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This is a transcript for dialogue with Allie Filmore.


1DialogueInstituteAllieFirstGreetingScene{Measuring, sizing up the player} They weren't kidding. You really are here.AllieFilmore: Well, all right. I'm Allie... Allie Filmore. You can think of me as the Institute's Chief Engineer.A
2AllieFilmore: The work we do might not be as exciting as some of the other departments, but it's at least as important.{Hopeful} So, now that you're here and you've spoken to Father, does that mean you're on board?Player Default: Absolutely.A1a
3Player Default: I just wanted to find my son and keep him safe.{Proud} Now that you've found him, I hope you're proud of the great man he grew up to be.AllieFilmore: Now, I'll give you a quick run-down of the Facilities division, and then I'll answer any questions you might have afterward.A1a
4Player Default: I wanted to kill the son-of-a-bitch who murdered my wife.{Disapproval / Stern} Kellogg always was a cold bastard. If you ask me, we're better off without him.AllieFilmore: Now, I'll give you a quick run-down of the Facilities division, and then I'll answer any questions you might have afterward.B1a
5Player Default: I guess I just wasn't ready to die yet.{Sympathetic} That's understandable. The will to survive is the most basic human instinct.AllieFilmore: Now, I'll give you a quick run-down of the Facilities division, and then I'll answer any questions you might have afterward.X1a
6Player Default: What makes you ask? I'm a complete stranger to you.{Guilty admission / Sad} I suppose when I heard your story I just... well, I felt sorry for you.Y1a
7{Sad / Sad} You've suffered more tragedy than any one person deserves. Your whole world is gone.Y1b
8{Abashed} I'm sorry. I know that was a very personal question.AllieFilmore: Now, I'll give you a quick run-down of the Facilities division, and then I'll answer any questions you might have afterward.Y1c
9Player Default: Take your time; get yourself acquainted. There's a lot to take in; plenty of things you won't find top-side.{Friendly conversation} If there's anything else you'd like to know about the Facilities division, I'm happy to discuss it.Player Default: It must be a challenge to meet the power demands of a place like this.A1a
10NPCFAllieFilmore: They weren't kidding. You really are here.{Friendly greeting} Well, all right. I'm Allie... Allie Filmore. You can think of me as the Institute's Chief Engineer.A1a
11{Sympathetic} When Father told us about you, I could hardly believe it. You've been through so much, I think most people would have just given up.A1b
12{Friendly, impressed} If you don't mind my asking, what was it that kept you going all that time?Player Default: I just wanted to find my son and keep him safe.A1c
13Player Default: Now that you've found him, I hope you're proud of the great man he grew up to be.Now, I'll give you a quick run-down of the Facilities division, and then I'll answer any questions you might have afterward.A1a
14As you might guess, we keep the Institute's mechanical and electrical systems running smoothly.A1b
15We maintain and upgrade all of the systems that make it possible to live and work in a place like this.A1c
16There's a lot of machinery behind these walls that recycles the air and water and provides power to the laboratories and quarters.A1d
17The work we do might not be as exciting as some of the other departments, but it's at least as important.AllieFilmore: So, now that you're here and you've spoken to Father, does that mean you're on board?A1e
18Player Default: Absolutely.Good to hear. It'll be a load off Shaun's mind.A1a
19Take your time; get yourself acquainted. There's a lot to take in; plenty of things you won't find top-side.AllieFilmore: If there's anything else you'd like to know about the Facilities division, I'm happy to discuss it.A1b
20Player Default: I'm not on board with anything.No? And yet here you are, poking around. One might find that... suspicious.B1a
21If you're not planning on staying, I'd recommend keeping your hands to yourself. Wouldn't want to give the impression you're up to something.B1b
22And consider having another talk with Shaun. He really is anxious to have you with us.AllieFilmore: If there's anything else you'd like to know about the Facilities division, I'm happy to discuss it.B1c
23Player Default: I'm just looking around.{suspicious} I see. Well, please do mind what you touch. Sensitive equipment here, not like top-side.AllieFilmore: If there's anything else you'd like to know about the Facilities division, I'm happy to discuss it.X1a
24Player Default: On board with what?The Institute, of course.Y1a
25Shaun implied you operated on a level if not equal, then at least similar to, the rest of us. Curious.AllieFilmore: If there's anything else you'd like to know about the Facilities division, I'm happy to discuss it.Y1b
26DialogueInstituteAllieSubsequentScene{Respect, admiration / Friendly} So, what can I do for the future director of the Institute?Player Default: It must be a challenge to meet the power demands of a place like this.A
27{Upbeat, happy and relieved / Friendly} The improved power output from the new reactor will solve a lot of problems. Now, what did you need?Player Default: It must be a challenge to meet the power demands of a place like this.A
