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Fallout Wiki

Gametitle-FO4 NW
Gametitle-FO4 NW
レイダー達に占領された巨大遊園地『ヌカ・ワールド』でバカンスを楽しみましょう!『ヌカ・ワールド』は、広大なエリアに分かれており、サファリ・アドベンチャーやドライロック・ガルチ、キッディ・キングダム等の様々なエリアが存在します。もちろん、ギャラティックゾーンも。また、レイダー達を利用して連邦の居住区を征服する事だって可能です!DLC「Nuka-World」では、新たなクエスト、レイダー、装備その他もろもろが追加されます。さぁ、ウェイストランドの夏休みはこれからです‼︎— Official Description

Nuka-Worldは、Fallout 4の6つ目のDLCである。It recommends the player character to be level 30 before its initial quests. All Aboard starts automatically by listening to the Nuka-Cola Family radio, although the add-on can be started earlier by entering the Nuka-World transit center.

Release and availability[]





  • アーロン・コルベット
  • アニス
  • アルガス
  • Commander Bear|ベア指揮官
  • ボトル
  • ブラクストン将軍
  • ブレット・ダンモア
  • キャッピー
  • チェルシー
  • チップ・モールス
  • Chipmunk
  • Cito
  • Cleansed
  • Overboss Colter
  • Cora
  • Corin
  • Crag
  • Dara Hubbell
  • Dixie
  • Doc Phosphate
  • Corporal Downey
  • Evan
  • Fritsch
  • Harvey
  • Dr. Hein
  • Ian
  • John-Caleb Bradberton
  • Kali Dunmore
  • Katana
  • Katelyn Alden
  • Commander Kaylor
  • Keith Dawkins
  • Kendell Alston
  • Lauren Plummer
  • Lizzie Wyath
  • Lucky
  • Lucy
  • Luna
  • Mackenzie Bridgeman
  • Maddox
  • Mags Black
  • Sergeant Marcks
  • Mason
  • Maurice Turner
  • Dr. McDermot
  • Monique Dunmore
  • Mouse
  • N.I.R.A.
  • Nisha
  • Nuka-Girl
  • One-Eyed Ike
  • Ophelia
  • Oswald the Outrageous
  • Peter
  • Phil Roller
  • Porter Gage
  • Rabbit
  • Rachel Watkins
  • Rage
  • RedEye
  • Ricky Braxton
  • Robin
  • Rogue knight
  • Rolanda Hooper
  • Sabine
  • Sabot
  • Sam Teller
  • Savoy
  • Shank
  • Shelbie Chase
  • Sheriff Eagle
  • Sheriff Hawk
  • Sierra Petrovita
  • Sinner
  • Startender
  • Sykes
  • Private Tyler
  • Terry Tanaka
  • The Giddyup Kid
  • Ticket taker
  • Tula Spinney
  • William Black
  • Wretch
  • Zachariah


  • レイダー
    • パックス
    • ディサイプルズ
    • オペレーターズ
  • ハボロジスト
  • トレイダー
  • ガンナーズ

Robots and computers[]

  • Animatronic alien
  • Assaultron
    • Novatron
    • Novatron invader
    • Novatron dominator
    • Novatron initiator
    • Novatron eliminator
  • Mr. Gutsy
    • Astro-Gutsy
    • Cadet Astro-Gutsy
    • Lieutenant Astro-Gutsy
    • Commander Astro-Gutsy
    • Captain Astro-Gutsy
  • Mister Handy
  • Mr Frothy
    • Mr Frothy chef
    • Mr Frothy waiter
  • N.I.R.A.
  • Protectron
  • Sentry bot
    • Space sentry breaker
    • Space sentry annihilator
    • Space sentry obliterator
    • Startender


