Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

The Appalachia Veterinary Specialty Center was a pre-War specialized animal hospital in West Virginia.


After Bill Thomas's dog Winston stopped eating and began losing weight, his owner took him to the Lewisburg Veterinary Clinic. After numerous test, Doctor A.C. Olsen diagnosed Winston with large cell lymphoma, and recommended treatment at the Appalachia Veterinary Specialty Center.[1] Thomas would get medicine from the center, but it didn't seem to have any effect on his dog's health. He decided to put the medicine in the aerosolizer at his farm so Winston would constantly be exposed. Instead, it had the unintended effect of mutating several deer into "something unnatural."[2]


The Appalachia Veterinary Specialty Center is mentioned only in the Fallout 76 update Wild Appalachia.

