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This is the collection of SBS sections from Volume 97.

  • D (Dokusha means Reader)
  • O (Oda)

Chapter 976, Page 44[]

SBS97 Header 1

— Let us start... the SBS! — You didn't even try to do it in an original way!

SBS97 One Piece in Love

O: ↑ Whaaa?! Wait, wait...!! The SBS has started! But that's not the issue!! The one in the header is Nakatsugawa Usopp, the character from the official spin off Koisuru One Piece, isn't it?!! I look forward to reading each new chapter every week!! Through there's no point in having a spin off here with the original!! Get out of here...!!

D: A pleasure to meet you!! I've been reading for many years, so for a kappa enthusiast such as I, the appearance of Kawamatsu made my heart flutter! So I wrote you a letter to request Kawamatsu's birthday to be on June 14th (World Cucumber Day)! P.N. ala

O: Wait, wait... I agree that Kawamatsu is really cool character, I get how you feel, but... for a reader to choose character's birthday so nonchalantly in PERFECTLY OKAY...!!

Note: It is believed that kappa were great cucumber lovers and are closely related to them, so in fact some even celebrate kappa day on World Cucumber Day

D: Is it okay if I make my birthday October 11th? P.N. Himawari Store


SBS97 Kyoshiro

D: Our staff enjoyed eating that fried shrimp on Kyoshiro's head. P.N. Taka Taka

O: Oh... you had me worried for a second there!

SBS97 Chapter 972

"Man, we look so stupid now!!"

D: The guy who said: "Man, we look so stupid now!!" in Chapter 972 is actually my grandpa. Shurororo P.N. A man who loved Chahan

O: Aaah, is that so...? It's good that he reflects on his errors.

D: One Piece is as hot as oden. Coming at live a directly from a scene. P.N. Miito

O: Beware of sunburns in Wano Country!! Why so sunny, Wano Country! (no real meaning to this)

Note: Oda tries to make a play on words with "wano kuni dake ni" which means "because this is Wano Country" to sound like a catchy TV personality, but admits right after that it was awful.

Chapter 977, Page 62[]

SBS97 Header 2

D: Please tell me the names and heights of Orochi Oniwabanshu's members! P.N. Crying Kyoshiro

O: Sure thing. If this is too much to remember then don't worry about doing so!! By the way, I also threw in their special attacks.

SBS97 Orochi Oniwabanshu 2
SBS97 Orochi

D: Orochi has two really long teeth, doesn't that make it hard to eat? Please ask him for me! P.N. Ami

O: Indeed, let's ask him. Shogun Orochi, how is it?

Orochi: Not a problem at all! Chomp chomp chom--ouch!! See!?

O: Not at all, it seems!

Chapter 978, Page 80[]

SBS97 Header 3
SBS97 Fukurokuju and Strawberry

D: Odacchi!! A question. Who has the bigger head, Fukurokuju or Vice Admiral Strawberry? It makes me anxious and I can't sleep at night P.N. KaiKai

O: About this, it becomes clear if you compare two. Vice Admiral Strawberry wins. It's said that his head grows more every time he gets sad.

SBS97 Straw Hat

"No matter what we go through, I'll never leave your side." Note: his T-shirt has kanji for "Straw"

D: Lately we've seen many swords in their human forms, but I want to see Luffy's straw hat in human form as well! I hope you can deliver! P.N. Akimasa

O: Alright. a new request. This time we will do something that we have not done before. But well, as you all already know, anthropomorphization is my speciality. I even reproduced the scars Buggy left on it!→

D: Oda-sensei!! I have a question. Why is the current Wano Country being deceived about the truth of the Kozuki Family? Thanks to Shinobu the misunderstanding should have been cleared, so...? P.N. Y.U

O: Those who believed in the Kozuki Family have been persecuted by Orochi and Kaidou. Meanwhile, children were educated through deceptive "brainwash education". "Pressure", "brainwashing", these things are causing all sorts of problems even in the present-day world. Frightening, isn't it!

Chapter 979, Page 98[]

SBS97 Header 4

D: A question for Odacchi!! Is it true that you will finish One Piece after five years? Even if it is true, such an official announcement is still hard for fans!! Lots of fans and friends I know were crying when they heard the sudden announcement! How do you intend to take responsibility?!! That's what I'd like to say, but what I think I really want is for Odacchi to finally take a long vacation. P.N. pari_bentham

O: Yes it is. Rather than finishing the whole series, It's that series will end, because the most exciting part of Luffy's adventure, being the story of "What is One Piece?", will come to its conclusion. Things are heating up in Wano Country right now, but if Luffy can set sail from here safely, there will be developments on a global scale, a thrilling story likes of which no one has even read before I'll draw the "Greatest War" in One Piece history. It will be exciting!! In other words, I made such a announcement so readers could be mentally prepared to understand that even a story as long as this one is properly heading towards its end. That said, for now just take your time and enjoy Wano while its hot. I'll be draw with all my strength!!

