Appendix:Gelao Swadesh lists

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This appendix contains Swadesh lists of words in Gelao language varieties spoken in Vietnam, compared with that of English and Vietnamese. The lists below are from Samarina (2011).[1]

Abbreviations for Red Gelao indicate names for different speakers, since pronunciation can differ significantly among speakers.


For further information, including the full final version of the list, read the Wikipedia article: Swadesh list.

American linguist Morris Swadesh believed that languages changed at measurable rates and that these could be determined even for languages without written precursors. Using vocabulary lists, he sought to understand not only change over time but also the relationships of extant languages. To be able to compare languages from different cultures, he based his lists on meanings he presumed would be available in as many cultures as possible. He then used the fraction of agreeing cognates between any two related languages to compute their divergence time by some (still debated) algorithms. Starting in 1950 with 165 meanings, his list grew to 215 in 1952, which was so expansive that many languages lacked native vocabulary for some terms. Subsequently, it was reduced to 207, and reduced much further to 100 meanings in 1955. A reformulated list was published posthumously in 1971.

Samarina (2011)

No. English gloss Vietnamese gloss White Gelao Green Gelao Red Gelao
1 I tôi ʔi³³ ʔi³³ ʔi⁴³
2 you mày mu³⁴¨ ~ mo³⁴¨ mũ²⁴¨ mɤn⁴⁴
3 we (incl.) chúng ta qɒ⁴⁵ ⁿɗi⁴⁵ qʰa³³ (~χa³³); ɗi⁴⁵ tɒ³¹ tʲa³⁵
