Make WordPress Core



21:06 Ticket #47114 (global $pages not available on the_post action) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 45286: […]
21:06 Changeset [45286] by azaozz
Fix setup_postdata() to set the (inside the loop) globals before …
21:01 Ticket #47114 (global $pages not available on the_post action) reopened by azaozz
Reopen for the 5.2 branch.
20:59 Ticket #47114 (global $pages not available on the_post action) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 45285: […]
20:59 Changeset [45285] by azaozz
Fix setup_postdata() to set the (inside the loop) globals before …
20:29 Ticket #46150 (Less vs. Fewer) closed by Presskopp
17:46 Ticket #47126 (Code Editor: default to readme.txt) created by joyously
Since the code editor is not the safest place for the user to be, …
15:26 Ticket #47125 (Admin: clarify the "Add New" links for better accessibility) created by afercia
In the admin menu and in some of the admin pages, various links use …
15:11 Ticket #47124 (Admin menu: restore "Add New" in the Themes section) created by afercia
Many sections in the admin menu have an "Add New" link to navigate …
12:41 Ticket #47123 (The post(s) navigation landmark needs to be labelled) created by afercia
Basically all the Bundled Themes use previous / next navigation in the …
11:26 Ticket #47122 (Media views: fix unlabelled controls) created by afercia
In the various media views, there are various form controls that are …
09:27 Ticket #47121 (Featured image modal: content disappears when changing device orientation) created by afercia
To reproduce: - emulate a mobile device via the Chrome dev tools - …


22:11 Ticket #47120 (Media modals: Upload errors and field information are not associated ...) created by afercia
Moved from the …
21:55 Ticket #47119 (Can't revoke super admin if email is different case from network admin) created by trepmal
In multisite, if a Super Admin's email is a case-insensitive match to …
20:33 Ticket #47118 (Media Editor: Undo and Redo icons are not consistent throughout the ...) created by afercia
Moved from the …
19:59 Ticket #47117 (Media modals: Focus is invisible in Windows high contrast views) created by afercia
Moved from the …
19:25 Ticket #47116 (Media Editor: Visible labels are not available on editing buttons) created by afercia
Moved from the …
18:07 Ticket #47115 (Media Editor: Text overlaps or is clipped when text spacing or size is ...) created by afercia
Moved from the …
18:07 Ticket #47114 (global $pages not available on the_post action) created by david.binda
After r44941 the $pages (and other global variables) are no longer …
17:27 Ticket #47113 (Media views: dismiss notice button is invisible) created by afercia
Moved from the …
17:24 Ticket #47112 (Multisite: Site names are truncated in the "My Sites" admin bar dropdown) created by tferry
When using a multisite network, hovering over the "My Sites" item in …
17:19 Ticket #47111 (Dynamically added notifications need ARIA role alert or status) created by afercia
Follow up to #46995. In the various admin screens, all the …
17:13 Ticket #46995 (Notifications need ARIA `role` attribute of either `status` or `alert` ...) closed by afercia
invalid: Discussed during today's accessibility bug scrub and agreed to close …
16:54 Ticket #47079 (Incorrect version for excerpt_allowed_blocks filter) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 45284: […]
16:54 Changeset [45284] by desrosj
Editor: Correct since annotation for the excerpt_allowed_blocks
16:51 Changeset [45283] by desrosj
Update the package-lock.json file to 5.3.0.
