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This is a transcript for dialogue with AntAgonizer.


GREETING GREETING Disgust 50 So, Mechanist! You've come to throw yourself on the mercy of the Ant Queen? 1
Happy 75 Very well! We shall grant you the kindest of our gifts for any human. A swift death! 2
GREETING Anger 50 At last, I've come to destroy the Mechanist's precious Forge. And no minion of his will stop me! {annoyed} 3
Happy 80 Now, face death from the AntAgonizer! 4
GREETING Sad 50 Please, just leave me alone. I want to leave all of this behind me. {annoyed} 5
GREETING Anger 75 Who dares interrupt the AntAgonizer? Begone! {annoyed} 6
GREETING Anger 75 I have no time to waste with you. Far more important matters await the attention of the AntAgonizer! {annoyed} 7
GREETING Surprise 50 At last, you've pried the shell off of that meaty little Mechanist. Give it to me! {slyly telling the player to hand over the suit} 8
GREETING Happy 50 My spies tell me that meddling Mechanist has been removed from the picture. I only wish I had that tin-man's shell to gloat over! 9
Anger 50 Bring me the suit of the Mechanist, and then we can talk. 10
GREETING Happy 50 Excellent. Now, peel that tin-man's suit from his corpse and bring it to me. I wish to examine it more closely. 11
Anger 50 Bring me the suit of the Mechanist, and then we can talk. 12
GREETING Anger 50 You don't have the Mechanist's suit. Don't waste my time until you've brought me that prize! 13
GREETING Anger 50 So, at last you've penetrated the court of the AntAgonizer, Queen of All Ants! 14
Disgust 75 Were you sent by that meddling Mechanist? He'll learn that no one can stand before my royal regiment of fighting ants! 15
Anger 75 Explain yourself! Why shouldn't I have my pretties kill you where you stand? {angry voice raised} 16
GREETING Anger 50 You again! What is it, now? 17
GREETING Anger 50 Make this fast. I have royal matters to ponder. 18
GREETING Happy 100 Hahaha! Bow, peasant! Bow before the Ant Queen! {evil maniacal laughter} 19
GREETING Anger 75 I have no time to waste with you. Far more important matters await the attention of the AntAgonizer! {annoyed} 20
MS02AntOrigin You got this "AntAgonizer" idea from a comic, didn't you? Surprise 75 What? No! No children's book could possibly capture the true depth of the AntAgonizer! {She totally did, but she's surprised anyone else could know, and trying (badly) to cover it up} 21
MS02AntOrigin2A I read that the AntAgonizer was an orphaned girl who could still be redeemed. Surprise 75 You... You really believe that? {Shocked, totally dropping her facade} 22
Sad 25 When I read that comic, it made explained so much. Where I came from, who I was destined to be, what I had to do... 23
Sad 50 But it never said the AntAgonizer could ever have a chance to go back to being normal. It never said I had a chance... 24
Sad 25 Please... I think I've made some terrible mistakes. If you really think I still have a chance, just let me go. 25
Sad 50 I'll give you the suit. No one ever has to see the AntAgonizer again. Just please, let me have another chance. {Pleading} 26
MS02AntOrigin2B From what I read, Grognak totally kicked her ass! Anger 75 Lies! Grognak could never defeat me! He's not even real! Not like the AntAgonizer! 27
Anger 50 I'll have no more of your insolence! Ant royal guards, kill this interloper! 28
MS02Retire We all make mistakes, but there's still a chance for us. I believe in you. Surprise 75 You're wrong. Humans are cruel, hurtful beasts! They can't be saved... we can't be... {Growing uncertainty} 29
Sad 75 I can't... I can't go back. But I can't keep doing this. I can't be as bad as they were. Not if someone like you believes in me. {Hinting at people in her past who hurt her} 30
Neutral 50 Please... I think I've made some terrible mistakes. If you really think I still have a chance, just let me go. 31
Neutral 50 I'll give you the suit. No one ever has to see the AntAgonizer again. Just please, let me have another chance. 32
Humanity's made mistakes, but there's still a chance for us. And for you, Tanya. Surprise 75 You're wrong. Humans are cruel, hurtful beasts! They can't be saved... we can't be... {Growing uncertainty} 33
Sad 75 I can't... I can't go back. But I can't keep doing this. I can't be as bad as they were. {Hinting at people in her past who hurt her} 34
Neutral 50 Please... I think I've made some terrible mistakes. If you really think I still have a chance, just let me go. 35
Neutral 50 I'll give you the suit. No one ever has to see the AntAgonizer again. Just please, let me have another chance. 36
Humanity's made mistakes, but there's still a chance for us. Surprise 50 Perhaps... {Appearing to consider the player's words.} 37
Anger 75 But I'll snuff those chances soon enough. Now, my royal guard, kill this commoner! 38
MS02RetireNo Now that I have your suit, I'd say you don't have a chance at all. Time to die. Surprise 75 What?! No! {Shocked and betrayed} 39
