Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Arnold was an intern who worked at Galaxy News Network in 2077.


Arnold worked with the announcer of a Special LIVE report on Vault 33, writing the script for the special. The reporter hosting the show became increasingly frustrated with Arnold's work, and how he kept giving him advertisements instead of news stories to read. As the reporter's frustration with Arnold grew, he questioned how Arnold had even got his job in the first place, flat out asking if he had been hired because of nepotism. Arnold told him that his uncle was the general manager of Galaxy News. He also noted that Arnold appeared to be fifteen despite really being twenty-three.

As the Special LIVE report continued, the reporter became even more frustrated by Arnold's unprofessional scripting and information gathering. The reporter continued to chide Arnold for not knowing how to do his job, as Arnold did not respond properly to situations and failed to answer the reporter's questions. The reporter became so infuriated with Arnold that he had an emotional breakdown live on air and insulted Arnold for being single while questioning his own will to live and the meaning of life.

At one point, the reporter questioned whether Arnold himself had secured a spot in a Vault and was dismayed to discover that he and Arnold had both been assigned to live in the same Vault. However, the reporter eventually warmed to the idea of spending his life in a Vault with Arnold on the condition that the Vault tour would finally begin.[1]


Arnold's muffled voice can be heard several times in Fallout - A Special LIVE Report from Galaxy News.

