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2 hours later…
4:27 AM
Heads up: It doesn't happen often that someone offers a bounty on Stack Apps but here we are. And that app does seem useful for some of you. So go find a bug or request a feature to grab rep on Stack Apps.
6 hours later…
2 hours later…
1:21 PM
Is this really about programming or is it about the game Conan Exiles? It's really getting hard to tell with the way programmers name things these days... stackoverflow.com/questions/78725861/…
1:36 PM
@GeneralGrievance early on it got 4 recommend deletion votes but was saved by 1 Looks OK vote...
1:54 PM
@TylerH To be fair, my first reaction to code-only questions is usually Looks OK, but sometimes it's just blatantly unrelated.
@GeneralGrievance Well, code-only answers should not be "Looks OK", IMO
they should at least be a downvote
but I also don't use some of the queues like LQ* because I find them too limiting/arbitrary
For the definition of the LQA queue, it is the right choice if it attempts to answer the question. Unfortunate in cases like this.
LQA and sometimes the Edit queue are the only ones I use anymore.
2 hours later…
4:04 PM
What's the correct flag to use when a code-only answer is entirely copied from the question itself without any explanation, modification or attribution?
Is it plagiarism or not an answer? Because answers always pretty much always use code from the question without explicit attribution.
@dbc I'd probably do a VLQ with a "how is this an answer?" comment
@dbc I would mod flag that it's a verbatim copy. Plagiarism might not get the point across
@Machavity I'll do that in the future, I've already flagged it as NaA.
4:20 PM
@dbc weirdly there is a single change - the snippet is changed from babel: false to babel: null. I don't think that does anything at all. I'd expect there is no real difference for the snippet. But it's a very odd think to change at all.
That is very strange. Since that's hidden it didn't show up when I searched for the code of the answer elsewhere in the page (with case-matching enabled). Maybe SO already has some built-in logic that prevents answers from being strict substrings of questions?
Also the original question was from 2018 so maybe something changed about the snippet editor in the interim.
(Bookmarked that diff checker website.)
@dbc I only found it because I threw the code in a diff checker and was too lazy to just copy it out of the snippet. So, just copy/pasted the entire snippet.
But I don't think there is a check to prevent substrings of questions.
4:55 PM
@miken32 How is that upvoted so much?
Does this have enough content ("You must make your app as system app.") to not be a link-only answer? stackoverflow.com/a/78724823
5:30 PM
@Machavity did you mean Plagiarism here? I'd think that if you put a link to the question in the source and wrote an explanation that it was verbatim copied from the question without modification that'd be just as effective as a mod flag (since it'd be basically the same with an extra link)
5:56 PM
@aynber must be a very common problem, I guess
@dbc I don't think so
It's also not particularly clear what the first sentence is saying
6:17 PM
@aynber I thought the same thing; the magic of Google result visitors I would assume. Upvoting means "I'm having this problem too" not "this is a good and useful question"
@miken32 Yeah, probably, especially since the selected answer was "run a server"
@aynber "The community is reviewing whether to reopen this question as of 1 hour ago." thanks community lol
@miken32 Yes, it's in the reopen review queue already if you want to go and review it
@miken32 No... just no. Hopefully that's an automated thing
@aynber nope, it means someone flagged it for reopening
6:30 PM
@TylerH when you vote to close you don't get to review the reopen votes, just tried doing it yesterday because this obvious dupe is on its way to being reopened somehow
@miken32 ah, I forgot they changed that a year back or so
used to be that you could do that
anyway, I voted to keep it closed, but it still needs one more review currently to be completed
7:01 PM
I closed it but I have second thoughts. We have similar questions already and the topic is programming related
I've also closed this question stackoverflow.com/questions/3163234/…
It's certainly seems like a theoretical rather than a practical programming question to me, which is why I asked
7:23 PM
@HenryEcker Bleh. Meant NAA
3 hours later…
10:14 PM
@Makyen Out of curiosity, why does 'k' mean 'tpu,' of all letters? Does it mean like 'nuKe as spam/rude' or something?
@CPlus That was done prior to me joining the project, so I didn't participate in developing those shortcuts, but I had assumed it meant "kill".
in Charcoal HQ on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, Dec 5, 2015 at 22:40, by Brock Adams
Okay, how about k as an alias for tpu-? (K for KILL (k)uietly or (k)nuke)
11:09 PM
@mickmackusa It's just another "how to parse HTML in PHP" question, I don't see any inherent value there. Are you planning to close it as a dupe once it's open?
I am hunting the best dupes now. Only started heap hunting.
@miken32 stackoverflow.com/q/10437303/2943403 is the one to beat (and it wouldn't be hard -- since the asked question has broken HTML).
@mickmackusa that also...doesn't seem to actually add anything to $result...
@RyanM It very generously advised "do the logic" ...so nice. :)
11:41 PM
@mickmackusa myself I wouldn't be looking so specifically for other <li> questions. Usually How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP? is used to hammer questions like that, but I'm not a big fan of that question or answers. Ideally there's something reasonably generic about extracting the text from any HTML element that's old, has a lot of views/votes, and some decent answer with DOMDocument code.
I'd happily support a dupe target that simply calls getElementsByTagName() with any tag name in the call.
First things first though, there is no benefit in the "come back when you understand programming" close reason. It can become a signpost.

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