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This is a transcript for dialogue with Abbie Russo.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 006EBBD9 006EBC69 And he chose... us? With all of our problems and... *sigh* Shocked, but ultimately really touched to realize this
2 006EBBDA 006EBC7A *sigh* Yeah, I know. A lot of things that happened to me were unfair. It's hard for me not to be angry about it.
3 But being angry hasn't done anything but makes things worse for me. I think, to move forward now... I need to work with what I've got.
4 There's still a lot of good to be found, underneath it all. I'm going to hold onto that.
5 006EBBDB 006EBC67 Vin... loves this family, doesn't he? He just deserves better from us. Always has. I'm going to do better from now on.
6 006EBBDC 006EBC76 How am I supposed to believe that all the shit I've been through is what I was destined for? I deserved better. I still do.
7 *sigh* I don't know. I've caused plenty of problems, myself. Now I'm just... trying to figure out how to make things better.
8 006EBBDD 006EBC65 Yeah. When you put it that way it's hard to argue with. Makes me look pretty stupid, too, huh? What am I going to do with my life?
9 I thought I had something, but... Truth is, I don't think I even really want that for myself. I just wanted somewhere to belong. Referring to trying to join the mob with her father
10 Guess I need to go figure out where that's gonna be.
11 006EBBDE 006EBC73 You're saying that about Vin? He deserves to worry about himself more than anyone else, right now. Surprised anyone would think this about Vin
12 All my life he's been taking care of me and my parents. I only wish I had realized it sooner.
13 What I want now is to learn from his example. Putting others first. Trying to make things better.
14 006EBBE6 006EBC88 Well, isn't it obvious? Because we're a disaster. Whenever people get a glance behind the scenes of the glamorous Russo family, they back off.
15 The few people my parents could have called "friends" left them behind.
16 Vin doesn't even tell people who he really is. No one wants to get dragged into this mess.
17 If you can't keep things together at home, who's going to trust you with anything on the outside? No one with any sense will.
18 006EBBE7 006EBC72 Close? I was with Dad. Um... Yeah. Anyway. Hiding the full story
19 My parents have too many of their own problems to worry about me and Vin. I try not to fault them for it... I really do.
20 They have... Well, they had such vibrant lives. I was always jealous. Wanted to be like them someday.
21 But I was jealous of their time, too. I want parents, not idols.
22 006EBBE8 006EBC85 Vin has always been there for me. Never judged me even when I messed up.
23 I don't know how people are always saying they hate their siblings. For us... I don't know. Maybe our messed up situation brought us together.
24 006EBBE9 006EBC6E Good idea. Let's just... shake that one off.
25 006EBBEA 006EBC80 I think my parents had enough to deal with before two more family members came into the picture. Then we just... followed their example, I guess. Sadly
26 006EBBEB 006EBC6A All the time. But in reality? I'm not even sure how to imagine a different life. I love my parents. I love my brother.
27 I just... wish I wasn't such a problem for them.
28 006EBBEC 006EBC6F Yeah, well. Feeling sorry for myself doesn't change anything.
29 I know I'm not doing a good job, but... I'm trying to figure out how to keep it together. Make things better rather than worse. Like Vin does.
30 006EBBF1 006EBC81 I don't know. The pain is the same here as anywhere else. Distracted, in pain, snapping at the player a little bit because of it
31 Sorry, that was... I'm just trying to figure out how to make it through this right now, that's all. Apologetic, but still in pain
32 006EBC82 I think it could be one of the best things that's happened to us.
33 Mom hates it, but... Maybe it'll wake her up. That scene isn't what it used to be. It never will be again.
34 As for me, I'm just glad to be away from the commotion. And to finally spend time in the same room with everyone.
35 006EBBF2 006EBC7B It's... a long story. I don't think I'm really comfortable talking about it yet. Sorry.
36 006EBC7C I couldn't accept Dad cutting me out. I was looking for any way to make myself valuable again.
37 Thought that maybe, understanding the effects of Devil's Blood would give me something. So I broke into the safehouse and stole some for myself.
38 It was a stupid idea to begin with, but... I couldn't see that at the time. I was just... desperate.
39 Maybe part of it was that I wanted to be seen as an adult. As someone who could do business. Really proved myself with that stunt, didn't I?
40 006EBBF3 006EBC77 I can barely think about surviving tomorrow, let alone a month from now. I'm just going to try and make it through this, first. Distracted, in pain
41 006EBC78 Now that's a question, isn't it? I wish I had an answer. I know I can't just sit at home forever.
