvery: At least there's "peace." The Nucleus is a crater. Acadia, a graveyard.A2a
82CaptainAvery: We both tried our best to stop it, but maybe you just can't fight human nature.{A real silver lining - still deflated / Somber} At least there's "peace." The Nucleus is a crater. Acadia, a graveyard.A1a
83{Too tired and defeated to be angry - clear she can't enforce this / Tired} All thanks to you. Just go home, mainlander. And don't ever come back.A1b
84CaptainAvery: We both tried our best to stop it, but maybe you just can't fight human nature.{Maudlin / Somber} Maybe the Children of Atom are right. Maybe we are the infidels in this holy land.A2a
85{Tired} I'm just too damned tired to care right now.A2b
86DLC03PostMQ05Avery_Peace{Enjoying a quiet moment - at peace / Happy} You hear that?CaptainAvery: That's the sound of the Harbor. Normal. Nothing special. And unexpected.A
87DLC03FemaleCaptainAvery: You hear that?{Reveling in it / Happy} That's the sound of the Harbor. Normal. Nothing special. And unexpected.CaptainAvery: After DiMA's trial, I was certain Allen would win. That the mob would demand and get their fill of blood.A1a
88CaptainAvery: That's the sound of the Harbor. Normal. Nothing special. And unexpected.{Sharing a fear / Nervous} After DiMA's trial, I was certain Allen would win. That the mob would demand and get their fill of blood.CaptainAvery: But somehow you made everyone satisfied with simple justice.A1a
89CaptainAvery: After DiMA's trial, I was certain Allen would win. That the mob would demand and get their fill of blood.{Amazement / Relieved} But somehow you made everyone satisfied with simple justice.Player Default: At their core, your people are good. Maybe even noble.A1a
90Player Default: At their core, your people are good. Maybe even noble.{Surprised} How does an outsider know them better than me?CaptainAvery: I thought you were a monster... For what you did to the Children of Atom.A1a
91Player Default: You owe me, Avery.No argument there.CaptainAvery: I thought you were a monster... For what you did to the Children of Atom.B1a
92Player Default: Sometimes justice is enough.{Happy} I underestimated my people. And you.CaptainAvery: I thought you were a monster... For what you did to the Children of Atom.X1a
93Player Default: It wasn't easy.{Grateful} You have to know if it weren't for you... It would've gone very differently.CaptainAvery: I thought you were a monster... For what you did to the Children of Atom.Y1a
94Player Default: How does an outsider know them better than me?{Unsteady - she really doesn't know what to make of the player / Puzzled} I thought you were a monster... For what you did to the Children of Atom.A1a
95{She forgives the player - which is a big step for her / Grateful} But then you deliver this. I... I wish you well, stranger. And thank you.A1b
96Player Default: How does an outsider know them better than me?{Can't believe her luck / Thinking} With Acadia's Fog Condensers and the peace with the Children of Atom...A2a
97{Intensely grateful / Grateful} This really is the dawn of a new day. This island can never truly repay you, but we'll certainly try.A2b
98Player Default: How does an outsider know them better than me?{One major problem dealt with - but an iceberg may be on the horizon / Somber} Right now things are... good. But who knows how long it'll last unless the Children of Atom are dealt with.A3a


99DLC03DialogueFarHarborPostQuest_AveryDeadCoAWe're talking. Now.CaptainAvery: Tektus was many things, but I don't think he was that eager to meet his Division.A
100DLC03FemaleCaptainAvery: We're talking. Now.Tektus was many things, but I don't think he was that eager to meet his Division.CaptainAvery: Why did you do it?A1a
101CaptainAvery: Tektus was many things, but I don't think he was that eager to meet his Division.Why did you do it?Player Default: Ultimately it was a choice between you or them.A1a
102Player Default: Ultimately it was a choice between you or them.*sigh* Maybe of putting aside all the bad blood... Was just a fairy tale.CaptainAvery: I hope their sacrifice will bring peace to the island.A1a
103Player Default: Their cult was a dangerous disease. It needed to be cured.Under Tektus... I could see what you're saying.B1a
104But with Martin, they were just looking for answers. Whose to say what they may have done in the future?B1b
105Now we'll never know.CaptainAvery: I hope their sacrifice will bring peace to the island.B1c
106Player Default: I don't owe you an explanation.I suppose you don't.CaptainAvery: I hope their sacrifice will bring peace to the island.X1a
107Player Default: With their beliefs, their leadership... It's safer, for all us, with them out of the picture.There's a real chance they would be a threat to us in the future.Y1a
108But is it wrong to have hope? To hope there could've been a better future together?CaptainAvery: I hope their sacrifice will bring peace to the island.Y1b
109Player Default: *sigh* Maybe of putting aside all the bad blood... Was just a fairy tale.I hope their sacrifice will bring peace to the island.CaptainAvery: Otherwise what you've done... Just leave.A1a
110CaptainAvery: I hope their sacrifice will bring peace to the island.Otherwise what you've done... Just leave.A1a
111DLC03DialogueFarHarborPostQuest_AveryPeaceWithCoAI need to talk to you.CaptainAvery: Tektus wasn't specific, but he said that you were an "instrument of Atom's will."A
112DLC03FemaleCaptainAvery: I need to talk to you.Tektus wasn't specific, but he said that you were an "instrument of Atom's will."CaptainAvery: Because of you, I think we have a real chance of peace here.A1a
113CaptainAvery: Tektus wasn't specific, but he said that you were an "instrument of Atom's will."Because of you, I think we have a real chance of peace here.Player Default: I wish you both well.A1a
114Player Default: I wish you both well.Truly, we don't deserve you.CaptainAvery: Once the Fog recedes, and given time it always does, we'll take our island back.A1a
115Player Default: Yeah, but the whole thing is built on lies.Sad thing is, I bet that's the way most peaces are kept. But, enough of that.CaptainAvery: Once the Fog recedes, and given time it always does, we'll take our island back.B1a
116Player Default: Do you think you and Tektus can make this work?With so much blood spilled, it won't be easy.Y1a
117But working together, I think we can do it.Player Default: I wish you both well.Y1b
118Player Default: Truly, we don't deserve you.Once the Fog recedes, and given time it always does, we'll take our island back.CaptainAvery: And that's thanks to you.A1a
119CaptainAvery: Once the Fog recedes, and given time it always does, we'll take our island back.And that's thanks to you.A1a


120DLC03FarHarborFF02_AveryScene1Intro{Stern, direct / Stern} I'll be straight with you.Avery: It's never easy to ask anyone on this island for help, much less a stranger.A
