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This is a transcript for dialogue with Athletics instructor.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 Athletics_First_Intro 0042E4F0 I like your spirit; you get absolutely humiliated and get right back up! So, let's give it another go! Yeah!
2 0042E4F1 Welcome, campers! It's time to complete your athletics running test! Yeah!
3 Athletics_Second_Intro 0042E4F4 Hup, hup! You ready to put those legs to work? Because I'm ready! Born ready! Ready Freddy! Yeah!
4 Athletics_Third_Intro 0042E4F6 This is it! Your final race! Hopefully it's not your final, final race, but who knows! Death comes for us all eventually!
5 Athletics_Failure_Intro 0042E4F8 That's right, failure can't stop you, camper! No matter how soul crushing it might be. Time to try again!
6 0042E4F9 Back for more! Great! Embarrassment is nothing compared to the eternal dark void that awaits us beyond. So let's give it another shot!
7 Athletics_Champ_Intro 0042E4FB Look who it is! It's one of our alumni running champions! Here for another race? Yeah! Great!
8 0042E4FC Well, well! I told Mother that everyone doesn't always abandon me. Welcome back! Ready for another race?
9 0042E4FD A champion walks among us! Here to defend your running record? Let's get started!
10 Athletics_First_Race 0042E4DF Here's the rules: run to each checkpoint in the right order and reach the finish line before time runs out.
11 That's right, I'm timing this! Just like life's race against our own fleeting mortality, this is a race against the clock! Yeah!
12 Everyone ready? Great! On your mark... Get set... Go!
13 Athletics_Failure_Race 0042E4E4 Same rules as last time: run through each checkpoint in the right order and make it to the finish line in time!
14 Here we go! On your mark... Get set... Go, go, go!
15 Athletics_Third_Race 0042E4E7 Where was I... Ah, right! The rules: same as before. Go through each check point in the right order, get to the finish line in time.
16 You've got this! I believe in you! On your mark... Get set... Go!
17 Athletics_Failure_Race 0042E4EA Remember: run through each checkpoint in the right order and get to the finish line before time runs out.
18 Do your best! On your mark... Get set... Go!
19 Athletics_Champ_Race 0042E4ED Here's the rules: hit each checkpoint in order, get to the finish line before time runs out, run like the crushing tidal wave of reality is hot on your heels.
20 On your mark... Get set... Go!
21 M01C_Athletics_Chirps 00417A25 Looking good out there! Keep it up!
22 Hup, hup, hup, hup!
23 Knees up, camper! That's the way!
24 Run like your life depends on it! Because based on reports from the Surgeon General, it does!
25 You can do it, I believe in you!
26 Keep it up! What's the worst that can happen? Dying? Well, that's always the case, so do your best!
27 That's right, show some hustle!
28 00417A24 Time is almost up, but don't stop now!
29 Better shake a leg, time is almost up!
30 Time's running out! Move it, campers, you can do it!
31 Tick tock, tick tock! Time is ticking, campers!
32 Like your time on this Earth, this race won't last forever! Better hurry!
33 Time is running out! Pick up the pace! You've got this!
34 M01C_Athletics_Results 00417A22 Wow, you did it! Great job! But that's only the first race. Head on over to the next course.
35 0042EDF8 You did it! I can't believe it. Oh, wait, yes I can, because I always believed in you! Time for the final race!
36 Make your way to the next course! Don't pull a muscle on the way, you'll need your strength.
37 0042EDFA You win! You did it! You've managed to do something more impressive than anything I've ever done in my entire life. Good for you!
38 00417A21 You've completed your running requirements for your Athletics badge. I'm so proud of you! Yeah! Way to go!
39 M01C_Athletics_Failure 004266C5 Oh no! You failed! If you failed, then I failed, and Mother hates a failure. Please give it another try, okay?
40 0042EDFC Oh brother! Too slow! Don't worry, we all fail sometimes. That's why I'm stuck doing this in the first place! Want to try again?
41 0042EDFD Time's up! You're going to have to try a little harder next time. Chin up, I believe in you! Let's go again.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
4 00421784 004219B6 Sorry, friend! This course is for Pioneer Scouts only!