28{Upbeat, happy / Friendly} It feels like the dawn of a new era for the Institute. Now, what can I do for you?Player Default: It must be a challenge to meet the power demands of a place like this.A
29{Friendly greeting} Hi there. Something I can help you with?Player Default: It must be a challenge to meet the power demands of a place like this.A
30{Friendly greeting} Hey. What did you need?Player Default: It must be a challenge to meet the power demands of a place like this.A
31{Friendly greeting} What's on your mind?Player Default: It must be a challenge to meet the power demands of a place like this.A
32Player Default: It must be a challenge to meet the power demands of a place like this.{Friendly chat} Absolutely. We scratch and scrape for every precious ounce of voltage that we can.A1a
33Over the years, we've learned a few tricks that help supplement our power budget.A1b
34When necessary, we can tap into select sources on the surface. We take only what we need, of course.A1c
35{Proud} Fortunately, Advanced Systems is always working on new solutions to generate more energy.A1d
36{Polite conversation} It's a good thing, too, because the demand is always increasing.A1e
37{A joke, throw in a chuckle} You don't even want to know what a single use of the molecular de-materializer consumes.A1f
38Player Default: I'm good for now, thanks.{Friendly, polite goodbye} Goodbye, then.B1a
39Player Default: I'd like to know about the people in your division.{Friendly} Of course.X1a
40{Friendly conversation} Doctor Lawrence Higgs is our mechanical engineer. He oversees the major life support and security systems.X1b
41{Friendly conversation} Power distribution is Doctor Evan Watson's area of expertise, and Doctor Newton Oberly is in charge of food and housing.X1c
42{Friendly} He coordinates with BioScience to ensure that our meals are balanced for optimal nutrition.X1d
43{Amused speculation} We also make use of a number of synth units for low-priority maintenance and labor.X1e
44Player Default: Who built this place, originally? Has it been here long?{Admiration} The construction of the Institute is the work of generations of scientists.Y1a
45{Admiration} The original survivors of the war, our progenitors, took refuge in the basement of the old Commonwealth Institute of Technology.Y1b
46{Admiration} Over time, their sons and daughters dug deeper into the earth and built increasingly sophisticated habitats and laboratories.Y1c
47{Admiration, affection} It's a process that's still going on today. Even now, we're digging out tunnels for new facilities and infrastructure.Y1d
48Just think what this place will look like a hundred years from now. I hope I'm there to see it.Y1e
49-{Firm, in control} It's my responsibility to make sure this place runs smoothly.
50{Proud} The Institute is my life. I hope it'll be yours, too.
51{Proud} We don't usually welcome outsiders. I hope you can appreciate your good fortune.
52{Friendly, but also a little condescending} The Institute's a big place. It might take a while to learn where everything is.
53{Friendly, but a little condescending} Our technology must seem pretty advanced by your standards.


54DialogueInstituteFilmoreHomeScene1{Irritated, Serious / Irritated} I got a call at work today about Quentin.NathanFilmore: What did he do this time?A1a
55NathanFilmore: What did he do this time?{Stern / Stern} Apparently, he thought it would be a novel idea to steal high grade stimulants from Doctor Volkert's lab and then give them to the Gorillas.Quentin: It was an accident. I swear.A1a
56NathanFilmore: What did he do this time?{Stern / Stern} Ask your son. A Courser saw him push Alice and Julia into the concourse water display. Then he helped them out, just to push them back in again.Quentin: It was an accident. I swear.A2a
57NathanFilmore: *sigh* Quentin, what are we going to do with you?{Stern / Stern} I think a three week grounding and a hand-written apology to everyone involved is suitable.Quentin: No. Please. I promise I'll be good.A1a
58NathanFilmore: *sigh* Quentin, what are we going to do with you?{Stern / Stern} I can find him some things to do around the Institute, picking up trash, polishing...how does a month of maintenance duty sound?Quentin: No. Please. I promise I'll be good.A2a
59NathanFilmore: *sigh* Quentin, what are we going to do with you?{Stern / Stern} No dessert, no seeing friends, no nothing. I'll be giving you double the homework to make sure you're fully occupied during the day.Quentin: No. Please. I promise I'll be good.A3a


60Inst303DirectorateFatherSceneJustin: You can't be serious!{shocked} Really?Madison: Seems a poor choice.A1a
61Inst303DirectorateOpeningSceneAllie: Otherwise, internally things are as tight as they've ever been. Doctor Ayo has been keeping an eye on things topside.Otherwise, internally things are as tight as they've ever been. Doctor Secord and her division have been keeping an eye on things topside.Justin: Yes, ah... Watchers show no additional threats beyond those previously identified.A1a
62Shaun: The level of unrest in the Commonwealth continues to rise, as we're all aware. Your report?All Institute facilities remain completely secure, with... the exception of one notable breach.Allie: Otherwise, internally things are as tight as they've ever been. Doctor Ayo has been keeping an eye on things topside.A1a
