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This is a transcript for dialogue with Arturo Rodriguez.


1CIS_ChatWithNPC_Deacon_DiamondCityArturo{Matter of fact} Geiger counter, bud?Companion: Mine is in the shop.A1a
2Companion: Mine is in the shop.{Double-speak - speaking to a spy, element of danger} You the guy about the article?Companion: The one and only.A1a
3Companion: The one and only.{Hushed, double-speak vital information to a spy} I'd be careful around here. The target keeps late hours with strange visitors.Companion: That's not proof.A1a
4Companion: That's not proof.{Defensive} Hey, not even Piper's dug up anything more yet.Companion: Got it. Keep your head down and no heroics.A1a


5ConvDiamondCityGenericArturo01SceneGenericNPC: Got any recommendations, Arturo?It all depends on where and what you need to protect.A1a
6Take the home, for example. A shotgun's great for its intimidation factor. Robbers might run off without you even needing to fire.GenericNPC: I'm more worried about personal protection. You know, someone coming at you when you're not expecting.A1b
7GenericNPC: I'm more worried about personal protection. You know, someone coming at you when you're not expecting.Small semi-automatic with a good holster is what you're looking for.GenericNPC: Thanks. I'll think about it.A1a
8ConvDiamondCityGenericArturo02Scene{handmade as in "handmade pistol"} You still carrying that old handmade around? I'm telling you, the grip on that thing is just going to fall off one of these days.GenericNPC: Hasn't so far. You think I'm just going to buy a new gun because of a bad grip?A1a
9GenericNPC: Hasn't so far. You think I'm just going to buy a new gun because of a bad grip?Who's talking about a new gun?A1a
10I can sell you a properly machined grip at a discount, and you can install it yourself.GenericNPC: Hmm... Not a bad idea. Maybe next time.A1b