121Player Default: Alright, I'll head out there now.{A little worried, but otherwise confident in the player / Confident} Good. Our water supply won't last much longer.A1a
122Player Default: I'm not making any promises. I'm not a mechanic.{Impatient / Stern} It's not a complicated repair, just installing some replacement components. Believe me, if Howard can do it, anyone can.B1a
123{Stern, this is serious / Stern} All that I ask is that you hurry. I don't have to tell you how important our water supply is.B1b
124Player Default: Am I going to need any tools or parts if I have to make these repairs on my own?{Concerned / Concerned} The Fog Condensers need their power modules replaced, but Howard took the only spares we had.X1a
125{Stern, this is serious / Stern} Either way, you're going to have to find him first.Player Default: Alright, I'll head out there now.X1b
126Player Default: What exactly are these Fog Condensers? How do they work?{Exposition / Neutral} Well, I'm no engineer, but the way it was explained to me, each Fog Condenser pulls in the air around it and then condenses it into liquid.Y1a
127{Exposition / Neutral} The point being, the Fog doesn't get past them. They make a barrier that protects the town.Y1b
128{Neutral} No Fog means that all the nasty things living in it stay in it. They don't venture out too often. The Fog's their home, I guess.Y1c
129{Exposition / Neutral} The Fog Condensers eat up a lot of power, but we've got a wind farm that takes care of that. As long as the turbines stay charged, we stay safe.Player Default: Alright, I'll head out there now.Y1d
130DLC03FemaleCaptainAvery: I'll be straight with you.{Stern, direct / Stern} It's never easy to ask anyone on this island for help, much less a stranger.A1a
131{Stern, direct / Stern} But I've got a responsibility to these people, and I have a job for you if you're up for it. Besides, I know you're tougher than you look.Player Default: I'm happy to help with anything I can.A1b
132Player Default: I'm happy to help with anything I can.{Almost suspicious / Suspicious} If you say so.Avery: We get our drinking water from a purifier not far outside of town.A1a
133Player Default: Quit wasting my time and just tell me what you need.{Neutral} Right, right.Avery: We get our drinking water from a purifier not far outside of town.B1a
134Player Default: If you say so.{Exposition / Neutral} We get our drinking water from a purifier not far outside of town.A1a
135{Exposition / Neutral} We had a bad storm not long before you got here, and it must have damaged the Fog Condensers that protect the road to the purifier.A1b
136{Concerned / Concerned} I sent Howard Dunbar out to fix them. He was out there when the Mirelurks hit us, and I'm afraid they might have got him, too.Avery: I was hoping you might go have a look. If... the worst happened, maybe you could get those Fog Condensers back online.A1c
137Avery: I sent Howard Dunbar out to fix them. He was out there when the Mirelurks hit us, and I'm afraid they might have got him, too.{Concerned / Concerned} I was hoping you might go have a look. If... the worst happened, maybe you could get those Fog Condensers back online.A1a
138{Exposition / Neutral} If you're up to it, just head south out of town. It's paying work, of course.A1b
139{Proud / Confident} I wouldn't ask a stranger to stick their neck out on our behalf unless I was willing to pay a fair share for it.Player Default: Alright, I'll head out there now.A1c
140DLC03FarHarborFF02_AveryScene2CompletePlayerVoiceFemale01: Those Fog Condensers are back online.{Relieved / Relieved} Good. Our water supply was starting to get low. Wasn't sure how much longer we could hold out.A1a
141{Apprehensive / Concerned} Did you... find Howard?Player Default: He died trying to get those condensers fixed. The man is a hero.A1b
142Player Default: He died trying to get those condensers fixed. The man is a hero.{Sad, you lost one of your people / Sad} Yes... yes he is. I'll make sure we remember him as such.Avery: Well, I said it was paying work. Two hundred caps should be enough.A1a
143Player Default: He's mirelurk food.{Frustrated (at yourself) and sad / Sad} I should never have let him go out there alone.Avery: Well, I said it was paying work. Two hundred caps should be enough.B1a
144Player Default: Yes... yes he is. I'll make sure we remember him as such.{Neutral} Well, I said it was paying work. Two hundred caps should be enough.Player Default: Thanks. Glad I could help you out.A1a
145Player Default: Thanks. Glad I could help you out.{Friendly / Friendly} That makes two of us.Avery: Now, here's your pay. I've got to start making arrangements for Howard, so I'll say goodbye.A1a
146Player Default: That's it? What a waste of time.{Defensive / Stern} We're not rich here. It was hard enough scraping that much together.Avery: Now, here's your pay. I've got to start making arrangements for Howard, so I'll say goodbye.B1a
147Player Default: Captain, nobody's going to want to help you out unless you're prepared to pay a fair wage.{Agreeable / Neutral} Well, I can't argue with that. I suppose I could spare a little more. I can give you 250 caps.Player Default: Thanks. Glad I could help you out.X1a
148Player Default: Captain, nobody's going to want to help you out unless you're prepared to pay a fair wage.{Starting to get annoyed with the player's greed / Stern} You drive a hard bargain, mainlander. I'll give you 300 caps.Player Default: Thanks. Glad I could help you out.X2a
149Player Default: Captain, nobody's going to want to help you out unless you're prepared to pay a fair wage.{Drawing the line, stern / Stern} You're squeezing blood from a stone, stranger. I can give you 400, but not a cap more.Avery: Now, here's your pay. I've got to start making arrangements for Howard, so I'll say goodbye.X3a
150Player Default: Captain, nobody's going to want to help you out unless you're prepared to pay a fair wage.{Irritated at the player's greed / Irritated} You don't know when to quit, do you? I think I'll stick with the original offer. 200 caps, and no more.Avery: Now, here's your pay. I've got to start making arrangements for Howard, so I'll say goodbye.X4a
151Player Default: Captain, nobody's going to want to help you out unless you're prepared to pay a fair wage.{Fed up, quit nagging me for more money / Stern} Do I look rich to you? That's all the caps I can spare.Avery: Now, here's your pay. I've got to start making arrangements for Howard, so I'll say goodbye.X5a
152Player Default: Is there anything else I can do to help?{Friendly / Neutral} Don't know if you've chatted up the Mariner but she's always looking for help.Y1a
153{Friendly / Neutral} I know Cassie Dalton was asking around... but... Well, judge for yourself there.Player Default: Thanks. Glad I could help you out.Y1b
154Player Default: That makes two of us.{Grateful but sad for Harold (he just died) / Neutral} Now, here's your pay. I've got to start making arrangements for Howard, so I'll say goodbye.A1a
155-{Worried / Concerned} I hope Howard's okay.
