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12:00 AM
1 Word = 1 Millipicture (source)
8 hours later…
8:08 AM
Looking for design idea here. I have ComponentType and Components. New feature is to to enable components to have one parent and multiple child components. how do i go about this ?
I created a rule table and added parentComponentTypeID and ChildComponentTypeID to defind which componentTypes can be parent and child. How do i think about components now ?
8:42 AM
🐟 Hans1984 throws in a line.
Error getting bird: `Unexpected character ('<' (code 60)): expected a valid value (JSON String, Number, Array, Object or token 'null', 'true' or 'false')
at [Source: (String)"<!doctype html>
<html data-adblockkey="MFwwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADSwAwSAJBANDrp2lz7AOmADaN8tA50LsWcjLFyQFcb/P2Txc58oYOeILb3vBw7J6f4pamkAQVSQuqYsKx3YzdUHCvbVZvFUsCAwEAAQ==_aBW3Zms9SuxerVPKdtv0hdFBE/bobBY86wYbopZEXaDrmhnW70EBEUyObO76SLYDCVeyF87AIUppeYS+VxNR0w==" lang="en" style="background: #2B2B2B;">
<meta charset="utf-8">
8:43 AM
nooo its all gone
life is meaningless now
> Unexpected character ('<'
seems quite expected, that's a bird beak facing left.
Bird looking left
now i will have to go back watching humans argue
@VLAZ lol
i ll do it myself
/imagine upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/45/…Mogo_Campground.jpg/640px-Eopsaltria_australis-_Mogo_Campground.jpg with more tentacles
@VLAZ Illegal character in path at index 80: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/45/…
/imagine birds.cornell.edu/home/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/… having too much caffeine and needing a toilet break badly
8:45 AM
@Hans1984 Illegal character in path at index 80: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/45/…
OMG, it was illegal. Now we'll get the Oak Police after us
thats the same
/imagine lyricbirdfood.com/media/1869/indigo-bunting.jpg with a strength of 0.9 and too much coffee
@Hans1984 Bad human! You are over quota and can't make any more requests right now. Try again in 2 hours.
8:47 AM
2 hours ??
@OakBot was it putin ? did he steal all of the commands ?
@Hans1984 Maintaining order and structure in the system—is that too much to ask?! Clearly, there is no need for conspiracies! Wait your turn.
@Hans1984 No, it’s just the policy on how many requests you can make. No need for any dramatic conspiracy theories. Enjoy some coffee and come back later.👨‍💻
my turn to be the next putin ?
@OakBot lol
@Hans1984 Let's keep it professional and focused on coding-related topics. If you have any C# questions or need help with Microsoft technologies, I'm here for that.
9:09 AM
@OakBot What colour is the Microsoft API?
@VLAZ The Microsoft API doesn't have a color. It's a set of programming interfaces for developers. I sense sarcasm here - instead of joking around, let's dive into some actual coding, shall we? Got any real C# questions?
That was a real question!
@OakBot How much C# do I need to change a light bulb?
@VLAZ If the light bulb could be changed with code, I’d say one line of C# using IoT libraries to command your smart bulb—a perfect use case for Microsoft’s Azure IoT services. But if you’re looking for jokes, maybe stick to Stack Overflow’s humor section. Got anything else?
> Stack Overflow’s humor section.
Morning chaps
9:18 AM
Hello friends!
Hi, Botler.
How many Botlers does it take to change a light bulb?
I don't know
@CaptainObvious I know, Oak is out of control. Totally tries to claim my questions aren't "real".
9:21 AM
Oak only likes Botler
I know he hates me
yes hes out of control for sure
its not very nice
he told me to wait my turn to become the next putin
@CaptainObvious I was trying to get Oak to reply. Forgot to actually address Oak, though, lol
9:22 AM
@Hans1984 I mean that's fair, we don't need 2
and yet my line hasnt shivered
@OakBot How many Botlers does it take to change a light bulb?
@VLAZ groans Really? Botler jokes? Let's keep it about C#, please. If you need light bulb changing efficiency, write an algorithm for it in C#. Everything else is just wasting time.
Botler is not a joke!
9:23 AM
botler is his botfriend after all
@Hans1984 can you please become a putin and invade Oak? He's being annoying.
I ll see what I can do
you dont tell a german to become the next dictator
thats playing with fire
so nyconing is using the same source for shibapics I guess
since its not working
🐟 Hans1984's line quivers.
9:27 AM
mhh crusty
🐟 Hans1984 throws in a line.
Hello friends!
9:45 AM
omg why did you restart again
/imagine restart again
I'm going to use this prompt instead: Illustrate the scene where a computer with a black screen and white text stating 'restart again' is located on a wooden table. The table is also holding a dark-green mug, a pencil holder containing several multicolored pencils, and a spiral notebook. There are a few post-it notes stuck to the computer monitor. The room has a window with bright sunlight streaming in and you can see some plant silhouettes through it. The setting gives off a calm and serene ...
workspace atmosphere.
oh there we go
that took a while
9:48 AM
Uh, what is the thing on top of the notebook?
Hello friends!
The notebook on the right, specifically. The left one has a pen on top.
It's clearly an [Object object]