MS02RetireYes Certainly. Good luck in your new life. Sad 25 Thank you. I don't know how I can... {Sincere and overwhelmed} 40
Happy 10 Just... thank you. {Sincere, and maybe a little hopeful.} 41
MS02SuitChallenge Don't waste your time with this suit. It isn't worthy of your attention. Happy 75 You're right. Why bother with a trophy of one pitiful human, when I can go forth and make a trophy of the entire world! 42
Neutral 50 But when the time comes, remember: as a friend of the Ant Queen's court, you will know the mercy of a quick, painless death. {Said in a warm manner, as if it's a rare gift} 43
Neutral 50 Now, leave me. I must prepare to leave the pitiful town of Canterbury and plan for greater conquests. 44
MS02SuitNo If you want the suit, you'll have to take it from me. Anger 75 Very well. I never got a chance to take it from the Mechanist's corpse, so yours will have to do. {angry and about to start combat} 45
MS02SuitReitreExit My apologies, Ant Queen. Please, continue. Anger 50 As I thought. Now, give me the Mechanist's suit! 46
MS02SuitRetire1 Wait. First, let's talk about what you've been doing. Anger 50 You would dare to tell the AntAgonizer to wait? No human commands the Ant Queen! 47
Anger 10 But as you have defeated my nemesis, I will allow you to talk. Quickly. 48
MS02SuitWhy Why do you want the suit? Happy 50 Isn't it only fitting to gloat over the corpse of one's fallen foe? To revel in a victory over a larger and stronger opponent overcome? {angry and about to start combat} 49
Anger 25 If I couldn't be there to personally strip the facade from the iron interloper, the least I am owed is a chance to gloat over his shell. 50
MS02SuitYes Here, you can have it. Just move on and leave Canterbury alone. Happy 65 Excellent. It shall make a fine memento of a nemesis bested. A trophy of a foe... antagonized! {Over the top, and relishing using her super-name. like a cheesy supervillain.} 51
Happy 50 For your loyal assistance, take this blade. Its sting carries the venom of a thousand ants, and your foes shall tremble before it! 52
Happy 75 Now that the tin-plated menace is no more, I shall take my leave of this town. I do believe it's time for my colony to spread. {with evil maniacal glee} 53
Your ants are a joke. Time to die, crazy lady! Anger 50 My loyal subjects are the result of 100 million years of evolution, and they'll outlive your pitiful kind. We'll see who has the last laugh! {haughty} 54
Disgust 50 Now, my ant royal guard... Kill this unruly peasant! {Loudly, as if calling for guards.} 55
Your days of terrorizing the town are over. Give up and you won't get hurt. Surprise 50 Ha ha! You would walk here and presume to command me? {haughty condescending amusement} 56
Disgust 65 Humanity's time has come to an end. Your kind died because it knew only petty bickering and wars. 57
Happy 75 But not so, the noble ant! It works with its brethren, knowing only loyalty and duty. And this is why they have grown, while humanity crumbled! 58
Neutral 50 Once I've finished with that pathetic Mechanist, I will be free to spread my colonies across the Wastes! 59
Relax. I'm here to help you get rid of that Mechanist character. Surprise 75 This is an unexpected surprise! A human who understands its place. {almost to herself.} 60
Neutral 50 One who realizes that ants are destined to walk this land, while humans and their toys are destined only to rot beneath it? {almost to herself.} 61
Happy 75 Perhaps, even a human who wants to join the winning side, yes? One that would humbly beg admittance to the ant queen's court? {almost to herself.} 62
MS02SuperheroExplain2a You do realize you're not really an ant... right? Surprise 65 Of course I do! Do you think I'm insane?! {Sounding slightly insane.} 63
Neutral 50 Why, with this suit, I'm more than any ant could hope to be! And ten times more than any mere mortal like you or the Mechanist! 64
Neutral 50 But now, the time for your prattle has come to an end. If you shall not bow before your ant queen, then bleed before the AntAgonizer! 65
MS02SuperheroExplain2b Without your suit, you're just a normal human like anyone else. Anger 50 Lies! Unlike the rest of you peasants, I was born for greatness. I was never meant to crawl in the muck of mankind! 66
Disgust 50 But the ants knew my destiny. When I was but a larva, they rescued me from my filthy human family. {Disgusted at the thought of her family, and speaking of them as if they did horrible things.} 67
Happy 75 They saw my nobility, and they saved me from a human life of fear and pain. Now, I will lead them to their glorious future! {Deeply deranged, and with a suggestion that she saw a lot of fear and pain as a child} 68
Without your suit, you're just a normal human like anyone else. Anger 50 Lies! Unlike the rest of you peasants, I was born for greatness. I was never meant to crawl in the muck of mankind! 69
Disgust 50 But the ants knew my destiny. When I was but a larva, they rescued me from my filthy human family. {Disgusted at the thought of her family, and speaking of them as if they did horrible things.} 70