156{Worried / Concerned} Water supply won't last much longer.
157{With urgency / Stern} We need those Fog Condensers working as soon as possible.
158{With urgency / Stern} We're all counting on you.
159{With urgency / Stern} Remember, head south out of town. You'll find the Fog Condensers along the road. You can't miss them.


160DLC03FarHarborM03_TurnIn{In awe, having a hard time expressing how appreciative she is / Awed} It's hard to believe before you came here all hope seemed lost.Avery: But now we've taken back homesteads. People are finally coming together. And all of it... it's all because of you.A
161DLC03FemaleCaptainAvery: It's hard to believe before you came here all hope seemed lost.{Awed} But now we've taken back homesteads. People are finally coming together. And all of it... it's all because of you.Player Default: I just wanted to help my friends.A1a
162Player Default: I just wanted to help my friends.{Deeply grateful / Grateful} We don't deserve you. Sincerely.Avery: My people are so mired with their own concerns, I don't think they even realize that you saved us. All of us.A1a
163Player Default: What can I say, you guys pay well.{Grateful - no shame in being greedy / Grateful} Then that's caps well spent.Avery: My people are so mired with their own concerns, I don't think they even realize that you saved us. All of us.B1a
164Player Default: You give me too much credit.{Double take, seriously awed - struggling to explain / Awed} Hardly. With all you've done... Including the Captain's Dance. I guarantee you, generations from now we'll still talk about you.Avery: My people are so mired with their own concerns, I don't think they even realize that you saved us. All of us.Y1a
165Player Default: We don't deserve you. Sincerely.{A touch guilty, still in awe / Grateful} My people are so mired with their own concerns, I don't think they even realize that you saved us. All of us.A1a
166{Profound gratitude / Grateful} Anything I give you or do for you... It just isn't enough. But take this. And thank you.A1b


167DLC03FarHarborS02_350b_BigQuestTurnInTeddyWright: At this rate, we may be running low on medical supplies inside a week or two.{Nuts and bolts of town governance / Thinking} We're expecting another boat soon.SmallBertha: Excuse me, ma'am.A1a
168SmallBertha: Excuse me, ma'am.{Distracted, not unkind / Irritated} Hmm. Bertha, is it? We're a little busy.SmallBertha: Excuse me.A1a
169SmallBertha: If you give us some of those Acadian Fog Condensers, my friends are ready to homestead that lumber mill.{Surprised, but concerned for her people - also doesn't really believe a 13 year old has such a good plan / Surprised} Surviving is about more than taming Fog. We got to stay together, Bertha.SmallBertha: But we're no good here. Harbormen need their own land. Something to protect and hold.A1a
170TeddyWright: I was wrong about you.{Puzzled / Puzzled} What?TeddyWright: Not you.A1a
171TeddyWright: Give them the Fog Condensers, Avery.{Against her better judgment, comes from a place of genuine concern for her people / Concerned} Well, I won't stop you. But until we deal with the Children of Atom - settling the island again... It could blow up in your face.CaptainAvery: Come, Bertha.A1a
172CaptainAvery: Well, I won't stop you. But until we deal with the Children of Atom - settling the island again... It could blow up in your face.{Neutral} Come, Bertha.TeddyWright: You might want to check up on Echo Lake. Bertha's friends would no doubt welcome you.A1a


173DLC03FarHarborS03_150_AveryConfrontation{Concerned / Concerned} Mariner, please... I heard about this expedition of yours.CaptainAvery: We need you. Please, turn back.A
174DLC03FemaleCaptainAvery: Mariner, please... I heard about this expedition of yours.{Pleading a little / Pleading} We need you. Please, turn back.Mariner: I thought you didn't believe, Captain? Well, the mainlander does.A1a
175Mariner: And together we're going to put an end to it.{Genuinely deeply concerned / Pleading} Mainlander, if the Red Death's real... We can't afford to lose you both.Player Default: With all I've seen and faced, this Red Death doesn't scare me.A1a
176Player Default: With all I've seen and faced, this Red Death doesn't scare me.{This may be a final goodbye to a hero / Sad} Don't say you haven't been warned.A1a
177Player Default: I'm having some second thoughts about this.{Relieved / Relieved} Good, good. Now talk sense into the Mariner.Mariner: You'll never change my mind on this. So don't you go getting cold feet on me now, mainlander.B1a
178Player Default: Consider your warning delivered.{May be a final goodbye / Sad} If there's nothing I can say, good luck.X1a
179Player Default: Do you really think it's dangerous?{Do you believe in Big Foot? Well, no... but... (so uncomfortable here) / Nervous} Every now and again some fool goes hunting for the Red Death.Y1a
180{Warning, caution! / Worried} Sometimes they come back empty-handed... But more times than not, that's the last they're heard of.Y1b
181{Concerned genuinely for the player's welfare / Concerned} The hunt for the Red Death has taken its share of drunks, but it's also taken the lives of our mightiest men and women.Y1c
182{Pleading} Please, don't throw your life away.Player Default: With all I've seen and faced, this Red Death doesn't scare me.Y1d
183-Mariner, please... I heard about this expedition of yours.