  • Ant
    • Flying ant swarm
    • Flying glowing ant swarm
    • Flying soldier ant swarm
    • Forager ant
    • Soldier ant
    • Glowing ant
    • Overgrown forager ant
    • Overgrown glowing ant
    • Overgrown soldier ant
    • Small forager ant
    • Small glowing ant
    • Small soldier ant
  • Bloodworm
    • Bloodworm larva
    • Venomous bloodworm larva
    • Glowing bloodworm larva
    • Venomous bloodworm
    • Glowing bloodworm
    • Bloodworm queen
  • Brahmiluff
    • Brahmiluff longhorn
    • Brahmiluff shorthorn
    • Pack brahmiluff
  • Cave cricket
    • Cave cricket hunter
    • Cave cricket piercer
    • Cave cricket black
    • Glowing cave cricket
  • Deathclaw
    • Quantum deathclaw
  • Feral ghoul
    • Charred painted ghoul
    • Painted ghoul
  • Gatorclaw
    • Albino gatorclaw
  • Gazelle
    • Pack gazelle
  • Ghoulrilla
    • Ghoulrilla king
  • Mirelurk
    • Nukalurk
    • Nukalurk hunter
    • Nukalurk king
    • Nukalurk queen
    • Nukalurk spawn
  • Rad-rat
    • Rad-rat pup
    • Mangy rad-rat pup
    • Infected rad-rat pup
    • Mangy rad-rat
    • Infected rad-rat
    • Plagued rad rat


この項はFallout 4 locationsから引用されたものです。 変更するには引用されたページを編集してください。


  • Bradberton
  • Bradberton overpass
  • Dunmore homestead
  • Evan's home
  • Grandchester Mystery Mansion
  • Hubologist's camp
  • Northpoint reservoir
  • Nuka-World
    • Galactic Zone
      • Nuka-Galaxy
      • Vault-Tec: Among the Stars
      • RobCo Battlezone
      • Starlight Interstellar Theater
      • Starport Nuka
      • ArcJet G-Force
      • Handy Whirl
      • Nuka Rockets
      • Splashdown
      • Spacewalk
    • Dry Rock Gulch
      • Mad Mulligan's Minecart Coaster
      • Doc Phosphate's Saloon
      • Dry Rock Gulch Theater
      • Main Street
      • Ol' Sugartop
      • Dry Rock Gulch Employee Area
    • Safari Adventure
      • Cappy's Treehouse
      • Safari Adventure primate house
      • Safari Adventure reptile house
      • Jungle Journey Theater
      • Welcome Center
      • Angry Anaconda
      • Bear cave
    • Nuka-Cola bottling plant
      • Secure beverageer lab
      • The World of Refreshment
    • Kiddie Kingdom
      • King Cola's Castle
      • King Cola's Court
      • King Cola's Castle Tower
      • Ferris Wheel
      • Fun House
      • Employee tunnels
      • Carousel
      • Blast Off!
      • Teacups
      • Candy Town Playground
      • Nuka-Racers
      • Rally Rollers
      • Carousel
    • Nuka-Town USA
      • Bradberton Amphitheater
        • Nuka-Town Backstage
      • Bradberton's office
      • Cappy's Cafe
      • Cola-cars arena
      • Fizztop Grille
      • Fizztop Mountain
      • Nuka-Cade
      • Nuka-Town market
      • Nuka-World maintenance shed
      • The Parlor
    • Nuka-station
      • Nuka-World access tunnels
  • Nuka-World junkyard
  • Nuka-World power plant
  • Nuka-World Red Rocket
  • Nuka-World transit center
    • Nuka-Express
  • Morton residence
  • Wixon's shovel museum


Armor and clothing[]