Happy 75 They saw my nobility, and they saved me from a human life of fear and pain. Now, I will lead them to their glorious future! {Deeply deranged, and with a suggestion that she saw a lot of fear and pain as a child} 71
MS02SuperheroExplain2c Maybe you're right. Maybe I should join your side. Disgust 75 Yes, you would join me in fighting the Mechanist! Him and his little tin men, made by humans to kill humans for other humans. {dripping with disgust and loathing} 72
Happy 50 Would you turn your back on humanity's failings? Would you join the ant court in our destruction of the Mechanist and his hubris? 73
MS02SuperheroExplain3a I swear, we will destroy the Mechanist and his pitiful toys! Happy 65 Excellent! Rise, my loyal soldier, and prepare for battle! We leave to fight the Mechanist immediately! Humanity shall fall; our colony shall feast! {gleefully} 74
Surprise 75 But... wait. I sense an intruder into my royal lair! 75
Anger 75 Who dares interrupt my celebration? {screaming fury and disbelief at the insolence of the offender. Emil knows how this line should sound.} 76
Anger 50 It must be the Mechanist! His meddlesome metal army is already inside! Destroy them! 77
MS02SuperheroExplain3b There's bound to be a peaceful solution. I'll try to convince him to give up. Disgust 40 Ha! When it comes to the struggle for power, there is no peace! There is only strength and conflict! {condescending} 78
Disgust 60 But... the Mechanist might just be foolish enough to give up. He believes in logic, and reason, and other tools of human weakness. {Tremendous disgust in the use of the words "logic" and "reason"} 79
Happy 50 Yes, go to the Mechanist and talk. Meanwhile, I will stay here and prepare for war! {Tremendous disgust in the use of the word "talk"} 80
MS02SuperheroExplain3c I don't give a damn about your court. I just want the Mechanist dead. Happy 40 You're a rebellious little soldier, but I respect your strength. You may work with my colony for now. Humanity shall fall and our colony shall feast! {A little surprised at the impertinence, a little pleased.} 81
Surprise 75 But.. wait. I sense an intruder into my royal lair! 82
Anger 75 Who dares interrupt my celebration? {screaming fury and disbelief at the insolence of the offender. Emil knows how this line should sound.} 83
Anger 50 It must be the Mechanist! His meddlesome metal army is already inside! Destroy them! 84
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Happy 50 Perhaps humanity isn't dead yet, but I'll be sure to help it along. Its writhing corpse shall feed my colony well. {Emphasis on the "Yet". Positively delicious satisfaction in the phrase "feed my colony well"} 85
Anger 50 Now, my royal ant guard... kill this commoner! 86
SpeechChallengeFailure Anger 25 Oh, but it is. His hollowed shell will be an effigy - a warning to the rest of mankind! 87
SpeechChallengeFailure Happy 50 Perhaps humanity isn't dead yet, but I'll be sure to help it along. Its writhing corpse shall feed my colony well. {Emphasis on the "Yet". Positively delicious satisfaction in the phrase "feed my colony well"} 88
Anger 50 Now, my royal ant guard... kill this commoner! 89


GOODBYE I have to go now. Anger 100 Well, then, get going! I'm busy plotting! {cranky} 90
I have to go now. Anger 100 At last, I can be done with your distracting prattle. {cranky} 91
HELLO HELLO Anger 100 You are in the presence of ant royalty! {regal and a little deranged} 92
MS02Battle MS02Confrontation Neutral 50 Now, fool, tremble before the might of the AntAgonizer! {evil super villain shouting while her armies of ants destroy an innocent town} 93
MS02Confrontation Neutral 50 You and your pathetic tin cans are no match for my army! Muahahaha! {evil super villain shouting down from rooftop while his armies of ants destroy an innocent town} 94
MS02Confrontation Neutral 50 Ha! We'll see about that! Attack, my ant soldiers! Destroy this fool and his tin toys! {evil super villain shouting down from rooftop while his armies of ants destroy an innocent town} 95
MS02Confrontation Neutral 50 Face it, Mechanist! Humans and their toys are done for. They killed themselves off with their petty wars! {evil super villain shouting down from rooftop while his armies of ants destroy an innocent town} 96
MS02Confrontation Happy 50 Fool! Humanity's creations were the seeds of their undoing. And now, the world will belong to the AntAgonizer! {evil super villain shouting down from rooftop while his armies of ants destroy an innocent town} 97
MS02BattleFlee MS02BattleFlee Anger 50 Another do-gooder? No matter! My plans can wait for now, Mechanist! {Over-the-top super-villain} 98
MS02BattleFlee Anger 50 What's this? A new minion? We'll settle this another day, AntAgonizer! {Over-the-top super-villain} 99


Flee Flee Anger 50 What's this? Another do-gooder? You haven't seen the last of me, Mechanist! 100