63Allie: All Institute facilities remain completely secure, with... the exception of one notable breach.Otherwise, internally things are as tight as they've ever been. Doctor Ayo has been keeping an eye on things topside.Allie: Otherwise, internally things are as tight as they've ever been. Doctor Secord and her division have been keeping an eye on things topside.A1a
64Inst303DirectoratePreSceneLoopEvan: Doctor Filmore, did you get the requests I sent over?{casual, talking to colleague} I did. I'm in the middle of reviewing them now, but I'm already unsure how we're going to shuffle things to get you the necessary power.A1a
65{casual, talking to colleague} I'll let you know when the review is complete.Shaun: May I say, Doctor Holdren, I'm quite impressed with the latest harvest from your division.A1b
66Clayton: Oh, thank you sir. Isaac and Dean did a great deal of work over the last few months. I'll let them know you're pleased with the result.Doctor Ayo, did you still need modifications to the entryway for the SRB?Justin: Yes, as soon as possible. I want that area completely secure.A1a
67Clayton: Oh, thank you sir. Isaac and Dean did a great deal of work over the last few months. I'll let them know you're pleased with the result.Doctor Secord, did you still need modifications to the entryway for the SRB?Justin: Yes, as soon as possible. I want that area completely secure.A2a
68Alana: Oh, I'm... Well, I'm not sure. That was Justin's concern, really. I suppose it's still worth the upgrade.Right... I'll make sure a team is sent over soon.A1a
69Inst303Stage40AllieSceneThis ought to be quite an adventure.Allie: Don't make fun of the suit, okay? I know it's not the most flattering thing in the world, but neither is radiation sickness.A
70NPCFAllieFilmore: This ought to be quite an adventure.Don't make fun of the suit, okay? I know it's not the most flattering thing in the world, but neither is radiation sickness.Allie: Look, before we go through with this, we need to be straight with each other.A1a
71Allie: Don't make fun of the suit, okay? I know it's not the most flattering thing in the world, but neither is radiation sickness.Look, before we go through with this, we need to be straight with each other.Allie: There's an additional reason we're making this move now. It's the Brotherhood of Steel.A1a
72Allie: Look, before we go through with this, we need to be straight with each other.There's an additional reason we're making this move now. It's the Brotherhood of Steel.Allie: Intel suggests they're up to something big, and have their eyes on Mass Fusion too. It's not out of the question that we're going to run into them.A1a
73Allie: There's an additional reason we're making this move now. It's the Brotherhood of Steel.Intel suggests they're up to something big, and have their eyes on Mass Fusion too. It's not out of the question that we're going to run into them.Allie: So before we step in the Relay, I need to know that you'll be on my side out there. Not theirs.A1a
74Allie: Intel suggests they're up to something big, and have their eyes on Mass Fusion too. It's not out of the question that we're going to run into them.So before we step in the Relay, I need to know that you'll be on my side out there. Not theirs.Player Default: I'm loyal to Shaun, and to the Institute.A1a
75Player Default: I'm loyal to Shaun, and to the Institute.I really hope that's true.Allie: You've got to know that the Watchers have been keeping an eye on you. We've seen you working with the Brotherhood.A1a
76Player Default: How dare you question who's side I'm on. After everything I've been through to get here...That's exactly my point. You've been through a lot. More than most people could rationally handle.Allie: You've got to know that the Watchers have been keeping an eye on you. We've seen you working with the Brotherhood.B1a
77Player Default: My goal is to avoid conflict as much as possible.I don't think that's really going to be an option.Allie: You've got to know that the Watchers have been keeping an eye on you. We've seen you working with the Brotherhood.X1a
78Player Default: Why are you only just telling me about this now?Because I decided it's best if we lay it all out there. No secrets.Allie: You've got to know that the Watchers have been keeping an eye on you. We've seen you working with the Brotherhood.Y1a
79Player Default: I really hope that's true.You've got to know that the Watchers have been keeping an eye on you. We've seen you working with the Brotherhood.Allie: I don't want to risk going in there if you're... conflicted. So before you step into the Relay, you'd better be sure. Got me?A1a
80Player Default: I really hope that's true.You've got to know that the Watchers have been keeping an eye on you. We know you've worked with the Brotherhood in the past.Allie: I don't want to risk going in there if you're... conflicted. So before you step into the Relay, you'd better be sure. Got me?A2a
81Allie: You've got to know that the Watchers have been keeping an eye on you. We've seen you working with the Brotherhood.I don't want to risk going in there if you're... conflicted. So before you step into the Relay, you'd better be sure. Got me?A1a
82-Head on up to the Relay. I'll meet you there.A
83{Apologetic} Can we maybe talk... later?A


84-{Uncertain, but hopeful / Neutral} A lot of us will have a hard time accepting an outsider as our next director. It won't be easy.
