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This is a transcript for dialogue with Ahzrukhal.


FollowersAhzrukhalHireCharon About that deal we had: Greta is dead as promised. Neutral 50 Is she now? Well, it seems that this arrangement worked out well for both of us. 1
Neutral 50 With the new profit I'll make from Greta's customers, I'll be able to hire a replacement for Charon with plenty left over for myself. 2
Neutral 50 And you held up your end of the deal, my friend. And I am a man of his word. Charon's contract is yours. You are his new employer. Congratulations. 3
Neutral 50 I'll give you the pleasure of informing him yourself. 4
About that deal we had: Greta is dead as promised. Neutral 50 Yes. She is. And you have Charon's contract. I think that deal is complete. 5
Neutral 50 The rest is between you and Charon. 6
I want to talk to you about Charon's contract. Neutral 50 I knew you'd change your mind. Just remember, Charon is a valuable asset to me and he doesn't come cheap. Are you ready to deal? 7
I want to talk to you about Charon's contract. Neutral 50 Oh? Would you, now? He is a highly valuable asset to me and to the Ninth Circle. What did you have in mind? 8
FollowersAhzrukhalHireCharonCharon Who's that guy in the corner? Neutral 50 That's Charon. Let's just say... well, he's a loyal employee. Don't mess with me, and he won't mess with you. 9
FollowersAhzrukhalHireCharonCharon1 So he's your slave? Neutral 50 No, he is not. Sir, you insult me. I do not believe in slavery. It is an abomination. 10
Neutral 50 I am a firm believer in personal choice. To force another person into bondage is unthinkable. Chains are earned, never forced. 11
Neutral 50 Charon made some choices that landed him in my employ. The matters of our contract is between him and I no one else. 12
So he's your slave? Neutral 50 No he is not. Ma'am, you insult me. I do not believe in slavery. It is an abomination. 13
Neutral 50 I am a firm believer in personal choice. To force another person into bondage is unthinkable. Chains are earned, never forced. 14
Neutral 50 Charon made some choices that landed him in my employ. The matters of our contract is between him and I no one else. 15
FollowersAhzrukhalHireCharonCharon2 He doesn't say much, does he? Neutral 50 His company is rather refreshing, isn't it? But don't mistake his brevity for stupidity. That would be very unwise. 16
Neutral 50 Underestimating an opponent has been the last mistake of far too many individuals throughout history. 17
FollowersAhzrukhalHireCharonCharon3 He's a loyal employee? What do you mean? Neutral 50 I hold his contract, which makes me his employer. He will do what I ask when I ask, without question. 18
Neutral 50 You see, Charon grew up around a very interesting group of individuals. They... well, I guess you could say that they brainwashed him. 19
Neutral 50 He is absolutely loyal to whomever holds his contract. Unfailing, unflinching, until the day that employment ends. 20
Neutral 50 Don't get me wrong, I have no doubt that he holds no end of animosity towards me. But so long as he is my employee, he is as gentle as a teddy bear. 21
FollowersAhzrukhalHireCharonCharon4 What does he do for you? Neutral 50 Watches over the bar. Keeps the drunks in line. Pretty much, I point at something and Charon hurts it. 22
Neutral 50 He's the best thug a corrupt bartender could ever ask for. He never bothers me with his own annoying sense of morality. 23
FollowersAhzrukhalHireCharonCharonEND Let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 Very well. You ask too many questions as it is. 24
FollowersAhzrukhalHireCharonOffer1000 I'll give you 1,000 caps for it. Neutral 50 I suppose that could work... yes. Yes... here's the contract. And I'll take my payment in full. 25
Neutral 50 I'll give you the pleasure of informing Charon yourself. 26
I'll give you 1,000 caps for it. Neutral 50 You're kidding, right? Come back when you have a serious offer. 27
FollowersAhzrukhalHireCharonOffer2000 I'll give you 2,000 caps for it. Neutral 50 I suppose that could work... yes. Yes... here's the contract. And I'll take my payment in full. 28
Neutral 50 I'll give you the pleasure of informing Charon yourself. 29
I'll give you 2,000 caps for it. Neutral 50 You're kidding, right? Come back when you have a serious offer. 30
FollowersAhzrukhalHireCharonOffer3000 I'll give you 3,000 caps for it. Neutral 50 I suppose that could work... yes. Yes... here's the contract. And I'll take my payment in full. 31
Neutral 50 I'll give you the pleasure of informing Charon yourself. 32
I'll give you 3,000 caps for it. Neutral 50 You're kidding, right? Come back when you have a serious offer. 33