16:33 Ticket #47110 (Docblock improvements for 5.3) created by desrosj
Previously: - #46543 (5.2) - #42505 (5.1) - #41017 (4.9) - #39130
15:10 Ticket #47109 (Avoiding errors in theme folder) created by superpoincare
Since the bundled theme folders have an index.php file and that it …
15:05 Ticket #46998 ((Mobile) Admin Dashboard-Link remains focused/active) closed by afercia
wontfix: Discussed during today's accessibility bug scrub and agreed to close …
14:11 Ticket #39528 (Autofocus on admin pages for keyboard users) closed by audrasjb
wontfix: As discussed during today's Accessibility team bug scrub, I'm going to …
14:09 Ticket #47053 (Accessibility: Need to set proper 'tabindex' in 'Skip To Toolbar' HTML) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
13:51 Ticket #47108 (Plugin and theme language packs are not downloaded when changing language) created by afercia
When changing the WordPress language in Settings -> General, the …
10:05 Ticket #47032 (Rename wp_body_open hook and function) closed by SergeyBiryukov
wontfix: Since we're already in RC stage, it's probably too late to change the name.
09:37 Ticket #47107 (Plugin Search Input Value Should Be Kept in place) created by malavvasita
Is it possible to keep entered value in text box while jumping from …
08:14 Ticket #47106 (Add aria-current attribute to current item in WP Admin <nav> tabs) created by audrasjb
WordPress Admin screens that use tabs navigation should use …
07:08 Ticket #47105 (Not focusing on input control when validate that input control) created by hardipparmar
This issue is generated in form validation …
05:57 Ticket #47104 (Fix incorrect @see notation in the DocBlock for wp_localize_script()) created by coffee2code
The function wp_localize_script() defines a @see reference in its …
04:55 Ticket #47102 (Twenty Nineteen: SVG author badge printed twice) closed by mukesh27
duplicate: Thanks for reporting this, @marctison75! It seems this was reported …
02:27 Ticket #47103 (Cannot save a draft of a password protected post without a title) created by kylepott
Hello! WordPress 5.1.1 users will receive an "Updating failed" error …
00:45 Ticket #47100 (Use WPINC constant in script-loader.php, load-scripts.php, and ...) closed by dd32
invalid: Hi @mwarnermindedge and welcome to Trac, Unfortunately in this case, …


21:49 Ticket #47102 (Twenty Nineteen: SVG author badge printed twice) created by marctison75
In class-twentynineteen-walker-comment.php, the svg author badge is …
20:45 Ticket #47101 (Improve contrast when deleting terms in list table via AJAX) created by jeremyfelt
When deleting a term via the inline "Delete" link in the taxonomy list …
19:59 Ticket #47100 (Use WPINC constant in script-loader.php, load-scripts.php, and ...) created by mwarnermindedge
To allow users to have custom includes directory names, use the …
17:10 Ticket #47099 (term_exists fail when term is surrounded with brackets) created by leogermani
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a term. For example test. 2. run …
16:27 Changeset [45282] by jorbin
Trunk is now 5.3 alpha
16:20 Changeset [45281] by jorbin
Branch 5.2.
16:12 Changeset [45280] by desrosj
Post WordPress 5.2 RC2 version bump.
16:03 Changeset [45279] by desrosj
WordPress 5.2 RC2.