42 But, for a little while... I'd like to do just that. Talk to Dad more again. Help out with the club. Or whatever this place is destined to turn into.
43 This family has some catching up to do. Who knows? Maybe my place really is right here, if we can work together and get things off the ground.
44 006EBBF4 006EBC74 Glad to.
45 006EBBF6 006EBC79 I think it'd do better if Mom would accept reality and cater to the locals. All the "glitz and glamour"... It doesn't work like it did over there.
46 006EBC06 006EBC89
47 006EBC8A Being here makes me want to relax and connect, not drown myself in liquor and flashing lights.
48 006EBC07 006EBC75 Later, then.
49 006EBC08 006EBC66 Yeah, sure. What do you want to know?
50 006EBC09 006EBC7D You can ask. I feel like you might regret it, though.
51 006EBC0D 006EBC6B Sure. I know it's been... a lot to deal with. Apologetic
52 006EBC0F 006EBC87 I'm thankful. It feels like a fresh start. A chance to breathe out... Figure out who I am. What I really want.
53 I don't feel alone anymore. It's lifted this huge weight that I didn't even know was there.
54 And that means I can build from here, the right way. Build some kind of life I can be proud of.
55 Thank you, again. I... Well, I may not even be here without your help.
56 006EBC11 006EBC68 Yeah. He did. *sigh* Sorry. I'm really glad for him, honestly. It's what made him happiest.
57 Vin was always there for me. Sometimes he was the only one there for me. I don't know what I'm gonna do without him.
58 I just can't help but think about all the things we should have done for him.
59 If we weren't such a mess, maybe he would have been happy here, with us.
60 006EBC12 006EBC86 Well, I... I shouldn't have stolen that Devil's Blood. Punishment always comes for those who do. I just thought I could do it without getting caught.
61 006EBC13 006EBC70 Yeah. Sent by Concerta, the late Don's sister. I'm sure they thought they were sent by the Don himself.
62 With my dad out of the picture, she could maintain power behind the scenes. It's pretty impressive.
63 Against long-standing tradition and the wills of everyone around her, she was still determined to make a way for herself.
64 I only saw her a few times, but she seemed pretty unpleasant.
65 Maybe it was all the pressure. Fighting tooth and nail for something no one wants you to have.
66 I respect it, but thinking about it... I wouldn't have wanted myself to turn out that way.
67 006EBC14 006EBC71 Okay. Probably for the best.
68 006EBC15 006EBC83 Like myself, for now. The withdrawal to this stuff comes and goes. Never know when the next wave is gonna hit.
69 Sorry. I know you're doing what you can to fix this for me. Don't feel like you have to. I always figure things out, somehow. Ashamed to be a burden
70 006EBC16 006EBC7E Yeah, he loved it. Maybe he could have built a real career there if... if it wasn't for all of this. All of us.
71 Vin deserved that much. A chance at his own life. We really screwed things up for him.
72 006EBC17 006EBC6C She did, in name only. She would take any spare moment to talk smack about them.
73 I guess she felt backed into a corner. Joining them was the only way to keep an audience.
74 I can't blame her. I think I know how that feels.
75 006EBC18 006EBC84 I... have access to places I shouldn't. Just got too confident, I guess. And too desperate. Hiding the full story
76 006EBC19 006EBC7F How am I supposed to believe that all the shit Vin and I have been through is what we were destined for? We deserved better. We still do.
77 *sigh* I don't know. I've caused plenty of problems, myself. Now I'm just... trying to figure out how to make things better.
78 006EBC1A 006EBC6D I mean... I guess I can't be one hundred percent certain. But knowing me, it'd be on-brand for the latest trouble to be my fault.
79 006EBC1B 006EBC39 I'm not afraid of you!
80 006EBC3A I'm not letting you get to me!
81 006EBC3B You need to back off!
82 006EBC1C 006EBC2B That settles that.
83 006EBC2C It's over, now.
84 006EBC2D Could have done without that.
85 006EBC1D 006EBC23 Agh!
86 006EBC24 Tch!
87 006EBC25 Damn it!
88 006EBC1E 006EBC27 I can't let this... happen...
89 006EBC28 No! I still wanna... fight...
90 006EBC29 Shit... I can't...
91 006EBC1F 006EBC3D Can't believe I was so stupid. Devil's Blood... The name fits, that's for sure.
92 006EBC3E Who would want to go back to that place, anyway? Chems, gambling, power trips... Everyone there is drowning.