FollowersAhzrukhalHireCharonOffer4000 I'll give you 4,000 caps for it. Neutral 50 I suppose that could work... yes. Yes... here's the contract. And I'll take my payment in full. 34
Neutral 50 I'll give you the pleasure of informing Charon yourself. 35
I'll give you 4,000 caps for it. Neutral 50 You're kidding, right? Come back when you have a serious offer. 36
FollowersAhzrukhalHireCharonOffer5000 I'll give you 5,000 caps for it. Neutral 50 I suppose that could work... yes. Yes... here's the contract. And I'll take my payment in full. 37
Neutral 50 I'll give you the pleasure of informing Charon yourself. 38
I'll give you 5,000 caps for it. Neutral 50 You're kidding, right? Come back when you have a serious offer. 39
FollowersAhzrukhalHireCharonOfferEND I've changed my mind. Neutral 50 That's a shame. I guess I'll just have to hold on to this contract a little bit longer. 40
FollowersAhzrukhalHireCharonOfferFavor About that deal we had: Greta is dead as promised. Neutral 50 Is she now? Well, it seems that this arrangement worked out well for both of us. 41
Neutral 50 With the new profit I'll make from Greta's customers, I'll be able to hire a replacement for Charon with plenty left over for myself. 42
Neutral 50 And you held up your end of the deal, my friend. And I am a man of his word. Charon's contract is yours. You are his new employer. Congratulations. 43
Neutral 50 I'll give you the pleasure of informing him yourself. 44
About that deal we had: Greta is dead as promised. Neutral 50 Yes. She is. And you have Charon's contact, per our bargain. Now get him out of here. 45
Neutral 50 With the new profit I'll make from Greta's customers, I'll be able to hire a replacement for Charon with plenty left over for myself. 46
Neutral 50 And you held up your end of the deal, my friend. And I am a man of his word. Charon's contract is yours. You are his new employer. Congratulations. 47
Neutral 50 I'll give you the pleasure of informing him yourself. 48
Couldn't we work out some sort of deal? Neutral 50 My friend, we already have a deal. You can have the contract when Greta is dead. It's very simple. 49
Couldn't we work out some sort of deal? Neutral 50 I suppose we could do that, although you might not like the deal that I have to offer. You see, I don't like competition. Not at all. 50
Neutral 50 It goes against every principle that I have as a businessman. So, the fact that there is another source for booze in town troubles me. 51
Neutral 50 Greta, the waitress over at Carol's... I want you to kill her. I don't care how, just make it quiet. Do it, and you can have Charon's contract. 52
FollowersAhzrukhalHireCharonOfferFavorInfo Why not just have Charon do it? Neutral 50 Loyal employee that he is, Charon would do it without question if I asked him to. However, the entire town would come down on me for it. 53
Neutral 50 Greta is quite popular around here. If Charon is the one who kills her, everyone will know that it was me who ordered Greta's death. 54
Neutral 50 I need Charon clearly visible and in public when Greta dies, so that I can fairly claim ignorance of the situation. 55
FollowersAhzrukhalHireCharonOfferFavorNo I want nothing to do with this. Neutral 50 No stomach for hard work, eh? No matter. If you don't want to do the job, then come up with the cash. Otherwise, I'll just hang on to this contract. 56
FollowersAhzrukhalHireCharonOfferFavorYes Sure. Greta is nothing to me. I'll do it. Neutral 50 I'm glad to hear it. Come back to me when she's dead and Charon's contract is all yours. 57
Neutral 50 A word of advice: be subtle. Open gunplay will only get the town to turn on you, and I will not be able to help you. 58
GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 We need to have us a little talk. You keep your gun in your holster when you're in my town. 59
Neutral 50 Otherwise, we're going to have a problem. And Charon solves my problems for me. Understand? 60
Neutral 50 Now... how can I help you? 61
GREETING Happy 50 Well now, lookee here. We got us a smoothskin that I ain't ever seen before. I'm Ahzrukhal, and this... this is the Ninth Circle. 62
Neutral 50 Folks got problems, and I got liquor to sell to 'em... well, liquor and a few other pick me ups. You need anything, you just let me know. 63
GREETING Happy 50 Ghoul, human... I don't care. The caps all spend the same. 64
GREETING Happy 50 Back for more, eh? What can I get for you? 65
GREETING Happy 50 Don't you look absolutely... miserable. Pull up a stool and lay down a few caps, tell Uncle Akzrukhal all about it... 66
So this is the Lincoln Memorial?
