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Our final editor story for this Hispanic Heritage Month series features Fandom Star Supeika! They contributed to our HHM celebration last year and this year will share their experience in the Fandom Community. A community grows because of the passion and hard work of the people who are part of it. Together, we forge strong bonds, lifelong friendships, and learn many things along the way. We're much better together, and Supeika does a wonderful job of reminding us why community is important. Read on!

Exploring The Power of Community with Supeika[]


Meet Supeika!

Hi everyone! Talking about the hispanity is something that I'll always enjoy doing, even if I'm not perfect at that, because there are many stories to be told, many experiences to share, and while I can't put all of that on a single blog, I'm going to do my best to make sure that I can tell the experience that being on Spanish (and English) communities has been like!

Last year I actually did a blog like this, under the name Thejoaqui777, which is how people first met me on any wiki community, but since then, I've grown up a lot and learned all sorts of things. While I did start on the English Minecraft Wiki, with English users who are still editing wikis to this day, I joined Spanish wikis because I had an idea on my mind, something that for some reason got stuck on my mind and couldn't leave: trying to make a Spanish wiki that could be a reliable (and enjoyable) place where people could read about topics they like!

When I joined wikis, I didn't really join Fandom, I joined late-Gamepedia, whose wikis ended up merging with Fandom a year after I came to edit. And on that first community I've edited on, these 3 years I've been editing, I've seen people come and go, and I think that while they may not be the most active, are by far people you'd enjoy a lot to be with. I can mention the optimism of RonnnyHD (aka Ronnie) who is a very great person to be with, SrWesly's dedication on moderating and keeping places safe and from who I sometimes take advice, Reverse88, who is by far the most dedicated editor I've seen, JV_2009's passion with Duolingopedia (Spanish Duolingo Wiki), Zarvel and Mangort007, who both have an understanding of wikis, and Kalel, Frost, and SonGoku who are two nice people from our Discord server that always put a smile on me when I read their comments and what they write.

Nearly all people who know me call me Super, and that's because I changed my Discord username from Thejoaqui777 to TheSuperPlayer. I did that to have a generic name, and it was generic, but gave everyone I've met a name that they could use to talk to me, and it represents two years of my existence, and it also was a source of fun (sometimes fun't). La Confederación Hispana is probably the biggest cause of me growing up as a person, even if I didn't intend it to. I just joined to learn about wikis, and somehow, what was just an attempt to get attention from Spanish users because English users didn't listen to me that much at that time turned out to be a source of learning from both the past and the present.

I cannot mention La Confe without highlighting some people that I can't be more proud of, nor can give enough thanks for having helped me to grow as a person, not just as a user. Taxcymus, a great leader who can overcome any difficulty, and a great mentor; GreenWithin and Bitomic, you both, through these years, have helped me a lot to grow, to get better social skills, and to learn from my errors; Haobo12, you put a smile on everyone when you're talking with us, even if you may not notice it; DarkGames, I've had some fun moments as well with you, and you taught me a lot about new perspectives; Aexhell, whose designs have been a source of inspiration for me; Neo and Kei, great people to be with and both can give you great feedback, and I can't end without thanking Ale, Mememes, Unai, Aokmine and Zero for giving me good times when talking with all of you.

Now all people who meet me for the first time call me Supeika, but all those friends I've made will still call me Super, and I'm proud of that because it's a part of my story, which hasn't ended yet. I may have started on Minecraft Wiki ES, but I've expanded to more communities through Discord, and I also like to do stuff on Comunidad Central, aka Spanish Community Central. And I'm planning to create a new wiki, a project that I won't mention here yet, but for those people who know me and probably are reading this, it's for a mobile game I've been playing and that I find fun ;D

To finalize this, these blogs for Hispanic Heritage Month for sure have been a great experience to read since they allow people to express themselves and remind us that being in a community doesn't mean it has to be just on English, but in many languages. This month is a time when we have to be proud of all the people who have been working hard to put a stamp of "la hispanidad" on all sorts of places, and on Fandom, this is the month where we have to highlight the efforts from the people we know because making a community isn't the job of a single person but of a whole group.

Editar wikis es una experiencia que, si bien es un camino largo y complejo, te abre muchas puertas en ámbitos que probablemente no lo aparenten, pero que te pueden ayudar a crecer y mejorar como persona.

Thank you for taking the time to share your story with us, Supeika! Your passion for community and building continues to shine through this fantastic blog.

This blog post was made for Hispanic Heritage Month 2023!
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