Make WordPress Core



22:40 Ticket #61193 (Prime transient and transient timeout options in `get_transient`) created by peterwilsoncc
On sites without a persistent cache, temporary transients are stored …
21:23 Ticket #61192 (Avif images (opening media)) created by allysonbelo
When we add a gallery with .avif images and tell it to point to "media …
18:57 Ticket #61189 (REST API: Attachments are not uploaded to the post's year/month folder) closed by swissspidy
fixed: In 58130: […]
18:57 Changeset [58130] by swissspidy
REST API: Ensure attachments are uploaded to the post's year/month …
18:07 Ticket #58134 (Use correct plural of status) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 58129: […]
18:07 Changeset [58129] by SergeyBiryukov
Posts, Post Types: Use a consistent plural form of “status” in …
16:24 Ticket #61075 (Unmodified Twenty Twenty-Four Theme Layout Breaks on Mobile) reopened by jamieblomerus
Okay, but the problem does not seem to be able to be reproduced. To …
16:23 Ticket #61191 (all of my wordpress sites that just updated are missing photos) created by plbmdesign
Any site that I have created with wordpress that has been updated is …
16:01 Ticket #61190 (Images are not loading in media library) created by Renanperez
15:21 Ticket #61189 (REST API: Attachments are not uploaded to the post's year/month folder) created by swissspidy
If you upload an image to an existing post through the old media …
11:46 Ticket #58281 (Rollback Auto-Update (Rollback part 3)) closed by johnbillion
fixed: In 58128: […]
11:46 Changeset [58128] by johnbillion
Upgrade/Install: Automatically roll back to the previous version when …
11:35 Ticket #61188 (switch_to_blog() causes Fatal error on classic themes) created by digberlin
switch_to_blog() causes a fatal error "Allowed memory size of XXX …
09:49 Ticket #61187 (Calendar Block color issue in backend) created by pranitdugad
Added Calendar Block in page in any theme and changed background …
09:31 Ticket #61186 (Twenty Nineteen: Apply center alignment to Archives and Categories ...) created by pranitdugad
Twenty Nineteen: Archive Block Alignment is set to centre and it's not …
09:11 Ticket #61087 (Interactivity API: Cannot be used from wp-admin) closed by gziolo
fixed: In 58127: […]
09:11 Changeset [58127] by gziolo
Interactivity API: Cannot be used from wp-admin Interactivity API has …
09:07 Ticket #61086 (Script Modules: Hooks are not registered in wp-admin) closed by gziolo
fixed: In 58126: […]
09:07 Changeset [58126] by gziolo
Script Modules: Hooks are not registered in wp-admin Script Modules …
08:39 Ticket #61185 (Interactivity API: Move directive processing to `WP_Block` class) created by gziolo
The way directive processing got integrated into WordPress Core was …
07:29 Ticket #61184 (Quote block citation text color does not match block setting with ...) created by viralsampat
Hello Team, I have worked on the "Quote" block and found that its …


23:33 Ticket #61183 (Make all themes fully support HTML5 by default.) created by dmsnell
See #54731. See #59883. This ticket proposes that …
23:07 Changeset [58125] by johnbillion
Bootstrap/Load: Take the port number into consideration when …
23:04 Ticket #61182 (Normalize UTF-8 charset slug detection.) created by dmsnell
There are several exist places in Core that attempt to detect if a …
15:14 Changeset [58124] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Use strict comparison in …
14:11 Ticket #61075 (Unmodified Twenty Twenty-Four Theme Layout Breaks on Mobile) closed by jamieblomerus
worksforme: I have tried to reproduce this issue locally (using both the version …
10:48 Ticket #61181 (Implement a filter to customize output on ...) created by codersantosh
Occasionally, developers may prefer to modify the displayed content of …
10:47 Ticket #61180 (Twenty Seventeen : Latest Comments Author font weight is different in ...) created by pitamdey
In Theme Twenty Seventeen, The Latest Comments Author have font-weight …
08:40 Ticket #61179 (Deprecated messages about passing null in widgets.php) created by Presskopp
I found the following message in my error logs: {{{PHP Deprecated: …
08:05 Ticket #61177 (WordPress admin menu cannot cater for hundreds of menu items) created by tvejacques
The UI dropdown for taxonomies gets confused at around 400 entries. It …
04:07 Ticket #61135 (Global styles: output :root selector for CSS custom properties ...) closed by isabel_brison
fixed: In 58123: […]
04:07 Changeset [58123] by isabel_brison
Editor: move global CSS custom properties to :root selector. …
02:15 Ticket #60841 (Create token lookup class.) closed by dmsnell
duplicate: Duplicate of #60698.
