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Fallout Wiki

The 132nd Engineering Corps was a division of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers stationed at Sentinel Site Prescott before the Great War.


The soldiers of the division were present at Sentinel Site Prescott on October 23, 2077. They were greatly disturbed by incoming targets they saw on radar, not sure whether it was a drill or an actual nuclear attack, with their attempts at communication receiving no outside reply. Many of them wished to return to their families to be with them in the event of the nuclear apocalypse. One member, Captain Mitch Dunleavy, attempted to contact military command for information, only to realize that the attack was, in fact, "the big one."[1]


Behind the scenes[]

The 132nd Engineering Corps may be based on the 132nd Engineer Combat Battalion, which existed briefly between 1943 and 1946 in Framingham, Massachusetts.


The 132nd Engineering Corps is mentioned only in Fallout 4.

