Tue Jul 9 2024 12:41:54 PDT
  • Component: mozperftest
  • Resolution: ---
  • Product: Testing

120 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1886494 Get startup tests running on Android Chrome for cold_view_nav_start Testing mozperftest aglavic NEW --- 2024-03-20
1856542 Update mozperftest-tools version to 0.2.8 Testing mozperftest afinder NEW --- 2023-12-14
1761117 Don't fail perftest record job until after the list of sites is finished Testing mozperftest aglavic NEW --- 2022-11-16
1886498 Resolve issues and get cold_view_first_frame running on android devices Testing mozperftest aglavic NEW --- 2024-03-20
1886500 Resolve issues and get cold_main_session_restore running on android devices Testing mozperftest aglavic NEW --- 2024-03-20
1896742 Clean up android_startup script Testing mozperftest aglavic NEW --- 2024-05-14
1620187 [meta] Create a perftest test environment Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1633458 add perftest support in taskcluster tests kind definition Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-06-09
1638326 Perftest-test fails locally when black is installed in the users python Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-01-27
1641919 Add options for default sets of metrics Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-01-27
1643305 Higher ADB timeout for some platforms Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-01-27
1644453 Add docs about relative test paths Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2022-11-08
1644578 make logcat_processor optional Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-01-27
1644984 perftests.yml to control CI runs Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-02-12
1651043 [meta] Run perftest on all platforms Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-02-12
1653312 Unclear error message is given when a local firefox build is required Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2022-06-06
1653694 xpcshell perf extensions Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-01-27
1655082 Add the option to capture visual metrics to generic perf tests Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-02-12
1655495 Add more ways of specifying perfherder extraOptions Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-01-27
1657126 Make a utility function for shell quoting in our taskcluster transforms Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-01-27
1665207 --profile-directory is overwritten by platform default Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-01-27
1665976 ScriptInfo options are triggering more metric layers than necessary Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2022-01-26
1674447 Make the browser_prefs keys "write-once" Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-01-27
1674760 Build a naming mapping for common metrics Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-01-27
1675102 move update_args into argparser Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-01-27
1676334 implement an init method in layers Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-01-27
1689324 Integrate mozproxy in mozperftest Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-02-01
1700768 Have mozperftest try pushes use the geckoview_example binary built from the revision Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-03-31
1712179 Provide a generalized test layer that can be used to run custom tests without a specific harness Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-05-20
1738964 Use the test manifests from raptor for pageload recording information Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-11-02
1774619 Validation failure when using timestamps Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2022-06-16
1799886 Fix failing android page load recording task Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2024-05-06
1801709 Don't run perftest tooling on shippable platforms Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2022-11-21
1816172 Add perfherder JSON file to artifacts tab in Treeherder Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2023-03-01
1828635 Gather application name, and version in mozperftest Perfherder data Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2023-05-05
1849613 mozperftest has been "passing" with a silent error since at least July 20, 2023 Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2023-08-24
1850724 Move side-by-side unit testing to mozperftest-tools repo Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2023-08-30
1850763 Replace install_package from utils with a more standard approach to python package installation Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2023-08-30
1850817 Run mozperftest unit test task mpu on every mozilla-central push Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2024-06-03
1865861 Allow using PERFTESTS_MANIFESTS to define mozperftest tests in mochitest Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2023-11-21
1870855 Prevent windows/mac tasks from showing up in `./mach try fuzzy` when not using --full Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2024-04-17
1872614 AssertionError: Unable to find fzf when trying to ./mach perftest Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2024-01-10
1896746 Add CI builds to the rest of the mozperftest android tasks Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2024-05-14
1898220 Add start up tests for restoring browser on mobile in CI Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2024-05-24
1898221 Add mobile applink startup tests Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2024-05-24
1899153 All startup android tests use firefox as the application name in the perfherder data output Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2024-05-27
1899327 Only allow one test layer to be a test runner Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2024-05-28
1900056 Use ProxyLogger or something similar for logging in mozperftest Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2024-05-31
1901655 Collect pids cumulatively in background resource usage tests' scripts to catch dead and respawned processes Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2024-06-12
1901813 Add chrome-m background resource test Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2024-06-13
1762470 Establish a threshold for WPT failures Testing mozperftest aglavic NEW --- 2023-05-04
1827602 Android startup screenshots Testing mozperftest aglavic NEW --- 2023-04-17
1630606 [mozperftest] Fix notebook transformer search and initialization code Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-01-27
1630623 [mozperftest] Add ability to build R-Studio notebooks Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2020-12-07
1631852 [mozperftest] Implement mozperftest notebook flavor Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2020-12-16
1634528 Using the feature browsertimetime-cycles writes over existing results Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-01-27
1635171 [mozperftest] Add the JSON schema to a linter Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-01-27
1638102 Move all constant values into a single file Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-01-27
1641646 add --profiler Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2023-04-14
1643331 first-timestamp is mandatory Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-05-19
