Community Central
Community Central

User contributions pages list the edits a particular user has made on a specific community. They allow you to see what edits others have made as well as keep track of your own edits.

Step by step[]

User contributions page[]

User contributionsv2
  1. The user masthead lists a user's total edit count and number of posts on this specific community.
  2. This tab gives you access to the user's contributions.
  3. Here you can filter the user's contributions by namespace and date.
  4. This lists all the user's edits and allows you to click on the edited page and also the diff link to see the changes that were made

Additional ways to access contributions pages[]

  • All contributions pages are in the form Special:Contributions/USERNAME, enabling easy linking, for example, Special:Contributions/Fandom.
  • To access your own user contributions page, click or go to Special:MyContributions.
  • If the editor is not logged in, the IP address is used in place of the username. For quick access, you can click on the IP address in recent changes or page history.

Global contributions on Special:UserActivity[]

Through Special:UserActivity on Community Central, you will be able to access a list of all the communities you've edited across Fandom.

By default the list is ordered by your most recent edits, but you can also sort it by community name or number of edits. It also lists important user groups you are in.

See also[]

Further help and feedback[]