  • 黒いカウボーイハット
  • 黒い探鉱者の帽子
  • ボトルとキャッピーのオレンジのジャケット&ジーンズ
  • ボトルとキャッピーの赤いジャケット&ジーンズ
  • ボトルとキャッピーのシャツ&ジーンズ
  • Bottle shirt & jeans
  • Bottlecap sunglasses
  • Cappy glasses
  • Cappy jacket & jeans
  • Cappy shirt & jeans
  • Colorful brown undergarments
  • Colorful dark blue undergarments
  • Colorful dark green undergarments
  • Colorful green undergarments
  • Colorful light blue undergarments
  • Colorful light green undergarments
  • Colorful pink undergarments
  • Colorful yellow undergarments
  • Cowboy hat
  • Cowhide western outfit
  • Disciples armored skirt
  • Disciples banded helmet
  • Disciples bladed helmet
  • Disciples cowl
  • Disciples head covering
  • Disciples hood
  • Disciples metal armor
  • Disciples spiked armor
  • Disciples strapped armor
  • Disciples wrapped armor
  • Fancy plaid suit & string tie
  • Fancy plaid suit & tie
  • Fancy suit
  • Fancy suit & tie
  • Furry pants & T-shirt
  • Furry undergarments
  • Gage's armor
  • Gage's eyepatch
  • Hubologist outfit
  • Magician's tuxedo
  • Mason's outfit
  • Nuka T-51 power armor
  • Nuka-Girl rocketsuit
  • Nuka-World geyser jacket & jeans
  • Nuka-World geyser shirt & jeans
  • Nuka-World jacket & jeans
  • Nuka-World jumpsuit
  • Nuka-World shirt & jeans
  • Operators armored dress
  • Operators armored skirt
  • Operators belted chest piece
  • Operators glasses
  • Operators goggles
  • Operators heavy armor
  • Operators armor
  • Orange shirt Western outfit
  • Oswald's tophat
  • Overboss power armor
  • Pack armor
  • Pack beanie
  • Pack beanie and crow mask
  • Pack bone left leg
  • Pack buffalo helmet
  • Pack carnival mask
  • Pack crow mask
  • Pack deer mask
  • Pack elephant helmet
  • Pack feather necklace
  • Pack helmet
  • Pack horned helm
  • Pack jaguar helmet
  • Pack left bracer
  • Pack masked helm
  • Pack moose helmet
  • Pack necklace
  • Pack right bone leg
  • Pack right bracer pack shawl
  • Pack stuffed armor
  • Patchwork sweater & furry pants
  • Patchwork sweater & shorts
  • Prospector's hat
  • X-01 クアンタム塗装
  • 破れたシャツと靴下
  • 制御用首輪
  • 宇宙服
  • 宇宙服ヘルメット
  • 破れたシャツとジーンズ
  • 破れたシャツとボロズボン
  • ウェスタン・ダスター
  • ウェスタン衣裳
  • ウェスタン衣裳&チャップス
  • ワイルドマンのぼろきれ
  • 巻き物とボロズボン
  • 巻き物とダメージジーンズ
  • ヤオ・グアイの指のネックレス


  • Aeternus
  • Acid Soaker
  • Cito's Shiny Slugger
  • Commie Whacker
  • Disciples blade
    • Throatslicer
  • Fragmentation grenade MIRV
  • Fury grenade
  • Handmade rifle
    • Splattercannon
    • Problem Solver
  • Hub's Alien Blaster
  • Lucky Rabbit's Foot
  • Nuka Cherry grenade
  • Nuka Quantum grenade
  • Paddle ball
  • Persuasion grenade
  • Predator grenade
  • Smart fragmentation grenade
  • Sword of Wonders
  • Thirst Zapper
  • Western revolver
  • Nuka-nuke launcher


  • 7.62口径弾
  • 酸性液
  • ヌカ・チェリー弾薬
  • ヌカ・コーラ・クアンタム弾薬
  • ヌカ・ヌーク
  • パドル・ボールのヒモ
  • 武器化ヌカ・チェリー弾薬
  • 武器化ヌカ・コーラ弾薬
  • 武器化ヌカ・コーラ・クアンタム弾薬