15:43 Changeset [45278] by desrosj
Help/About: Polish the About page for 5.2. - The About page now uses …
15:09 Ticket #47096 (get_post_type() in author.php return random post type) closed by knutsp
worksforme: Would guess it returns the type of the last post in the loop, when …
13:56 Ticket #47098 (Author being mis-replaced) created by pif
Hello, When an author is not in the editors list, Gutenberg replaces …
13:23 Ticket #47097 (Image metadata is not copied in the library) created by pif
Hello, I found an issue with Gutenberg. Adding an image is nicely …
11:23 Ticket #47096 (get_post_type() in author.php return random post type) created by wolly
I have created an author.php page. I have a do_action in sidebar …
10:52 Ticket #47093 (Recovery mode email is not translated) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 45277: […]
10:52 Changeset [45277] by desrosj
Bootstrap/Load: Ensure recovery link email and related notices are …
10:36 Ticket #47075 (Line-height miscalculation on .nav-tab) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 45276: […]
10:36 Changeset [45276] by desrosj
Help/About: Fix tab display issues. This change restores About page …
08:16 Ticket #47095 (PHPDocs: Correction in inline docs for last_query) created by nextendweb
In the file wp-includes/wp-db.php the $last_query property described …


20:38 Ticket #47094 (Widgets: current-page links are not programmatically labelled as such) created by audrasjb
Note: this issue was first reported by Karl Groves (@karlgroves) in …
18:07 Ticket #47084 (Site Health instructs users to remove plugins that are active on other ...) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 45275: […]
18:07 Changeset [45275] by desrosj
Site Health: Disable recommendations that could be problematic on …
17:25 Ticket #47093 (Recovery mode email is not translated) created by desrosj
Reported by @fierevere and @wolly in Slack. When the recovery mode …
17:23 Ticket #47086 (Email: Background Update Finished) closed by desrosj
worksforme: I have not been able to reproduce this with the Italian locale active. …
17:17 Ticket #47092 (Increase the usefullness of 'random_password' by adding additional ...) created by roytanck
In the wp_generate_password function, the output is run through the …
15:42 Ticket #47091 (REST get wp/v2/media sizes to include add_image_size()) created by shaneyu
Media returned from the API returns as sizes attribute. These sizes …
14:48 Ticket #47076 (add a CSS class to the "written by" post meta) closed by desrosj
invalid: Hi @natehunter00, Thanks for this ticket, and welcome to Trac! This …
14:43 Ticket #47080 (after update error plugins optiontree) closed by desrosj
invalid: Hi @altinyol, Welcome to Trac! From the details you have provided, …
14:29 Ticket #47089 (Admin Submenu: Not working properly after resize window) closed by desrosj
duplicate: Thanks for reporting this, @iamjaydip! It seems this this was reported …
13:34 Ticket #47090 (On multisite, Site Health lists plugins/themes as inactive when not ...) closed by Clorith
duplicate: Hiya, Thanks for raising this, we're already tackling this in #47084
13:15 Ticket #41097 (Incorrect parsing of Forwarded header generates warnings) closed by mallorydxw
worksforme: I can't reproduce in WP 5.1.1 either. Looks like the …
12:54 Ticket #47090 (On multisite, Site Health lists plugins/themes as inactive when not ...) created by roytanck
On a multisite install, plugins and themes that are not active on the …
11:13 Ticket #47088 (Visting wp-login.php whilst logged in logs you out) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
I think this ticket is different from #14949. That one is about …
09:17 Ticket #47089 (Admin Submenu: Not working properly after resize window) created by iamjaydip
In WP admin, when we resize window and click on submenu then it …
08:25 Ticket #47088 (Visting wp-login.php whilst logged in logs you out) closed by swissspidy
duplicate: Thanks, we are already tracking this in #14949.
08:00 Ticket #47088 (Visting wp-login.php whilst logged in logs you out) created by lev0
I leave multiple, regularly-used WP admin tabs open in a browser …
02:57 Ticket #46977 (WP_List_Table table headers are missing `role=`columnheader` for ...) closed by SteelWagstaff
worksforme: Thanks @afercia. I'm @dannylonglegs's colleague at Pressbooks. We've …
00:59 Ticket #47087 (flush_rewrite_rules() should check $wp_rewrite->flush_rules() is ...) created by markjaquith
I ran into this situation: > Uncaught Error: Call to a member …


20:44 Ticket #47058 (Site Health: does not distinguish between production / staging / ...) closed by Clorith
wontfix: There's been no further reasoning for removing this, so I'm closing …
20:41 Ticket #47057 (Site Health: information about "loopback" connections is vague/misleading.) closed by Clorith
maybelater: I'm closing this for now, if we see there's a need to improve this …
20:19 Ticket #47086 (Email: Background Update Finished) created by wolly