3 we (excl.) chúng tôi qɒ³⁴ ʔi³³ qʰa³³ (~χa³³), ji³¹ ɒ⁴⁴ to⁴⁴
4 this này ʔɒ³⁴ ni³¹¨ a²⁴ ni³¹ ʔɒ⁴⁴ ⁿɗi⁴⁴
5 that đó ɓɯ³¹¨ [a²³] ɓu³¹ ʔɒ⁴⁴ ʔɒ³⁵
6 who? ai qɔ³³ nɔ̃³³ qɔ³³ nɤ̃³³ o⁴⁴ nɔ³⁴
7 what? cái gì lɔ⁴⁵ tja⁴⁵ ɗa³¹ˀ tɕja²⁴ˀ ʔi⁴⁴ su̯a⁴⁴ ɒ⁴⁴, ⁿɗi⁴² (~ⁿti⁴²)
8 not không mɔ³³ mɔ³³ mo⁴⁴
9 all tất cả qu³³ ji³⁴ tɔ⁴⁴¹ ʂɚ²⁴ˀ ɖʐei̯⁴⁴ lɛ³⁵ ha³¹
10 many, a lot of nhiều qɯ⁴⁵ ʔɯ³¹ˀ qɯ²⁴ ʔɯ³¹ˀ ʔɑː³¹
11 one một ji³¹¨ ʈʂ̥ɚ³³ (~ʂɚ³³) ⁿɗʓei̯⁴⁴ ~ ⁿɖʐei̯⁴⁴
12 two hai ḷɚ³⁴ seɲ²⁴ ɗu²⁴ˀ sɤi̯⁴⁴
13 big, large lớn, to ʂɔ̃³³ ʂɤ̃ŋ³³ ˀlɒŋ⁴³
14 long dài zʒ³³ ʐɯ³³ ʔi³¹ (K); wi³¹ (S)
15 small, little nhỏ, bé ɗa³³ ⁿɗa³³ ɗa³³ ⁿɗa³³ ˀjɒ³¹
16 woman đàn bà ʔi³³ mi³³ ɗi³³ mi³³ ma³⁴ ʑu̯a³⁴ˀ
17 man (male) đàn ông pu³³ ɓɔ³⁴ˀ po³³ ɓɔ²⁴ˀ l̥a³⁴ pu³⁴ˀ
18 man (person) người [qɔ³¹~] ʦʰi³¹¨ qɔ³¹ˀ ʦʰʃ³¨ˀ o⁴⁴ vɤi̯³⁵ˀ
19 fish ɗɔ³³ lɤ³⁴ ɗɔ³³ lɯ²⁴ˀ mo²⁴ lei̯⁴⁴
20 bird chim ɗɔ³³ (~lɔ³³) ni³¹ˀ ɗɔ³³ (~lɔ³³) ni³¹ˀ ma³⁴ la⁴³ ɤæi̯⁴²
21 dog chó ɗɔ³³ ʰm̩̃⁴⁵ lɔ³³ ʰm̩̃⁵⁵ haŋ⁴⁴
22 louse chấy ɗɔ³³ mi³³ tɯ⁴⁴ mi³³ tɯ²⁴ˀ m̥o³⁴ to⁴⁴
23 tree cây pʰɯ⁴⁴ ti⁴⁴ pʰɯ²⁴ ti²⁴ˀ ɗʓei̯⁴⁴ ma³⁴
24 seed hạt pi⁴⁵ pi³⁵ˀ mi⁴⁴ mi⁴⁴
25 leaf lá cây ʄi⁴⁵ ʄi³⁵ ˀɗi⁴⁴
26 root rễ ɗa³¹ˀ ʈu⁴⁵ ti³³ ɗa³¹ˀ ʈu³⁵ ti²⁴ kɤn³³⁴¨ kɤn³³⁴¨ˀ
27 bark vỏ ɓṳ³⁴ (~ɓo̤³⁴) qu³¹ [a³³] ɓo²⁴ qu³³ la⁴⁴ qau̯³¹¨
28 skin da ɓo³⁴ qu³¹¨ ɓo²⁴ qu³¹¨ la⁴⁴ qau̯⁴²
29 meat thịt nạc ʔɔ³³ si³¹ˀ ʔɔ³³ s!³¹ ʔo³⁴ ɠu̯a³⁵ˀ (K); ʔo³⁴ ⁿɠu̯a³⁵ˀ (P)
30 blood máu plɔ³¹ˀ plɔ³¹ǃˀ pai̯³¹ ̃
31 bone xương ɗu³⁴ qu³³ ɗa³¹ˀ qu³³ ⁿɗa³¹ˀ ma³⁴ ɗu̯a⁴²
32 fat mỡ mlɔ̃³⁴ kɔ⁴⁵ mluŋ²⁴ˀ ʔo³⁴ ᵐɓi³⁴ˀ
33 egg trứng tu⁴⁴ qe⁴⁴ ɗu²⁴ tu²⁴ tu²⁴ ˀɗo⁴⁴ kɤ⁴⁴ (~qɤ⁴⁴)
34 horn sừng qa³¹ˀ qɯ³⁴ qa³¹ˀ qɯ²⁴ tʆu⁴⁴ ɲi⁴⁴ (~ʑi⁴⁴)