  • アリの肉
  • Bloodworm meat
  • Calmex Silk
  • Cave cricket meat
  • Cotton candy bites
  • Crispy cave cricket
  • Fever blossom
  • Funnel cake
  • Gatorclaw meat
  • Gatorclaw steak
  • Gazelle meat
  • Gazelle steak
  • Ghoulrilla meat
  • Grilled Nukalurk
  • Grilled queen Nukalurk
  • Ice cold Newka-Cola
  • Ice cold Nuka-Berry
  • Ice cold Nuka-Bombdrop
  • Ice cold Nuka-Buzz
  • Ice cold Nuka-Cide
  • Ice cold Nuka-Cola Dark
  • Ice cold Nuka-Cola Orange
  • Ice cold Nuka-Cola Quartz
  • Ice cold Nuka-Cola Victory
  • Ice cold Nuka-Cola Wild
  • Ice cold Nuka-Cooler
  • Ice cold Nuka-Fancy
  • Ice cold Nuka-Free
  • Ice cold Nuka-Frutti
  • Ice cold Nuka-Grape
  • Ice cold Nuka-Hearty
  • Ice cold Nuka-Lixir
  • Ice cold Nuka-Love
  • Ice cold Nuka-Power
  • Ice cold Nuka-Punch
  • Ice cold Nuka-Ray
  • Ice cold Nuka-Rush
  • Ice cold Nuka-Sunrise
  • Ice cold Nuka-Twin
  • Ice cold Nuka-Void
  • Ice cold Nuka-Xtreme
  • Mystery bacon
  • Mystery jerky
  • Newka-Cola
  • Nuka-Berry
  • Nuka-Bombdrop
  • Nuka-Buzz
  • Nuka-Cide
  • Nuka-Cola Dark
  • Nuka-Cola Orange
  • Nuka-Cola Quartz
  • Nuka-Cola Victory
  • Nuka-Cola Wild
  • Nuka-Cooler
  • Nuka-Fancy
  • Nuka-Free
  • Nuka-Frutti
  • Nuka-Grape
  • Nuka-Hearty
  • Nuka-Lixir
  • Nuka-Love
  • Nuka-Power
  • Nuka-Punch
  • Nuka-Ray
  • Nuka-Rush
  • Nuka-Sunrise
  • Nuka-Twin
  • Nuka-Void
  • Nuka-Xtreme
  • Nukalurk meat
  • Queen Nukalurk meat
  • Rad-rat meat
  • Rad-rat steak
  • Roasted ant
  • Roasted bloodworm
  • Smooth Operator


  • Atomic roller ball
  • Nuka-Cola recipes
  • Nuka-Cade ticket
  • Nuka-Cade token
  • Nuka-Cola lunchbox
  • Project cobalt schematics
  • Star core


  • Burger tray
  • Hot dog tray
  • Pizza tray
  • Nuka-Cola cup
  • Nuka-Cola cup and straw
  • Nuka-Cola cup pack
  • Souvenir coffee cup
  • Souvenir drinking glass
  • Souvenir magnet badge
  • Souvenir magnet cat
  • Souvenir magnet cow
  • Souvenir magnet flower
  • Souvenir magnet frog
  • Souvenir plastic bowl
  • Souvenir plate
  • Souvenir sloth toy
  • Souvenir teddy bear
  • Souvenir toy car

Holodisks and notes[]


World objects[]

Crafting conditions[]

Objects for the different park zones will not unlock unless certain conditions are met. The amplifier will not appear in the workshop menu unless a Nuka-World transmitter is built and powered, and the resources and dealers sections of the raiders category will not appear until Home Sweet Home is started. Additionally, items under the flags, resources and dealers categories will not appear in the workshop menu unless the settlement is raider-controlled.

The quest Safari Adventure must be completed to unlock the Safari Adventure category, High Noon at the Gulch for Dry Rock Gulch objects, Star Control for Galactic Zone objects and A Magical Kingdom for the majority of the Kiddie Kingdom objects. Galactic Zone objects unlock after putting 20 cores into Star Control and repairing the mainframe; unlike the other parks one does not need to plant a raider flag to unlock the objects.

Settlement objects[]