85{Uncertain, but hopeful / Neutral} So, you'll be the new director, huh? Father always did like to challenge our assumptions.


86Inst305Stage90DirectorateDecisionSceneClaytonHoldren: The conflict is already upon us; unless we end it now it's only going to get worse.{Apologetic} We really don't have a choice. If we're to emerge from this the victors, we need to move quickly.AllieFilmore: As Director, it's up to you in how we focus our efforts in achieving this goal.X1a
87MadisonLi: That would be stupid. Sitting on our hands would only give them time to prepare.{Apologetic} We've all agreed that action must be taken.AllieFilmore: As Director, it's up to you in how we focus our efforts in achieving this goal.Y1a
88AllieFilmore: We really don't have a choice. If we're to emerge from this the victors, we need to move quickly.As Director, it's up to you in how we focus our efforts in achieving this goal.AllieFilmore: We'd like your input on what direction we should take: do we increase synth production or focus on weapons development?A1a
89AllieFilmore: As Director, it's up to you in how we focus our efforts in achieving this goal.We'd like your input on what direction we should take: do we increase synth production or focus on weapons development?Player Default: Synths are the Institute's greatest strength. The more we have, the better off we are.A1a
90Player Default: Synths are the Institute's greatest strength. The more we have, the better off we are.Well said. I'll see that the necessary steps are taken.AllieFilmore: Thank you very much for your time, sir.A1a
91{Apologetic} As the incoming Director, we felt it important to inform you of the decision and get your thoughts on it.AllieFilmore: So, where do you stand?A1a
92AllieFilmore: As the incoming Director, we felt it important to inform you of the decision and get your thoughts on it.{Question} So, where do you stand?Player Default: I agree. We hit them hard, before they have time to react to our new position.A1a
93Player Default: If this has to happen, we keep the violence to a minimum. We're not out to destroy the Commonwealth.{Apologetic} Of course. It was never the intention to cause more harm than is necessary.AllieFilmore: As Director, it's up to you in how we focus our efforts in achieving this goal.B1a
94Player Default: I've seen enough to know that weapons are the key to winning wars. Let's focus on weapons development.As you wish. The Advanced Systems folks will get to work immediately.AllieFilmore: Thank you very much for your time, sir.B1a
95Player Default: I'll tell you what, you make the call. Surprise me.Uh... Okay then. I'll... I'll come up with something.AllieFilmore: Thank you very much for your time, sir.X1a
96Player Default: What would the results of this choice be? I'd like to make a well-informed decision.Well, if we increase synth production we'd be able to deploy more of them to the Commonwealth to aid in our operations.Y1a
97Weapon development would improve the weapons we have available to us now, making our synths more effective in the field.Y1b
98Which would you prefer we focus on?Player Default: Synths are the Institute's greatest strength. The more we have, the better off we are.Y1c
99Player Default: Well said. I'll see that the necessary steps are taken.{Grateful} Thank you very much for your time, sir.AllieFilmore: That's all we have for the moment. I believe Father wished to speak with you once our meeting concluded.A1a
100Player Default: Well said. I'll see that the necessary steps are taken.{Grateful} Thank you very much for your time, ma'am.AllieFilmore: That's all we have for the moment. I believe Father wished to speak with you once our meeting concluded.A2a
101AllieFilmore: Thank you very much for your time, sir.That's all we have for the moment. I believe Father wished to speak with you once our meeting concluded.A1a
102Inst305Stage90DirectorateSceneMay I be the first to welcome you, sir. We're looking forward to working with you.Player Default: I'm happy to be here, Dr. Filmore. I hope I do the position justice.A1a
103May I be the first to welcome you, ma'am. We're looking forward to working with you.Player Default: I'm happy to be here, Dr. Filmore. I hope I do the position justice.A2a
104Player Default: I'm happy to be here, Dr. Filmore. I hope I do the position justice.{reassuring} I'm sure you will.JustinAyo: Right now we're all here because it's time to decide to finally stand up for ourselves.A1a
105Player Default: Let's just get down to business.Yes, of course.JustinAyo: Right now we're all here because it's time to decide to finally stand up for ourselves.X1a
106JustinAyo: Right now we're all here because it's time to decide to finally stand up for ourselves.{disapproving} Let's not be dramatic, Justin.AlanaSecord: It's the only way of looking at it, Allie. You know that as well as the rest of us.A1a