I have installed the 5.2, and I receive this email, NOT translated, …
19:45 Ticket #47085 (Site Health appear on individual sites in Multisite) created by iandunn
The tests are all related to the server or the network of sites, …
19:43 Ticket #47084 (Site Health instructs users to remove plugins that are active on other ...) created by iandunn
> Your site has 22 inactive plugins. Inactive plugins are tempting …
17:30 Changeset [45274] by jorbin
Admin: Add some additional clarity to some about page links It's …
14:51 Ticket #47071 (Calling add_role() in a multi-site network causes a memory fatal error) closed by wahabmirjan
14:30 Ticket #47083 (Site Info Update Not Adjusting "Last Updated" Value) created by conner_bw
+ Navigate to /wp-admin/network/site-info.php?id=XXX where XXX is a …
14:05 Ticket #42444 (Quotes in post title are not searched correctly when on mobile) closed by andraganescu
worksforme: This happens only in the simulator because the simulator replaces the …
13:44 Ticket #22669 (iPad: Can't Scroll Plugins Modal) closed by andraganescu
worksforme: I have tested this on iPad Pro 10" OSX 12.2 and the modal scrolls …
13:28 Ticket #47082 (WordPress releases aren't available via Github API) closed by ocean90
invalid: Hello @AwMurph, welcome to WordPress Trac! Releases on GitHub aren't …
13:21 Ticket #47082 (WordPress releases aren't available via Github API) created by AwMurph
While Github shows releases for WordPress, the API does not which is …
12:15 Ticket #47081 (String is not translatable) closed by ocean90
invalid: Hello @jitendrabanjara1991, thanks for the report but since no PHP is …
12:12 Ticket #47081 (String is not translatable) created by jitendrabanjara1991
Some strings are not translatable.
12:05 Ticket #40173 (New function wp_admin_notice) closed by andraganescu
wontfix: For lack of response and because this is handled already by the API …
12:01 Ticket #47032 (Rename wp_body_open hook and function) reopened by apedog
If this is not too late into the development process, I'd also add my …
11:28 Ticket #47080 (after update error plugins optiontree) created by altinyol
Hello there, after the last update on my website can not update my …
08:56 Ticket #47079 (Incorrect version for excerpt_allowed_blocks filter) created by rabmalin
Since parameter is incorrect for excerpt_allowed_blocks filter. …
03:01 Ticket #47078 (Building may fail to generate *-rtl.css files in wp-includes/css) created by azaozz
Happens when running grunt (build) after grunt --dev was run. In …
02:52 Ticket #47077 (Add Support for REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION to REST Server) created by dshanske
In WP_REST_Server->get_headers it endeavors to get a subset of …
02:38 Ticket #37642 (Switch from mediaelement to video.js) closed by desrosj
maybelater: I'm going to close this out as a maybelater for a few reasons. …
01:20 Ticket #37691 (plugins directory not being actively checked) closed by desrosj
worksforme: Hi @bheadrick, My apologies that this issue was ignored for so long. …


23:16 Ticket #47076 (add a CSS class to the "written by" post meta) created by natehunter00
I have a super easy feature request. Add a CSS class to the "Written …
19:36 Ticket #47073 (Lost Password generates invalid link in user email) closed by ocean90
duplicate: Hello @lcwakeman, welcome to WordPress Trac! We're already tracking …
18:02 Ticket #47075 (Line-height miscalculation on .nav-tab) created by ianbelanger
As pointed out by @afercia in #46901, the tabs were 1px taller after …
17:25 Ticket #47074 (Commented out code in upgrade.php) created by rahulvaza
I found commented out code in upgrade.php. As consider coding …
17:12 Ticket #47073 (Lost Password generates invalid link in user email) created by lcwakeman
When a user asks to reset their password, the link generated by …
17:11 Ticket #47072 (Hierarchical post types missing attributes meta box if post type ...) created by natereist
Setting the hierarchical argument to true in the register post type …
16:59 Ticket #47071 (Calling add_role() in a multi-site network causes a memory fatal error) created by wahabmirjan
Hello, I am developing a plugin, in which I have to add a new role …
16:32 Ticket #47070 (Recovery Mode Exit button not visible in responsive view) created by afragen
As @afercia noted the Recovery Mode Exit button is not visible in …
16:05 Ticket #47069 (The admin bar on the front end has reduced functionality and bugs when ...) created by afercia
Twenty Nineteen [Edit: and also the next official theme Twenty Twenty] …
12:34 Ticket #47068 (get_queried_object() returns null date archives and on homepage with ...) reopened by bplv
12:21 Ticket #47068 (get_queried_object() returns null date archives and on homepage with ...) closed by bplv
12:12 Ticket #47068 (get_queried_object() returns null date archives and on homepage with ...) created by bplv
get_queried_object() returns null if permalink is plain.


