Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


{100}{}{You see a super mutant. He is guarding the airlock door.}
{101}{}{You see a super mutant guard.}
{102}{}{Jeremiah, you may pass.}
{103}{}{Move along.}
{104}{}{Move faster, messenger.}
{105}{}{Normals cannot carry weapons here! Halt and identify yourself!}
{107}{}{Uh, sorry. I'll put it away.}
{108}{}{I'm just passing through. No need for identities here.}
{109}{}{Die! Die! Die! I always wanted to say that.}
{110}{}{I will not be spoken to that way. You will be punished.}
{111}{}{Halt! What is your business here, 'child'.}
{113}{}{I'm, uh, doing stuff.}
{114}{}{I'm on important business. You have no right to stop and question me.}
{115}{}{Don't talk to me, big boy.}
{116}{}{Your answer does not settle my nerves. Speak quickly and clearly, or I will assume you are here for foul purposes. I assure you that you will not like that...}
{117}{}{Uh, no, really, honestly. I'm doing stuff.}
{118}{}{I'm bringing a message to our leader.}
{119}{}{I sense the untruth behind your words. You will not be allowed in. This I promise you...}
{120}{}{You may pass, but next time, follow the proper procedure...}
{121}{}{Ok, thanks. See you around.}
{122}{}{And what's that?}
{123}{}{Blessing to you, brother.}
{124}{}{A true follower of the Master would have that knowledge. You are an intruder!}
{125}{}{Move along. I don't have time for your questions.}
{126}{}{You are annoying me.}
{127}{}{I have work to do. Do you?}
{128}{}{You are making a mistake by coming here. Explain yourself or perish...}
{130}{}{I have nothing to say.}
{131}{}{I'm here to protect humanity from the likes of you.}
{132}{}{Oh, shut up!}
{133}{}{You should not try to fool me by playing dumb. I tire of this...}
{134}{}{What kind of foolish bigotry is that, we are 'humanity.' We're just as human as you are.}
{135}{}{What kind of crap is that?}
{136}{}{There is no possible way that you are human.}
{137}{}{My name is Kyle. I was born to a mother and a father, like yourself. The Master just oversaw my rebirth. These muscles, this skin, this strength does not make me any less human than you. I do not like all that the Unity stands for, but it is the best chance for peace that we have.}
{138}{}{Not on my watch, it isn't. I'm here to put an end to you and your kind.}
{139}{}{You may be human, but that still doesn't make your Unity right. I guess we will be enemies.}
{140}{}{It is a pity that you act this way, but you will not proceed further...}
{141}{}{It will be a true shame to see your head on a pike.}
{143}{}{I no speak to you.}
{200}{}{You gain }
{201}{}{ experience points for bluffing your way past the guards.}
