Link tags: robots.txt


Blocking bots – Manu

Blocking the bots is step one.

AI Agents robots.txt Builder | Dark Visitors

A handy resource for keeping your blocklist up to date in your robots.txt file.

Though the name of the website is unfortunate with its racism-via-laziness nomenclature.

Robots.txt - Jim Nielsen’s Blog

I realized why I hadn’t yet added any rules to my robots.txt: I have zero faith in it.

Documentation for GPTBot - OpenAI API

Now that the horse has bolted—and ransacked the web—you can shut the barn door:

To disallow GPTBot to access your site you can add the GPTBot to your site’s robots.txt:

User-agent: GPTBot
Disallow: /

User-agent: zombies Disallow: /brains