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Atomic Sprint! is a scenario for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare.

Story Introduction[]

An enemy force has taken over relay tower 0SC-527! The fake broadcast we were using to bring all the humans to the killing fields has been taken down, and the tower is being used for the opposite purpose. There is no alternative but to suicide bomb that tower to the ground!



  • Battlefield size: 4 feet x 4 feet (120 cm x 120 cm).
  • Terrain: Player's choice.

The Suiciders player starts the game with three Super Mutant Suiciders and another 100 Caps of Super Mutant models as their escort. The Friends of the Humans start the game with 300 Caps of models. Starting with the Suiciders player, place terrain on the battlefield in alternating order. Then, the Friends of the Humans player places a piece of terrain representing the tower relay. This must be placed Red from their edge of the board, aligned with the centre of the board. The Friends of the Humans deploy up to Red from their edge of the board. Then the Super Mutants deploy up to Red from their edge of the board. Initiative is resolved as normal.

Scenario rules[]

Game Duration: Until one of the victory conditions are met.


The goal of the Suiciders is to destroy the relay tower.

Additional rules[]

  • The relay tower can be shot at, and has the following profile (though it’s not a unit and cannot be activated):
Name Health Points Physical Armor Energy Armor Rad Armor
Relay Tower 10 3 1 0

Victory conditions[]

Side Condition Reward
Suiciders The relay tower is destroyed. The Suiciders earn 200 Caps.
Friends of the Humans The super mutants are killed The Friends of the Humans earns 200 Caps.

External links[]
