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Fallout Wiki

Gametitle-FO4 AUT
Gametitle-FO4 AUT



エイダは、ジャクソンによってアサルトロンをベースに、セントリーボットプロテクトロン のパーツで改造されました。 She traveled with his caravan, which specialized in mechanical repairs and trade, and travelled throughout the Commonwealth. Jackson's caravan attracted the attention of the Mechanist, and after three attacks, every member of the caravan except Ada had perished.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

キャラステータス サービス クエスト関連
不死属性: はい
  • Always
コンパニオン: はい
  • Permanent
Perk: いいえ
商売: いいえ
治療: いいえ
ベット貸出: いいえ
開始クエスト: はい
関連クエスト: はい


  • Mechanical Menace: Ada and her caravan are under attack from the Mechanist's robots, it's up to the Sole Survivor to try and save them.
  • A New Threat: Ada and the Sole Survivor travel to the General Atomics factory to engage the Mechanist's forces.
  • Headhunting: After finding the first Radio Beacon, Ada tasks the Sole Survivor in finding more - in hopes of them finding the Mechanist.
  • Restoring Order: Ada now knows the location of the Mechanist - it's time to stop them once and for all.


服装 武器 その他のアイテム 死亡時


AdaはFallout 4DLC Automatronに登場します。


  • If dismissed, and no location is specified, she will relocate to the Red Rocket truck stop, but will not count towards that settlement's population. If a location is specified, including Red Rocket truck stop, she will count towards the population of that settlement.
  • When she is the companion, upon talking to her she can give several random junk items, a trait she shares with all player-built automatrons that have their personality subroutines activated.
  • She is one of three companions that can be ordered to steal owned items.
  • She is one of several companions modifiable at the robot workbench.
  • She is the only companion aside from Dogmeat that doesn't care about the Sole Survivor's actions at all. She will offer advice and her opinion depending on the situation like any other companion but will never gain or lose affinity.
  • Being a modifiable robot, Ada can be upgraded with lockpicking or hacking capabilities to cover for the Sole Survivor's potential shortcomings in any of those fields, should Cait or Nick Valentine be unavailable for some reason.
  • She will not ride as a passenger on a Vertibird.
  • If taken to Vault 111 to see the Sole Survivor's spouse, she will not make any comments.
  • Codsworth's tone of voice, when first meeting Ada, could be interpreted as flirtatious.


Ada appears only in the Fallout 4 add-on Automatron.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Ada is likely named after Ada Lovelace, a real-world mathematician and an early innovator in the field of computer science. She shares her namesake with Lady Lovelace, another assaultron present at the Easy City Downs.
  • Some of Ada's dialogue lines are references to pop culture and science fiction. For example, "resistance is futile", is a reference to the Borg in Star Trek.


  • PC As a companion, Ada will repeatedly back up and run into the player. [確認済み]