Is the Lincoln Memorial around here somewhere? Disgust 50 Yeah. Just east of here. Bunch of guys with guns are holed up there. 67
Is the Lincoln Memorial around here somewhere? Surprise 50 Yeah. Just east of here. Some freed slaves just occupied it. We trade with them occasionally. 68
Sounds like a normal guy.
I see your point. Disgust 50 Yeah, well don't let it happen again. 69
What can you tell me about Mister Crowley?
Does Crowley spend a lot of time in here? What's his angle? Neutral 50 If I start telling tales about my customers, I'll lose all of them. 70
Come on. You can tell me. Ahzrukhal said so. <Lie.>
No one will ever know. Come on. Fear 50 Ah, what the hell. Crowley shows up here last year, he's a Ghoul just like the rest of us. {"Ah, what the hell" is said like he is reluctantly surrendering.} 71
Neutral 50 Now, all of sudden he's looking for payback against Ghoul haters. Except, I've met Dukov. He never insulted a Ghoul in his life. 72
Neutral 50 Dukov's got the foulest mouth in the wasteland. He's a drunk and a womanizer, but he's no bigot. Go ask him yourself. 73
MS17TLBuySoilStrad I have a very unique item for sale, a genuine Stradivarius violin. Disgust 50 Do I look like I play in a fucking orchestra? Why should I care? 74
MS17TLBuySoilStradAhz01 I just thought you might be interested... It's an artifact. Disgust 80 Yeah? Wonderful. The corns on my feet from standing in this joint all day long are artifacts too. 75
Disgust 70 Why don't you stop wasting my time and buy something or get out of here. 76
MS17TLBuySoilStradAhz02 You'd be the only one in the entire world to have this... Neutral 50 One of a kind, huh? I like the sound of that. 77
Neutral 50 Okay, I'll give you 200 caps for it... and believe me, that's generous. 78
MS17TLBuySoilStradAhz03 Some culture would be good for you, Ghoul. Disgust 70 One snap of my finger and I could fill you with enough holes to cut your weight in half. 79
Disgust 80 Testing my temper is not a good idea. Now buy something or get out of here. 80
MS17TLBuySoilStradAhz04 Sure, 200 caps sounds good. Neutral 50 Here you go. 81
Neutral 50 This is the most I ever paid for a hunk of wood and strings, but what the hell. 82
Sure, 200 caps sounds good. Neutral 50 Here you go. 83
Neutral 50 This is the most I ever paid for a hunk of wood and strings, but what the hell. 84
MS17TLBuySoilStradAhz05 Actually, let me think about it. Disgust 70 Fine. You approached me you know. Thanks for the time Waster. 85
MS17TLBuySoilStradAhz06 Let's make it 300 caps and you have a deal. Neutral 50 Well, it would bring more people in here if I had it on display I suppose. 86
Neutral 50 All right. You got it. 300 caps. 87
Let's make it 300 caps and you have a deal. Neutral 50 Well, it would bring more people in here if I had it on display I suppose. 88
Neutral 50 All right. You got it. 300 caps. 89
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Disgust 80 How about no. 200 caps or no deal. 90
SpeechChallengeFailure Fear 50 No dice. 91
UnderworldAhzrukhalServices I need a drink. Neutral 50 I got whatever you need. 92
I need a drink. Neutral 50 Your misery, my wealth. 93
I need a drink. Neutral 50 Sure, sure, what do you need? 94
I need a drink. Neutral 50 Let ol' Uncle Ahzrukhal help you get rid of the pain. 95
UnderworldAhzrukhalServicesDrugs Let me see the real goods. Surprise 50 Why, whatever do you mean? I am a simple barkeep, nothing more. 96
Let me see the real goods. Neutral 50 Certainly, my friend. 97
Let me see the real goods. Neutral 50 I must ask that you speak to no one about our transactions. 98
Let me see the real goods. Neutral 50 Ah, back for more... excellent. 99
UnderworldAhzrukhalServicesDrugs1 Look at these people. They're Jetting. Trust me, I know. Neutral 50 Ah, an educated consumer. My favorite kind. Yes... yes. I think I can help you. 100