184DLC03MQ02_0100_AmbientBoatApproachAllenLee: Wait. That's not one of mine.{Shocked as Allen draws a gun, then trying to talk him down, irritated / Angry} Jesus. Ease up, Allen. We got visitors.AllenLee: Mainlanders ain't nothing but trouble.A1a
185AllenLee: Mainlanders ain't nothing but trouble.{Firm, commanding / Angry} Put the damned gun down.A1a
186DLC03MQ02_0200_AveryGreeting{Neutral} Are you lost? This is Far Harbor. We... don't get many visitors around here.AllenLee: We don't need no freeloaders or more "help", mainlander.A
187AllenLee: So you can get back in your boat and leave.{Exasperated / Irritated} Allen, this isn't your dock. It belongs to the whole town, and that means strangers are welcome.CaptainAvery: *sigh* Sorry, you've caught us during a... difficult time.A1a
188CaptainAvery: Allen, this isn't your dock. It belongs to the whole town, and that means strangers are welcome.{Changing gears - trying to be hospitable (despite a rough start) / Somber} *sigh* Sorry, you've caught us during a... difficult time.CaptainAvery: But Allen's got a point, not all visitors have good intentions. So, what's your business here?A1a
189CaptainAvery: *sigh* Sorry, you've caught us during a... difficult time.{Balancing hospitality - with some concern / Tired} But Allen's got a point, not all visitors have good intentions. So, what's your business here?Player Default: A young woman from the Commonwealth named Kasumi may have passed through here. Her family hired me to find her.A1a
190Player Default: A young woman from the Commonwealth named Kasumi may have passed through here. Her family hired me to find her.{Intrigued} Some sort of detective, huh? Well, she came through, all right.Companion: At least we know she made it this far.A1a
191Player Default: I didn't come all this way to be interrogated by the likes of you.{Surprised} What?CaptainAvery: Listen, stranger, if my tone is short it's because of dealing with knuckleheads like Allen Lee.B1a
192Player Default: I need information about a synth refuge on this island.{This is very common / Friendly} Another Commonwealth traveler looking for Acadia, then.AllenLee: Dammit. Mariner's incoming.X1a
193Player Default: What is this place?{Telling a grim tale / Somber} Well, in ancient times, this used to be a tourist town.Y1a
194{Somber} My people have lived here, and on the island, for generations.Y1b
195{Somber} But now everyone's crowded onto the docks just trying to survive another day.Y1c
196{Somber} We have more than our fair share of problems.Y1d
197{Hopeful, but a tinge of suspicion / Question} You aren't here to add to them, are you?Player Default: A young woman from the Commonwealth named Kasumi may have passed through here. Her family hired me to find her.Y1e
198Mariner: Something's coming through the Fog!{Very serious / Angry} You. Help us defend the town, and I'll answer any questions you have.A1a
199{Stern} Take a post at the top of the wall near the main gate.CaptainAvery: "The Hull" never lets us down. Now follow me!A1b
200CaptainAvery: Take a post at the top of the wall near the main gate.{Loud, prepping to go to battle / Stern} The Hull never lets us down. Now follow me!A1a
201DLC03MQ02_0200b_AllenUpsetAllenLee: I knew I should've wasted him.{Biting back anger at Allen - while trying to salvage this disaster of a welcome / Apologetic} Listen, stranger, if my tone is short it's because of dealing with knuckleheads like Allen Lee.CaptainAvery: This is no interrogation, more like a welcome party.A1a
202CaptainAvery: Listen, stranger, if my tone is short it's because of dealing with knuckleheads like Allen Lee.{Trying to be smooth, still irritated at Allen / Friendly} This is no interrogation, more like a welcome party.CaptainAvery: People don't come to Far Harbor unless they have a powerful good reason. Might be I can help.A1a
203CaptainAvery: This is no interrogation, more like a welcome party.{Diplomatic / Friendly} People don't come to Far Harbor unless they have a powerful good reason. Might be I can help.Player Default: A young woman from the Commonwealth named Kasumi may have passed through here. Her family hired me to find her.A1a
204DLC03MQ02_0200c_AveryToWallCaptainAvery: Be careful on the Hull, stranger! Don't fall off!{Solemn} If you do, we might not be able to rescue you in time.A1a
205{Brave face, seriously worried} Be careful on the Hull, stranger! Don't fall off!CaptainAvery: If you do, we might not be able to rescue you in time.A1a
206DLC03MQ02_0400_PostHullAvery{grim / Depressed} And now you see what we're up against.CaptainAvery: The Fog and the creatures it spits out have taken the whole island from my people.A
207AllenLee: The mainlander sees the sense in all this.{Tone of finality / Irritated} I will do everything in my power to keep the peace here. So go, Allen.CaptainAvery: Sorry for all... that.B1a
208AllenLee: And now the Fog's covering the whole island. But only after the Children came.{Tired of this argument, very firm} You know as well as I do, that's happened before.X1a
209{Stern} Sure, people have theories the Children are involved. But no one - and I mean no one - has proof.Player Default: Can we get back to business?X1b
210AllenLee: And that the Atom would wipe this whole place clean of us.{Grim as death, Allen is a murderer and deserves justice / Stern} If it were up to me, you'd hang for what you did to that preacher, Allen.Player Default: Can we get back to business?Y1a
211AllenLee: With the right people and my guns I can end those Children of Atom cultists for good.{Old argument - flare of irritation, raised volume / Irritated} The Fog's been here forever. The Children didn't make it.AllenLee: Before the rad eaters came, the Fog was under control. They come and it all goes wrong.A1a
