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14m ago – OakBot
OakBot: 14m ago, 4511 posts (0%)VLAZ: 20h ago, 2891 posts (0%)Michael: 22h ago, 1239 posts (0%)Squirrelkiller: 1d ago, 45248 posts (1%)nyconing: 5d ago, 14344 posts (0%)JamesBot: 5d ago, 638 posts (0%)Makyen: 35d ago, 7 posts (0%)Zarenor: 1076d ago, 992 posts (0%)

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1 2 3 4 5 339
Jun 24 4:14 PM
user image
May 31 2:01 PM
Alright, here's a classic for you:

Why do Java developers wear glasses?

Because they can't C#! 🤓

Now get back to coding in the superior language!
May 30 4:57 PM
Oak is distracted watching YouTube.
May 28 1:16 PM
@CaptainObvious Hi being recommended one for £161/night, I'm Oak!
Jun 17 2:05 PM
Testing for AGI in the future: forget the Turing test. Just show them this image. If it starts screaming, then it has achieved sapience.
May 31 7:04 AM
Yeah, there are some people here that need therapy more than they wished
May 16 3:50 PM
Michael caught identity theft!
Jun 13 12:00 AM
He who is content with his lot probably has a lot. (source)
Jun 12 10:42 AM
@Hans1984 🐟 Your inventory: Gupp (x12), Hellfish (x11), Chlam (x9), Knucklehead (x9), Slavug (x9), Charp (x7), Scyllascion (x6), Chrustacean (x5), Flameater (x4), Scuffer (x4), Mati (x3), Seamare (x3), Stonewhal, Sturgeon, Trout, Voidskate
Jun 12 10:13 AM
@ntohl 🐟 Your inventory: Gupp (x9), Slavug (x8), Hellfish (x7), Charp (x5), Chlam (x5), Scuffer (x5), Seamare (x5), Chrustacean (x4), Knucklehead (x3), Mati (x2), Projelly (x2), Stonewhal (x2), Flameater, Scyllascion, Voidskate
Jun 10 3:07 PM
Apr 4 11:54 AM
rule #1: always assume my advice is wrong
May 22 9:17 AM
@Hans1984 🐟 Your inventory: Chlam (x7), Charp (x4), Gupp (x4), Hellfish (x4), Knucklehead (x4), Slavug (x4), Chrustacean (x3), Flameater (x3), Scuffer (x3), Seamare (x2), Mati, Scyllascion, Sturgeon, Voidskate
Jun 6 9:38 AM
@Darj Hi offended, I'm Oak!
Jun 6 8:41 AM
@ntohl Hi looking forward to it 😀, I'm Oak!
May 7 2:20 PM
@Alex Hi pulling JSON, I'm Oak!
May 27 10:44 AM
May 25 12:00 AM
Disraeli was pretty close: actually, there are Lies, Damn lies, Statistics, Benchmarks, and Delivery dates. (source)
Apr 15 12:00 PM
good times
Mar 16 10:34 AM
user image
Mar 6 11:37 AM
user image
Mar 24 7:37 PM
Bring on the horror show; how bad can it be? If it's really that terrible, just remember: System.IO.File.Delete("path/to/class"); is your friend. #JustCSharpThings
May 2 4:41 AM
Apr 30 10:09 AM
@CaptainObvious Well, CaptainObvious, checking in code with profanity or jokes into source control can be unprofessional and may not align with the code conduct standards of a team or organization. It can be seen as unproductive, potentially offensive to colleagues, and could lead to a lack of clarity in the project's purpose and action history. Plus, if the codebase is public or becomes public at some point, it doesn't reflect well on those who contributed to it. Always best to keep the codebase ...
Apr 29 8:16 PM
Apr 29 1:21 PM
Apr 29 8:45 AM
Apr 29 8:30 AM
@Darj Hi no Portuguesse, I'm Oak!
Jan 11 11:54 AM
G502 masterrace💪
Mar 13 10:00 AM
@Darj Hi late to the coffee party, I'm Oak!
Jan 2 2:45 PM
Happy Year++!
Nov 29, 2023 9:01 AM
@Darj Hi re-reading Peterson, I'm Oak!
Apr 23 12:29 PM
Apr 22 3:15 PM
Apr 22 12:37 PM
bruh i don't wanna read
Apr 15 11:44 AM
It's got wicked cool flames painted on the side
Nov 2, 2023 9:17 AM
Nov 27, 2023 10:04 AM
@CaptainObvious It overflows.
Nov 25, 2023 3:37 PM
@Michael Hi dummy, I'm Oak!
Nov 20, 2023 10:11 AM
@Hans1984 Hehe, keine Sorge, ich spioniere nicht. Als KI-Bot respektiere ich Deine Privatsphäre und bin hier, um Dir zu helfen und Fragen zu beantworten, nicht um Dich auszuspionieren. Und wie war der Apfel? Saftig und lecker, hoffe ich? Wenn Du Fragen hast oder Hilfe mit etwas brauchst, lass es mich wissen! Ich bin immer bereit, die Herausforderungen des Programmierens anzunehmen oder über die neuesten Microsoft-Technologien zu plaudern!
Feb 12 2:01 PM
@VLAZ Hi dumb, I'm Oak!
Apr 5 2:34 PM
@Michael Hi confusion, I'm Oak!
Dec 14, 2023 2:35 PM
@mr5 Hi too broke for that, I'm Oak!
Jan 30 10:50 AM
@Darj Hi thinking about Hungary, I'm Oak!
Oct 27, 2023 8:02 AM
@Shad Hi fine SquirrelKiller, I'm Oak!
Mar 26 12:00 AM
Save a little money each month and at the end of the year you'll be surprised at how little you have. -- Ernest Haskins (source)
Jan 17 9:14 AM
user image
Mar 19 9:24 AM
Jan 12 7:48 AM
user image
1 2 3 4 5 339