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Community Central

Lady Lostris Lady Lostris 3 days ago

Technical Updates: July 26, 2024

Hey hey, we're halfway through the Summer months already, and the last week of July also brings the second Technical Updates blog of July. With this blog series we aim to inform you about some of the bugs that have been fixed the past 2 weeks, experiments we are running or are about to run, and other general platform changes we may have made. The comment section also gives you another platform to reach out to us with questions or concerns.

  • Having tested and retested it, both with and without the help of several helpful communities, the CodeMirror update is being rolled out to all wikis. This extension provides the syntax highlighting in MediaWiki's wikitext editor. Those using the 2010 source editor will notice some changes in the layout as …

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Lady Lostris Lady Lostris 17 days ago

Technical Updates: July 12, 2024

Eyo, my lovely people. Time keeps flying by. Feels like yesterday that I posted the last tech blog for June, and now we're already 2 weeks further, so I'm here with the first tech blog of July! As you know, we use these technical update posts to keep you all in the loop of what's happening on the platform by providing you with insights on some of the bugs that got fixed, changes we rolled out, and experiments we're running. If there's anything not clear or you have something to report, don't hesitate to reach out in the comments!

  • 1 Notable Changes
  • 2 Recent Fixes
  • 3 Development Updates
    • 3.1 Engagement
    • 3.2 News & Ratings (N&R) team
    • 3.3 User-Generated Content (UGC) team

  • Announced in May already but in effect since this week, non-emailconfirmed accounts are n…

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Lady Lostris Lady Lostris 28 June

Technical Updates: June 28, 2024

Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to our second technical update blog for June! For the returning readers, feel free to skip the intro as you know what I'll be saying. For the new readers though, glad to have you join us for our bi-weekly (every two weeks for clarity) tech blog in which I'll be sharing a selection of user-relevant bug fixes, experiments, and platform changes to keep you updated on what lives on the Fandom site. Any comments and questions you may have, let me know in the comments. That's enough recap from me, here are the updates from the past two weeks!

  • 1 Notable Changes
  • 2 Recent Fixes
  • 3 Fixes in Development
  • 4 Development Updates
    • 4.1 Engagement
    • 4.2 Platform team
    • 4.3 User-Generated Content (UGC) team
    • 4.4 User Experience (UX) Team

Fandom off…

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Lady Lostris Lady Lostris 14 June

Technical Updates: June 14, 2024

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Lady Lostris Lady Lostris 31 May

Technical Updates: May 31, 2024

Eyo, my lovelies! Another two weeks, another tech blog giving you some insights on a selection of the bugs that got fixed, experiments that are running or upcoming, and other notable tech updates.

This blog may feel a bit on the lighter side than usual, which is partially to be explained by lots of preparation work being done and different countries having days off, as well as Fandom having had its Hackathon last week. In short, that means an event of cross-team collaboration where people just get to work on any and all (crazy?) ideas they may always have wanted to work on. Regardless, there is still info to share with all of you, so let's go!

  • 1 Notable Changes
  • 2 Recent Fixes
  • 3 Fixes in Development
  • 4 Development Updates
    • 4.1 Engagement
    • 4.2 User-Generate…

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Lady Lostris Lady Lostris 17 May

Technical Updates: May 17, 2024

Eyo, lovely people! A new two weeks have passed since the May 3rd Technical Update blog. If you've been following our technical staff blogs, you know that this means we will be going over some of what's happened the past 2 weeks in terms of fixes, things being worked on, potential experiments, and other technical updates. If you are new to our tech blogs, well hello there! This is the place to be to get a glimpse of some of the things that have been happening during those weeks in terms of fixes, things being worked on, potential experiments, and other technical updates. So let's get to it!

  • 1 Notable Changes
  • 2 Recent Fixes
  • 3 Fixes in Development
  • 4 Development Updates
    • 4.1 Engagement
    • 4.2 Traffic Team
    • 4.3 User-Generated Content (UGC) team
    • 4.4 User Experience…

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TimmyQuivy TimmyQuivy 31 May

Technical Updates: May 3, 2024

Hello! It's been a fortnight since the last Technical Updates, which if you follow our blog you know all too well what this means: It's time to walk you through the labyrinth of bug fixes and technical changes to the platform in the last two weeks.

Now, our Technical Update is a bit emptier than normal - Most of our Product and Community staff was at Community Connect this week! The fun and conversations we had with our users exceeded even our wildest dreams, but this did mean that some projects had nothing new happen while we had our event.

But the show must go on, much like my inside joke to use as many Taylor Swift song titles as possible this week (five more just from this intro alone!). And so, here's what you need to know.

  • 1 Recent Fixes…

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Lady Lostris Lady Lostris 19 April

Technical Updates: April 19, 2024

Hello hello hello, my lovely people! Bit of a switch from my usual Community Central blog appearance, which has just been to celebrate Halloween. The bugs I will be talking about today are of the less scary kind though, as I'll give you a rundown of some of the technical things we fixed on the platform, as well as what we're still working on, and what's upcoming. If you're a history buff and would love to still take a look at what happened two weeks ago, then you can check out the previous Technical Update blog.

  • 1 Notable Changes
  • 2 Recent Fixes
  • 3 Fixes in Development
  • 4 Development Updates
    • 4.1 Engagement
    • 4.2 News & Ratings team
    • 4.3 Platform team
    • 4.4 Traffic team
    • 4.5 User-Generated Content (UGC) team
    • 4.6 UX Team


  • Interactive Map fullscreen viewing option: A hi…

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Antonio R. Castro Antonio R. Castro 5 April

Technical Updates: April 5, 2024

Hello hello! The last Technical Update was published 2 weeks ago so it means it’s time for a new one. As always, we remind you this is just a snapshot of the work done during the last weeks. We don’t include all the minor fixes and tweaks because it would convert this blog post into something longer than the list of characters appearing in Disney sagas –12,778–

  • 1 Recent Fixes
  • 2 Fixes in Development
  • 3 Development Updates
    • 3.1 User-Generated Content (UGC) team
    • 3.2 UX Team
    • 3.3 Traffic team
    • 3.4 Platform team

  • Long usernames that don't line break caused some design issues:
    • They pushed the "edit profile" and “post to wall” buttons to overlap the right rail at some page widths
    • In the list of notifications, the name overflowed to the right, making the whole space sc…

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Antonio R. Castro Antonio R. Castro 22 March

Technical Updates: March 22, 2024

Hello hello! It’s time for a new Technical Update. You can read our previous blog post here. And as always, we remind you this is just a snapshot of the work done during the last weeks. We don’t include all the minor fixes and tweaks because it would transform this blog post into something longer than the list of disintegrated lives after the Snap –why Thanos, why–

  • 1 Recent Fixes
  • 2 Development Updates
    • 2.1 User-Generated Content (UGC) team
    • 2.2 UX Team
    • 2.3 Traffic team

  • Some fixes for FandomDesktop and FandomMobile including:
    • [FandomDesktop] The social icon tooltip in the user pages was using the wrong color.
    • [FandomDesktop] “Edited by” information in messages published on Walls, Blogs and Article Comments had contrast issues.
    • [FandomMobile] Collapsing a s…

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