Happy 50 Simply step over here, my friend and I'll show you my stock of more... potent goods. 101
UnderworldAhzrukhalServicesDrugs1a Why do you bother to hide what you sell? Disgust 50 While there is no law in Underworld, per se, I'd rather not end up at the receiving end of an angry lynch mob. 102
Neutral 50 There is no shortage of do-gooders around here and it would be just like them to take it upon themselves to interfere in a fair business transaction. 103
Happy 50 Honestly. I have something to sell, and you want to buy it, now why is that anyone else's business? Hrm? 104
UnderworldAhzrukhalServicesDrugs1b Just show me the goods. Neutral 50 As you wish, my friend... 105
UnderworldAhzrukhalServicesDrugs2 Then I guess I'll take my caps someplace else... Fear 50 Oh, now now now, don't be hasty. I'm sure that we can work out a compromise. Here, step this way and let me show you what I have. 106
UnderworldAhzrukhalServicesDrugs2a Why do you bother to hide what you sell? Neutral 50 While there is no law in Underworld, per se, I'd rather not end up at the receiving end of an angry lynch mob. 107
Neutral 50 There is no shortage of do-gooders around here and it would be just like them to take it upon themselves to interfere in a fair business transaction. 108
Neutral 50 Honestly. I have something to sell, and you want to buy it, now why is that anyone else' business? Hrm? 109
UnderworldAhzrukhalServicesDrugs2b Just show me the goods. Neutral 50 As you wish, my friend... 110
UnderworldTownTopic What can you tell me about Underworld? Happy 50 It's the only place in the Capital Wasteland where my people can escape the misery of the world above. 111
Happy 50 And that misery, well... it makes a man like me very happy. And very, very wealthy. 112


FollowersCharonConfrontAhzrukhal2 FollowersCharonConfrontAhzrukhal2 Neutral 50 That's right, Charon. Have you come to say goodbye? 113
GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 Come back anytime. 114
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Feel free to lay your troubles at my doorstep. Just bring some caps with you when you do. 115
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Everyone's got troubles, and everyone brings 'em to me. 116
I have to go now. Neutral 50 There are no worries that can't be left behind with the help of a little alcohol. 117
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Drink until she's pretty! Ha Ha Ha Ha! Sorry... Ghoul joke. I guess you wouldn't get it. 118
HELLO HELLO Sad 50 Too bad about Crowley. I heard Tenpenny put out a contract on him. 119
HELLO Neutral 50 All are welcome here at the Ninth Circle... 120
HELLO Neutral 50 Sit. Drink. Pay. It'll make you feel better. 121
HELLO Neutral 50 Come human, come drown your sorrows. 122
HELLO Neutral 50 Excellent. Another customer. 123
HELLO Neutral 50 Charon. Charon! Look at me when I'm talking to you! 124
HELLO Neutral 50 Charon. Charon! Look at me when I'm talking to you! 125
HELLO Neutral 50 Charon... come here. I want to talk to you about something... 126
HELLO Neutral 50 Charon. Come here. Now. 127
UnderworldAhzurkhalRadioChatter UnderworldAhzurkhalRadioChatter Neutral 50 Quiet makes people stop drinking. Turn the radio back on. 128
UnderworldAhzurkhalRadioChatter Neutral 50 Why would you do that? These people want their music. 129
UnderworldAhzurkhalRadioChatter Neutral 50 Hey! Leave that alone. If I wanted it off, I'd turn it off. 130
UnderworldAhzurkhalRadioChatter Neutral 50 That's better. 131
UnderworldAhzurkhalRadioChatter Neutral 50 Thank you. Now leave it alone. 132
UnderworldAhzurkhalRadioChatter Neutral 50 Now that's more like it. Music makes the sweet sweet and the bitter all the more bitter. 133
UnderworldAhzurkhalRadioChatter Neutral 50 Stop messing with that radio. 134
UnderworldAhzurkhalRadioChatter Neutral 50 Hey, leave that radio alone. 135
