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Fallout Wiki


{100}{}{Kalnor, a Junktown guard.}
{101}{Kalnor_001}{You'd better watch yourself here.}
{102}{Kalnor_002}{This isn't a good town to get in trouble in.}
{103}{Kalnor_003}{Behave, and we won't have to get nasty.}
{104}{Kalnor_004}{You're OK.}
{105}{Kalnor_005}{Keep up the good work.}
{106}{Kalnor_006}{Nice day, isn't it?}
{107}{Kalnor_007}{This is Junktown. Nice place to live, as long as you stay on our good side.}
{108}{Kalnor_008}{Watch out for Gizmo and his cronies.}
{109}{Kalnor_009}{I like my boss.}
{110}{Kalnor_010}{You'd better put that away. Junktown is a friendly place, friend, and we want to keep it that way.}
{111}{Vault_Dweller_010a}{Put what away?}
{112}{Vault_Dweller_010b}{Don't tell me what to do, loser boy.}
{113}{Vault_Dweller_010c}{Sounds fair. By the way, what is the local law regarding weapons?}
{114}{Vault_Dweller_010d}{Uh, oh.}
{115}{Kalnor_011}{Your weapon, idiot. Killian won't take your arms away, but you'd better damn well keep them in your holster.}
{116}{}{Oh, sorry.}
{117}{}{No way! I'm not putting down my shooters for nobody!}
{118}{Kalnor_012}{You'd better behave, since it's the law, and I enforce the law. Put your weapon away. Don't draw it unless in self-defense and you won't have a problem with us guards. Disobey the law and we will return you to the lawless wasteland--dead or alive.}
{119}{Vault_Dweller_012a}{Sure, since you put it that way.}
{120}{Vault_Dweller_012b}{Bite your laws!}
{121}{Vault_Dweller_012c}{Well, uh, fine with me. But you'd better be careful.}
{122}{Kalnor_013}{Good you asked. No weapons can be drawn except in self-defense. If you start a fight, it's your fault. Other than that, it's your right to go around armed. Just don't pull a knife or gun without just cause. Have a good day.}
{123}{Kalnor_014}{Hey you, no weapons! And I don't care if your momma dropped you on our head as a kid. No weapons.}
{124}{Kalnor_015}{Hey! You! What are you doing sneaking around?}
{126}{Vault_Dweller_015b}{I'm not sneaking around. I just like to walk cautiously.}
{128}{Kalnor_016}{Whatever you're doing, don't do it in this town.}
{129}{Kalnor_017}{Hey! No shady characters in town! Get out of here before we throw you out!}
{130}{Kalnor_018}{Well, uh, OK. Whatever. Just don't do anything out of line.}
{131}{Vault_Dweller_018}{Thanks, bye.}
{132}{Kalnor_019}{Certainly. I will throw caution to the wind, sir.}
{133}{Kalnor_020}{Certainly. I will throw caution to the wind, ma'am.}
{134}{Kalnor_021}{You'd better watch your step around here, because we'll be watching you.}
{135}{Kalnor_022}{Welcome to Junktown. What can I do for you?}
{136}{Vault_Dweller_022a}{Nothing, thanks.}
{137}{Vault_Dweller_022b}{What are you doing here? What is this place?}
{138}{Vault_Dweller_022c}{Where can I get some supplies?}
{140}{Kalnor_023}{I dunno about that. You might want to check with Killian. He's to the north. That's up that way, OK?}
{141}{Kalnor_024}{What does it look like? I'm a guard, and I'm keeping an eye out for strangers like you. And this place is called Junktown. Hey, don't laugh. I happen to like the name myself. We mostly do trading. Sometimes we trade with those stuck up bastards from Hub. Hey, you're not from the Hub are you?}
{142}{Vault_Dweller_024a}{What? The Hub? Sure I am!}
{143}{Vault_Dweller_024b}{Me? No, I'm not from the Hub.}
{144}{Kalnor_025}{Then you must know most of the rules. Have a good day. And I am sorry about the bastards part, OK?}
{145}{Vault_Dweller_025a}{Yeah! Hey, no problem. Bye.}
{146}{Vault_Dweller_025b}{It's going to cause me some severe mental trauma. Later.}
{147}{Kalnor_026}{Hmmm. OK. It's not our place to ask questions. Have a good day and don't make any trouble.}
{148}{Kalnor_027}{Oh, heck. The place for that is Darkwater's. Killian runs it. It's a little to the north. Killian has the best supplies in town.}
{149}{Vault_Dweller_027a}{Thanks. Bye.}
{150}{Vault_Dweller_027b}{You wanna show me where you keep "your" supplies?}
{152}{Kalnor_029}{Uh, no. Sorry, lady. I got work to do here.}
{153}{Kalnor_030}{Have a nice day.}
{154}{Kalnor_031}{Keep out of trouble.}
{155}{Kalnor_032}{Boy, I sure hope my replacement gets here soon. It feels like I've been standing guard duty forever.}
{156}{Kalnor_033}{I'm sorry, the gates are closed for the night. Come back in the morning.}
{157}{Vault_Dweller_033a}{Hey, I need to get in!}
{158}{Vault_Dweller_033b}{No problem. See you in the morning.}
{159}{Kalnor_034}{I'm sorry to disturb you, sir, but I would like to enter your town. You can see that I would cause no harm.}
{161}{Kalnor_035}{Come . . . back . . . day . . .}
{162}{Kalnor_036}{Sorry, the rules are the rules. No strangers admitted during the night.}
{163}{Kalnor_037}{Well, I shouldn't do this, but you seem like a nice enough person. Come on in, but don't make any trouble.}
{164}{Kalnor_038}{Hey! It's you! Come on in, }
{165}{Kalnor_039}{. Good to see you again!}
{166}{Kalnor_040}{Hey, you'd better turn right around and walk back out of here.}
{167}{Kalnor_041}{Go on in.}