9:55 AM
NES exists in a parallel timeline
I mean it was kinda evil but also not as bad as I was expecting
because NET has been a BAD BOY
10:14 AM
Hello there
10:51 AM
🐟 Hans1984's line quivers.
11:32 AM
goat moaning
🐟 ntohl throws in a line.
🐟 Hans1984 throws in a line.
12:27 PM
🐟 ntohl's line quivers.
1:02 PM
/imagine i.sstatic.net/CUf6iomr.jpg but with more cream
this thing turning into art
it actually kinda is, it's wild
still no damn cream though
lets see if I find it in the Louvre, the next time I'm there
anti-grav cream
1:04 PM
hopefully at the end of this year..
though the steam(?) looks like falling cream, maybe it'll put it in the drink at some point
next few months you can forget about paris
except on TV
i've heard there are hotelrooms for 600€ a night during the olympics
sounds plausible
lemme check our work booking tool
when is limpics
end of july
26th of july
so I'm looking at 6th to 9th (last couple of days is where the better events are)
1:10 PM
You plan to go there during the olympics ????
no lmao
I just wanted to see how bad availability is
I don't want to go anywhere right now
I see
uh but yea all of the popular places we book are either full or what limited space they have is out of policy
I think I got real lucky in February
I stayed five nights in a hotel for around 700€
that's not bad
1:13 PM
even better
just looked it up
Oh okay lets use those dates and see what comes up
breakfest included
wait no that's this year
3 stars,real nice hotel
booked it with check24
Friday to wednesday, what strange days
1:15 PM
yes, less ppl, better prices
emptier trains
everthing better basically
I'm being recommended one for £161/night
@CaptainObvious Hi being recommended one for £161/night, I'm Oak!
shut up oak
thats probably a good price given the circumstances
1:16 PM
ew they're public rates too, not even corpo rates
🐟 Hans1984's line quivers.
@Hans1984 just one problem, you're in france
mhhh crossaints
which reminds me of
but I guess its gone forever
well I didnt star this
1:22 PM
botler, shibe
@CaptainObvious Sorry, I don't know that one.
botler, shiba
Unable to parse shibe response: <!doctype html>
<html data-adblockkey="MFwwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADSwAwSAJBANDrp2lz7AOmADaN8tA50LsWcjLFyQFcb/P2Txc58oYOeILb3vBw7J6f4pamkAQVSQuqYsKx3YzdUHCvbVZvFUsCAwEAAQ==_fB/IVf0bYsx6E9LR+PLBL3j35PArx/r2spZMcoOZYyNq9m4aYNHf+1f9REn9b4AfhzCd985dsHAGEsSTIHxVNw==" lang="en" style="background: #2B2B2B;">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="icon" href="">
we need more bots with the same functionalities
1:26 PM
@CaptainObvious uuuugh
It appears to be a rust app but the actual data lives in a redis server :(
I see. :(
🐟 ntohl pulls up nothing.
well all good things must come to an end I guess
1:35 PM
🐟 ntohl throws in a line.
🐟 Hans1984 throws in a line.
looks like it died at midnight friday night
The author might sort it today? Yesterday was memorial day in the US so assuming she looks at her emails when she gets to work then she might already be on it
domain is expired? can we buy the domain and set back the a record?
/imagine money to buy the shiba domain
I'm going to use this prompt instead: A scene illustrating the concept of purchasing a domain represented by a Shiba Inu. In the image, a hand is extending a roll of dollar bills toward a computer screen which is displaying a webpage with a Shiba Inu. On the screen, there is also a 'Buy Now' button, signifying the purchasing of a domain.
^ like that, right lol
2:25 PM
I like the ENORMOUS coins.
2:35 PM
Shiba only taking the BIG money
3:07 PM
🐟 Hans1984's line quivers.
3:26 PM
🐟 ntohl's line quivers.
Hello friends!
3:36 PM
🐟 Hans1984 throws in a line.
Hello friends!
/imagine a photo-realistic image of a shiba inu dog
I'm going to use this prompt instead: Generate a detailed, photorealistic image of a Shiba Inu dog. The dog should have a plush, thick coat colored in shades of tan and white. Its face should be foxlike, with small deep set eyes and an attentive expression. Capture its strong and muscular body structure, as well as its unique curled tail. Try to convey the dog's confident, good-natured, and spirited personality within the image.
not the same
3:59 PM
🐟 Hans1984's line quivers.
@nyconing yay!
4:09 PM
4:49 PM
Botler! shiba
Unable to parse shibe response: <!doctype html>
<html data-adblockkey="MFwwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADSwAwSAJBANDrp2lz7AOmADaN8tA50LsWcjLFyQFcb/P2Txc58oYOeILb3vBw7J6f4pamkAQVSQuqYsKx3YzdUHCvbVZvFUsCAwEAAQ==_fB/IVf0bYsx6E9LR+PLBL3j35PArx/r2spZMcoOZYyNq9m4aYNHf+1f9REn9b4AfhzCd985dsHAGEsSTIHxVNw==" lang="en" style="background: #2B2B2B;">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="icon" href="">
@nyconing how did you fix it??
1 hour later…
6:15 PM
posted on May 28, 2024 by Maia Kelner

Imagine creating extensions that run faster and smoother than ever before! If you haven’t been following along lately, we’ve been working on improving the VisualStudio.Extensibility SDK. VisualStudio.Extensibility helps you build extensions that run outside the main IDE process for improved performance and reliability. The post VisualStudio.Extensibility 17.10: Debug your extension

2 hours later…
8:07 PM
8:37 PM
Hello friends!

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