93 006EBC3F It's so much quieter here. Peaceful, even.
94 006EBC40 It'd be nice to go for a walk. Just gotta watch for mutated bugs, I guess.
95 006EBC41 I kinda miss the smell of the ocean.
96 006EBC43 Ugh... Here comes the nausea. Withdrawal
97 006EBC44 *sigh* I miss Dad.
98 006EBC45 Not much hope for me, is there?
99 006EBC46 God... Not again. Withdrawal
100 006EBC47 It will pass... It will pass. Withdrawal
101 006EBC49 Never thought we'd be together again like this.
102 006EBC4A I guess luck really can be turned around.
103 006EBC4B I'm better now. Better than ever, actually.
104 006EBC20 006EBC2F Oh. Hey! Nice to see you.
105 006EBC30 You're still around? Make yourself at home. Pleasantly surprised
106 006EBC31 Oh! Um... Are you looking at me?
107 006EBC32 Don't mind me.
108 006EBC33 Hope I'm not in your way.
109 006EBC35 Sorry, just... Not right now. In pain from withdrawal
110 006EBC36 *pained whine* In pain from withdrawal. Trying to hold it in
111 006EBC37 Now's not a good time. In pain from withdrawal
112 006EBC21 006EBC4D Something on your mind?
113 006EBC4E Hey... How's it going?
114 006EBC4F Enjoying the, uh... digs? I've definitely seen worse.
115 006EBC50 I know I haven't been much help around here. I'm working on it.
116 006EBC51 Hey, uh... Thanks again for what you did for me. I won't forget it.
117 006EBC52 You know, you seem better than most. Sticking around, helping out, and all. Thanks for that.
118 006EBC53 Have you asked Vin if he needs anything? I'm sure he could use the help.
119 006EBC56 Not sure I can help right now. Just trying to get through the day.
120 006EBC57 Yeah, yeah, I'm sane. Just... waiting for the next wave to hit.
121 006EBC58 Mm... Not feeling too well.
122 006EBC59 I'm scared. I know it's coming. The withdrawal symptoms
123 006EBC5A *deep breath* Yeah? You need something? Pulling it together even though she's in pain from withdrawal
124 006EBC5C A lot has happened, huh? And we came out the other side... better. Much better. Surprised that something actually turned out good for once
125 006EBC5D It's a huge relief to be off that stuff. I thought I could take it, you know? I had no idea it would... take hold of me like that.
126 006EBC5E It's really nice to be talking to Dad again. You played a big part in that, so... Thank you.
127 006F89B9 Don't mind me. Quiet, pained, in a bad mental state. Trying to be left alone
128 006F89BA Sorry, can't talk. Quiet, pained, in a bad mental state. Trying to be left alone
129 00759C33 006EB143 Th-They're gonna come for me!
130 006EB144 Must have... Must have left something... Where did I screw up?
131 006EB145 I'm so... cold...
132 006EB146 What- What was that? Reacting to something in her own head
133 006EB147 W-Who are you? Get away.
134 00759C34 *crying* Crying alone at the "place she met her real father". Thinking back on all the letdowns. Feeling unloved and unwanted.
135 00759C35 *crying* Crying alone at the "place she met her real father". Thinking back on all the letdowns. Feeling unloved and unwanted.
136 00759C36 *crying* Crying alone at the "place she met her real father". Thinking back on all the letdowns. Feeling unloved and unwanted.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
20 006C2D0B 006C2DA4 Get away from me!
63 006C4BDD 006C4C42 They know... I thought I covered my tracks... They're gonna come back, they're gonna...
65 006C4BDF 006C4C4E You're my own mom. Don't talk to me like... *pained groan*
134 006EB105 006F88EB Pleased to make your acquaintance!
138 006F88EF Gee, I'm starting to get nervous! Having a joyous attitude about it
197 00759C4E 00759C4F *screams* Ducking for cover amidst sudden gunfire, whilst already on the verge of a psychotic breakdown


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
45 006F7C05 006F99C4 Please, just leave me alone. It's best for everyone involved if you just leave. Me. Alone. Firm and distraught.
54 0073D39C We're not done here. Irritated.
55 0073D39D Yes? Annoyed.
56 0073D39E What is it? Upset.
57 0073D39F Go on. Distrusting.
58 0073D3A0 I haven't spoken my peace. Cold.
