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12:00 AM
If you can't get your work done in the first 24 hours, work nights. (source)
13 hours later…
1:01 PM
Crappy Happy New Year !
nom nom
2 hours later…
2:45 PM
Happy Year++!
2:55 PM
1 hour later…
4:05 PM
posted on January 02, 2024 by Paul Chapman

It’s a New Year, and a good time for a reminder of upcoming dates in the Visual Studio support lifecycle. Support for Visual Studio 2013 will end on April 9 of this year. If you’re using an older version of Visual Studio, The post Visual Studio 2013 Retirement: Support reminder for older versions of Visual Studio appeared first on Visual Studio Blog.

5 hours later…
8:56 PM
My cat Бегемот
9:47 PM
posted on January 02, 2024 by jonskeet

Despite this blog series going very slowly, the DigiMixer project itself has certainly not been stalled. Over the last year, I’ve added support for various additional mixers, as well as improving the support for some of the earlier ones, and performing quite a lot of refactoring. DigiMixer now supports the following mixers, to a greater … Continue reading DigiMixer: Protocols →

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