01:07 Ticket #61176 (moderate CPU load (lsphp handler) and anomalies invoked in eFroms) created by RaybanMonster
Wordpress 6.5.3 update presented an array of issues: Higher CPU usage …


22:49 Ticket #59442 (Duplicate query in WP_Query) closed by spacedmonkey
fixed: In 58122: […]
22:49 Changeset [58122] by spacedmonkey
Query: Improve cache key generation. Query caching in WP_Query was …
22:32 Ticket #61175 (Integrate PHPStan into the core development workflow) created by westonruter
PHPStan is a vital static analysis tool for …
22:04 Ticket #61174 (Update PHP secure URL with correct one) closed by jorbin
fixed: In 58121: […]
22:04 Changeset [58121] by jorbin
Readme: Avoid a redirect by using Props josevarghese. …
21:36 Ticket #61174 (Update PHP secure URL with correct one) created by josevarghese
The PHP site URL is within the readme.html and is linked to the URL …
20:16 Ticket #40930 (Twenty Seventeen: Sharing buttons not showing with Video, Audio, or ...) closed by karmatosed
wontfix: I agree with closing this, thank you @poena. Thank you everyone for …
20:11 Ticket #55660 (Twenty Twenty Two: Empty index.php breaks bbPress; consider including ...) closed by karmatosed
wontfix: Thank you @poena I also agree with closing this. Thank you everyone …
19:30 Ticket #61172 (Windows jobs for the build tests are failing) closed by desrosj
19:29 Ticket #60129 (Comment on a PR when no Trac ticket is included) reopened by johnbillion
19:20 Ticket #61173 (Run upgrade tests on PRs and pushes to trunk) created by johnbillion
We've got …
19:16 Ticket #60129 (Comment on a PR when no Trac ticket is included) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 58120: […]
19:16 Changeset [58120] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Remove check-latest input for setup-node. The …
18:35 Ticket #61160 (phpcs error in wp-includes > nav-menu.php line 461) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 58119: […]
18:35 Changeset [58119] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Use strict comparison in wp-includes/nav-menu.php. …
18:23 Ticket #61172 (Windows jobs for the build tests are failing) created by johnbillion
See …
17:02 Ticket #61122 (Missing file wp-admin/user/contribute.php) closed by johnjamesjacoby
fixed: In 58118: […]
17:02 Changeset [58118] by johnjamesjacoby
Multisite: Add missing "contribute.php" file to User Dashboard. This …
15:12 Ticket #61171 (Interactivity API: Include preact/debug when SCRIPT_DEBUG is enabled) created by darerodz
This ticket tracks the backporting of PHP files for the following …
12:06 Ticket #61170 (Interactivity API: Improve JSON store serialization) created by jonsurrell
The Interactivity API serializes JSON data into a `<script …
08:57 Ticket #61169 (Getting inconsistent error on changing role) created by haritpanchal
I am logged in as administrator user and I am selecting multiple …
08:37 Ticket #61168 (Bulk select issue with with All select) created by haritpanchal
== On selecting on user, all select checkbox is also getting selected …
08:36 Ticket #61167 (AVIF image thumbnail not created !) created by joomskys
Thank you all the team for this great feature. i have issue when i try …
06:22 Ticket #58504 (Errors after WordPress 6.2.2 update) closed by dd32
invalid: Hi @bakgun1, I apologise for you not receiving feedback until now. …
06:21 Ticket #61166 (Warning: An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with ...) closed by dd32
duplicate: Hi @chiragrathod103, Generally this error indicates that your local …
06:07 Ticket #61166 (Warning: An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with ...) created by chiragrathod103
Warning: An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with …
04:37 Ticket #61165 (Reduce specificity of global styles and layout selectors) created by isabel_brison
In order to enable the extension of block style variations to allow …


23:04 Ticket #61164 (Clen installation fails ....) created by miessuomesta
On ubuntu noble with apache2 and php8.3: Clean install of WP yields: …
22:25 Ticket #61163 (Add a Minor Update Security Filter and Minor Update Maintenance Filter) closed by jorbin
wontfix: This isn't something that is feasible since branches may have security …
20:48 Ticket #61163 (Add a Minor Update Security Filter and Minor Update Maintenance Filter) created by Pcosta88
WordPress Updates come in three types: Minor, Major, and …
17:02 Changeset [58117] by jorbin
Post 6.5.3 version bump all the files. unprops jorbin.