68 00759954 I'm trying to focus, but... I don't feel so good. Getting hit by withdrawals
69 00759955 You'd better talk to my dad. He's not very patient. Meek. Not feeling well due to withdrawals
83 00759C3E It's really nice to have everyone together like this.
84 00759C3F Thanks for helping me out. I don't know where I would be, otherwise.
116 006F98F5 006F999A I don't think I will, dad. I've already made up my mind.
122 006F98F8 006F99A8 *sighs* I want the antidote. I want to get better.
123 006F99A9 Dad, trust is something you've gotta build up to and maintain. You've spent two decades showing me I can't trust you.
124 It's not like one good experience can undo all the broken promises. I'm sorry, but it's too late to salvage this.
133 006F98FA 006F9996 You admitted you were wrong. So maybe it's time I do the same. Somber.
134 I never really thought you cared about me. I thought I was as disposable to you as every other addict you wasted. Opening up about her feelings, something she's never done before.
135 I don't think I deserve special treatment because I'm your daughter. Blunt and humble.
136 But if I'm going to take this antidote and start a new life, I really want it to be a new life. A new start. Emphasis on "new." She's feeling a bit frustrated while saying this.
137 No more killing. No more chems. I want a proper family. Firm and clear about her wants and intentions.
138 I don't want to be on my own anymore. Vulnerable and emotional.
139 006F9997 After everything we've been through, I don't think you have it in you to change, dad. Firm, somber, pained.
140 Not now, not ever. I don't want my life to be defined by it anymore. Firm and tired.
141 I'll take the antidote. I'll get clean. But after all's said and done? Firm.
142 I'm staying here in AC. I don't want to see any of you ever again. Resolute. She won't be swayed once she's made up her mind.
143 It's time I carved out my own path without being weighed down by all of your wrongs. Firm and determined. A bit bitter.
144 006F9998 I've wanted to put my feelings into words for years but never thought I'd find the right opportunity. I don't know how to reach you. Holding back an immense amount of anger and hurt.
145 It's like I'm the unstoppable force and you're the immovable object. You just won't move. Emphasis on "just won't move."
146 I could mold myself into the perfect daughter, play the right cards...but it wouldn't even matter. Because you'll never change. Bitter and sad.
147 Maybe I started taking Blood to get you to look at me again, but now? It's the only thing that makes me feel a little less empty. Insulting and angry.
148 You can take that antidote and give it to someone who really deserves it. Someone who has people who love them, and can make something of their life. Bitter, hurt, resentful.
149 You can have your Family, dad. You already chose the one you wanted, and they even betrayed you in the end! Angry, petty, resentful.
150 You'll never see me again. Firm and resolute.
151 006F98FB 006F996D I always thought that was the case. Vin was always the golden child. The perfect one. The one who could do no wrong. Paranoid, bitter.
152 Every time I screw up, I'm just doing what's expected of me. Cold and bitter.
153 006F98FC 006F999E That I can believe. Irritated.
154 006F98FD 006F9974 Even if that's true, he should've stood up for me. Defensive, afraid.
155 006F98FE 006F99A6 It's not about the blood, or even the stupid devil. It's about the fact that you've always chosen caps over me. Getting frustrated.
156 Why did you walk away from me? What did I do wrong? Demanding answers, furious.
158 006F9903 007580D2 Is this true? Distraught, pleading.
176 006F9910 006F9966 Dad! Just wait... Embarrassed by her father's impatience.
182 006F9916 006F999B What?! Shocked, terrified.
194 006F991C 006F99B5 But if it's our only option, we've got to! Desperate, pleading.
209 006F992B 006F9961 Then what are we waiting for?! Let's go! Eager to take charge.
211 006F992D 006F996A What's your excuse this time?! I'm an adult. I can handle myself. I've been handling myself for years now, thanks to you and mom! Defensive and angry.
213 006F992F 006F9971 Strung out on a chem you sold. Cutting words.
216 006F9931 006F9978 You'll never change, will you? Angry and frustrated.
284 0073D2DE 0073D334 I'm not surprised. I don't believe my father fought the Devil selflessly. Is there even enough blood left for me, or is he going to sell it all? Bitter. Cutting words.
285 0073D2DF 0073D3A4 Tell me, did he make that decision on his own? Or did you have to make it for him? Distrusting and bitter.
286 0073D2E0 0073D34F H-he did? He gave up caps? I just...I'm not sure if I believe that. In disbelief.
287 0073D2E1 0073D335 How do I know anything is going to change? What proof is there? Paranoid, afraid.