11ArturoGreetScene{friendly} Hey. You're the new guy, right?Player Default: Yeah. I'm the new guy.A
12{friendly} New guy, am I right?Player Default: Yeah. I'm the new guy.A
13{friendly} It's the new guy. That's you, right?Player Default: Yeah. I'm the new guy.A
14{friendly} You're that new girl, right?Player Default: Yeah. I'm the new guy.A
15{friendly} Hey, you're the new girl, right?Player Default: Yeah. I'm the new guy.A
16{friendly} Hey, it's the new girl. Am I right?Player Default: Yeah. I'm the new guy.A
17{generic "coming from another conversation and getting back to business" line} Hey, why don't we get back to talking weapons?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
18{generic "coming from another conversation and getting back to business" line} Anyway, let's talk you and protection.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
19{generic "coming from another conversation and getting back to business" line} Now, let's get back to talking shop.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
20{Mayor McDonough revealed to be a Synth and is dead or gone / Depressed} You know, I sold McDonough that gun he had. If I had known what he was... *sigh*...Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
21Got some great stuff if you're interested.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
22We can talk guns, or maybe you wanna consider something more up close and personal?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
23If you're looking to keep your load light, we can shoot the breeze about the old-fashioned pistol, or anything else you need.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
24Everything I got will keep you safe.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
25You know, a shotgun's great insurance against Raiders, but I got a lot of options here.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
26If you're thinking safety, a long-range rifle let's you stay in cover and out of sight. But you might want a secondary weapon, for flexibility.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
27You need protection. Everyone does.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
28Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{showing your wares} Everything hand-tooled...A1a
29Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{showing your wares} Self defense at its best.A2a
30Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{showing your wares} Don't forget to stock up on ammo.A3a
31Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{showing your wares} Something for everyone.A4a
32Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{showing your wares} Feel free to test the grips.A5a
33Player Default: Not interested.All right.B1a
34Player Default: Not interested.Another time then.B2a
35Player Default: Not interested.Well, we're always here.B3a
36Player Default: Not interested.Sure. No pressure.B4a
37Player Default: Not interested.Feel free to come back anytime.B5a
38Player Default: I'll think about it.Take your time.X1a
39Player Default: I'll think about it.Sure. Let me know.X2a
40Player Default: I'll think about it.No problem.X3a
41Player Default: I'll think about it.I'll be here if you need me.X4a
42Player Default: I'll think about it.Hey, no rush.X5a
43Player Default: The new guy?{friendly, chuckling / Apologetic} Word kind of travels fast in Diamond City. What can I say?Y1a
44{friendly} Name's Arturo Rodriguez. If you need protection, let's talk.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.Y1b
45Player Default: Yeah. I'm the new guy.{friendly} Well, it's good to have you here. Name's Arturo Rodriguez. If you need protection, let's talk.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A1a
46Player Default: Got me mistaken for someone else.{Puzzled} Mistaken, huh? Okay. Whatever. Well, my name's Arturo, and I sell protection if you're here to buy.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.B1a
47Player Default: Depends on who's asking.{friendly} Name's Arturo. I sell protection, if you're looking to buy.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.X1a
48Player Default: Can I pay with my charge card?{player is trying to pay with a "charge card" - it looks like a worthless piece of plastic} You're kidding, right? Caps only, friend.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.Y1a
49Player Default: So you know weapons, huh?{passionate, knowledgeable} Listen, I can sell you guns, swords, whatever. And they'll keep you alive for sure. But the real secret is in the mods. The little personal touches.Y2a
50Install a scope, expand the clip size, whatever. You spend time with your gear, and you'll have the right answer to every problem.Y2b
51Anyway, let's get back to you, and what kind of protection you need.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.Y2c
52ArturoMQ103ScenePlayer Default: Thanks, Arturo.{Concerned} Yeah, well, good luck. Hope you find your kid.A1a
53Player Default: People don't like me going there, that's their problem.{Irritated} It was just a friendly warning. Some of us live here, okay?B1a
54Anyway, good luck finding your kid.B1b
55Player Default: Oh no. Gossip. My only weakness.{slightly annoyed / Irritated} Yeah, well, some of us live here, all right?X1a
56Anyway, good luck finding your kid.X1b
57Player Default: Why don't people like the detective agency?{Nervous} Look, if you ask me, Valentine is a good guy. Saved a lot of lives. But other people think he's just going to bring the Institute's attention.Player Default: Thanks, Arturo.Y1a
58Player Default: Arturo, right? I'm just asking for information. That's all.{persuaded to help, feel guilty about not helping before / Nervous} *sigh* Okay... There's someone who might be able to help.ArturoAlias: The alley behind the market. There's a detective agency. Valentine's. You'll see the signs.A1a
59Player Default: Fine. I'll ask somewhere else.{still a bit nervous / Nervous} Sorry again.ArturoAlias: The alley behind the market. There's a detective agency. Valentine's. You'll see the signs.B1a
60Player Default: What if I made it worth your while?{feeling guilty about not helping, changing your mind, but still nervous talking about it / Depressed} Nah, look, put the money away. I'll... I'll help you.ArturoAlias: The alley behind the market. There's a detective agency. Valentine's. You'll see the signs.X1a
61{player asks about finding a missing child, you're suddenly very nervous, afraid the Institute is listening in / Nervous} Ah. Look. I want to take care of my customers, but with all that talk about the Institute in the papers...A1a
62{Nervous} I just can't get involved in someone else's problems, okay?Player Default: Arturo, right? I'm just asking for information. That's all.A1b
63Player Default: What's this Institute everyone keeps talking about?{Nervous} You don't know? They make the synths. Those machines that look like people?Y1a
64{Nervous} They say if you're not careful you'll get... replaced. By a synth double. Or maybe they'll just send someone you thought was human to kill you.Y1b
65{Nervous} So, you understand? I can't just stick my foot into other people's business. Sorry, but what if the Institute is involved?Player Default: Arturo, right? I'm just asking for information. That's all.Y1c
66Player Default: What's this Institute everyone keeps talking about?{Nervous} I said, they're machines that look like humans. Some of them you can't even tell the difference.Y2a
67{Nervous} And if that wasn't bad enough, the ones that do look like robots just go around killing whole towns off. Collecting what's left for God knows what.Y2b
68{Nervous} I hear University Point got hit a while back. Nothing there but the synths now.Player Default: Arturo, right? I'm just asking for information. That's all.Y2c
69Player Default: *sigh* Okay... There's someone who might be able to help.The alley behind the market. There's a detective agency. Valentine's. You'll see the signs.A1a
70{people don't like to talk about the detective agency, it's a business no one admits going to / Nervous} But don't tell anyone you're going there, okay? Folks don't like that place. Surprised it's even still open.Player Default: Thanks, Arturo.A1b
71-You all right?
73{friendly, but a bit confused} Uh... I'm waiting...
74{barking sales pitches in the marketplace to a crowd of about half a dozen people} Protection for sale! Hand-tooled pieces!
75{barking sales pitches in the marketplace to a crowd of about half a dozen people} Don't walk outside the Wall undefended! High quality protection for sale.
76{barking sales pitches in the marketplace to a crowd of about half a dozen people} Need some custom hardware? We got a free workbench for all your modifications. Scopes, clip sizes, barrels.
77{barking sales pitches in the marketplace to a crowd of about half a dozen people} We got small arms, long arms, ammunition!
78{barking sales pitches in the marketplace to a crowd of about half a dozen people} Don't be caught dead! Protection from Commonwealth Weaponry.
79{store is closed and you're relaxing around town} Hey there. You should stop by my stall in the morning. Commonwealth Weaponry.
80{store is closed and you're relaxing around town} I've been dealing guns all my life. So did my dad. One day, my daughter's gonna pick up the mantle.
81{store is closed and you're relaxing around town} You have kids? My daughter's shy, but oh lord, she goes through books like mad.
82You take care.


83-{a man has another man at gunpoint, you're in the crowd watching / Nervous} Keep your head down. There's trouble...A
84{the police just shot a crazed gunman / Nervous} Glad Security took care of that madman.A