UnderworldTalkAhzrukhalWinthropPatchwork1 UnderworldTalkAhzrukhalWinthropPatchwork1 Neutral 50 I'm not your "boy", Winthrop. What do you want? 136
UnderworldTalkAhzrukhalWinthropPatchwork1 Neutral 50 Oh, look, if it isn't my favorite pain in the ass. What can I do for you, Winthrop? 137
UnderworldTalkAhzrukhalWinthropPatchwork1 Neutral 50 Have you fixed that other fridge for me yet? Hrm? No? Than I've got no time for you, Winthrop. We'll talk later. 138
UnderworldTalkAhzrukhalWinthropPatchwork1 Neutral 50 No time to talk right now, Winthrop. Come back later. 139
UnderworldTalkAhzrukhalWinthropPatchwork3 UnderworldTalkAhzrukhalWinthropPatchwork3 Neutral 50 He's a big boy, Winthrop. As long as he's got the caps, I'm going to sell him booze. I'm here to make money, not to babysit. 140
UnderworldTalkAhzrukhalWinthropPatchwork3 Neutral 50 Stop serving him? This is a bar. How am I supposed to make money if I'm not serving booze? If he's got money, I'll give him whatever he asks for. 141
UnderworldTalkAhzrukhalWinthropPatchwork5 UnderworldTalkAhzrukhalWinthropPatchwork5 Neutral 50 Save your threats, old man. You don't have the balls. 142
UnderworldTalkAhzrukhalWinthropPatchwork5 Neutral 50 Don't you threaten me. You wouldn't dare do that, these people would have your head. 143
UnderworldTalkAhzurkhalCough1 UnderworldTalkAhzurkhalCough1 Neutral 50 Whoa, whoa there. Take your illness away from me. 144
UnderworldTalkAhzurkhalCough1 Neutral 50 Take a step back, there. I don't want your slime on me. Tell you what, another drink should clear that cough up. 145
UnderworldTalkAhzurkhalCough1 Neutral 50 You should see someone about that cough. In the mean time, keep your distance. 146
UnderworldTalkAhzurkhalCough1 Neutral 50 Sounds like you need some of Akzurkhal's special cough medicine. 147
UnderworldTalkAhzurkhalCough1 Neutral 50 You might want to see Doc Barrows about that cough. But have another drink before you do. 148
UnderworldTalkAhzurkhalCough1 Neutral 50 Shame the doc is dead, he could've done something about that cough. Ah well, just have another drink. It'll go away. 149
UnderworldTalkAhzurkhalCough1 Neutral 50 Poor doc Barrows, you people are falling apart without him, aren't you? 150
UnderworldTalkAhzurkhalDrugs1 UnderworldTalk1 Neutral 50 Yes, friend? What brings you to me today? Come on now... spit it out. I haven't got all day. 151
UnderworldTalk1 Neutral 50 What is it? I'm very busy, you know. 152
UnderworldTalk1 Neutral 50 You seem so nervous... relax. It's only me, there's nothing to be afraid of. 153
UnderworldTalkAhzurkhalDrugs5 UnderworldTalkAhzurkhalDrugs5 Neutral 50 Don't mention it, my friend. It's what I'm here for. 154
UnderworldTalkAhzurkhalDrugs5 Neutral 50 It's nothing, I simply want to ensure that all my friends in Underworld are as happy as can be. 155
UnderworldTalkAhzurkhalDrugs5 Neutral 50 No thanks are wanted or asked for, it is my humble duty to ensure that you get what you need. 156
UnderworldTalkCharonAhzurkhalBouncer2 UnderworldTalkCharonAhzurkhalBouncer2 Neutral 50 I want you to keep a closer eye on these bastards. I caught one of them trying to swipe some booze from the shelf when my back was turned. 157
UnderworldTalkCharonAhzurkhalBouncer2 Neutral 50 Look, despite all the grunting, I know you're not stupid. You need to start acting like you have half a brain and keep a closer watch on things. 158
UnderworldTalkCharonAhzurkhalBouncer2 Neutral 50 I'm getting a bit tired of having to do my job and your job. Watch these drunks more carefully. I'm getting sick of my stock disappearing. 159
UnderworldTalkCharonAhzurkhalBouncer2 Neutral 50 What do I have you here for? To watch the bar, right? So get your thumb out of your ass and start paying attention to what's going on around you. 160
UnderworldTalkCharonAhzurkhalBouncer2 Neutral 50 Are you blind? Never mind, don't bother grunting a response. You need to watch these assholes better. Some stuff has turned up missing. 161