107JustinAyo: Right now we're all here because it's time to decide to finally stand up for ourselves.{mild disapproval} I suppose that's one way of phrasing it...AlanaSecord: It's the only way of looking at it, Allie. You know that as well as the rest of us.A2a


108Inst308PostFilmoreScenePlayerVoiceFemale01: Excuse me, Allie...{accepting but somber / Somber} Don't tell me... He's gone, isn't he.Filmore: I'm very sorry. I know this must be difficult for you.A1a
109Filmore: Don't tell me... He's gone, isn't he.{practical, but sympathetic / Concerned} I'm very sorry. I know this must be difficult for you.Player Default: Thank you, that's kind of you.A1a
110Player Default: Thank you, that's kind of you.{polite / Grateful} I'm certainly happy to do whatever I can to help going forward.Filmore: Obviously, the Director's quarters are now yours.A1a
111Player Default: Good riddance. I'm glad he's gone.{disgusted but restrained / Defiant} Well, that's... unfortunate. I suppose it' just as well he isn't able to hear that sentiment. Moving on...Filmore: Obviously, the Director's quarters are now yours.B1a
112Player Default: He mentioned you... Said he always trusted you.{pleased but restrained / Grateful} That's very complimentary. Thank you. I hope you'll feel the same going forward.Filmore: Obviously, the Director's quarters are now yours.X1a
113Player Default: What happens now?{encouraging / Neutral} Now you take his place.Filmore: Obviously, the Director's quarters are now yours.Y1a
114Player Default: I'm certainly happy to do whatever I can to help going forward.{matter of fact / Neutral} Obviously, the Director's quarters are now yours.Filmore: I'll see to it that Requisitions is re-stocked, and have them add in some additional items to be used at your discretion.A1a
115Filmore: Obviously, the Director's quarters are now yours.{matter of fact / Neutral} I'll see to it that Requisitions is re-stocked, and have them add in some additional items to be used at your discretion.Filmore: Some of the divisions may still need your help; consider checking in with them.A1a
116Filmore: I'll see to it that Requisitions is re-stocked, and have them add in some additional items to be used at your discretion.{matter of fact / Neutral} Some of the divisions may still need your help; consider checking in with them.Filmore: Good luck, Director.A1a
117Filmore: Some of the divisions may still need your help; consider checking in with them.{Friendly} Good luck, Director.A1a
118-{Sad, sympathetic / Sad} You went through so much to find your son, only to lose him. I'm so sorry.
119{Sympathetic but firm / Confident} I know this is a difficult time, but you're the director now. It's time for you to lead us.
120{Sad, sympathetic / Sad} You went through so much to find your son, only to lose him. I'm so sorry.
121{Sad, sympathetic / Sad} You went through so much to find your son, only to lose him. I'm so sorry.
122{Sympathetic but firm / Confident} I know this is a difficult time, but you're the director now. It's time for you to lead us.


123InstituteSS4SceneInstituteScientistFemale02: Almost done. Just need to tighten up this primary drive servo.{Concerned, a little irritated} That's the third primary drive breakdown this month.A1a
124As far as I'm concerned, the phase-out on these older models can't come soon enough.InstituteScientistFemale02: Oh, I don't know. Most of them have lasted long past their projected lifespans.A1b
125InstituteScientistFemale02: If you ask me, they were built pretty well.{Friendly, but a little exasperated} I can't argue with that. Even so, I'm ready to see the full gen-3 rollout.InstituteScientistFemale02: There we go. All set. Unit, you can return to duty.A1a
126Synth: Thank you, ma'am.{Grateful / Happy} Thanks again.InstituteScientistFemale02: Of course.A1a


127InstMassFusion_05_FilmoreStage10{cheerful} Busy day for you, isn't it?AllieFilmore: Well, it's about to get busier. You're going to lead this operation, I'm told.A
128AllieFilmore: Not to put more pressure on you, but we have to move quickly on this. Word is that the Brotherhood is nosing around the area.{dead serious / Stern} We don't want them getting the Agitator before we do.AllieFilmore: Head on up to the Relay, and I'll meet you there.A1a
129NPCFAllieFilmore: Busy day for you, isn't it?Well, it's about to get busier. You're going to lead this operation, I'm told.Player Default: Absolutely.A1a
130Player Default: Absolutely.All right, let's go over the details.AllieFilmore: Recent events have upset our timetable; getting the reactor online has become our number one priority. It needs to be running... well, yesterday.A1a
