Community Central
Community Central

Hey everybody!

We have been publishing information about the experiments and tweaks in the Fandom Stars Wiki. After some conversations, we have decided to move the blog posts into Community Central to make them more visible to our users and give all of you the possibility to ask questions, make suggestions, and follow the changes.

This blog post is about a new experiment that we will run in the upcoming weeks.

  • Experiment name: Suggested Pages
  • Test Launch: Next week
  • Test Closes: 3 weeks
  • Will Be Tested On: New editors - to push them towards becoming loyal editors - and regular editors - to keep them active -
  • Hypothesis: Providing editors with a call to action and links to potentially relevant pages after each edit, will increase editor retention and number of edits.
  • Other Notes: New and existing editors often have low edit volumes and never get into the habit of making consistent edits. An editor making an edit on one page may also not think about updating or adding this new information on related pages within the wiki. These editors may be satisfied with fixing the issue directly in front of them and can be nudged into thinking about where they can continue to add value.

This experiment will provide a list of related articles where this user can continue exploring the wiki and potentially editing the articles after making an edit.

We will run two different variants of this experiment as you can see in the next image:

Suggested pages

Success will be evaluated based on the retention rate for new editors, engagement for experienced editors, and the number of edits.

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Fandom Staff
Antonio R. Castro is part of Fandom since May 2007. He was helper for 3 years focused on ES community and since 2011 he is a member of the Fandom staff. He is working currently like Product Support Lead. Fan of wikis, videogames, Star Wars, Song of Ice and Fire and any TV series pre or post Breaking Bad.

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