Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


{100}{}{You see Amber, a teacher for the Followers.}
{101}{Amber_001}{Now is when I rest. Please, come back during the evening.}
{102}{Amber_002}{Welcome noble traveler. Have you come here to study?}
{103}{Vault_Dweller_002a}{No. I really came here just to kill things.}
{104}{Vault_Dweller_002b}{Depends on what you want to teach me.}
{105}{Vault_Dweller_002c}{Yes, I am willing to learn.}
{106}{Amber_003}{I am truly sorry to hear that. The Followers believe in peace at all costs. For that reason, I have renounced violence. Good evening.}
{107}{Amber_004}{I am skilled in many of the languages and arts. Perhaps you would like to learn one of those?}
{108}{Vault_Dweller_004a}{I'm sorry, but I need to know things which will help me survive.}
{109}{Vault_Dweller_004b}{I have no time for that type of stuff. I'm gone.}
{110}{Vault_Dweller_004c}{Perhaps I can listen to a song or two.}
{111}{Amber_005}{Can you teach me anything else?}
{112}{Amber_006}{Ah, we have here a student of life. In a case like this, I can teach you some herbalism, but training takes a while for little result.}
{113}{Vault_Dweller_006a}{Fine, just teach me.}
{114}{Vault_Dweller_006b}{Please, teach me what you can.}
{115}{Vault_Dweller_006c}{Sorry, I really don't have time for plants. Goodbye.}
{116}{Amber_007}{You need not be rude. Apologize now, or I won't teach you.}
{117}{Vault_Dweller_007a}{I am sorry. Will you please teach me?}
{118}{Vault_Dweller_007b}{Forget it.}
{119}{Amber_008}{That is better now. We will begin your studies.}
{120}{Amber_009}{You are an apt learner. May your trials be light. Go in peace.}
{121}{Amber_010}{As you see fit. May the future soften your heart and broaden your mind.}
{122}{Amber_011}{Very well, I will teach you the ways to survive.}
{123}{Amber_012}{You are an apt learner. May your trials be light. Go in peace.}
{124}{Amber_013}{You do not convince me. I think you seek to use my gifts for ill.
Good evening.}
{125}{Amber_014}{Ah, a student of the arts is a rare thing in this world. Perhaps there is hope for you yet. Each song is long in time. Which would you like to hear?}
{126}{Vault_Dweller_014a}{In the Wake of the Shadow.}
{127}{Vault_Dweller_014b}{The Ballad of Aires.}
{128}{Vault_Dweller_014c}{In Remembrance of Artemis.}
{129}{Vault_Dweller_014d}{The Rising of Dawn's Chariot.}
{130}{Amber_015}{An astonishing piece of work. I shall grant you an audience.}
{131}{Amber_016}{I must rest. This teaching drains much from me. Good luck to you.}
{132}{Amber_017}{An astonishing piece of work. I shall grant you an audience.}
{133}{Amber_018}{I must rest. This teaching drains much from me. Good luck to you.}
{134}{Amber_019}{An astonishing piece of work. I shall grant you an audience.}
{135}{Amber_020}{I must rest. This teaching drains much from me. Good luck to you.}
{136}{Amber_021}{An astonishing piece of work. I shall grant you an audience.}
{137}{Amber_022}{I must rest. This teaching drains much from me. Good luck to you.}
{138}{Amber_023}{I fear I have spent myself far too much. I am sorry.}
{139}{Amber_024}{Peace and Beauty are all I can teach. I am sorry that those are not appealing to you. Good day.}
{140}{Amber_025}{I can teach you the ways of the old bards and minstrels.}
{141}{Vault_Dweller_025a}{I would be honored to hear a song.}
{142}{Vault_Dweller_025b}{Perhaps another time. Thank you.}
{143}{Vault_Dweller_025c}{I was hoping to learn something that may help me more.}
{144}{Amber_026}{You have no need of my talents. You have taught peaceful people the ways of war. I mourn for them now.}