131Player Default: Not a chance. I'm not doing anything.Look, I get that there's a lot going on right now, and this is all moving pretty fast. You're not the only one that feels it.B1a
132Fact is, this won't work unless we've got you. So take some time, mull it over, and get back to me, okay?AllieFilmore: Recent events have upset our timetable; getting the reactor online has become our number one priority. It needs to be running... well, yesterday.B1b
133Player Default: I need some details here. I have no idea what I'm getting into.Of course! That's why we're talking. Otherwise you'd be up top already.AllieFilmore: Recent events have upset our timetable; getting the reactor online has become our number one priority. It needs to be running... well, yesterday.X1a
134Player Default: What the hell is this "operation" about?Hey, relax. We wouldn't send you off without the proper information.AllieFilmore: Recent events have upset our timetable; getting the reactor online has become our number one priority. It needs to be running... well, yesterday.Y1a
135Player Default: All right, let's go over the details.Recent events have upset our timetable; getting the reactor online has become our number one priority. It needs to be running... well, yesterday.AllieFilmore: We're going to have to cut some corners. I'm not thrilled, but it means we'll need to rely on some pre-war tech.A1a
136AllieFilmore: Recent events have upset our timetable; getting the reactor online has become our number one priority. It needs to be running... well, yesterday.We're going to have to cut some corners. I'm not thrilled, but it means we'll need to rely on some pre-war tech.AllieFilmore: You're going to the Mass Fusion building to acquire a Beryllium Agitator for us.A1a
137AllieFilmore: We're going to have to cut some corners. I'm not thrilled, but it means we'll need to rely on some pre-war tech.You're going to the Mass Fusion building to acquire a Beryllium Agitator for us.Player Default: Consider it done.A1a
138Player Default: Consider it done.I'll consider it done when I've got it in my hands. I'm going with you.Player Default: Sounds good. I'd appreciate the company.A1a
139Player Default: That sounds dangerous.Anyplace above ground has its risks, but that's why you're in charge. You're there to protect me.Player Default: Sounds good. I'd appreciate the company.B1a
140Player Default: Oh man, I have one of those, but it's in my other pants.You wouldn't recognize one if it fell on your head. That's why I'm going to retrieve it.Player Default: Sounds good. I'd appreciate the company.X1a
141Player Default: What's a Beryllium Agitator?The details would be lost on you, no offense. The point is it'll allow us to boost the reactor's power and get it running sooner than planned.Y1a
142You just keep me safe; I'll worry about the Agitator.Player Default: Sounds good. I'd appreciate the company.Y1b
143Player Default: Sounds good. I'd appreciate the company.Not as much as I'd appreciate coming back in one piece. I don't like going above ground unless there's no other option.A1a
144But here we are, with our options dwindling quickly.AllieFilmore: Not to put more pressure on you, but we have to move quickly on this. Word is that the Brotherhood is nosing around the area.A1b
145Player Default: No way. You're not going; you'd be a liability.{insulted / Irritated} Well, that's about the most insulting thing I've heard in a while.B1a
146{annoyed} Okay, you're on your own then. Good luck.AllieFilmore: Not to put more pressure on you, but we have to move quickly on this. Word is that the Brotherhood is nosing around the area.B1b
147AllieFilmore: We don't want them getting the Agitator before we do.Head on up to the Relay, and I'll meet you there.AllieFilmore: Head on up to the Relay, and they'll get you over to Mass Fusion in a flash... pun sort-of intended.A1a
148AllieFilmore: Head on up to the Relay, and I'll meet you there.Head on up to the Relay, and they'll get you over to Mass Fusion in a flash... pun sort-of intended.A1a
149Player Default: But here we are, with our options dwindling quickly.Not to put more pressure on you, but we have to move quickly on this. Word is that the Brotherhood is nosing around the area.AllieFilmore: We don't want them getting the Agitator before we do.A1a
150InstMassFusion_06_FilmoreStage10BoS{cheerful} Well, you've certainly riled things up.AllieFilmore: Do I even want to know how you found out about Mass Fusion from the Brotherhood?A
151Player Default: All right, sounds good.{Confident} I'll meet you at the Relay, and we'll head over.AllieFilmore: Head to the Relay, and they'll get you to Mass Fusion. Good luck.A1a
152AllieFilmore: I'll meet you at the Relay, and we'll head over.Head to the Relay, and they'll get you to Mass Fusion. Good luck.A1a