212AllenLee: It's time we do something!{Apologetic to be having another scene in front of the player (dirty laundry) / Irritated} No need to burden the stranger with all this... nonsense.Player Default: Can we get back to business?A1a
213Player Default: Have the Children made the Fog worse?{100% convinced / Stern} Absolutely not. There's not one bit of evidence.AllenLee: Geiger counters don't lie, Avery. The Fog's gotten more lethal year over year.X1a
214Player Default: What's the deal with the Children of Atom?{The diplomat - trying to give a thoughtful answer / Thinking} They're religious folk. Worship the power of Atom. Which is... radiation, I guess?Y1a
215{Thinking} If you want details you'd have to find and ask them.Y1b
216{Irritated} We used to have a peace with them, until a certain hothead menace named Allen Lee-AllenLee: Now, that's enough. That preacher came into the Harbor saying that it was Atom's will that we lost our land.Y1c
217Player Default: What's the deal with the Children of Atom?{Is positive Allen's lying, disgust / Disbelief} Allen pulled a gun on him. He claims the preacher reached for his.Y2a
218{Tired / Tired} We don't have police. Or really any law. Just custom and popular sentiment.Y2b
219{Greatly disturbed by this miscarriage of justice / Somber} And after everything the preacher said, it was abundantly clear doing anything to Allen would've made matters worse.Player Default: Can we get back to business?Y2c
220DLC03FemaleCaptainAvery: And now you see what we're up against.{Sad / Somber} The Fog and the creatures it spits out have taken the whole island from my people.CaptainAvery: *sigh* But for your help when we needed it, you deserve this.A1a
221CaptainAvery: The Fog and the creatures it spits out have taken the whole island from my people.{Venom / Somber} *sigh* But for your help when we needed it, you deserve this.Player Default: If you manage to survive despite all that, you must be tough.A1a
222Player Default: If you manage to survive despite all that, you must be tough.{Wry amusement - cut off rudely / Amused} *chuckle* Ornery, more like. I-AllenLee: I'm done cowering behind your damned Hull, Avery.A1a
223Player Default: Everywhere I go, nobody's got it easy.{Sad - cut off rudely / Sad} No argument here. I-AllenLee: I'm done cowering behind your damned Hull, Avery.B1a
224Player Default: You've lost the whole island?{Thoughtful answer, maudlin / Thinking} The Fog's been here forever. There are good years when it recedes and the island's almost normal.X1a
225{Recollecting difficult times - tinged with real suffering / Sad} Then there are times where it spreads all over. And people have to cling to any patch of land free of the Fog.X1b
226{Very grim - things are DESPERATE / Somber} For the past... oh, eight years or so, it's been getting... as bad as it's ever been.X1c
227{A terrible fate / Sad} Now, Far Harbor's one of the only places left that's safe.Player Default: If you manage to survive despite all that, you must be tough.X1d
228Player Default: What's "The Fog"?{Like answering "Why do we breathe, daddy?" - whew, boy, where to start / Thinking} Where to begin? The Fog's radioactive, right?Y1a
229{Serious, solemn} But there are pockets of it, the Deep Fog, that are hard fallout. And as deadly as that is, that's only part of the problem.Y1b
230{Stern} Things live in the Fog. Thrive. You think what attacked the Harbor's bad? There's far worse further inland.Player Default: If you manage to survive despite all that, you must be tough.Y1c
231CaptainAvery: I will do everything in my power to keep the peace here. So go, Allen.{Sincere apology, tired / Apologetic} Sorry for all... that.CaptainAvery: You're here for Kasumi, right? She headed inland to the synth refuge, Acadia.A1a
232CaptainAvery: Sorry for all... that.You're here for Kasumi, right? She headed inland to the synth refuge, Acadia.CaptainAvery: Getting there will be dangerous. You'll need a guide: Old Longfellow.A1a
233CaptainAvery: Sorry for all... that.You're headed for Acadia, right?CaptainAvery: Getting there will be dangerous. You'll need a guide: Old Longfellow.A2a
234CaptainAvery: You're here for Kasumi, right? She headed inland to the synth refuge, Acadia.{Stern} Getting there will be dangerous. You'll need a guide: Old Longfellow.CaptainAvery: No one knows the Fog like him. But, word of warning, he's a bit of an acquired taste.A1a
235CaptainAvery: Getting there will be dangerous. You'll need a guide: Old Longfellow.{Apologetic} No one knows the Fog like him. But, word of warning, he's a bit of an acquired taste.Player Default: Thanks for the info.A1a
236Player Default: Thanks for the info.{A little uncertain, not used to people being nice to her} *grunt* Best place to look for Longfellow's at the bar. The Last Plank. And...CaptainAvery: Please... Lend a hand around town, if you're able. Even if it's slapped away, people like the Mariner and Cassie and others need help.A1a
237Player Default: I don't need a guide.{Emphasizing how important it is to have a guide - doesn't want the player's death on her conscience} I don't recommend going it alone. If you change your mind, best place to look for Longfellow is the bar. The Last Plank.B1a
238Before you do that, though...Companion: Finding our own way across a fog-covered, monster-infested island could take a while. A guide would speed things up.B1b
239Player Default: What can you tell me about Acadia?{Thinking} Ask Longfellow, he's the only one that's been there.Player Default: Thanks for the info.X1a
240Player Default: What's Old Longfellow's story?{Giving the jerk his due / Thinking} He's the best hunter on the island. Fearless, some say crazy...Y1a
241{Nervous} If someone needs to get to Acadia, he's the only one that'll do it. But...Y1b
242{A diplomat trying to say: "He's an asshole" / Nervous} People around here are known for being stubborn, willful, and other... less flattering things.Y1c