1643356 add debug info Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-01-27
1643657 allow python scripts in perftest Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2022-09-09
1644086 autodoc for layers Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-01-27
1644372 cleanup transformers Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2022-06-06
1646849 Make the multi-commit url builder a bit more robust Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-01-27
1646851 Add more testing for the android PerformanceTuner Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-01-20
1646853 python dependencies: attrs 19.3.0 can be installed (expecting 19.1.0) Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2022-06-06
1649251 clean up aliases Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-02-12
1650147 Handle multiple types of data coming from results in the notebook compare view Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-01-20
1651003 Move to Pillow to 7.2.0 Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-01-27
1655492 Add a way to specify that a metric name should be replaced Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2022-01-26
1656527 Build an http3 conditioned profile with http caching disabled Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2022-01-26
1658634 reduce the perftest package by using the content in omni.ja Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2022-09-09
1662213 Default settings for command line options are ignored Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-02-12
1662610 perftest unnecessarily sends `--es args -marionette` args via intent Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-01-27
1664857 Add Fenix startup profiling Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-01-27
1671117 improve the proxy tests Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2020-12-07
1671335 add a jsshell runner Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2022-01-26
1672424 When only 1 subtest exists, don't calculate a suite-level value in perfherder data Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-02-12
1677512 add support for pre-compiled scipy/numpy for Python 3.9 Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-01-27
1692164 Add support for Python 3.9 Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-10-11
1692165 Use pytest-mozlog plugin when running unit tests Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-02-12
1692229 [meta] Required work for MozPerftest promotion Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2024-02-05
1695352 perftest option browsertime-install-url does not appear to work Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2022-04-25
1700401 perftest VIEW is intermittently missing results for a single device Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-03-24
1705400 Add crash-detection support to mozperftest Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-04-15
1705401 Add a tier-1 performance test to autoland with alerting enabled Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-04-15
1705404 Establish methodology for test failure triage Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-04-15
1705406 Add ability to test hooks being used Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-04-15
1705408 Enable "Generate performance profile" button for mozperftest tests Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2023-04-14
1705417 Provide multi-commit testing support at the harness-level rather than the hook-level Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-04-15
1705418 Provide the ability to run mozperftest in the fenix branch Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-04-15
1705421 Add ability to run tests against non-Firefox browsers Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-04-15
1707890 Ensure that pathlib is being used everywhere Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-04-27
1708814 Provide some form of support or documentation for multidomain tests Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-04-30
1748326 btime tests should fail if all values are 0 Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2022-01-13
1765348 condprof jobs fail on new a51 phones Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2022-12-02
1767841 Allow running only the metric layer Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2022-05-04
1795735 Create a moz_perftest that reports lookup times for each TRR Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2022-10-18
1814764 Properly enable verbose mode for non-login sites Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2023-02-02
1820583 Add documentation about metric transformer summary methods for mozperftest Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2023-03-06
1831592 Remove/disable push-to-try functionality from mozperftest Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2023-05-05
1863569 Clarify the `No results left after filtering` log message to mention that this relates to perfherder data Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2023-11-07
1863571 See if we can use `esprima` to replace const variables in the perfMetadata Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2023-11-07
1865812 Modify docs to mention that toml manifest files can be used instead of ini files Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2023-11-21
1865852 Look into allowing manifest/directories being used as a test argument instead of HTML/JS files Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2023-11-22
1869345 See if we can use `./mach try fuzzy <TEST-PATH>` to schedule mochitest-based mozperftest tests Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2023-12-13
1882505 [meta] Migrate raptor tests into mozperftest Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2024-03-04
1895614 Determine if we need to keep using the .mozbuild folders in CI machines for mozperftest Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2024-05-07
1895954 Add information on how to update browsertime to mozperftest docs Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2024-05-09
1900723 Fix hard coded chrome android package references in mozperftest Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2024-06-04
1643325 add a --test alias Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-01-27
1643357 add a cache for downloads Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-01-27
1655462 add group-specific options Testing mozperftest nobody NEW --- 2021-01-27
1896387 Migrate Windows 10 mozperftest tests to Windows 11 NUCs Testing mozperftest gmierz2 ASSI --- Wed 14:36
1825539 Move the application name out of the test name for AndroidStartup tests Testing mozperftest aglavic ASSI --- 2023-06-12
1646470 Change the metrics performance calculation to use the median of the results instead of the mean Testing mozperftest gmierz2 ASSI --- 2023-11-13
1906949 Add shell scripts for foreground resource usage Testing mozperftest kshampur ASSI --- 12:08:27
1714099 Rework the console layer for perftest Testing mozperftest nobody REOP --- 2022-05-02
1877369 Intermittent [tier 2] mozperftest.test.webpagetest.WPTDataProcessingError: firstContentfulPaint not found https://netflix.com Testing mozperftest nobody REOP --- Sun 23:37
120 bugs found.

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