D: Oda-sensei, hello!! The other day I ate the Muzu Muzu no Mi, Model: Kokan. It's really itchy. P.N. Emu Delusion

O: Ooookay. Got it. Moving on.

Note: Muzu Muzu no Mi, Model: Kokan translates to "Itchy Itchy Fruit, Model: Crotch".

D: Here is the red-hot iron that you ordered. Stage Name: Kawata Shime

O: Oh, so it's finally here! Winter is no more! Red-hot iron! Grabbing a bite of it seems like a good idea. Here we go! AAAAAAAHHH!!! So hot.

Chapter 981, Page 136[]

SBS97 Header 5
SBS97 Page One

D: Oda-senseiiii!! Regarding Page One's appearance, it was recently discovered in May 2020 that spinosaurs were amphibious swimmers!! Since Odacchi is always so busy, I thought I would tell~♡… w-w-wait, EEEEEH!!!! In Chapter 983 it was already updated to a tail with finsssss!! Hey, c'mon~! When did you see those newsssssss!!! P.N. Yuchabin

O: Oh, so you noticed it? Indeed, ever since Page One's first appeared until he returned to story, fossil part of a spinosaurus have been found. Which changed his bone structure!! So I wondered what I should do, but I thought I could sneakily update it without anyone noticing it, lol. Paleontology makes new advances every day!

D: The next member of the Straw Hat is actually me. P.N. Momo Daifuku

O: Wait, really!? Such confidence...!! You're only are 12 after all...

SBS97 Nami

D: Rules are getting harsher all over the world, but I'm very grateful that there's no such thing here. Anyway, can I sniff Nami's used towel? Her kunoichi outfit is so small, I worry about her. P.N. Sanadacchi

O: SANADAAAAAA!! Guards, come quick! Why did you let this guy in?! I told you to not let guys like him in here, didn't I?! It's one of the conditions in your contract! Making perverted remarks is an instant kick out!! I'm striving to make this place as pure of content as Hikakin TV!! Get the hell out of here, Sanada!!

Chapter 982, Page 154[]

SBS97 Header 6

D: Odacchi, pleased to meet you!! The introduction of everyone in the Tobiroppo in Chapter 978 was so cool, that I couldn't help but write you! I'm sure many are asking the same question, but please tell us the height, age, and favorite food of all of the Tobiroppo!! P.N. Youki Genia

O: Okay, I understand. They have sure become a fan favorite, the Tobiroppo. I gotta give what the people want. But please show some love for Queen too!!

SBS97 Tobiroppo 2
  • Who's Who: 336 cm, 38 years old, crab paella
  • Black Maria: 820 cm, 29 years old, mitarashi dango
  • Sasaki: 318 cm, 34 years old, asparagus
  • Ulti: 173 cm, 22 years old, twisted fries
  • Page One: 171 cm, 20 years old, nachos
  • X Drake: 233 cm, 33 years old, chicken rice
SBS97 Nozdon

D: In Volume 96 you introduced all the main members of the Roger Pirates, and one character in particular you called Nozdon, but he had already been introduced in Blue Deep datebook as Seagull, so now I can only think of him as Seagull... What do I do? P.N. Marine Captain Tobbi Ota-kun

O: Wha.........?! ...ohh~... him? Ahh, heheh. Seagull Guns Nozdon, you mean? Yes, yes. Oh dear... can call him by whichever name you prefer... or even forget him outright.... It's up to you.

Chapter 983, Page 172[]

SBS97 Header 7
SBS97 Gifters

D: Can Gifters change at will between their human and animal forms? Or does it depend on the fruit they eat? P.N. Kenkichi

O: It depends. Because SMILEs are man-made Devil Fruits, they're all sorts of unstable. The person who eats a SMILE will definitely gain the strength of a certain creature, but in the end they may have a lion in the abdomen who will always pick fights, or a hippopotamus around their body which will always eat them. These people cannot transform their creature parts at will and have to put up with it. Some SMILE users get really powerful transformations, but it's really a gamble.

D: Oh? Nobody wants to see Sanji in his 40 and 60 ages? Well, I get to ask now! Please draw how Chopper will look in the future! Please!! P.N. 420-Land

O: You want to see that? Here it is.

SBS97 Chopper
  • Age 40: Leave it to me!!
  • Age 60: Here it is, this will work on whatever you have.

A future where "something" happens

  • Age 40: Straw Hat? Don't you dare mention that name again to me!
  • Age 60: Bring in the sacrifice, now!!

O: Alright, the SBS ends here! Until next time!!

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