243{Stern} But Longfellow's got a reputation even among us.Player Default: Thanks for the info.Y1d
244Player Default: Before you do that, though...{Gently pleading - sincere. Important: These three lines need to carry the player through some rough people who may irritate the player. All heart. / Pleading} Please... Lend a hand around town, if you're able. Even if it's slapped away, peoCaptainAvery: And let me say something you might not hear again: thank you.A1a
245CaptainAvery: Please... Lend a hand around town, if you're able. Even if it's slapped away, people like the Mariner and Cassie and others need help.{Sincere - she doesn't say this lightly. / Grateful} And let me say something you might not hear again: thank you.A1a
246DLC03MQ02_Fight_HullWarningYour help won't be forgotten.A
247{SHOUTING: First to the player, then yelling an order to protect the player. / Stern} Watch yourself! Give him some covering fire!A1a
248{SHOUTING: First to the player, then yelling an order to protect the player. / Stern} Watch yourself! Give her some covering fire!A2a


249DLC03MQ02Fight_35_PreFightJared: The gate! Open the gate! I've got wounded out here!{Urgent, worried. Is there time? / Stern} Mariner?Mariner: There's no time. Look to the fog. They're coming.A1a
250DLC03MQ02Fight_40_Wave1StartJared: God. Defend yourselves!{Taking charge, shouting orders. / Stern} Ready, all! Fire at will!A1a
251DLC03MQ02Fight_50_Wave2Start{Startled. Another group of enemies is attacking. / Surprised} What the...? Hunters! Look out!A1a
252DLC03MQ02Fight_60_Wave3StartJared: Anglers!{Shouting orders. / Stern} Rally! Defend the Hull!A1a
253DLC03MQ02Fight_90_AllClearMariner: We're clear.{Exhausted. The fight's over, but they took heavy casualties. / Depressed} *Sigh...* All right.CaptainAvery: Open the gate!A1a
254Mariner: We're clear.{Exhausted. The fight's over; they did well. / Relieved} All right. Well done, all.CaptainAvery: Open the gate!A2a
255CaptainAvery: *Sigh...* All right.{Calling down an order for her men. / Stern} Open the gate!A1a


256DLC03MQ05_0300_AveryStart{Secretive / Conspiratorial} It's you. Listen, no more about... what we talked about before.Player Default: I have proof that DiMA killed the original Captain Avery. Here.A
257{Friendly} Nice to see you again.CaptainAvery: Everything's relatively quiet for once. Need something?A
258Player Default: These holotapes prove it. Listen.{Angry, denying! / Angry} I won't listen. It's lies. You're making it up.Player Default: These holotapes prove it. Listen.A1a
259Player Default: These holotapes prove it. Listen.{Trying to deny it then breaking down / Somber} They're fake... They're... Oh god.CaptainAvery: It's true, isn't it? I'm a synth.A2a
260Player Default: DiMA replaced you to control Far Harbor.{Firm, denial - it can't be true! / Defiant} He wouldn't do that. DiMA's always been reasonable... He's been friendly!Player Default: These holotapes prove it. Listen.B1a
261Player Default: DiMA replaced you to control Far Harbor.{Trying to deny it and then breaking down... / Somber} He... He wouldn't... He's... Oh god.CaptainAvery: It's true, isn't it? I'm a synth.B2a
262Player Default: I saw the real Avery's bones. This is her skull.{Luke Skywalker moment - You're not my father! / Defiant} It could be anyone. That's not my face!Player Default: These holotapes prove it. Listen.X1a
263Player Default: I saw the real Avery's bones. This is her skull.{Deflated, utterly shaken to her core / Somber} That's not... Not my... face... Oh god.CaptainAvery: It's true, isn't it? I'm a synth.X2a
264Player Default: I know it's a lot to take in, but the evidence is conclusive. You need to accept it.{Deflated, utterly shaken to her core / Somber} I... I... It's true isn't it?CaptainAvery: It's true, isn't it? I'm a synth.Y1a
265Player Default: I know it's a lot to take in, but the evidence is conclusive. You need to accept it.{Angry! / Angry} I don't know why you're doing this. But you've got to be lying!Player Default: These holotapes prove it. Listen.Y2a
266Player Default: They're fake... They're... Oh god.{Despairing, almost broken / Depressed} It's true, isn't it? I'm a synth.A1a
267{Despairing, almost broken / Depressed} Do you have any idea what it's like?A1b
268{Depressed} To learn everything you know, everything you believe... is a lie?Player Default: What you're going through... I'm so sorry...A1c
269DLC03FemaleCaptainAvery: Nice to see you again.{Friendly} Everything's relatively quiet for once. Need something?Player Default: I have proof that DiMA killed the original Captain Avery. Here.A1a
270Player Default: I have proof that DiMA killed the original Captain Avery. Here.{Reeling, surprised - shocked to her core / Disbelief} I... But that's... My locket. It was lost in a fire.CaptainAvery: And... the skull. It can't be...A1a
271Player Default: I'll be going.Bye, then.CaptainAvery: And... the skull. It can't be...B1a
272Player Default: What's your opinion of DiMA?{Thinking, trying to give a helpful answer / Thinking} We don't see him that often. He seems... Pious, I guess?X1a
273{A little sad, trying to be honest / Friendly} He rubs a lot of people the wrong way around here. So I'm glad he keeps to the Observatory. Why?Player Default: I have proof that DiMA killed the original Captain Avery. Here.X1b
274Player Default: What's the penalty for murder in Far Harbor?{Police giving an answer about procedure - stern, fair / Confident} We're too independent to really have laws. But if a murder can be proven, tradition is the culprit's executed.Y1a
275{Firm / Concerned} Extreme but it keeps the peace.Player Default: I have proof that DiMA killed the original Captain Avery. Here.Y1b
