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Main article: Radiation
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A ghoul コンセプトアートより。グールは大量の放射能汚染の産物である。

ウェイストランドに生息する様々な種類の変異生物は、放射線によって生み出されたものが大半である。例えば、バラモンゲッコーカマキリラッドスコルピオン等に加え、様々な齧歯類が含まれる。また大量の放射線は、��間を醜いゾンビのようなグールに変えた。多くのグールはVaultの住人であった。彼らはベーカーズフィールドの街の地下にあるVault 12に住んでいた。(戦後はネクロポリスとして知られる) 膨大なVaultの実験プログラムの一環として、Vault 12のドアは正常に閉まらないよう設計されていた。そのためVaultの住人は核による大量の放射線に晒され、彼らの殆どはグールとなった。

What makes you S.P.E.C.I.A.L.Endurance編のビデオ内では、「放射線中毒が君の好きなお肉を大きくするかもしれない」と言及されている。確かに、この「放射線による巨大化」は、ジャイアントアントラッドローチブロートフライ、そしてマイアラークなどの多くのウェイストランドの生物により示されている。




Falloutの世界における突然変異の主な原因は、FEV(Forced Evolutionary Virus)である。スーパーミュータントフローターケンタウロス、そして恐らくワナミンゴも、FEVウイルスによる産物である。またハロルドは一見グールのように見えるが、FEVによって変異した人間である。








Centaurs were also created by the Master

There are a few other types of mutant creatures in the Wastelands that don't directly stem from FEV or radiation. These are mostly the intelligent animals and one spore plant encountered in Fallout 2. The intelligent spore plant and radscorpion in Broken Hills were another, separate experiment conducted by a scientist there. The wanamingos encountered in Fallout 2, which were a pre-War experiment conducted by the U.S. military similar to the Enclave's intelligent Deathclaw research, were all, without exception, killed by the protagonist in Fallout 2. Occasionally, other intelligent animals have appeared here and there in the Fallout games, but all have been flukes. A race of intelligent raccoons living in an colony known as the Burrows was originally intended to appear in Fallout, but was cut due to style issues.

Frank Horrigan, the Enclave's most powerful enforcer, was produced by a series of treatments involving a carefully modified version of the FEV, surgery, a variety of other drugs and the addition of a suit of Power Armor. Lastly, there is Harold, who looks a lot like a ghoul, but actually is a different kind of mutant than the standard necrotic meta-humans. Ghouls are the result of massive radiation exposure, while Harold was mutated by brief FEV exposure without being dipped into one of the nutrient vats containing the virus. FEV's mutational results are at best unpredictable, depending on the subject's genetic quirks and amounts of exposure to the post-nuclear wasteland's ambient radioactivity, so one never can tell what the mutational result of an FEV infection will be (just look at the Master). Harold's existence was an oddity, the result of a unique combination of a specific degree of exposure to the virus, a specific degree of prior radiation exposure within his own body and any number of other factors. While FEV does not produce ghoul-like mutants like Harold as reliably as it does Super Mutants when humans are infected by it, it does occasionally spit out something that looks like one.

Another important exception is Talius, the ghoul-like creature that was hiding with the Followers of the Apocalypse and who was turned into his current state by FEV exposure, much like Harold, though under different circumstances.

There are human societies that have undergone gradual mutations over several generations due to either environmental conditions like exposure to the modified airborne strain of FEV that permeates the Wastelands of New California, radiation exposure, or other reasons. Two examples are the Slags (mutated by genetic adaption to life underground) and the Beastlords (mutated by a unique form of radiation). Additional forms of these such mutants include the Trogs of the Pitt, the Swampfolk of Point Lookout and the Tunnelers of Hopeville.


Over the years, different people have been in charge of Fallout canon and have come up with different interpretations on this subject. Mutant creatures and where they come from is one of the most controversial topics in Fallout canon and it's very easy to annoy veteran scholars of the setting by getting things wrong or even just partially right.

First, Chris Avellone seemed to prefer the "FEV explains everything" theory of mutation. He suggests that when the Glow was hit by the Chinese warheads, the tanks holding the virus burst and the FEV was vaporized and shot into the air. It was then mutated by the radiation from the blast, and went on to help radiation create the various mutant animals we know and love as well as ghouls. The problem with this theory is that first off it's a bit redundant since Fallout radiation is already fully capable of producing the mutations seen in the game's world. Second, we know from the Lieutenant's mention of inoculation from mutant FEV that any airborne strain of FEV could not cause these mutations. If it did, why didn't any humans mutate from exposure to the airborne FEV? Furthermore, if radscorpions, geckos, molerats, deathclaws, and other creepy-crawlies are all products of FEV, how can they breed as much as they do? Remember, FEV causes sterility. Avellone eventually admitted that he was wrong and that most mutations in the Fallout world were caused by the ambient radiation.

Next, Chris Taylor offers a different point of view on how ghouls are made. He suggests that when people with too much radiation damage are dipped, you get ghouls. When people with mild radiation damage are dipped, you get stupid super mutants. When people with little to no radiation damage are dipped, you get intelligent Super Mutants. This hypothesis would mean Harold and Talius are normal ghouls. However, since the population of Vault 12 was never dipped, not all ghouls could be made this way, only that FEV would speed up the process slightly.

Enclave mutation policy[]

The Enclave holds the view that any "human" who has been "exposed" to the post-nuclear world's ambient environmental radiation is a mutant and that all mutants should be destroyed and disposed of. The Enclave's definition of "exposure" would seem to mean that only Enclave members and those people still residing in Vaults count as "pure" human beings.

Related holodisks[]

  • Alpha experiment disk
  • Delta experiment disk
  • FEV experiment disk
  • FEV research
  • Richard Grey's audio diary
  • Vree's autopsy report
  • Captain Maxson's diary
  • The Project