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12:36 AM
Help. this SD report. Is this spam or abusive? It looks to be one or the other to me.
5 hours later…
5:50 AM
@mickmackusa Why not the entire question, once eligible?
Offers nothing of value; the proposed solution is not only suboptimal, but was also mentioned in the accepted answer - Answer to: Can I use break to exit multiple nested 'for' loops?‭ - Patrick Glandien‭ 2009-08-10 23:23:07Z
1 hour later…
7:04 AM
wait wronmg link
7:20 AM
This was reported by SD is it in some way off topic, what do you guys think?
report reason is a suspicious IP address for the domain
ah you're right
@dbc what flag do we normally go with for that?
I use Needs Debugging Details, and maybe add a comment
@dbc thank you so much
You're welcome. I had some canned comment I could use.
2 hours later…
9:40 AM
RO please bin chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/57484878#57484878 - it was evaluated by Henry Ecker and set as helpful
5 hours later…
3 hours later…
6:09 PM
First time I wiped out all my daily CVs since the launch of SG.
6:35 PM
Could this be made on-topic stackoverflow.com/q/79490/1839439
5 hours later…

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