288 0073D2E2 0073D355 Well...you have a point there. A very good point. Reflective. Considering the player's point of view.
289 It's just the first time I've ever seen him do anything for me. Still a bit in shock.
290 0073D2E3 0073D33A I would love to believe that. I really would. But how do I know I can trust his word? Anyone can lie. Paranoid, frustrated.
291 Only actions show change. Consistent action. Stern.
292 0073D2E4 0073D35D Letting them win? There's no winners or losers here. Defiant, bitter.
293 There's nothing for me to prove, since there was nothing expected of me in the first place. Defiant, somber.
294 0073D2E5 0073D33F Heh. I see why you get along with my dad so well. Sarcastic, angry.
295 You're both the same, aren't you? Bitter, hateful.
296 0073D2E6 0073D367 A normal life, huh? Let me ask you something. What life do I have to return to? What point is there? Hurt, frustrated.
297 My mother's too busy looking in a mirror to look at me, and my brother can't be there for me forever. He has his own life to live. Getting more and more frustrated the more that she speaks.
298 My father kills people and ruins their lives for a living, and I've never even been good enough for that. Incredulous and angry at the same time.
299 So let me ask you again. What do I have to go back to? With a life like that, what'll even stop me from using again? Angry, bitter.
300 Then all of this would be for nothing. Bitter.
302 0073D2E8 0073D36C I may have not been the one to pull the trigger, but I just stood by and let it happen. Defiant.
303 I know I was young, but...I could've done more. I could've distracted my father, pushed him out of the way... Something! Cold, defiant.
304 0073D2E9 0073D348 How? I mean, it's not like we were locked inside. I told Gene I needed to be alone to think about things. Confused by the player's question.
305 She's totally tweaked out, all the time. It's not like she'd put up a fight. A bit judgmental.
308 0073D2EC 0073D333 Do you even remember what happened here, dad? Cold, accusatory.
309 You wasted a guy on Blood because he didn't pay up. Cold.
310 What even sets me apart from him? Why does he get a bullet to the head, and I get an antidote? Cold, angry, accusatory.
312 0073D2EE 0073D339 Why even bother with it? Is there even a point to this antidote? Distraught, defeated.
313 0073D2EF 0073D371 Just go. I've said what I needed to say. Hurt and angry, emotionally exhausted.
314 0073D372 Outcome's about what I expected. There's no use in trying anymore. Angry and hurt, holding back tears and trying to level her emotions.
315 0073D373 What are you waiting for? He chose you, after all. Bitter, thinly-veiled jealousy.
316 0073D374 I've got nothing to say to you right now. I'm just disappointed. Hurt and tired.
317 0073D376 Y-you should hurry! Think of all that p-pure blood, being wasted... Daydreaming about doing more drugs.
318 0073D377 H-hurry! We don't have much time! Trying to underscore how urgent the situation is.
319 0073D379 I'm shocked, to say the least. But in a good way. Maybe this is a chance to start over. Surprised, but very hopeful.
320 0073D37A I didn't think my dad had, you know, feelings. She is bewildered but making a slight joke.
321 0073D37B A brighter future makes recovery seem all the more worth it. Happy and hopeful.
322 0073D37C Let's just get this over with. Stressed, doesn’t want to talk.
323 0073D37D The sooner I've got that antidote, the sooner I can get as far away from him as possible. Irritated and stressed. Emphasis on “him”, referring to her father.
324 0073D37E I think I made the right choice back there. People never changed. Somber and reflective.
350 007580E9 I don't think I can handle any more secrets. Sad. Resigned.
351 007580EA There's times I feel like I'm standing in a room full of strangers. Grim.
352 007580EB Oh, god...what now? Exhausted and worried.
353 007580ED I don't know how I feel about going back to Atlantic City. Anxious, unsure.
354 007580EE So this is it, then. It's our only chance at making that antidote. Sad.
355 007580EF I feel like this is all my fault. No, it is all my fault. Feeling guilty, distraught.
362 0073D2F2 0073D351 Err...well, that's the goal, isn't it? Trying to hide her hurt feelings at the player's cruel words.
363 I hoped you had more faith in me than that. Hurt.
364 0073D2F4 0073D337 Oh... Well, I'm sure my dad would be willing to spare the caps. A bit taken aback by the player's greed. Was hoping they would be altruistic, but also understands why they'd want to get paid.
365 He's got too much money for his own good. Not that he sees it that way. Annoyed.
366 0073D2F6 0073D357 *laughs awkwardly* Well, I felt like I had to. Awkward laugh. She's not sure how to process such kindness.