35 tail đuôi ʈʂɚ³³ qa³¹¨ ɗi³² ʈʂe³¹ˀ qo⁴⁴ tɕe³¹¨
36 feather lông [vũ] mɤ³¹¨ qɔ³¹ ji³⁴ tɔ³³ si³³ m̥i³¹¨
37 hair tóc lɔ³¹ˀ su³⁴ lɔ³¹ˀ su²⁴ˀ mi³²¨
38 head đầu ⁿɗu³⁴ l̩ɚ³¹ˀ ⁿɗu²⁴ l̩ɚ³¹ˀ ɗɤ³⁴ hɤ³¹
39 ear tai pɔ³¹ˀ lɔ³¹ˀ zi⁴⁵ˀ pɔ²¹ lɔ²¹ zi³⁵ˀ kɤ³³ lɤ(K); qɤ³³ lɤ³³ (P)
40 eye mắt ɓo³⁴¨ ti³⁴ ɓu²⁴ ty³⁵ˀ la⁴⁴ tei̯⁴⁴
41 nose mũi ɓo³⁴ ma³¹ˀ ᵐɓoŋ³² ɓu²⁴, ma³¹ˀ qa³⁴ ɬu̯a³¹¨
42 mouth miệng ɓja³¹ˀ ʈʂǃ³¹ ɓja³¹ˀ ʈʂǃ³¹ˀ o⁴⁴ su̯ɤi̯³⁴ˀ
43 tooth răng ɗi³² pi³⁴ˀ ˀɗi³² pi³⁵ˀ ki⁴³ poŋ⁴⁴
44 tongue lưỡi ɗa³¹ˀ mlɤ³⁴ ˀɗa³¹ˀ mluŋ²⁴ ɗo⁴⁴ mlaŋ⁴⁴ (K); lo⁴⁴ mlaŋ⁴⁴ (P)
45 nail móng ki⁴⁵ mi³³ ɗa³¹ˀ ki³⁵ mi³̌³ ɗa³¹ˀ kaŋ³⁴ ɗɤ⁴²
46 foot bàn chân kãᵑ³³ kɯ³¹ po³¹ˀ kɯ³¹ˀ pʰa³⁴ la⁴⁴ qɤ⁴⁴
47 knee đầu gối ɗu³⁴ qo³¹ qo³¹ˀ ⁿɗu²⁴ qo³¹ˀ qo³¹ˀ ɗo⁴⁴ kʰo⁴²
48 hand bàn tay kɤ̃³³ mi³⁴ pʰi³³ mi³⁵ˀ pʰa³⁴ ma³⁴ mɤn⁴⁴
49 belly bụng ɗu³⁴ mi³³ ɬɔ̃ŋ⁴⁴ ⁿɗu²⁴ mi⁴² ʰñuŋ³⁵ ɸau̯³¹
50 neck cổ ɗa³¹ˀ ɓo³⁴ (~ɓu³⁴) ɗoŋ⁴⁵ ⁿɗa³¹ˀ ɓu²⁴ nuŋ³⁵ ˀɗo³⁴ a³⁴ ʑi⁴⁴ (K, P); ˀɗo³⁴ a³⁴ ji⁴⁴ (K)
51 breast ngực tɔ³¹ˀ si³³ tɔ³¹ˀ ɕi⁴² wa⁴⁴ ɬɤn³⁵ˀ
52 heart tim ɗu³⁴ ʂi³³ ⁿɗu²⁴ ɕy³¹ˀ ɬɤn²⁴ˀ
53 liver gan ta³¹ˀ ta³¹ˀ tu̯a⁴² tu̯a⁴²ˀ
54 to drink uống ʐã³³ ʐɤŋ³³ qaŋ³⁴ (~ʁaŋ³⁴)
55 to eat ăn kɔ⁴⁵ kɔ⁴⁵ ce⁴⁴ (K); ci (S)
56 to bite cắn ʈu³³ ʈu³³ ta⁴²
57 to see nhìn thấy ʈʰɔ³¹¨ qa⁴⁵ hõŋ³¹ (~χõŋ³¹), qa⁵⁵ pi³⁴
58 to hear nghe
59 to know biết ɗo³³ ɗi³⁴ ɗo³³ ɗi²⁴ so⁴⁴ ɗo⁴⁴
60 to sleep ngủ ŋɯ³¹¨ ŋɯ³¹¨ ŋoŋ⁴²
61 to die chết plẽ⁴⁴ pleɲ²⁴ˀ ɠu̯a⁴³
62 to kill giết ʐu̯ɛ̃ᶮ⁴⁴ ʐu̯eɲ²⁴ˀ la⁴⁴ ji⁴⁴
63 to swim cá bơi ɗɔ³¹ˀ ɗɔ³¹ˀ ṃ̃³³ ɗo³³ m̩̃³³ po⁴² tɕi⁴⁴ vei̯⁴⁴
64 to fly bay pʰu³¹¨ pʰu³¹¨ pʰu³¹ pʰu³¹ poŋ⁴² tɕi⁴⁴ vei̯
65 to go đi ɰɯ³³ ~ ɰu³³ ɰɯ³³ vei̯⁴⁴