UnderworldTalkCharonAhzurkhalBouncer4 UnderworldTalkCharonAhzurkhalBouncer4 Neutral 50 I don't know how many times I've told you about this. I don't want to have to do it again. 162
UnderworldTalkCharonAhzurkhalBouncer4 Neutral 50 I'm getting tired of having this conversation. Let's not go through it again. Got me? 163
UnderworldTalkCharonAhzurkhalBouncer4 Neutral 50 I'm glad we had this little talk. 164
UnderworldTalkCharonAhzurkhalBouncer4 Neutral 50 You'd best unfuck yourself, Charon. Or I'll just go ahead and "cancel" our contract. 165
UnderworldTalkCharonAhzurkhalBouncer4 Neutral 50 Good. I'm glad we're clear on that. 166
UnderworldTalkCharonAhzurkhalOrders2 UnderworldTalkAhzurkhalCharonOrders2 Neutral 50 That little chore, the one we talked about yesterday. I trust that it won't be something I have to hear about again, right? 167
UnderworldTalkAhzurkhalCharonOrders2 Neutral 50 I gave you an assignment. I don't have to worry about it not being done, do I? You did do what I asked, yes? 168
UnderworldTalkAhzurkhalCharonOrders2 Neutral 50 I want to make sure that we're not going to have another disagreement. You did what I asked you to do, didn't you? 169
UnderworldTalkAhzurkhalCharonOrders2 Neutral 50 I've got something on my mind, Charon. I had asked you to do something and you never reported back to me. You did it, didn't you? 170
UnderworldTalkCharonAhzurkhalOrders4 UnderworldTalkAhzurkhalCharonOrders4 Neutral 50 Good. You know how I hate to worry. 171
UnderworldTalkAhzurkhalCharonOrders4 Neutral 50 I'm glad to hear it. I knew I could trust you. 172
UnderworldTalkAhzurkhalCharonOrders4 Neutral 50 Good, Charon. Good. I know you wouldn't lie to me. You aren't that stupid. Hahahaha! 173
UnderworldTalkAhzurkhalCharonOrders4 Neutral 50 That's my boy. 174
UnderworldTalkAhzurkhalCharonOrders4 Neutral 50 Good dog. Keep it up and maybe I'll give you a treat. 175
UnderworldTalkAhzurkhalCharonOrders4 Neutral 50 Excellent. I'll have another task for you soon. 176
UnderworldTalkResponseShort1 UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShort Neutral 50 No time to talk now, Winthrop. Too busy. 177
UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShort Neutral 50 Hello, Winthrop. Have a seat, I'll be with you in a minute. 178
UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShort Neutral 50 Welcome! Sit. Drink. Pay. 179
UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShort Neutral 50 Get yourself another drink, you look entirely too sober. 180
UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShort Neutral 50 My friend, you are not drinking nearly enough. 181
UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShort Neutral 50 If you're sober enough to say hello, you're far too sober. 182
UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShort Neutral 50 Less talking, more drinking. 183
UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShort Neutral 50 You look like someone who needs another drink. 184
UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShort Neutral 50 And a hello to you. 185
UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShort Neutral 50 And a hello to you, sir. 186


Attack Attack Neutral 50 Do I have to do everything myself? 187
Attack Neutral 50 Charon! Kill this asshole! Now! 188
Attack Neutral 50 Charon! Get over here and help me! 189
Attack Neutral 50 Charon! Stop her! 190
Attack Neutral 50 Charon! Stop him! 191
Attack Neutral 50 Charon! Kill! 192
Attack Neutral 50 It's time for you to be going. 193
Attack Neutral 50 I hate scrubbing blood out of the floors. 194
Pickpocket Pickpocket Neutral 50 You find anything you like in those pockets? Huh? 195
Pickpocket Neutral 50 Get your fuckin' hands out of my pockets. 196
Steal Steal Neutral 50 Now, now. 197
Steal Neutral 50 There is nothing that comes free in this life, friend. 198
Steal Neutral 50 Put that back, now. 199