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Gannon Senior era um oficial da Enclave e pai de Arcade Gannon que viveu após a destruição do Control Station Enclave. Após sua morte em combate, sua família tentou se integrar ao NCR, e acabou se estabelecendo no Mojave Wasteland.


Gannon Senior era um oficial do Enclave estacionado em Camp Navarro e liderou uma unidade de elite composta por Cannibal Johnson, Judah Kreger, Orion Moreno, Doctor Henry, e Daisy Whitman. Ele usava uma Tesla armor, que mais tarde foi herdada por seu filho, Arcade.[1] Daisy era uma amiga íntima dele, a piloto que o levou em sua última missão e ajudou seu filho após a morte dele e de sua esposa.[2]

Arcade é reticente em falar de seu pai a princípio, mas confidenciará ao Courier que desejava que seu pai estivesse presente para sua educação. Sabendo muito bem de sua incapacidade de mudar o passado, Arcade menciona que Cannibal Johnson lhe disse que seu pai era um bom homem, o que o satisfez o suficiente, não tendo sido capaz de experimentar em primeira mão,[3] além de sempre ter coisas boas a dizer sobre ele, como Arcade sendo igual a seu pai em muitos aspectos.[4]


Gannon é mencionado apenas em Fallout: New Vegas.


Joshua Sawyer afirmou que o primeiro nome de Gannon era "Mark" em seu role-playing game.[Non-game 1] Um fichário de Sawyer para o RPG contêm "canis caninam non est" que se traduz como "cão não come cão."[Non-game 2]


  1. Arcade Gannon: "Like I said, I needed to go do something. This is it. It belonged to my father. I thought I might wear it at Hoover Dam, but after you talked me out of it, I didn't see the point in hanging on to it any longer. I'm here because of you, so I figure you're the one most deserving of it. It should protect you from everything short of a Plasma Caster. And if you need anything - anything at all - you know where to find me."
    (Diálogo de Arcade Gannon)
  2. Arcade Gannon: "Since my mother died, Daisy's been the only woman in my life. She was the only other woman close to my father, too. She flew him out on over a dozen missions, including his last. I've always been close to Daisy. There have been some good men along the way, but lovers make poor confidants. Daisy never had children of her own, so she was always there to listen. Being in the Enclave didn't mean much to her. She just loved to fly. It broke her heart to be grounded."
    (Diálogo de Arcade Gannon)
  3. Courier: "I'm sure your father would be proud of you."
    Arcade Gannon: "I wonder if he would. It's pointless, I know, but sometimes I wonder what he wanted me to be. Maybe being a doctor in the middle of Nevada wasn't exactly what he had in mind for his little boy. I grew up without him. I'll always feel like something is missing from my life. But you're right. It's not like I'm the only kid in the wasteland who's grown up without a dad. Johnson always said my father was a good man. If that's the only thing about me that's like him, that's enough for me."
    (Diálogo de Arcade Gannon)
  4. Arcade Gannon: "If I had to pick anyone who didn't belong in the Enclave, it would definitely be Johnson. He hated what the Enclave was doing. Day to day, week to week, he would question orders, subvert mission objectives, do anything he could to serve without serving. It's amazing he was never court-martialed. He always had good things to say about my father. Said I was like him in a lot of ways. I wish I knew."
    (Diálogo de Arcade Gannon)

Fora do jogo

  1. Usuário: "Had Arcade Jr. been thought up by then, or was this for Arcade Sr.?"
    J. Sawyer: "His father (as a tabletop character) was named Mark Gannon. In F:NV, Arcade's father is never named."
    (Fallout: New Vegas: Old Thread, Something Awful forums)
  2. J. Sawyer: "Last week I was going through some packed boxes of books and I found my old binder for Arcade during our BIS Fallout tabletop game."
    Usuário: "...does the quote on the binder read, "It's an old lie, Arcade. Canis caninam non est (Dog does not eat dog)?""
    Sawyer: "Yep, that's the quote."
    (Fallout: New Vegas: Old Thread, Something Awful forums)SIMPLE Arcade binder
Enclave Symbol (FO3)
Enclave Symbol (FO3)