66 to come đến tɔ⁴⁵ tɔ⁴⁵ˀ ʄo³⁴
67 to lie nằm ŋɯ³²¨ ŋɯ³¹¨ la⁴⁴ juŋ⁴⁴
68 to sit ngồi qɔ⁴⁴ qo³³ ta³¹ ʈʂʰɯ⁴⁵ˀ tai̯⁴²
69 to stand đứng lɤ³¹ˀ ⁿɖʐɤ⁴⁴ lɯ³¹ˀ ɖ̥ʐɯ³⁵ˀ ɖʐei̯⁴⁴ tɕʰi⁴⁴
70 to give cho nɔ³¹ˀ nɔ³¹ˀ tei̯³⁴
71 to say nói ˀɖ̥ʐɚ⁴⁵ ˀɗʐɚ²⁴ hai̯⁴⁴
72 sun mặt trời ɗu³⁴ β̩ɚ³³ ⁿɗu²⁴ β̩ɚ³³ ma³⁴ ˀɗu̯a⁴⁴, (~ˀlu̯a⁴⁴)
73 moon mặt trăng ɗu³⁴ ɗõŋ⁴⁵ ʄi⁴⁵ ⁿɗu²⁴ ⁿɗuŋ³⁵ ˀʄi³⁵ mo³⁴ to⁴² sɛ³²¨
74 star sao ɗu³⁴ ⁿɗ̥u⁴⁵ ɗa³³ ⁿɗu²⁴ ⁿɗu³⁵ ⁿɗa³¹ˀ ma³⁴ ⁿɗ̥u⁴⁴
75 water nước m̩̃³³ m̩̃³³ ʔaŋ³²⁴ˀ
76 rain mưa mɛ̃i̯⁴⁴ ɗõŋ⁴⁴ mɤi̯²⁴ (~mɤɲ²⁴) mi⁴⁴¨; ʰmi⁴⁴¨
77 stone đá lɔ³¹ˀ qu⁴⁵ lɔ³¹ˀ qu⁵⁵ la⁴⁴ ɤɯ⁴⁴
78 sand cát ʂɔ³³ [a³²] ɲi³¹¨ ʂɔ³³ ɲi³¹ ʂa³²⁴ˀ
79 earth đất pa³¹ˀ tɔ³¹ˀ pa³¹ˀ tɔ³¹ˀ qa²⁵ ʔɯ⁴⁴
80 cloud mây mi³³ lɔ⁴⁵ ta³¹ˀ mi³³ lɔ³⁵ ta³¹ˀ a⁴⁴ ŋu̯a³¹¨
81 smoke khói ɕi⁴⁵ lɔ⁴⁵ hu⁴⁴ sa⁴⁵ˀ ho⁴⁴ ʑiɲ³⁴ˀ, (~jiɲ³⁴ˀ)
82 fire lửa lɔ⁴⁵ hu⁴⁴ lɔ²⁴ (~lo²⁴) hu²⁴ˀ ho⁴⁴
83 ashes tro pa³¹ˀ tɯ³¹¨? pa³¹ˀ tɯ³¹ o⁴⁴ to⁴²
84 to burn đốt pi³³ /ʈʂʰɤ³⁴ pi³³ /ʈʂʰɯ²⁴ pi³⁴
85 road đường mi³³ ɕɔ̃ŋ³⁴ mi³³ ɕoŋ²⁴ qaŋ⁴⁴ hi⁴⁴
86 mountain núi ɗu³⁴ ɖʐɤ⁴⁴ ɗu²⁴ ɖ̥ʐǃ²⁴ˀ mo³⁴ ⁿɗʓo⁴⁴
87 red đỏ plɒ̃ŋ³³ ⁿɗ̥a³¹ˀ plɤŋ³² ɗ̥a³¹ ma²⁴ ɗei̯³¹
88 green xanh lá cây ɕi⁴⁵ ŋṳ⁴⁴ ɕi⁴⁵ ŋu³³ lu³¹
89 yellow vàng kʲi³³ ɲi⁴⁴ tʲi³³ ɲi³⁴ ma²⁴ ɕi⁴³
90 white trắng pe³¹ˀ ʔɔ³¹ˀ pe³¹ˀ (~pɤ³¹ˀ); ʔo³¹ˀ ma²⁴ wa³¹
91 black đen tɕɛ³¹ˀ lu³⁴ ʈe³¹ˀ lu³⁵ lɔŋ⁴³
92 night đêm zɚ⁴⁵ ɗõŋ⁴⁴ zɚ²⁴ ɗoŋ³⁵ tɕi⁴⁴ ⁿɗaŋ⁴⁴
93 warm ấm qɔ³¹ ɗi⁴⁵ qɔ³¹ˀ ɗi³⁵ˀ
94 cold lạnh ʂi⁴⁵ zɚ⁴⁵ zɚ⁴⁵ ʈei̯³¹
95 full đầy mɤ³²¨ kʲḭ³¹ˀ mɯ³³ tɕi³¹ˀ ti⁴⁴
96 new mới mi⁴⁵ mi⁴⁵ mo⁴³
97 good tốt ˀɓi³³ ɒ³³ ɓi³³ ʔi⁴⁴
98 round tròn ʔu⁴⁵ lɤ⁵⁵ lɤ⁵⁵ ʔu³⁵ lɯ⁴⁵ lɯ⁴⁵ kʰuɤn⁴⁴
99 dry khô pʰa³²¨kɯ³²¨ kʰy³³ ɕy⁴⁴ kɤa³¹¨
100 name tên

