Open Bug 1765348 Opened 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

condprof jobs fail on new a51 phones


(Testing :: mozperftest, task, P3)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: jmaher, Unassigned)




[task 2022-04-14T04:18:29.827Z] condprof ERROR | settled x condprof/../condprof/customization/youtube.json failed.
[task 2022-04-14T04:18:29.827Z] Traceback (most recent call last):
[task 2022-04-14T04:18:29.827Z]   File "condprof/../condprof/", line 172, in run_all
[task 2022-04-14T04:18:29.827Z]     res.append(await self.one_run(scenario, customization))
[task 2022-04-14T04:18:29.827Z]   File "condprof/../condprof/", line 148, in one_run
[task 2022-04-14T04:18:29.827Z]     ).run(not self.visible)
[task 2022-04-14T04:18:29.827Z]   File "condprof/../condprof/", line 100, in run
[task 2022-04-14T04:18:29.827Z]     metadata = await self.build_profile(device, headless)
[task 2022-04-14T04:18:29.827Z]   File "condprof/../condprof/", line 176, in build_profile
[task 2022-04-14T04:18:29.827Z]     async with get_session(geckodriver, firefox_instance) as session:
[task 2022-04-14T04:18:29.827Z]   File "/builds/task_164990975319081/fetches/condprofile/lib/python3.6/site-packages/arsenic/", line 16, in __aenter__
[task 2022-04-14T04:18:29.827Z]     self.session = await start_session(self.service, self.browser, self.bind)
[task 2022-04-14T04:18:29.827Z]   File "/builds/task_164990975319081/fetches/condprofile/lib/python3.6/site-packages/arsenic/", line 29, in start_session
[task 2022-04-14T04:18:29.827Z]     return await driver.new_session(browser, bind=bind)
[task 2022-04-14T04:18:29.827Z]   File "/builds/task_164990975319081/fetches/condprofile/lib/python3.6/site-packages/arsenic/", line 56, in new_session
[task 2022-04-14T04:18:29.827Z]     err_resp["error"], err_resp.get("message", ""), original_response
[task 2022-04-14T04:18:29.827Z] arsenic.errors.SessionStartError: timeout: Socket timeout reading Marionette handshake data: EOF reading marionette message
Severity: -- → S3
Priority: -- → P3
Regressions: 1765820

I still get this error today:

These are the last remaining jobs running on G5's. I know we are down to a small number of A51 bugs

Blocks: 1767486
Whiteboard: [perftest:triage]
Assignee: nobody → afinder
Whiteboard: [perftest:triage]

Is this still an issue? What tests does this block us from running against the A51s?

Flags: needinfo?(jmaher)
Flags: needinfo?(gmierz2)

It doesn't block us because we build the condprof on-the-fly during our android tests now. I don't think we'll look into using condprof artifacts for some time so we could leave this open in case we get back to it, or close it as wontfix for now.

Flags: needinfo?(gmierz2)

Let's leave it open, but I've cleared it as a blocker for migrating our tests to A51.

Assignee: afinder → nobody
No longer blocks: 1767486

I cannot see specific tasks on mozilla-central, I assume we have turned off condprof jobs on android-hw ?

Flags: needinfo?(jmaher)

Yes that's right, we turned them off and they don't run anymore.

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