16:49 Changeset [58116] by jorbin
Post WordPress 6.5.3 version bump.
16:03 Milestone 6.5.3 completed
15:50 Changeset [58115] by jorbin
Tag 6.5.3
15:49 Ticket #61162 (Internal WordPress Plug-in Search dont show relevant results) created by chris1407
Today, I used the integrated plug-in search feature in WordPress to …
15:45 Changeset [58114] by jorbin
WordPress 6.5.3 about page and version bump. Props jorbin, hellofromtonya.
10:37 Ticket #61161 (current_user_can fatal error) created by kkmuffme
current_user_can uses …
10:15 Ticket #61159 (Anchor error on class-wp-site-health.php) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 58113: […]
10:15 Changeset [58113] by SergeyBiryukov
Site Health: Correct the anchor for “Learn more about page cache” …
09:39 Ticket #61160 (phpcs error in wp-includes > nav-menu.php line 461) created by dhruvang21
Loose comparisons are not allowed. Expected: "==="; Found: "=="phpcs
08:06 Ticket #61159 (Anchor error on class-wp-site-health.php) created by comecaramelos
The anchor link to "Learn more about page cache" …
06:40 Ticket #61158 (Lightbox effect doesn't work) created by barneysculptmonkey
Lightbox doesn't work on images after updating WordPress from 6.4.4 to …
06:35 Ticket #61157 (Blocks Query pagination NEXT & PREV produce incorrect URLs when ...) created by yelbaev
Core/query block when rendered by REST API call, for example …
04:36 Ticket #61156 (Download & Views count for Photos) closed by dd32
invalid: Hi @pyrobd, this is the Tracker for the WordPress software itself, not …
04:31 Ticket #61156 (Download & Views count for Photos) created by pyrobd
I think it will encourage more people to contribute more and it will …


21:30 Ticket #61155 (Maximise compatibility with password managers when resetting password) created by johnbillion
When I reset my password via the "Lost your password?" link on the …
21:23 Ticket #61151 (Fatal error in wp_apply_custom_classname_support()) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 58112: […]
21:23 Changeset [58112] by SergeyBiryukov
Editor: Check that attrs is an array in …
20:30 Ticket #59688 (Add descriptions to patterns in bundled themes) closed by karmatosed
fixed: In 58111: […]
20:30 Changeset [58111] by karmatosed
Bundled Themes: Add descriptions to patterns. This adds descriptions …
20:21 Ticket #59550 (Attribute "loading" with value "lazy" is missing) closed by joemcgill
fixed: In 58110: […]
20:21 Changeset [58110] by joemcgill
Docs: Update docblock for wp_get_attachment_image() attributes. …
19:22 Ticket #61154 (Fix the 'attributes' dynamic property in WP_Block) created by antonvlasenko
The WP_Block class employs the __get magic method to compute the …
19:11 Ticket #23049 (Template hierarchy for 404) closed by johnbillion
wontfix: As much as I would love to get this in, I can't see it happening.
18:47 Changeset [58109] by johnbillion
Cron API: Add tests for associative and indexed array arguments when …
18:39 Ticket #61148 (Standardise assertions for remote HTTP tests) closed by johnbillion
fixed: In 58108: […]
18:39 Changeset [58108] by johnbillion
Build/Test Tools: Standardise the assertions for remote HTTP request …
18:35 Changeset [58107] by johnbillion
Build/Test Tools: Exclude PHP translation files from phpcs linting. …
17:22 Ticket #58708 (Twenty Seventeen: caption alignment is different in editor and frontend) closed by sabernhardt
duplicate: This issue was reported previously on #58539, and this patch needed to …
16:38 Ticket #60335 (Twenty Twenty-Four: FAQ Pattern creates accessibility issues) closed by karmatosed
fixed: In 58106: […]
16:38 Changeset [58106] by karmatosed
Twenty Twenty-Four: Resolve accessibility issues in FAQ pattern. The …
16:33 Ticket #61045 (Options: Update default autoload values used in core) closed by joemcgill
fixed: In 58105: […]
16:33 Changeset [58105] by joemcgill
Options: Update default autoload values used in core. This updates …
16:02 Ticket #61153 (Update help text in the admin area) created by johnbillion
Since [56515], some of the text shown in the Help tabs in the admin …
15:39 Ticket #57472 (Twenty Twelve: Pullquote block alignment issue from incorrect margin ...) closed by karmatosed
fixed: In 58104: […]
15:39 Changeset [58104] by karmatosed
Twenty Twelve: Pullquote block alignment correction for margins. The …