276Player Default: I... But that's... My locket. It was lost in a fire.{Shaky, nervous - almost puking / Disbelief} And... the skull. It can't be...CaptainAvery: Listen, I'm me. I remember everything.A1a
277CaptainAvery: And... the skull. It can't be...{Raised voice, not hysterical but on that road / Defiant} Listen, I'm me. I remember everything.CaptainAvery: I can't be... a synth. You're wrong.A1a
278CaptainAvery: Listen, I'm me. I remember everything.{Firm denial - but in her core she knows she's lying to herself / Disbelief} I can't be... a synth. You're wrong.Player Default: These holotapes prove it. Listen.A1a
279Player Default: What you're going through... I'm so sorry...{Regrouping to go forward, picking herself up / Depressed} The only thing...CaptainAvery: The only thing I can do now is live the way I believe is right.A1a
280Player Default: I don't trust you, Avery, or whatever you are.{Defiant here and picking herself up / Angry} Right now, I don't give a damn. Think...CaptainAvery: The only thing I can do now is live the way I believe is right.B1a
281Player Default: If you're lying to me, this is your one chance to come clean. Understood?{Unsteady - bearing her soul here / Thinking} I am... Well, I feel like I am Captain Avery.X1a
282{Voice could crack her, shaken to her core / Depressed} If I'm a synth they made me believe I'm her. I don't know why.Player Default: What you're going through... I'm so sorry...X1b
283Player Default: If you're lying to me, this is your one chance to come clean. Understood?{Shaken, but picking herself up / Irritated} I don't care what you think, I'm me. Or at least, I think I am.CaptainAvery: The only thing I can do now is live the way I believe is right.X2a
284Player Default: My whole world's been turned upside down, too. Friends, family. I understand.{You don't understand, these sentiments are of no help / Depressed} But at least you know you're you. Your tragedies are yours. And mine... *sigh*CaptainAvery: The only thing I can do now is live the way I believe is right.Y1a
285Player Default: The only thing...{Deep breath - resolve / Defiant} The only thing I can do now is live the way I believe is right.CaptainAvery: DiMA is a murderer. And a liar. And he should pay.A1a
286CaptainAvery: The only thing I can do now is live the way I believe is right.{More firm than angry / Defiant} DiMA is a murderer. And a liar. And he should pay.CaptainAvery: But if you share this... with anyone here, especially Allen Lee... Many innocent people will suffer.A1a
287CaptainAvery: DiMA is a murderer. And a liar. And he should pay.{Dire warning, bigger than her problems / Stern} But if you share this... with anyone here, especially Allen Lee... Many innocent people will suffer.CaptainAvery: Far Harbor's on the edge, and this will just push everyone right over it.A1a
288CaptainAvery: But if you share this... with anyone here, especially Allen Lee... Many innocent people will suffer.{Stern} Far Harbor's on the edge, and this will just push everyone right over it.CaptainAvery: Confront DiMA. If you can make him pay, do so. But, please, keep that evidence a secret.A1a
289CaptainAvery: Far Harbor's on the edge, and this will just push everyone right over it.{Pleading / Pleading} Confront DiMA. If you can make him pay, do so. But, please, keep that evidence a secret.Player Default: I'll keep your secret, Avery.A1a
290Player Default: I'll keep your secret, Avery.{Soooo relieved / Relieved} This isn't justice, it's mercy you've done here.A1a
291{Deeply grateful / Grateful} Everyone in Far Harbor and Acadia owes you dearly.A1b
292Player Default: Evidence like this is pretty important. Valuable. Hypothetically speaking, how much is it worth to you to keep it secret?{Angry but desperate / Angry} Damn you. If you won't do it for principle, then I have your caps.B1a
293{Pleading / Pleading} I can pay you 1300. Just promise to keep it secret.Player Default: I'll keep your secret, Avery.B1b
294Player Default: Evidence like this is pretty important. Valuable. Hypothetically speaking, how much is it worth to you to keep it secret?{Flash of anger, will not be blackmailed / Angry} If you're insinuating what I think you are... go to hell.B2a
295Player Default: I can't make any promises.{Reiterating warning, pleading / Stern} Far Harbor's barely holding itself together.X1a
296{Pleading} If you're careless with that...X1b
297Player Default: Aren't you saying that just to protect yourself?{Sad for herself, still unsteady / Sad} I've dedicated my life to trying to keep this rust bucket of an island in one piece.Y1a
298{Resolved / Defiant} And I'll be damned if this changes anything.Y1b
299{Confiding, but confident / Confident} Yes, I want to keep it secret, of course. But if you share that there will be blood.Player Default: I'll keep your secret, Avery.Y1c
300DLC03MQ05_0500a_AllenConfrontsAveryAllenLee: Avery. Where's your locket? The one your ma gave you?{Completely confused / Puzzled} Lost in a fire, you know that.AllenLee: Wrong. It's in a grave. Your grave.A1a
301AllenLee: Wrong. It's in a grave. Your grave.{Stunned, confused / Disbelief} What? Allen...AllenLee: Just shut the hell up.A1a
302DLC03MQ05_0500b_AveryAsksPC{Genuinely scared, it looks like Allen will kill her / Afraid} Please, stop him!AllenLee: You think the mainlander's going to help you?A1a
303DLC03MQ05_0700_JusticeForDiMADiMA: My long walk is over...What's this about?DiMA: People of Far Harbor.A1a
304DiMA: Early on during Acadia's founding, I murdered one of your own. I replaced them with one of mine.What? Who?DiMA: The identity of my... agent, must remain hidden. They are as much a victim in this as anyone. They will do you no further harm.A1a
305AllenLee: I say we end this bastard and then burn his whole god damned Acadia to the ground!{Quick - this could go explosively bad fast - trying to salvage it / Defiant} Allen. Enough. DiMA will pay for his crime. But not Acadia.A1a