22:40 Ticket #47067 (Twenty Nineteen: fix markup errors in ...) created by afercia
See …
19:22 Ticket #47066 (Twenty Nineteen: The main element must not appear as a descendant of ...) created by albertomake
In the version 1.3 of the Twenty Nineteen theme there is a markup …
13:55 Ticket #47065 (Skip links misplaced in the responsive view) created by afercia
When the responsive styles for the 782 and 600 pixels breakpoints kick …
13:15 Ticket #47028 (TinyMCE is failing WAVE accessibility plugin validation) closed by afercia
reported-upstream: @conner_bw thanks for your report! As you may know, TinyMCE is an …
11:58 Ticket #47047 (WP_List_Table table headers are missing `aria-sort` property for ...) closed by afercia
duplicate: @dannylonglegs thanks for your report! This issue is already tracked …
11:24 Ticket #47053 (Accessibility: Need to set proper 'tabindex' in 'Skip To Toolbar' HTML) closed by afercia
maybelater: @jankimoradiya thanks for your report. There's a reason for this: on …
08:50 Ticket #47064 (User Profile) created by jdan21
Hi, there is a bug when updating someone's user's profile by leaving a …


19:14 Ticket #47063 (Text not vertically centered on site-health.php) created by Presskopp
The titles are not vertically centered. Patch would be st. like …
16:41 Ticket #47062 (indentation on WP Multisite creation page) created by sebastienserre
Hello, On […] the .htaccess block isn't well indented …
15:29 Ticket #47061 (Site Health: WordPress default install behaviour is flagged as ...) created by DavidAnderson
"Site Health Check" will flag inactive plugins or themes as a security …
15:24 Ticket #47060 (Site Health: unequivocal advice to install a Ghostscript interpreter ...) created by DavidAnderson
If you don't have php-imagick installed, then the "Site Health Check" …
15:21 Ticket #47059 (Site Health: bogus warnings about need for SSL on localhost) created by DavidAnderson
Site Health Check will tell the user that his security would be …
15:18 Ticket #47058 (Site Health: does not distinguish between production / staging / ...) created by DavidAnderson
In a ticket focussed on a different issue - #47046 - the problem was …
15:13 Ticket #47057 (Site Health: information about "loopback" connections is vague/misleading.) created by DavidAnderson
In the "Site Health Check" feature, if the HTTP "loopback" test fails, …
14:18 Ticket #47056 (Add 'wp_nav_menu_item_custom_fields' hook in ...) created by MikeSchinkel
This is admittedly related to several other tickets, most notably of …
10:34 Ticket #47055 (Exist unused global $post in documentation of function) created by avinapatel
Need to remove global $post parameter from documentation of do_blocks().
09:57 Ticket #47054 (Document missing parameter in get_bookmarks()) created by jontyravi
Docs: Add $search parameter entry for $default variable in get_bookmarks()
06:23 Ticket #47053 (Accessibility: Need to set proper 'tabindex' in 'Skip To Toolbar' HTML) created by jankimoradiya
I have found that, There is a set tabindex="1" in the "Skip to …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.