367 It being a matter of life and death and all that. Making a dark joke.
368 0073D2F8 0073D33C That means a lot to hear. Genuinely heart-warming.
369 I never considered that anyone cared about whether I lived or died. Reflective, sentimental.
371 0073D2FB 0073D341 Thank you, Gene. Genuinely grateful, a bit sentimental.
375 0073D2FE 0073D36F I-I don't know. Not really. Dazed, unsure.
376 Wait...I feel...the craving is dying down. It's not as intense. Sudden revelation. Getting hopeful.
379 0073D301 0073D359 I'm ready as I'll ever be. Nervous, resigned to her fate.
442 0075806A 007580A9 I will. I got us into this mess. The last thing I want to do is drag you further into it. Resolute, showing strength for the sake of her brother
455 00758071 007580C8 So you killed it to make a profit. Cold. Matter of fact.
461 00758077 007580D6 Whoa... In awe, disbelief.
471 0075807E 007580C1 I just wanted a dad, period... Quiet, solemn.
478 00758081 0075809F God, dad...really?! This was the first thing your brain went to?! To fake dementia?! Becoming angry.
479 00758082 007580BD Call me naïve, but I was just hoping my own father wouldn't stoop that low. But the bar is subterranean at this point. Trying to hide that the player's words hurt her.
480 00758084 007580A3 No, you're not. Sometimes I really envy you for that. Guarded, sad.
481 00758086 007580BF I wish I could say I can't believe it, but... Her whole world is being turned upside down.
485 00758089 007580C2 Vin... Where did you hear that Dad is faking? Desperately hoping this isn't true.
491 00758094 007580C5 Mom, will you relax?! This isn't helpful. Frustrated, trying to calm her mother down.
492 He's...he's sick. We don't even know if what Vin said is true. Desperate to cling to a positive belief.
557 007588C5 00758921 You deserve to be happy too, Vin. Maybe there's an organization out here like the Munis. Somewhere you can do that kind of work again.
566 007588CA 00758918 I know this has been a roller coaster. Having you looking in from the outside... It shed light on a lot of things. But I'm hopeful for the future.
572 007588D2 0075893D Mom, all your sides are your "good side."
573 0075893E You don't need a big audience to be a star, Mom. I love hearing you sing.
580 007588D7 00758938 Yeah, Vin. I'm back. Really back.
597 007588E2 007588F4 Heh. That's for sure.
598 I'll see you there. Don't take too long, okay?
599 007588E3 00758942 Thank you. It means a lot to me.
600 007588E4 00758911 Would you, um... meet us there? You've been with us the whole way, so it wouldn't feel right to part ways here. I'm sure Vin wants to thank you, too.
601 007588E5 007588F3 Yeah, Dad. I'm ready.
606 007588E9 00758907 But I guess a lot of people do. Happy yet sentimental.
607 00758908 But I guess some people do. Even if it's not Dad's first priority.
608 007588EA 0075893F I should be thanking you the most. Without you, I'd still be... Well, I don't want to think about what might have happened to me.
624 0075C930 0075C93D God, I was hoping you wouldn't find me... Sad.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
49 006F0138 006FC627 What's going on? Shouldn't you be smiling? Blissed out on DB
272 006FC602 006FC612 Well... Maybe Dad would have told me if he hadn't cut me out. That's all water under the bridge, though. Blissed out on DB
273 Everything's dandy now! We're in West Virginia. It's a new start! No more jobs, no more Dad. Everything's, everything's... Blissed out on DB. Reality starts to creep in at the end
274 Everything's... good... It has to be... Reality is creeping in
275 006FC603 006FC614 Mess? Oh, right. *euphoric laughter* Guess I messed up pretty bad, huh? Blissed out on DB
276 006FC604 006FC610 Oh... right. Guess I'm in trouble again, huh? *euphoric laughter* Blissed out on DB
277 006FC605 006FC618 Okay? Yeah, everything's... fantastic. Really... amazing. Blissed out on DB
278 006FC606 006FC611 *gulping*
279 Vin? Mom... And, who are you, again? Oh... Feels... nice. Feeling better as the drug takes effect
364 007521FC 00752218 Yeah... We will, won't we? Thanks, Mom. Slightly euphoric from just taking Devil's Blood
367 007521FE 00752219 Who, me? You... You're really asking? Slightly euphoric from just taking Devil's Blood