Community Central
Community Central

thumb|300px|right|Video teaser for Cellular Civilization I'm pleased that Wikia is supporting blogging. Back in April I started a blog about the Fiction Wikia (originally called Novelas) and using wiki technology to support collaborative fiction writing. I'll be interested to see if this kind of "community blogging" will catch on among participants at the Fiction Wikia.

I wonder why the toolbar for blogging does not include the option for inserting a video? I'm going to go ahead and see if I can insert a video here. This video (to the right...hopefully!*) is for a story I wrote at the Fiction Wikia.

I'm glad Wikia has support for multimedia. Now that Firefox 3.5 supports play of ogg files, I hope we get a way to directly embed and play ogg files on story pages at Fiction Wikia. For some of our stories (example) we want to be able to play background music!

I'm not clear how the categorization of blog posts will work. "A blank message means no category will be added" The documentation is a bit mysterious. I'm trying to put this post into "Creative".

About my avatar: It is an image from the science fiction story VirileMail.

*The video works. At first, when I saw the preview of this blog post, I thought the video did not get in...the preview just shows the caption "Video teaser for Cellular Civilization" and not the video!