Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Aisha Hunter was an undergraduate student at Vault-Tec University before the Great War.


Aisha was a senior in Erik DeMarcos' VP499 class in 2076. She developed an emergency protocol (AV-992) for eliminating computer viruses in a Vault. Specifically, the protocol would automatically eliminate simple viruses and used adaptive monitoring to respond to a virus. In the event of a more complicated virus taking hold, the protocol would use analytic systems to "deconstruct the virus, identify vulnerabilities, and coordinate appropriate scan and repair procedures."[1]

Professor DeMarcos gave Aisha's project an F, commenting that it was "by far, the most over-engineered protocol in [the] entire database." DeMarcos saw the protocol as unnecessarily complex; although redundancy planning would be favorable to him, the protocol's level of overlapping was excessive to him, which greatly disappointed him, considering it came from a senior student. In particular, the assumption that her student protocol could defeat a viral algorithm capable of overtaking a Vault Mainframe was laughable to DeMarcos. Despite her failing grade, Aisha's program was later included in the database for the Vault-Tec Emergency Management System, and it was used as an example protocol in Vault 96, which DeMarcos was the overseer of.[2][1]


Aisha Hunter is mentioned only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Locked & Loaded update.