15:26 Ticket #61150 (Props-bot failing to run after reviews) closed by desrosj
reported-upstream: I think this is a duplicate of …
14:30 Ticket #61152 (Pass the full $args array to hook 'get_categories_taxonomy' and allow ...) closed by swissspidy
wontfix: Excellent! In that case I don't think we need an extra hook, so I am …
14:00 Ticket #56204 (Twenty Thirteen: Table font size not reflected in editor and Front) closed by karmatosed
fixed: In 58103: […]
14:00 Changeset [58103] by karmatosed
Twenty Thirteen: Updates table font size in editor and front. The …
13:53 Ticket #61152 (Pass the full $args array to hook 'get_categories_taxonomy' and allow ...) created by beargfr
Currently, hook point get_categories_taxonomy only receives single …
12:55 Changeset [58102] by karmatosed
Twenty Nineteen: Test failure fix for theme [58101]. Patching print …
12:48 Changeset [58101] by karmatosed
Twenty Nineteen: Attempt to fix resolve failures cause by [58100]. …
12:08 Ticket #61151 (Fatal error in wp_apply_custom_classname_support()) created by caercam
This is a follow-up to #56801. Issue is still present despite being …
11:22 Ticket #60124 (Grouping a Quote Block turns the Quote to a Paragraph) closed by poena
reported-upstream: Hi @hanttula Thank you for reporting this problem. I am going to …
11:09 Ticket #45944 (Twenty Nineteen: Added URL in :after styles for print.css is unreliable) closed by karmatosed
fixed: In 58100: […]
11:09 Changeset [58100] by karmatosed
Twenty Nineteen: Adds URL in for print css. The print styles is meant …
08:35 Ticket #57481 (Text formatting problem) closed by karmatosed
worksforme: I am going to follow through now and close this as I recommended. …
08:35 Ticket #60435 (Twenty Twenty-Four: Footnotes Icon not showing on Mac OS Sonoma 14.3 ...) closed by karmatosed
worksforme: I agree with @poena on this so will close for now. Thank you everyone …
06:30 Ticket #60882 (Footer On Codex website showing in one column.) closed by sabernhardt
invalid: Hi and thanks for the report! The Codex has issues with caching when …
06:08 Ticket #60680 (Site's broken) closed by sabernhardt
worksforme: Because no one reproduced the error, I'll close this. If this problem …


22:54 Ticket #61145 (wp:post-date format including html tag) closed by jasonmader
invalid: alas, this does work, […]
21:54 Ticket #61150 (Props-bot failing to run after reviews) created by peterwilsoncc
The props-bot on WordPress-Develop is failing to update after reviews …
14:33 Ticket #61098 (phpcs error in wp-includes > capabilities.php line 1093) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 58099: […]
14:33 Changeset [58099] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Remove extra conditional in is_super_admin(). …
12:30 Ticket #61149 (class WP_User(), mark prop $deleted as deprecated) created by ignatiusjeroe
I've search the source code for the utility of column deleted in …


22:30 Ticket #21077 (Add support for custom ports in multisite site addresses) reopened by johnbillion
Reopening to investigate. Is this on a site with or without a port …
22:10 Ticket #51358 (Add a clearer warning message before deleting a site from a network) closed by johnbillion
fixed: In 58098: […]
22:10 Changeset [58098] by johnbillion
Networks and Sites: Add a clearer warning message before deleting a …
19:23 Tickets #21077,​52088 batch updated by johnbillion
fixed: In 58097: […]
19:23 Changeset [58097] by johnbillion
Bootstrap/Load: Add support for custom ports in multisite site …
19:09 Ticket #61139 (Add an optional $post parameter to get_the_title_rss() the same way ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 58096: […]
19:09 Changeset [58096] by SergeyBiryukov
Feeds: Add an optional $post parameter to get_the_title_rss(). …
17:25 Ticket #61108 (Pass `$locale` to the `load_translation_file` filter) closed by johnbillion
fixed: In 58095: […]
17:25 Changeset [58095] by johnbillion
I18N: Pass the $locale variable to the load_translation_file
17:21 Ticket #61115 (Improve i18n for disk space health checks) closed by johnbillion
fixed: In 58094: […]
17:21 Changeset [58094] by johnbillion
Site Health: Improve the internationalisation of strings used in disk …
17:00 Ticket #61148 (Standardise assertions for remote HTTP tests) created by johnbillion