153NPCFAllieFilmore: Well, you've certainly riled things up.Do I even want to know how you found out about Mass Fusion from the Brotherhood?Player Default: They wanted to send me there to get something for them.A1a
154Player Default: They wanted to send me there to get something for them.{Concerned} So you have been working for them... Well, don't let the SRB get wind of that.AllieFilmore: All right, look... I can't go into details, at least not right now. But this is important.A1a
155Player Default: I've been undercover, double-crossing them.{disbelieving / Disbelief} Just decided to do that on your own, did you? Okay, whatever you say.AllieFilmore: All right, look... I can't go into details, at least not right now. But this is important.B1a
156Player Default: It doesn't matter how I found out. What we do now matters.{Concerned} I doubt the SRB will feel the same, but I'll let it go.AllieFilmore: All right, look... I can't go into details, at least not right now. But this is important.X1a
157Player Default: What is this Beryllium Agitator? Why do we care if they're after it?{Concerned} So, that's kind of... I think "classified" is the best way to describe it.Y1a
158{Apologetic} It's a piece of pre-war tech that's useful in optimizing nuclear reactions. That make sense?AllieFilmore: All right, look... I can't go into details, at least not right now. But this is important.Y1b
159Player Default: So you have been working for them... Well, don't let the SRB get wind of that.{Concerned} All right, look... I can't go into details, at least not right now. But this is important.AllieFilmore: We need to get our hands on that Agitator before the Brotherhood does.A1a
160AllieFilmore: All right, look... I can't go into details, at least not right now. But this is important.{Concerned} We need to get our hands on that Agitator before the Brotherhood does.AllieFilmore: So you and I are going to Relay over there, grab it, and get back here before the Brotherhood knows what's happened. Okay?A1a
161AllieFilmore: We need to get our hands on that Agitator before the Brotherhood does.So you and I are going to Relay over there, grab it, and get back here before the Brotherhood knows what's happened. Okay?Player Default: Well, then let's get moving.A1a
162Player Default: Well, then let's get moving.All right, sounds good.AllieFilmore: I'll meet you at the Relay, and we'll head over.A1a
163Player Default: No way; you're not going. It's far too risky.{insulted} Really.B1a
164Okay, hotshot. Have fun.AllieFilmore: I'll meet you at the Relay, and we'll head over.B1b
165Player Default: You're going? That complicates things.{Apologetic} Not really, no. I admit I'm not fond of going up top, but I promise to stay out of your way.X1a
166{making a joke / Apologetic} This device we're after... It's very sensitive equipment, and it's pretty damn old. It's not that I don't trust you, it's just that I trust myself more.X1b
167{Concerned} So are you going to put up a stink, or can we get moving?AllieFilmore: I'll meet you at the Relay, and we'll head over.X1c
168Player Default: Is that really necessary? I'm sure I could handle this by myself.{Concerned} Yes, it really is. Not only is this tech sensitive, it's old. Look, I'll take care of it; you just make sure I come back in one piece.AllieFilmore: I'll meet you at the Relay, and we'll head over.Y1a
169InstMassFusion_10_RoofAllieFilmore: Well, you were right. The Brotherhood sure is here. Guess we'll have to go through them.{surprised, awkward / Amused} Oh... my. Well, I wasn't expecting this. I... guess it's nice to see some of our... older models... have been useful to you.Companion: You'd be surprised the sort of useful things some folks will toss in the garbage.A1a
170Well, you were right. The Brotherhood sure is here. Guess we'll have to go through them.Companion: Good, I was lookin' for some action.A1a
171{emphasis on "is" / Concerned} Well, shit. The Brotherhood is here! We don't have any time; we're going to have to go through them.Companion: Good, I was lookin' for some action.A2a
172InstMassFusion_11_AgitatorMissingNo sign of the Agitator... We'll have to search the rest of the building.Companion: Yeah, I kind of figured it wouldn't be that easy.A1a
173InstMassFusion_12_ElevatorCombatIt's an ambush!A1a
174InstMassFusion_13_PowerLossThey cut the power to the elevators... It's clever, I'll give them that.Companion: More like a pain in the arse if you ask me.A1a
175InstMassFusion_14_PowerRestoredThat should do it. Elevator ought to have power again.A1a
176InstMassFusion_15_ViewReactor{mildly impressed} There's the reactor. Not a bad piece of work, for its time.Companion: Looks like a big pile of junk to me.A1a
177InstMassFusion_16_BeforeEnteringChamberGuess they weren't so good at mitigating radiation back in those days... levels are almost off the charts. I'll monitor things from here.A1a
