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Fallout Wiki

Alan was a member of the raiders in Appalachia.


Alan was in charge of delivering a suit of raider power armor back to camp on behalf of another unnamed raider. Alan was apparently enthusiastic about using power armor, in particular making dramatic jumps that would not be able to be survived otherwise. The unnamed raider warned Alan to not do this, as it would make too much noise.[1]


Alan is mentioned only in Fallout 76.


  1. Raider: "Hey Alan... if you're hearing this, you managed to actually find the suit I left for you. 'bout time you actually did somethin' right. Bring it on back to camp, and don't go makin' a mess doing it. I know you just love jumping off of shit you wouldn't survive otherwise, but that makes too much damned noise. So quit it."
    (Raider's dialogue)