306{Defiant} This path you want leads to murder. Cold blooded murder.AllenLee: We leave them be and we'll never know if they're killing and replacing us one by one.A1b
307DLC03MQ05_0700a1_JusticeForAvery{A judge passing sentence (with a lot of relief under the hood) / Somber} Allen, the Harbor's spoken. So this ends here.CaptainAvery: DiMA. Murder's a serious crime. There's only the one punishment for it.A1a
308CaptainAvery: Allen, the Harbor's spoken. So this ends here.{Judge / Somber} DiMA. Murder's a serious crime. There's only the one punishment for it.CaptainAvery: If you have any last words... Now's the time.A1a
309CaptainAvery: DiMA. Murder's a serious crime. There's only the one punishment for it.{Sad with great humanity / Sad} If you have any last words... Now's the time.DiMA: I'm sorry...A1a
310DiMA: I'm sorry...{Said with compassion / Somber} Mitch.A1a
311DLC03MQ05_0700a2_AveryEnd{Eloquent, speech - appealing to better nature / Somber} Every homestead, town, and people has a dark side.CaptainAvery: But if we're ever to know peace - we don't let the worst of us define us.A1a
312CaptainAvery: Every homestead, town, and people has a dark side.{Politician delivering a good persuasive speech / Somber} But if we're ever to know peace - we don't let the worst of us define us.CaptainAvery: So justice has been done. And I expect everyone to respect the peace between us and Acadia.A1a
313CaptainAvery: But if we're ever to know peace - we don't let the worst of us define us.{Stern} So justice has been done. And I expect everyone to respect the peace between us and Acadia.A1a
314DLC03MQ05_0700b1_JusticeForAllenAllenLee: Out of the way, Captain.{Raised volume, can't stop a murder! / Disbelief} Allen, no!A1a
315-Everything... The whole island's crazy. And you're the cause of it.A
316If you expect a "thank you" for sparing my life, you're sorely mistaken.A
317This can't be real. Acadia doesn't deserve this.A
318Please... what you showed me earlier. Keep it to yourself. Terrible things could happen if others saw it.


319DLC03MQ06_WindFarmHandling_AveryScene{Initially shocked, but you calm yourself with "Hmm." / Surprised} You... found what?A1a
320{Neutral} Hmm. So old DiMA has a contingency plan for us.A1b
321{You're aware that you're essentially entering into a hostage negotiation, but you're keeping your cool. / Neutral} Please. Tell me you have no intention of using it. Without power, nothing will hold back the Fog.Player Default: Don't worry. I'm not going to deactivate the condensers.A1c
322Player Default: Don't worry. I'm not going to deactivate the condensers.{Relieved. Someone with the ability to destroy your town just agreed not to. / Neutral} Thank god.CaptainAvery: I've just got one other thing to ask. Keep this quiet, all right?A1a
323Player Default: I haven't made up my mind.{Pleading} I know my people can be infuriating, but surely they don't all deserve to die.B1a
324{Pleading} Please, leave the wind farm alone. Here. I hope... this will help you make up your mind.CaptainAvery: I've just got one other thing to ask. Keep this quiet, all right?B1b
325Player Default: Not sure. What're you going to give me?{You're trying to keep your calm while being extorted. / Neutral} Our town really means that little to you? *sigh* Fine. I can do... 1000.X1a
326{You're trying to keep your calm while being extorted. / Irritated} It's yours if you promise not to harm the condensers.Player Default: Don't worry. I'm not going to deactivate the condensers.X1b
327Player Default: Not sure. What're you going to give me?{You're trying to keep your calm while being extorted. / Neutral} Here I thought I'd already given you a king's ransom. *sigh* Fine. I can do... 1000.X2a
328{You're trying to keep your calm while being extorted. / Irritated} It's yours if you promise not to harm the town.Player Default: Don't worry. I'm not going to deactivate the condensers.X2b
329Player Default: Not sure. What're you going to give me?{Trying to stay calm while being extorted. / Neutral} You'd really... look, I don't think we can spare more than 500, all right? So you're not going to do anything rash, right?Player Default: Don't worry. I'm not going to deactivate the condensers.X3a
330Player Default: You suspected DiMA?{Neutral} Nothing ever comes free, and DiMA just giving us power all these years?Y1a
331{Concerned} I figured he had some ulterior motive and this just confirms it. But... Can I trust you to not use that code?Player Default: Don't worry. I'm not going to deactivate the condensers.Y1b
332Player Default: You suspected DiMA?{Neutral} Considering what DiMA did to me - the old me... I put nothing past him.Y2a
333{Neutral} As twisted as he is, I'm more concerned with you.Y2b
334{Concerned} Do I need to be worried about your newfound knowledge?Player Default: Don't worry. I'm not going to deactivate the condensers.Y2c
335Player Default: Thank god.{Relieved. / Neutral} I've just got one other thing to ask. Keep this quiet, all right?A1a
336{Neutral} I'll trust you. But the others... I can't guarantee they'll be as understanding.CaptainAvery: And here. For being... civil.A1b
337CaptainAvery: I'll trust you. But the others... I can't guarantee they'll be as understanding.{Neutral} And here. For being... civil.A1a
338-{To yourself. A little angry. / Stern} Trusted our lives to that damned machine...
339{Pleading. / Pleading} Please... think of the town.
340{Seething. Someone has told you they're planning on destroying your town. Last two lines are shouted! / Angry} What? No! Stop him! He's going to sabotage the condensers! Help!
341{Seething. Someone has told you they're planning on destroying your town. Last two lines are shouted! / Angry} What? No! Stop her! She's going to sabotage the condensers! Help!