178InstMassFusion_17_RadiationTalkLooks pretty dangerous in there. You have any sort of radiation protection on you?Player Default: Don't worry about me. I'm all set.A
179Player Default: Don't worry about me. I'm all set.Okay, good.AllieFilmore: See? This is why I wore the suit.A1a
180Player Default: Nope. You?Oh boy.B1a
181I've got a couple of doses of Rad-X, which you're welcome to, but they're not going to be enough.AllieFilmore: See? This is why I wore the suit.B1b
182Player Default: Can't I just close my eyes and run fast?{mildly annoyed} Joking in the face of mortal danger. Always a good sign.X1a
183Here, I've got a couple of doses of Rad-X but I seriously doubt it'll do the job.AllieFilmore: See? This is why I wore the suit.X1b
184Player Default: Radiation Protection? Like what?Come on, you've been around a while. You ought to be up to speed here.Y1a
185The usual stuff Commonwealthers use: Rad-X, Radaway, a suit... anything like that.Y1b
186You go in there without something, and you're going to be toast. Glowing, blistered toast. So?Player Default: Don't worry about me. I'm all set.Y1c
187Player Default: Okay, good.See? This is why I wore the suit.A1a
188Look, they worked on the reactor here. They must've had some kind of protection. Poke around, and I'm sure you'll find something.A1b
189InstMassFusion_18_EnteringChamberThe thing we're looking for - the Agitator - it should be in a port at the top of the reactor.A1a
190InstMassFusion_19_ReactorAlarmNotTrippedGot it? Good. I've had about enough of this little field trip.A1a
191InstMassFusion_19_ReactorAlarmTrippedMust be an old security system. Watch your back!A1a
192InstMassFusion_20_ElevatorToLobbyThese guys just don't know when they're beaten, do they?Companion: Why would they? They're a bunch of mindless soldiers.A1a
193AllieFilmore: These guys just don't know when they're beaten, do they?I'll help the synths buy some time. Make sure you get back to the Institute with the Agitator!A1a
194InstMassFusion_25_FilmoreEndScenePlayerVoiceFemale01: Doctor Filmore...I think that was enough excitement for... well, ever.AllieFilmore: Thank you, really. Couldn't have managed it without you.A1a
195AllieFilmore: I think that was enough excitement for... well, ever.Thank you, really. Couldn't have managed it without you.AllieFilmore: Well, I see you managed on your own!A1a
196AllieFilmore: Thank you, really. Couldn't have managed it without you.Well, I see you managed on your own!AllieFilmore: I won't lie; I was a little nervous you wouldn't pull it off. Seems I needn't have worried.A1a
197AllieFilmore: Well, I see you managed on your own!I won't lie; I was a little nervous you wouldn't pull it off. Seems I needn't have worried.AllieFilmore: I'll make sure the Agitator gets where it needs to go.A1a
198AllieFilmore: I won't lie; I was a little nervous you wouldn't pull it off. Seems I needn't have worried.I'll make sure the Agitator gets where it needs to go.AllieFilmore: I understand Father is anxious to get you involved in something else. You'd better not keep him waiting.A1a
199AllieFilmore: I'll make sure the Agitator gets where it needs to go.I understand Father is anxious to get you involved in something else. You'd better not keep him waiting.AllieFilmore: I'm sure you have something else pressing to deal with, so I won't keep you from it.A1a
200AllieFilmore: I understand Father is anxious to get you involved in something else. You'd better not keep him waiting.I'm sure you have something else pressing to deal with, so I won't keep you from it.A1a
201InstMassFusion_Z01_ElevatorNoCodeDoesn't look like that'll get us anywhere, at least not without whatever card activates it.A1a
202InstMassFusion_Z02_KeyCardWhat's that, a key card? Hold on to it. Might be useful.A1a
203Oh good, you found the key card. Now we can see where that elevator leads.A2a
204InstMassFusion_Z03_DropdownWell, I suppose that's a faster way to get down, assuming you survive the fall. Feeling adventurous?A1a
205InstMassFusion_Z04_InterlocksThe interlocks for the reactor must still be online. You'll have to shut them off first.A1a
206-{sarcastic but light-hearted} If I was a pre-war tech conglomerate, where would I keep all my best toys?A
207{matter of fact} Let's hope the Brotherhood hasn't beaten us to the Agitator.A
208{sarcastic but light-hearted} Well, all we need to do now is get out in one piece.A
209{sarcastic but light-hearted} At least we got to it first.A
210{sarcastic but light-hearted} Normally I wouldn't advise sticking your hands into strange fusion reactors, but I suppose this is the exception.A
211{sarcastic but light-hearted} Well, isn't this fun?A
212{sarcastic but light-hearted} This wasn't really what I planned on doing today.A