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Community Central

What is Admin+?

Admin+ is a program here by Fandom with two goals:
  1. To provide education to admins aiming to develop healthy and vibrant communities.
  2. To offer a service to admins who wish to showcase their knowledge and experience in professional spaces, such as LinkedIn.
You can learn more about the program on the program page.

Who can take the Admin+ courses?

Any user can access and watch the course video or read the script. However, to receive a badge for passing a quiz, users must be admins on a wiki with more than 100 pages and have been an admin for at least 90 days.

Is Admin+ free?

Yes, it is completely free!

Do I need to take the Admin+ in order to become an admin?

No, becoming an admin does not require completing the Admin+ program.

Can I take the quizzes without watching the video or reading the script?

While it is possible, it is not recommended. The quizzes only offer a brief review of the course content. The courses contain important information beneficial for any admin.

What is Ultra+?

Ultra+ is a special badge awarded to admins who have successfully completed all three Admin+ courses. Additionally, recipients will receive an Ultra+ Discord role.

Can I take the quizzes multiple times?

Yes, you can retake the quizzes. However, if it takes you more than two attempts to pass a quiz, it's advisable to review the course content again by watching the video or reading the script. Repeated attempts to find the correct answers may prevent the badge from being issued.

How should I answer the long form question in the quiz?

Your answer should include material covered in the course. You can also draw upon your experience from your home community.

I passed a quiz. When will I get my badge?

Badge issuance may take approximately a week or two. If you do not receive an email from Credly regarding your badge, please reach out to Fandom Support.

Do I need to give my real name on the quiz?

While it is recommended, it's not mandatory. You may use any name you are comfortable with. Using your real name is advised if you intend to use these badges professionally. If you would like to change the name associated with your badges, you may do so through Credly.

Can I put my badges on my profile page?

Absolutely! Feel free to display your badges on your profile page.

Do the badges expire?

No, they do not.

I want my home wiki to become an A+ Wiki, but some admins haven't been active in a long time. Can I still apply?

To become an A+ Wiki, all admins, regardless of activity, must have completed all Admin+ courses and received their Ultra+ badge. Bureaucrats and other wiki rights holders do not need to take the courses if they do not also have admin rights.

Can an A+ Wiki lose its status?

Yes, an A+ Wiki can lose its status if not all admins have taken the Admin+ courses after a certain amount of time (see Notes for more information) or if the wiki is found to be violating the Terms of Use (ToU).

When will I find out if my A+ Wiki application has been accepted?

It takes about a week. A Community Manager will contact you to let you know if it has been accepted or not.