See also



  1. ^ Samarina, Irina Vladimirovna [Самарина, Ирина Владимировна]. 2011. The Gelao language: materials for a Kadai comparative dictionary [Языки гэлао: материалы к сопоставительному словарю кадайских языко]. Moscow: Academia. →ISBN
Swadesh lists
Individual languages
Language families, family branches, and geographic groupings
Constructed languages
Reconstructed proto-languages
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Vocabulary lists of Southeast Asian languages

p-Tibeto-Burman • Old Chinese (basic) • p-Southern Min • Macro-Bai • p-Tujia • p-Naish • p-Ersuic • Guiqiong • Horpa • p-Lolo-Burmese • p-Lalo • Lalo • Akha • Woni • Axi • Nesu • Yi (Mihei) • Kathu • Gong • p-Karenic • p-Luish • p-Bodo-Garo • Kuki-Chin • Suansu • Jejara • Mru • p-W. Tibetan • Tibetan (Lajiao) • Amdo Tibetan • Zakhring • Tshangla • Kho-Bwa • Mey • p-Puroik • p-Hrusish • Koro • Greater Siangic • Raji-Raute • Dhimalish • Baram-Thangmi • Bhujel • p-Kham • Dura • Bunan • (Nepal)


p-Austroasiatic (Swadesh) • p-Munda • p-Khasian • p-Palaungic • Quang Lam • p-Khmuic • p-Pakanic • p-Vietic • p-Katuic • p-Bahnaric • p-Pearic • p-Khmeric • p-Monic • p-Aslian • p-Nicobarese


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p-Kra-Dai • p-Kra • Laha • Qabiao • Gelao • p-Kam-Sui • Kam-Sui (Hunan) • p-Lakkia • Biao • p-Tai • Zhuang (Tiandeng) • Bouyei • p-Be • Jizhao • p-Hlai • Jiamao