  • Decorations
    • Nuka-World
      • Nuka-Town USA
        • Bottle cutout
        • Cappy cutout
        • Height sign (x3)
        • King Cola cutout (x3)
        • Nuka-Cola cutout
        • Shrub cutout (x2)
        • Sign (x21)
        • Sign post
      • Nuka-Cade
        • Atomic Roller ball
        • Atomic Rollers
        • Basketball
        • Hoop Shot
        • Nuka-Zapper Race
        • Sign (x3)
        • Token dispenser
        • Whack-a-Commie
      • Galactic Zone
        • Nuka-Girl cutout
        • Alien cutout
        • Poster x3
        • Nuka-Cola rocket
        • Rocket
      • Dry Rock Gulch
        • Cactus prop (x2)
        • Cowboy cutout (x5)
        • Hay bale
        • Hitching post
        • Feed trough
      • Kiddie Kingdom
        • Ice cream (x2)
        • Lollipop (x4)
        • Gumdrop (x4)
        • Race car (x2)
        • Throne
      • Safari Adventure
        • Bear statue
        • Gorilla statue
        • Snake statue (x2)
        • Sign (x7)
      • Bottling plant
        • Nuka-Cola bottle (x5)
      • Miscellaneous
        • Bottle and Cappy statue (x2)
        • Bottle statue
        • Bumper car (x2)
        • Cappy statue (x4)
        • Cart
        • Cash register
        • Globe statue
        • Nuka-Cola flag
        • Park map
        • Trash can (x4)
    • Miscellaneous
      • Brotherhood of Steel flagpole
      • Institute flagpole
      • Minutemen flagpole
      • Railroad flagpole
      • U.S. flagpole
  • Power
    • Lights
      • Street light (x4)
  • Crafting
    • Nuka-mixer station (x4)
  • Raider
    • Flags
      • Disciples signal flag
      • Pack signal flag
      • Operators signal flag
    • Resources
      • Amplifier
      • Nuka-World radio transmitter
      • Booze still
      • Pick-me-up station
      • Tribute chest
    • Dealers
      • Armor dealer
      • Booze joint
      • Chems dealer
      • Gear dealer
      • Outfit dealer
      • Weapons dealer
    • Operators
      • Operator banner (x2)
      • Operator training dummy
      • Operator animatronic
    • The Pack
      • Pack banner (x2)
      • Pack mannequin (x3)
      • Pack rad gorilla chair
      • Brahmin chair
      • Feral ghoul chair
      • Brahmin couch
    • Disciples
      • Disciple banner (x2)
      • Disciple totem
    • Miscellaneous
      • Blood trough
      • Broken animatronic (x4)
      • Raider pike (x9)


この項はFallout 4 questsから引用されたものです。 変更するには引用されたページを編集してください。


この項はFallout 4 perksから引用されたものです。 変更するには引用されたページを編集してください。


この項はFallout 4 achievements and trophiesから引用されたものです。 変更するには引用されたページを編集してください。
Name Requirement Achievement points Trophy type PC/PS4 Image Xbox Image
Taken for a Ride Complete "Taken for a Ride" 10 テンプレート:Gamerscore Bronze Taken for a Ride Achievement Icon Taken for a Ride Xbox achievement
Beverageer Create 20 different flavors of Nuka-Cola 10 テンプレート:Gamerscore Bronze Beverageer Achievement Icon Beverageer Xbox achievement
Raiding for a Living Complete 12 quests for any Nuka-World Raider Gangs 10 テンプレート:Gamerscore Bronze Raiding for a Living Achievement Icon Raiding for a Living Xbox achievement
Diebrarian Collect every issue of SCAV! Magazine 10 テンプレート:Gamerscore Bronze Diebrarian Achievement Icon Diebrarian Xbox achievement
Hostile Takeover Establish 8 Raider camps in The Commonwealth 20 テンプレート:Gamerscore Bronze Hostile Takeover Achievement Icon Hostile Takeover Xbox achievement
The Grand Tour Complete "The Grand Tour" 20 テンプレート:Gamerscore Bronze The Grand Tour Achievement Icon The Grand Tour Xbox achievement
Home Sweet Home Complete "Home Sweet Home" 20 テンプレート:Gamerscore Bronze Home Sweet Home Achievement Icon Home Sweet Home Xbox achievement
Eyes on the Prize Redeem 100,000 tickets at the Nuka-Cade 20 テンプレート:Gamerscore Bronze Eyes on the Prize Achievement Icon Eyes on the Prize Xbox achievement
All Sugared Up Defeat 40 Nuka-World creatures while under the effect of any Nuka-Mix flavor 20 テンプレート:Gamerscore Bronze All Sugared Up Achievement Icon All Sugared Up Xbox achievement
Power Play Complete "Power Play" 30 テンプレート:Gamerscore Silver Power Play Achievement Icon Power Play Xbox achievement


Official trailers[]