The order of assertions for remote HTTP request tests aren't entirely …
15:49 Ticket #61147 (CSS: Parse Error. html :where([style * =border-top-color])) created by jasonmader
Inline css, such as, […] ends up with a space between * and = …
13:47 Ticket #61146 (Multisite: Marking a user account as spam, also marks the blogs he's a ...) created by ignatiusjeroe
Marking a user account as spam on wp-admin/network/users.php prohibits …
13:26 Ticket #61145 (wp:post-date format including html tag) created by jasonmader
[…] results in, […] escaping \s and \n, which seems like …
10:34 Ticket #61143 (Our rest api User listing has chances to reveal username of ...) closed by swissspidy
duplicate: Duplicate of #52169. Hi there and welcome to WordPress Trac! …
05:00 Ticket #61144 (Disabling "Post via email" triggers deprecation notices upon save) created by manbo
If you disable Post via email on the management screen, an error will …
04:20 Ticket #61143 (Our rest api User listing has chances to reveal username of ...) created by hlakkad1998
Whenever we create a setup in WordPress at that time We have to add a …


19:55 Ticket #61142 (Rename the 'Deleted' state to 'Deactivated') closed by sabernhardt
duplicate: This is already tracked on #15801; please continue the discussion there.
18:14 Ticket #61142 (Rename the 'Deleted' state to 'Deactivated') created by ignatiusjeroe
On pages wp-admin/network/site-info.php?id=xxx and …
17:51 Ticket #60407 (WP Starter Page is a source for HACKERS) closed by ironprogrammer
invalid: Hi, @dpmatlosz -- I'm sorry to hear about the trouble you experienced …
15:33 Ticket #60129 (Comment on a PR when no Trac ticket is included) reopened by desrosj
@ocean90 That's probably a good idea to limit the number of bot …
14:30 Ticket #61136 (wp-login.php?action=postpass PHP Warning with invalid input) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 58093: […]
14:30 Changeset [58093] by SergeyBiryukov
Login and Registration: Check that post_password is a string in …
12:37 Ticket #60129 (Comment on a PR when no Trac ticket is included) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 58092: […]
12:37 Changeset [58092] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Remind contributors to include a Trac ticket link. …
11:43 Ticket #61141 (Request new function add_sites_page(...)) created by ignatiusjeroe
On a multisite in the Network Admin area there is a new top menu …
09:09 Ticket #61140 (Multiple themes: Verse block font family is different in front-end) created by pranitdugad
Hello all, I have reviewed the "verse" block into the …
08:53 Ticket #61139 (Add an optional $post parameter to get_the_title_rss() the same way ...) created by oglekler
This will allow it to be used outside of the loop and ensure …
07:56 Ticket #61020 (Add Bluesky ( to oEmbed allowlist) closed by swissspidy
fixed: In 58091: […]
07:56 Changeset [58091] by swissspidy
Embeds: Add Bluesky as a trusted oEmbed provider. Props swissspidy, …
07:37 Ticket #61138 (Twenty Nineteen: Latest post block text color and top/bottom spacing ...) created by viralsampat
Hello, I have reviewed "Latest Post" block and found that when we …
06:54 Ticket #46048 (Twenty Nineteen: Latest posts block: Post title overlaps other titles ...) closed by poena
reported-upstream: I can reproduce this problem the latest post block in several themes, …
06:46 Ticket #61137 (Allow view access of template rest endpoint to anyone with the ...) created by fabiankaegy
Sync ticket for In …
05:23 Changeset [58090] by isabel_brison
Editor: Fix coding standards and move deprecated function to correct …
05:16 Ticket #61136 (wp-login.php?action=postpass PHP Warning with invalid input) created by dd32
The following warning can be generated on wp-login.php: […] This …
04:45 Ticket #61099 (Add Style Engine support for nested CSS rules) closed by isabel_brison
fixed: In 58089: […]
04:45 Changeset [58089] by isabel_brison
Editor: add Style Engine support for nested CSS rules. Adds support …
03:48 Ticket #61135 (Global styles: output :root selector for CSS custom properties ...) created by ramonopoly
A ticket to track the synching of the following Gutenberg PRs: …
00:20 Ticket #61134 (Fix coding standards issues in elements block supports) created by aaronrobertshaw
Follow-up to where a …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.