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Fearless Diva

We're thrilled to share the first of many contributing blogs and editor stories as Fandom's Community Team celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month. The Maker Series aims to shine a light on those who make the magic happen and build these incredible worlds behind the scenes, pen, and curtain. As we honor these makers, it's only fitting we celebrate the true makers on the platform throughout this series. Meet Fearless Diva, but you can call them FD. FD is an admin and editor across various wikis including but not limited to Fatal Attraction, Pretty Little Liars, and Red, White and Royal Blue. They are also a Fandom Star, a member of the International Wiki Representative team and more. Their dedication to community and passion for building an inclusive community is inspiring to say the least. FD was kind enough to write this contributing blog for the Maker Series. Read on to learn more about FD, their thoughts on representation throughout the entertainment industry, and some great recommendations to add to your list.

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with Fearless Diva[]

So this month, we're focusing on the Maker Series - which means we'll honor the people behind the scenes who make the magic happen. Think of makeup artists, special effects, and costume design. Does anyone come to mind? I think there's a parallel with editors on the platform because y'all are makers. Editors do so many wonderful things to ensure people can read more about their favorite fandoms, but the public does not always know that. This is a chance to share who influences you as we go behind the scenes.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse movie poster

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

One of the people I look up to is Jaime Hernandez, who along with  his brothers  Gilbert and Mario came up with  the alternative comic book Love and Rockets. I am Mexican, and speak Spanish but hate that when it comes to representation, there’s been very little representation of Latinx characters.  One thing  many of you may already know about me is that I am a fan of superhero comics, but it’s only been in recent years I’ve seen characters like: Jaime Reyes (AKA the third Blue Beetle) from DC Comics, and the likes of Miles Morales and America Chavez from Marvel Comics.  For me in particular, it was quite refreshing to see and hear Spanish being spoken in the 2018 film Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. I do hope that one day more latinx characters are created and go on to be represented on tv and the big screen! While  my first exposure to comics in general was superhero comics, I never felt like I could relate to the superheroes 100%. Spiderman for example had the whole school nerd not fitting in, but because he is white, he never went through some of the life experiences that I, as a Mexican kid with brown skin, have. So it’s been great to know now that as a young adult, things are changing. I am seeing what I desperately needed as a kid. It’s not quite the same, but perhaps kids today will have more characters to look up to that look like them!

Speaking of Blue Beetle, this 2023 film was not only an excellent superhero film, but from the entire Reyes family speaking  Spanish, English and Spanglish interchangeably, to sprinkling in some latinx history; all of it made me realize that for once, we weren’t the butt of the joke. Not only did it have a large  hispanic cast, it also honors my Mexican heritage through its homage to staples of Mexican entertainment such as El Chapulín Colorado.  Another recurrent Blue Beetle joke is how Jaime’s family compares his relationship with Jenny with the events of Maria la del Barrio, a Mexican telenovela that premiered in 1995 and went on to become a phenomenon in Latin America and the rest of the world. In María la del Barrio, the titular character of  María was born very poor and with no one to take care of her. However, she is later welcomed by a rich family, thus changing her life entirely. Jaime’s family joked about how Jaime’s relationship with Jenny made him the “María la del Barrio” of this story, going from a poor neighborhood to the halls of the mighty Kord Industries. However, being editor here at Fandom has definitely taught me to pay equal attention to those behind the scenes. Whether it is a writer that births a script, to the  costume designers and makeup artist that in turn help the director bring their vision to life, they are all important in the overall production of things that we as an audience in turn enjoy seeing ourselves reflected in.

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Thank you to FD for sharing your perspective on representation and sharing more about yourself! Entertainment is universal and it is important that individuals have the opportunity to see themselves and tell their diverse stories. In the spirit of inclusivity and community, we invite everyone to participate in this dialogue. Share your thoughts, ask questions, and let's learn from one another's perspectives about entertainment and culture. Stay tuned for future posts as we continue to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month!
This blog post was made for Hispanic Heritage Month 2023!
Fandom Staff
Hey I'm JP, Senior Community Manager, Creator Outreach at Fandom.
I'm a huge fan of Law & Order, VEEP, and a long list of anime.
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